Self Assessment PDT

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Self-Assessment & Professional Development Tool

Learning Goal Strategies Resources Success Indicators Target Date

What are the best ways to achieve this What do I need to help me achieve How will I know I achieved When do I plan to
Related Standard
goal? this? it? achieve it?
 I plan to start
 Detailed information to  Improved patient
this goal
specify my searches: outcomes
KNOWLEDGE:  Maintain my membership with immediately
Diagnosis/population/se  Implementing
AOTA to have access to the most and hope to
tting evidence-based
I will strive to be informed current literature and research reach it within
 AOTA membership practice that is
of the most current  Conduct research searches to find 1 year of
 Access to reputable occupation-based
literature and evidence- the highest quality of evidence of practicing
research sources:  Being
based practice and effect interventions  This will be an
PubMed, AJOT, knowledgeable of
implement it into my  Seek out resources regarding ongoing goal
Pscychinfo the highest quality
practice as an occupational evidence-based practice from my that I strive for
 Connections with of evidence
therapist. employer/coworkers/mentors/gra throughout my
employer/coworkers/me regarding
duate school network practice as an
ntor/graduate school interventions for
network my setting
 I plan to start
 Improved patient
 Stay up to date on the highest  Detailed information to this goal
quality of evidence regarding specify my searches: immediately
 Successful or
interventions for my setting diagnosis/population/se and hope to
desired results
CRITICAL REASONING:  Analyzing all components of a tting reach it within
based off my
situation such as personal and  AOTA membership 1 year of
decision making
I will use critical reasoning environmental factors  Access to reputable practicing
 Stronger
to apply evidence and  Obtain information from a variety research sources:  This will be an
relationships with
research into my decision of sources to ensure the highest PubMed, AJOT, ongoing goal
coworkers and
making. quality of evidence Pscychinfo that I strive for
 Make decisions specific to the  Patient information and throughout my
 Receiving a higher
patient and their situation background – personal practice as an
standard of respect
 Reflecting on my own methods of and environmental occupational
and trust from
practice factors therapist
INTERPERSONAL ABILITIES:  Effectively listen to those around  Feedback from  Improved patient  I plan to start
me supervisors/coworkers/p outcomes this goal
I will use effective  Do not make assumptions of atients  Stronger immediately
 Be knowledgeable/aware
relationships with
others of communication
coworkers and
 Match my communication preferences of individuals
patients and hope to
methods to the personal factors of with diverse backgrounds
 Receiving a higher reach it within
the individual I am speaking to  Collaborate with others
standard of respect 1 year of
communication methods  Incorporate feedback I receive into to achieve desired
and trust from practicing
along with my therapeutic my communication methods outcomes
others  This will be an
use of self in  Collaborate with others to  Be aware of my personal
 Improved ongoing goal
communication with determine their preferred method communication methods
understanding that I strive for
others. of communication and mannerisms
during throughout my
 Behave professionally and  Remain level-headed
communication practice as an
respectfully in all my interactions when I receive feedback
 Improvements in occupational
 Read the room – use my intuition regarding adjustments
patient trust and therapist
to get a sense of how to that need to be made to
willingness to
communicate best my communication
 Access to the most
 Be knowledgeable of the most current policies and  I plan to start
current policies and procedures procedures  Improved patient this goal
 Personal reflection after treatment  Methods to evaluate outcomes immediately
PERFORMANCE SKILLS: sessions and documentation of quality of services  Decreased number and hope to
ways I could improve provided of errors within reach it within
I will implement quality  Be mindful and client-centered  Effective communication practice 1 year of
improvement processes to when providing intervention and feedback from  Receiving a higher practicing
prevent practice error and  Provide evidence-based supervisor/coworkers standard of respect  This will be an
maximize patient interventions  Personal documentation and trust from ongoing goal
outcomes.  Collaborate with record of instances where others that I strive for
supervisor/coworkers improvements can be  Routine of personal throughout my
 Treat each patient as an individual made reflection after practice as an
and do not use a “cookie cutter”  Honesty and openness treatment sessions occupational
approach from patients therapist

ETHICAL REASONING:  Reading and reviewing the AOTA  Access to the AOTA Code  Decisions that  I plan to start
Code of Ethics of Ethics and applicable follow the AOTA this goal
 Look for ways to implement laws and regulations Code of Ethics immediately
I will make ethical decisions ethical principles into my daily  Communication between along with the and hope to
in my practice as an practice as an occupational supervisor/coworkers setting’s proper reach it within
 Analyze and work through ethical
protocol and
dilemmas to prepare for these 1 year of
 Knowledge of all the procedures
types of situations in the practicing
factors within an ethical  Being as best
workplace  This will be an
dilemma prepared as I can
 Implement integrity and honesty ongoing goal
occupational therapist.  Resources through AOTA for ethical
into my daily practice that I strive for
on how to handle ethical dilemmas
 Seek counsel from my throughout my
dilemmas  Remaining calm
supervisor/coworkers when practice as an
 Patient honesty and trust and knowing what
needed occupational
 Continuing education to do during ethical
 Always follow proper procedure therapist
and protocol

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