Business Ethics Final Project

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Team members:

• Hana 179054 • Lolowa 190993

• Ramy 179082 • Marawan 190399
British University in Egypt

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Family name: Amr Abdelsabour

Given name: Ramy Student ID: 179082

Module code: 20BBST04I

Module title: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Group:10 Tutor:


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Assessment title: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility course work

Due date:12-6-2021 Number of pages:31 Word count (if appropriate): 3829


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To be completed by the tutor

Family name: Amr Abdelsabour

Given name: Ramy Student ID: 179082

Module code: 20BBST04I

Module title: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Group:10 Tutor:


To be completed by the tutor

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The British University in Egypt

Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political

Individual Member Contributions Form

Project Title
………………………… Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (10)

We confirm that the work submitted under this title is our own work and that we contributed to the project as
indicated below.

Name/ID of Contributor Description of contribution (in words)

PART 1: Apply ethical theories.

1. Marawan Mostafa 190399

PART 2: decision making steps (from step 1 to step 4).

2. Lulwah Gwayed 190993

3. Hana Atif 179054 PART 2: decision making steps (from step 5 to step 7).

4.Ramy Amr 179082 PART 3: apply CSR models, in depth analysis.

*kindly note that formatting, numbering and/or referencing are not considered individual work.

The weight of the group work is 60% while the weight of the individual
work is 40%.

Signatures of group members.

1 … Marawan Mostafa 190399……………………………………………………………………… Date …………12-6-


2 … Lulwah Gwayed 190993……………………………………………………………………… Date …12-6-


3 … Hana Atif 179054……………………………………………………………………… Date …12-6-


4 … Ramy Amr 179082……………………………………………………………………… Date …12-6-


Serial Topics Marks 2nd Marker

1st Marker

1 Similar Case (30 marks)

Introducing the similar case ……………………… 10

Identifying similarities ……………………………... 10

Applying ethical theories …………………….…… 10

2 Decision Making Steps (40 marks)

2.1. Identify facts ……………………….…….. 5

2.2. Identify the ethical issue ………….……. 5

2.3. Identify the stakeholders ………………. 5

2.4. Develop alternatives ……………………. 5

2.5. Evaluating alternatives …………………. 10

Weighing Alternatives (5 marks)

Applying ethical theories (5 marks)

2.6. Taking Decision ……………………….…. 5

2.7. Monitoring and Evaluation ……........…... 5

3 Recommendations (30 marks)

3.1. Develop Applicable recommendations ……….….. 20

3.2. Depth of analysis …………………….................. 10

Total Mark 100

Business Ethics & Social Responsibility 20BBST04I

Dr. Tarek Ali

ID Name Group Individual Total 2nd Agreed

Mark Mark Mark Marker Mark

(40%) (60%)

Team No. 190399 Marawan Mostafa

190993 Lulwah Gwayed

(10 )
179054 Hana Atif

179082 Ramy Amr

First Marker Name & Signature Second Marker Name & Signature

Table Of Contents

Applying Ethical
Theories 8|Page
Applying Ethical Theories
Utilitarian theory

Utilitarianism has had a broad effect during the previous two centuries, affecting many

aspects of intellectual life. Its importance in the field economics of business is

particularly noteworthy. Utilitarianism refers to making decisions that have a positive or

negative influence on society. The goal of this approach is to maximize satisfaction

among the majority of stakeholders [ CITATION Bri20 \l 2057 ] . The assumption of this theory

is that it relates to the consequence perspective. The hashtag of this theory is “The

greatest good for the greatest stakeholder’’

To relate and apply this to the WHO case study, an ethical situation will be made. The

ethical situation includes a morale agent, core and series of action, consequences, and

stakeholders. The morale agent is the one who makes the actions in form of decisions,

these decisions have consequences which can be positive or negative on the

stakeholders. Applying this to the WHO case study, the morale agent here was WHO

decision maker and he made 6 decisions that included one core and 5 series of actions.

The core decision was Isolation and quarantine followed by a series of decisions that

included remote working, community engagement, resources allocation, prioritizing

healthcare workers, and providing vaccination in non-urgent situation. The following

table will show the ethical situation and the consequences as well as the stakeholders

that got affected by the decisions.

