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Your Vote Counts Visionary Friend!

Under the coordination of school life and social área, last Wedenesday March 4t, 2015 at
11:00A.M. All students were invited to his voice and vote chose the favorite candidate with
the most concrete proposal and especially to be an enterprising pioneer in power. It was for
this reason that a student democratic party took place at Worl Vision School in Montería,
with the aim of forming the school governance, which will lead differents proposals to
strengthen all processes World Vision School has.
Significantly, in the first instance in each grade held an internal vote together with the
guiding group. In order to choose the student who will represent each of them. The winners
will compete later in whole degrees. From this process, each representative presented their
proposals to make them known to the educational community and thus provide advertising
and publicity for his candidacy.
First, by installing electronic voting tables, which were run both teachers and students, as
 Tr. Oscar Ramos 1st floor – table 01, from 3º to 5º grades
 Tr. Angela Diaz 1st floor – table 02, from 3º to 5º grades
 Tr. Samuel Ramos 1st. Floor – table 03 from 3º to 5º and 11º grades
 Student Leidy Aguirre II to PI – supporting voting process
 Tr. Henry Hedez 2nd. Floor – table 0, from 6º to 10º
 Tr. Yusney Mercado 2nd. Floor – table 05, from 6º to 10º grades
 Tr. Mariam Payares 2nd Floor – table 06, from 6º to 10º and 11º grades
 Student María Andrea Bedoya II a, 2nd. Floor supporting voting process
 Tr. Erika Baldovino - Supports student council election process
Who provided timely support for voters to elect their favorite candidate, then, at 11:10
am the election process was open, where all students in groups, were presented in
organized manner at the tables, to meet and elect their representative.
The event ended at 1:30 P.M. and immediately, thanks to the software through which
the process was conducted, the results were socialized to the entire educational
community. So the School World Vision 2015 governing school , was composed by the
following students:
Personality School - Elected Student
- Valentina Mendoza 11º grade
Student Council – Elected Students
- Andry vidal 10º
- Ely Mercado 9º
- Melissa Quiroz 8º
- Camilo Díaz 7º
- Fabián Luna 6º
- Laura Ramos 5º
- María Meléndez 4º
- José Vega 3º
- Gabriela Díaz 1º and 2 º
Given that voters gave their vote of confidence by each of their representatives, is expected
to student council meets the needs of their community. Especially the school personality
student someone who is considered capable of performing well his new role and must
defend the interests and rights, that sometimes are denied to students

Finally it is important to mention that school governance should be characterized by

visionary spokesperson and leadership that fulfills its promises, it is not in dawn and see.

Yes, You Will! You Will Represent Us

First civic act; school governance

On Monday March 9 held the first civic event in WORLD VISION school, to formally
present to all members of the school council. In the first instance an eleventh grade student
read all programming to present during the event itself.

As usual, the event was an agenda, within which we can mention a devotional and then a
praise to God, where of course, he thanked God for his great blessings. Then Colombia and
the school anthem was sung. Then, also a oath of allegiance, by student Maria Camila
seventh grade A was taken, then the presentation of all students who were chosen to be part
of school governance. And a Little flag was given as a prize.

Finally the personality school student expressed its gratitude and confidence to the entire
educational community. Valentina again reiterate each student support against any teacher
or officer of the institution. Then each grade was directed to the classroom to continue their
academic routinary work.

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