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= SY occ “Amo del Bicentenario del Peru: 200 Anos de Independencia” “Ano de la Lucha Contra la Anemia v Ia Desnutricién Crénica Infantil en la Reaién Avacucho” | LEARNING EXPERIENCE 9 | English: Level A2 This is Peru! ween enn n enn e nee n ene ee - D0e¢40040 — And lam Hello again! It is Narain ivity me, Sayri. Welcome to Acti LET’S SELF ASSESS! Expresa lo que hasta ahora puedes hacer en inglés marcando con un aspa conveniente. Aqui no hay respuestas correctas. Responde con honestidad. ” donde creas Sod en unr? ren éLo adectio al formato de un articulo breve que brinda 1] recomendaciones para ser un buen ciudadano y contribuir con la meiora del vai ‘éOrganizo mis ideas en parrafos, un titulo, una introduccién 2 | yun mensaje final para brindar recomendaciones para ser un buen ciudadano y contribuir con la mejora del pais? Uso “should”, “shouldn't”, los conectores “first “finally” y "and"? éReviso si en mi texto utilizo “should”, “shouldn't”, los conectores “first”, “second”, “finally” y “and”, asi como el 4 vocabulario adecuado a fin de brindar recomendaciones para ser un buen ciudadano y contribuir con la mejora del pais? ‘second”, THE CHALLENGE Este 2021 nuestro pais celebra su bicentenario, 200 afios de nuestra independencia éPuedes creerlo? El Pert es un pais muy rico y todos tenemos diferentes motivos para sentimos orgullosas y orgullosos de él. Sin embargo, sabemos que todavia podemos ‘mejorar como sociedad. {Qué acciones crees que nos ayudarian a mejorar como sociedad? éPodrias brindar recomendaciones para ser mejores ciudadanos? éPodrias hacerlo en inglés para llegar a una mayor cantidad de personas? Tu reto: brinda recomendaciones para ser una buena ciudadana o un buen ciudadano a través de un articulo en inglés. jades 1, 2, 3 y 4. Te ayudardna enfrentar tu reto. Desarrolla las acti Activity 1: HOW TO BE A GOOD CITIZEN! LET’S OBSERVE! Read and write “True” or “False”. Ste) (E22 = er Vv 1. Javier should wait for the garbage truck 2. Javier's action is good 3. Javier should take care of the environment LET’S LISTEN AND READ! yen to and read the article. AM 1A GOOD CITIZEN? We hear the word citizen all the time, but some people don’t know what it really means. Let’s get into it! First, let’s talk about what a citizen is. A citizen is a person whois part of agroup, @ school, a town, a city or a country. To be a citizen brings both privileges and obligations,you have rights and responsibilities too. So, we are all citizens because we belong to a group. Second, 7| \ let’s talk about what @ good citizen is. We consider a person | teenagers’ actions to be a good citizen | are important, and |country needs only when he or she | that we can make |900d citizens to be follows the rules and | a society better or |@ great place to live! is a. good element in | worse, too. We also the group. A good | have responsibilities citizen should always | and rights, and we be respectful and | are also part of a should think about | group, a school, and the well-being of the | a country. Teenagers peopie inthe group. | are also citizens and we should be good citizens too. Now that we know become one. Our Finally, let’s tale about teenagers ‘as citizens. People shouldn’t forget that what it means to be @ good citizen, let's LET’S UNDERSTAND! UNDERSTAND-EXERCISE 1 Rewrite the sentences to make them true. A citizen is a person that Is part of a arout Example: A citizen is a person who can vote. school, a town, a city ora country 1. Citizens have privileges and rights. 2. Only adults are citizens, because they can vote. 3. A good citizen is the most important person of the group. A good citizen only thinks about his or her family. 4. 5. Teenagers’ actions are important. but they can’t make a society a better place. 6. Our country needs just a few good citizens to be a great place to live. éSabias que existenestindares internacionales sobrelo que puedes hacer con el inglés? Aqui hay algunas preguntas relacionadas con estos estandares. éLo puedes lograr? Continue ‘This is the end of Activity ete with Activity 2.

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