Morale Core decision and series Consequences Stakeholders

agent of decisions
Core: Isolation and • Transportation sector – • Community(individuals)

quarantine • Oil prices - • Government

Series of action: • Employment – • Organization and

• the Remote • Government income businesses

working and taxes –

WHO • Community • Health sector+

decision Engagement • Environment +

maker • Resource allocation • Remote working +

• Prioritizing

healthcare workers

• Providing

vaccination in non-

urgent situations

10 | P a g e
This stakeholder map shows the WHO decision and its effect on stakeholders, the short

arrows display the primary stakeholders, and the long arrows shows the secondary


Finally, the Utilitarianism theory has some challenges, the challenges are that the

theory affects everyone not just a group of people, also its difficult to quantify the

consequence of the decisions, lastly in this theory its end justify the means which is

unacceptable because the mean is not always ethical. Overall, the WHO applied the

utility theory “to the word’’. The result was a draw between the positives and the

negatives which is a good thing considering this is a pandemic that causes a lot of


11 | P a g e
Deontology theory:

Its name origins from the Greek word deon, meaning duty. Deontology is a type of

ethics that has a defined set of principles, which is why some people refer to it as a

"rule-based ethic"[ CITATION THE16 \l 2057 ]. The following are the two primary categories

of rules used in the deontology theory: legal rules and company’s rules. Legal rules are

a broad area for example the constitution which consists of article the dictate the right

behavior, while the company rules are narrower, they are rules, regulations and policies

which are made by WHO as an institution which decides how to deal with every

situation by law, ethically and morally.

While the Covid- 19 pandemic is a new thing to the world and really there were no set of

laws or rules that says what to do in a specific situation, there were laws and rules set

for a global pandemic. When the WHO made their decision, the followed the rule and

the law of the WHO institution.

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Social justice theory:

In the Utilitarianism the benefit of the majority is the right thing, while in the social justice

theory they care about the minority stakeholders whom have been negatively affected

more. The Covid-19 pandemic affected billions of lives globally so it was nearly

impossible for the WHO to take a decision that benefited the minority more than the

majority, so the WHO did not apply the social justice theory.

Decision Making Process

STEP 1: Identify Key Facts
The decision-making processes are series of steps that aim to analyze, justify, and

evaluate the decisions made by WHO in the case study in order to reach the best

decision that will interrupt the speared of the disease. The first step is identifying the key

facts in the case study, by differentiating between facts and opinions. A list of key facts

is listed as follow:

Key facts
1- The Chinese government sent out a public alert that unknown symptoms had been identified in the city
of Wuhan.
2- The causative organism was identified to be a novel Coronavirus named by COVID-19.

3- The infection has rapidly spread throughout China and reached multiple regions.

4-was officially declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization

(Hereinafter WHO) on March 11, 2020.
5-The fast negative consequences of COVID-19 have imposed a huge health burden globally creating an

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international public health emergency.
6-Isolation and quarantine are the two WHO quickest actions that illustrate the most extreme of state
7- These actions caused some social and economic consequences.
8- WHO suggested the Remote working as a working style that allows employees to work outside of a
traditional office environment
9- Community Engagement is a clear message which has been sent by WHO to all business organizations
to develop the social pressures and economic depression caused by the pandemic.
10- Resource allocation has been known as one of the most WHO important actions for managing the
11-When a hospital does not have enough staff or equipment to provide support, priority (using scoring
systems) is assigned to patients with the greatest likelihood of benefit from

12- Prioritizing healthcare workers have been recommended by WHO

13- Different pharmaceutical companies started their research to develop a vaccine.

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STEP 2: Identify the Ethical Issues
Step two is about determining whether the decisions that the WHO made are ethical or

unethical and include some ethical disease such as, normative myopia, Intentional

blindness, and Change blindness. Where the decisions that has ethical diseases in the

case study were as follow:

Eethical diseases Ethical implication

Normative myopia WHO in quarantine and isolation decision
(“is when one is focused mainly on the safety for the primary
able to recognize the primary stakeholders’ stakeholder’s “community” but did not recognize
interests and unable to the negative impact on the secondary
Recognize the secondary stakeholders’ stakeholders “organizations, and small
interests”). [ CITATION Lur \l 1033 ] business” as they loss huge amount of their
money due to lock down and isolation? Fact 6,7
Inattentional blindness when hospital does not have enough staff or
( “result from focusing on a particular equipment to provide support they gave
element– and we miss all of the surrounding Priority to patients with the greatest likelihood
details”)[ CITATION Lur \l 1033 ] of benefit from it and excluding certain patient
like elderly people and those with chronic
diseases who have less likelihood of benefit.
Fact 11
Change blindness When WHO Providing one type of vaccine to
(“occurs when decision-makers fail to notice people in urgent situation with failing to identify

