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Being 6:30 AM on Monday, May 4 it was held in our school the celebration of The Labor
Day, in order to make a small tribute to the visionaries workers.

As usual the celebration began with a devotional to first thanks God by being part of this
entity, then a praise which was led by Professor Samuel Ramos and The 7th A grade
student VALENTINA RAMOS, who was by the first time introduced to the visionary

Then a tribute was given to all patriotic and institutional symbols, to continue with the
celebration and reward all those students who are worried about being leaders
committed to work with the community and especially their classmates, among them are:
Gloria Martinez Santiago Segura, Laura Franco, Alejandro Herazo, among others, all these
were given a Little colombian flag to reward their excellent work.

Then a runway was made; in which several students and teachers representing some
Colombian workers, while a description of each of the professions and the role each actor
performed. This was a funny activity since all our students were excited watching their
classmates representing the colombian workers.

After all this great programming was given a basket full of home goods to each of the
CASALIMPIA workers and the World Vision School Watchmen. Significantly, these baskets
were organized with the help of all students and teachers who supported the social
committee, who with one week in advance asked for nonperishable food campaign in the

It is important to note that our visionary workers felt grateful to the community for so
cute demonstration.

Concluding, the academic coordinator evaluated the day which was successful. It is also
very important to highlight the excellent behaviour the students had during the event.

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