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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

When I initially started planning this assignment, it was hard for me to pick a topic to write about
that would be considered a problem. Instead of writing it as a problem/solution, I decided to write it
as an informative paper.

First Draft (for peer editing)

My initial draft of this paper was pretty much everything that I had in the final draft, but it was a little
less extensive and detailed.

Second Draft (for your packet)

My second draft was the same structure as the first draft, but I did go and add more information to
try and get closer to the required word count. However, after submitting, I realized that I probably
should have worked harder to find an actual problem and solution that related to my Reaktion book.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

For my final draft, I fully reformatted my white paper to actually be a white paper. I found a potential
issue related to rainbows, and I wrote about it and added potential solutions to the issue as well.

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