15 | P a g e
gradual changes over time”)[ CITATION Lur \l 1033 ] the changes in waves of corona that result
different side effects for people therefore this
one type of vaccine will not fit all people. Fact

STEP 3: Identify Stakeholders

The stakeholders are the parties mentioned in the case study that could be affected

positively or negatively from the decisions made by the WHO, also stakeholders could

be Primary who had been affected directly by WHO decisions, or Secondary who had

been affected indirectly by the WHO decisions. Referring to stakeholder’s map

mentioned in part one, the stakeholders are as follow:

Stakeholders Primary/ identify Impact(harm/benefit)

community Primary Harm / benefit

government Primary Harm

organizations and secondary Harm

small business
Employees Secondary Harm

Health sector Secondary Benefit

Transportation sector Secondary Harm

A: Primary Stakeholders

16 | P a g e
 A.1 Community: they were negatively affected when the WHO decided to apply

isolation and lock down as some people suffered from depressions and

loneliness due to setting in homes as well as their income decreased where

some families was unable to feed their children because of all work had been

stopped for a period. Although, they get affected by this decision positively where

this lockdown and isolation decreased the probability of getting infected by the


 A.2 Government: they were negatively affected because of lock down and

isolation, all the government interest work had been stopped; more than 60000

employees in Egypt in the government sector stopped working, no taxes to be

collected, the international trade decreased as the import and export stopped.

B: Secondary Stakeholders

 B.1 Organizations and Small business: they were negatively affected as their

work and business all around the world stopped as well as all trades.

 B.2 Employees: the employees affected negatively by the decision of remote

working as the unemployment rate increased where some companies decided to

cut off half of employees as they will not be apple to pay salaries for all

employees. In addition, some employees do not have all the capabilities to work

from home.

 B.3 Health sector: the health sector gets affected positively the WHO decisions

as the number of people who gets infected decreased, number of deaths

decreased, as well as the spread of the disease limited.

17 | P a g e
 B.4 Transportation: the transportation sector gets affected negatively as people

stopped to use transportation due to decisions of lock down and remote working.

STEP 4: Develop Alternative Decisions

Step four aims to examining the available and alternative decisions that should be

innovative and creative in order to be applied and generate positive and effective

results. The alternatives for the lock down and isolation decisions made by the WHO

are as follow:

1- Creating an application that clarify the health status of the application user,

whether they has infected by corona or not by answering some question and

doing some blood test, if yes they will be isolated and monitoring by the health

sector via this application where this application will follow their movement, and if

they leaved their home for any reason immediate alert will be sent to health

sector or police in order to warn him/her to stay at home.

10-15 minutes corona test, every country will be responsible to do a test for the people

for free and report the result for short period. For example, booths that do a quick

corona test will be spread all around the country including ( malls, schools,

organizations, university, government institutions, and streets with free or cheap cost.

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This decision will enable people to early and quickly know if they gets infected or not,

therefore, this will limit the spread of the disease and the number of infected people as


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STEP 5: Evaluating Alternatives
Now coming to weighing the two alternatives that were mentioned in step 4 which are:

1. Creating a mobile application

2. On door 15-minutes PCR

These alternatives will be evaluated on how they can harm or benefit the primary and

secondary stakeholders.


Alternative Community Government & Employees Healthcare Transport
s Small sector sector
Har Benefit Harm Benefi Harm Benefi Harm Benefi Harm Benefi Harm Benefit
m t t t t

15 Minutes

First, we will evaluate how the mobile application alternative can affect the primary

stakeholders and secondary stakeholders.

Community – when the citizen downloads the application onto their phones and decide

to go outside, they will be alerted if they are in an area with people who have logged on

the app that they are infected with COVID-19. The application will automatically request

the healthy citizen to leave the area immediately for their own safety.

20 | P a g e
Government – The application will help the government collect data that will help

identify the part of the population that has been exposed to COVID-19. By the help of

this data, they will be able to support and protect their citizens more effectively and


Organizations & small businesses – In the beginning of the pandemic many

organizations and small businesses were forced to close due to the lack of customers.

According to [ CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 ] the highest business sector affected by the

pandemic was the travel and tourism sector by 54%. However, with the help of the

application they will be able to continue to operate better.

Employees – Unemployment was one of the major issues people faced worldwide

when the pandemic hit. As stated in an article by [ CITATION Nin21 \l 1033 ] about 225

million people worldwide lost their jobs. On the other hand, when the application is

made many employees will be able to keep their jobs as the businesses will be able to

identify if the employees are infected or not by showing proof on the application.

