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Reading – Daily Rituals (1)

4 / 5 points (80%)


Stephen King usually has a glass of water when he sits down to write.

Stephen King always takes a vitamin before he starts to write.

The grass in Gerhard Richter's garden is hardly ever (often) long.

Gerhard Richter always eats exactly the same food for his lunch.

Gerhard Richter never prepares lunch for himself.

Reading – Daily Rituals (2)

2021-11-24, 08:56 pm

5 / 5 points (100%)


Stephen King starts work between 8 a.m and 8:30 a.m.

Gerhard Richter makes breakfast for his family every morning.

Stephen King likes to listen to music while he is working.

Gerhard Richter takes his daughter to school before he starts work.

Gerhard Richter eats lunch by himself every day.

Vocabulary – Multiple intelligences

2021-11-24, 09:05 pm

8 / 8 points (100%)

A: I enjoy being on my own, and I'm very independent.

B: I think you have personal intelligence.

A: My grandmother loves reading, and she communicates really well in her own language.

B: I think she has linguistic intelligence.

A: My sister enjoys being in a group, and she plays a lot of team sports.

B: She probably has social intelligence.

A: My mom is very good at solving problems, and she likes playing number games like Sudoku.

B: She probably has mathematical intelligence.

A: My brother likes making things with his hands, and he hates sitting still for a long time.

B: I think he has physical intelligence.

A: My dad can play the violin and the drums, and he's a very good singer.

B: I think he has musical intelligence.

A: My cousin, James is very good at naming plants and animals, and he's interested in astronomy.

B: I think he has naturalist intelligence.

A: My best friend, Anita loves drawing and painting, and she's very good at reading maps.

B: I think she has visual intelligence.

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