Philosophy Paper 1

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Tiffany Anderson

RN to BSN transition course

Profession nursing philosophy paper

December 5, 2021

Ms. Pini
Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning relates to my philosophy in nursing by continuing your education and going

forth with learning new information because things are always changing in nursing and there is

always room for improvement. I decided to continue on with my BSN because it is important to

me to not limit myself to any opportunity I may be able to have while in this profession. This fits

my professional goals because I hope to one day work back in the hospital setting and they

currently require a BSN minimum. I am also interested in working in a setting and being trained

to be a charge nurse one day. Having my BSN will allow me the opportunity to accomplish both

of these goals. My general education courses have shaped my values and beliefs on nursing

practice because they give you the blueprint on how to effectively complete the nursing program.

General ed courses help teach you things like grammar, speech, language and many more skills

to help you be a more efficient nurse. I want to be able to apply all the new skills and knowledge

I have received while in this program to any employment I receive going forth.

Personal Wellness Plan

The personal wellness plan relates to my philosophy in nursing for self care. In nursing it is very

important to take care of yourself and always make sure you are partaking in personal care. If

you are expected to take care of others and give great care then you must also take care of

yourself. Self care helps the body in so many ways such as brain function, improves quality of

sleep, and reduces anxiety and depression. All of these things will help keep my head clear and

be able to work and function while in school. I typically work 12 hours shifts and exercising

keeps me energized and not as tired when getting through my shift. For spiritual wellness I

believe in God so I pray and go to church as much as possible. For my social wellness I make
sure I keep in contact with friends and family. I believe that it is important to connect with

friends even just to get away from everything and enjoy things you like to do. Other avenues of

providing self such as therapy, spiritual or intellectual are just a few ways you make sure your

mental health is well and you can go into work with a positive attitude. I believe therapy is

another good form of helping with emotional wellness, I currently do not go to therapy but it is

something I completely believe in and have considered. In addition, having emotions and

expressing them is healthy and important for a person because keeping things built up can cause

extreme anxiety and stress and hurt a person. It it always important to take care of your personal

wellness in nursing because then how will you be able to successfully care for another person if

you can't find your own piece within yourself.

Conflict management Project

This particular project helped with my nursing philosophy because it showed what kind of

worker I am and how I am in the workplace. My particular personality was consul which means I

am attentive and people focused and enjoy taking part in social community activities. I enjoy

encouraging and strengthening others and like to spread positive energy to others. This is

important to me in the workplace because I enjoy helping people in any way I can while at work

so that we can all work together as a team and get an important job done and that is patient care.

Recently I was made a preceptor and I have taken a liking to assisting new staff members and

helping them feel comfortable in a different and new environment and watching them gain the

confidence they once thought they would not have. Another part of my personality test said that I

enjoy taking part in community activities and that is important to me in the workplace. I am a

part of two committees at work one being the events committee and assisting with planning
activities and field trips for the kids at my job. I also attend the field trips and always love seeing

the kids' faces when they get to leave the facility and some short of normal lifestyle.

QSEN case study

This case study showed how important it is to always advocate for your patient and go with your

first instinct. My nursing philosophy is that you are at the bedside with your patient for 12 hours

and if anybody knows something is off when your patient it is most likely always the nurse.

When you feel that your patient is taking a turn for the worse and needs more care you should

always push and get the proper assessment from whoever will help get you another invention or

some form of assistance. The teamwork in the case study had some areas of concern due to when

the nurse was contacting the resident and they were not addressing her or the patients needs

properly. It is important to always have teamwork when working in the health care setting

because every job can help save a life and it takes a team to get a patient fully back to their

baseline. When the nurse first requested the patient be seen the resident should have come and at

least laid eyes on the patient because not shortly after he was unresponsive. There were also so

some missed assessments on the nursing end as well when his dialysis fistula was assessed.

Lessons from this case study might improve patients outcome in the future are for the resident to

come and assess a patient if a nurse is concerned about their care, especially after they contacted

three times. It is also important to just assess and check on the patient because things can always

take a turn very quickly.

Patient centered care is very important because it is our job as the nurse to make sure that we

include our patients and their wants and needs in providing care. Mr. Orange wanted his

daughter present with him so that she could distract him from the pain during treatment and if the
environment does not pose a threat to the child then she should be able to be present.Often new

nurses are scared and don’t know how to approach certain people in the workplace and we need

to break these barriers and allow them to feel comfortable enough to ask any question they may

have because in the end it could save someone's life. In the end my philosophy on this particular

case study is that it is important to be educated on patient centered care, evidence based practice,

conflict management, and teamwork because we all there to do one job and that is keep the

patient safe at all times.

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