Healthcare sector – This sector will be benefited greatly as when a citizen logs that

they have symptoms for COVID-19 the hospital nearest to him will be expecting the

citizen to arrive for a PCR test. The application will help hospitals avoid any

overcrowding from occurring.

Transport sector- this is the only sector that will be affected in the case of the mobile

application alternative. As the citizen logs in the application that they have COVID19

they will not be allowed to use any form of transportation and this will lead to the

decrease in profits in the transport sectors.

21 | P a g e
Secondly, we will evaluate how the On-Door 15 minutes PCR alternative can affect the

stakeholders. The two alternatives share the same benefits and harms when it comes to

the organizations, employees, healthcare sector and transport. However, they differ in

results when it comes to the community and government stakeholders.

Community – The idea of an on-door PCR can be quiet annoying for some citizens.

For instance, a person can visit 2 different malls in the same day and get tested twice,

this can cause irritation and inflamed nostrils from the PCR.

Government – Unfortunately the government will be greatly affected by this alternative

as they are the ones who will be paying for the enormous amount of PCR tests that will

be taken. The government could potentially be paying up to 3 PCRs per person every


Ethical theories:

Utilitarian Deontology Social Justice




The ethical theories that are applied onto the two alternatives are the Utilitarian,

Deontology and Social Justice.

Firstly, coming to the Utilitarian, the theory is accepted in the mobile application as the

alternative provides a win-win situation for majority of the stakeholders. However, this

22 | P a g e
theory was not accepted in the on door 15 minutes PCR as this alternative will cause

the government a great loss of funds spent on purchasing PCR tests. Secondly, the

next theory is Deontology. In this theory both of the alternatives were not accepted as

they do not prevent good consequences from occurring. Lastly, the social justice theory

was accepted under both of the alternatives as they respect the individual human rights

and provides safety for them.

STEP 6: Taking a Decision

It is concluded that the best alternative to be chosen between the two alternatives is the

mobile application. The mobile application is the chosen alternative as it has been

accepted by more theories compared to the on door 15 minutes PCR test.

STEP 7: Monitoring and Evaluating

23 | P a g e
Recommendation to apply the

The Decision has been made Milestone (time per day) selected decisions
WHO will program the

5 DAYS application
It will later ask governments to

7 DAYS provide this application on its

The alternative is for WHO to
create an application that
The citizens will download the
keeps track of one’s daily
application and proceed to
health, location, vaccinations
3 DAYS make accounts using their
and PCRs taken.
National ID of their country
The WHO will be updated once

17 DAYS the citizens are tested for


To finalize, the decision that has been made is for WHO to create an application that will

track a citizen’s health, location and if they have had done any PCRS or taken the

vaccine. The software application will be design and developed by WHO which

estimating will take 5 days. Afterwards, they will ask every country if they will be able to

enforce this application on their citizens as they believe it will help decrease the number

of cases worldwide. This will approximately take 7 days to ensure they have reached all

the countries from each representative they have. When a confirmation from the

government is claimed the application will be available to the specified country. Later,

the citizens will be able to download the application on their mobile phones and sign up

with their national ID number of their country. This process can take up to 3 days to be

24 | P a g e
successful. Finally, the WHO will be able to monitor the number of cases approximately

happening world wide thanks to the application that was made.


31-Dec-19 5-Jan-20 10-Jan-20 15-Jan-20 20-Jan-20 25-Jan-20 30-Jan-20 4-Feb-20

WHO will program the application

It will later asks government to enforce this application on its citizen

The citizens will download the application and proceed to make accounts using their National ID of their country

The WHO will have the ability to keep track records of the COVID-19 cases

Corporate Social Responsibility

25 | P a g e
Corporate social responsibility also known as (CSR) refers to “the responsibilities that a

corporation has to the society in which it operates”

Ethical and social responsibility

There are three types of social responsibility:

1) responsibility not to cause any harm

2) responsibility to deny harm even if you are not the cause of the harm

3) responsibility of doing good (Voluntarily)

Responsibility not to cause any harm is just obeying the law and not hurting anyone or

any organization. To deny harm is you are trying to stop people from doing harm finally

doing good is doing charities and help other people.

The world health organization is under the category of the second responsibility which is

“to deny harm even if you are not the cause of the harm” and that is because the WHO

is trying to deny the harm of COVID-19 even if they are not the cause of the harm

There are 5 main areas where corporation do their social responsibility:

1) Family

2) Happiness

3) Employability

4) Pollution

5) Education

Theories of Corporate social responsibilities

26 | P a g e
1) The Economic model

The economic model also refers to the (win-win) model because all the users

benefits from the outcome of the model. The model main concept is to go after profit

as long as it is legal and within the law, and to allocate all the resources into the

most efficient place. Since the organization satisfy the consumer demand therefore

maximum consumer satisfaction will occur. This model state that the business dose

not have any legal responsibility beyond the economic and legal ends. The world

health organization is under this model as both the organization and the users

benefits from finding a solution and the decreasing of numbers of cases in the world

so it’s a win-win situation.

2) The Philanthropic model

The philanthropic model stats that the business should engage in the society in more

ways that goes beyond the law and economics. In this model charity is sometimes

done for 3 reasons, the 1 st reason is good reputation to the organization, The second

reason is good public relations and finally it sometimes help with tax deduction.

From the perspective of philanthropic model any thing that is done for financial

reasons not ethical reasons is not ethically correct. For example, in 2011 Heinz did a

“rise against hunger” event which was whenever someone liked there Facebook

page Heinz would donate to the meal bank and this gives a great brand awareness

and brand reputation.

3) Social Web model

27 | P a g e
Social Web model stats that any organization should be viewed as a citizen who is

part of the society that the organization operates in, and that the business should

obey the normal duties and ethical obligation that every citizen in that society face.

The model also emphasizes on the difference of the CSR responsibilities. The model

also states that all businesses has responsibility to respect the right of its employees

and customers.

4) Integrative Model

This model focuses on the Corporate social responsibility towards environment, the

model stats that the firm should balance its financial with its environmental goals.

The model also says that any firm success should not be measured only using their

profit but also their ecological and social bottom line of sustainability. There are two

types of organization who uses this model the non-profit organization and profit

organization, nonprofit organization do it as part of their missions while profit

organization do it as a of a strategic plan.

In-depth analysis

28 | P a g e
Our Chosen alternative solution is using a mobile application to track the number of

COVID-19 cases all over the world.

1) Strengths of our alternative solution

The 1st strength of our solution is it gives great track of COVID-19 cases which means

that the exact number of cases will be available in each region and makes it safer for

countries as well. The second strength is that it gives accurate data about the cases for

example it stats that this person has tested positive or has met someone who tested

positive. Finally, since the application uses GPS tracking system the application can

also warn the user that there was a confirmed case around the area he is in, this will

make people be more careful.

2) Weaknesses of our alternative solution

The 1st weakness is that the app requires a mobile phone, which means since according

to [ CITATION FPT12 \l 1033 ] 1 billion people around the world does not have a mobile

phone, so not everyone can be tracked or feel safer using the application. The 2 nd

weakness is that the application requires 24/7 network connection and GPS tracking,

and this can drain the battery of the phone of users, in addition to the network can be

insufficient. Finally, the 3rd weakness of our solution is that the application can be easily

manipulated for instance, the application requires both network and GPS tracking

system so the user can simply leave his phone at home and go outside, in addition to

the user can also just close the WIFI and the GPS tracking.

3) Opportunities of the alternative solution

29 | P a g e
The application can be linked with 3 rd part items or applications in the future, for

example the application can be linked with a bracelet to make it easier for the users and

the guards to check if this person has COVID-19 or not by scanning a barcode or

reading a RFID chip. The second opportunity is that the application can be easily

updated in the future which means that any additional features can be added such as

doing a reservation for COVID-19 vaccine or doing a PCR test etc.

4) Threats of the alternative solution

There are 2 threats in the application which are Bugs and Glitches, this threat can affect

the app in a bad way for instance, it can say that a user has tested Positive even if he

did not, it can also say that a COVID-19 Case was near your area while there is not and

vice versa.

The application has pros and cons but definitely the pros outweigh the cons and it’s a

much better alternative solution that the WHO solution.

CENTRE, T. E. (2016, 2 18). ethics. Retrieved from

30 | P a g e
Duignan, B. (2020, 11 20). Britannica. Retrieved from


Goldstein, M. (2020, September 8). The Global State of Small Business during COVID-19. Retrieved from

Larson, N. (2021, January 25). Retrieved from


Lura P.Hartman, Joseph DesJardins,Chris MacDonald . (n.d.). Business Ethics decsision making for
personal integrty and social responsibilty . McGrawHill .

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