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UWP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name: Sam Watkins Grade Level: 7th

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Explicit Vocab/ Using Outside Sources Date: 10/23/21

This lesson is for a(n) ____x_ whole class _____ small group __x___ individual


Essential Question How can references such as an Encyclopedia, Dictionary and Online Sources help to comprehend the meaning of
- What is the essential question that
this lesson addresses?

- What is the core purpose of the

lesson that includes the strategies and
skills necessary to accomplish the
deeper learning in the standard?

Sequencing Students will be exposed to new vocabulary words in this lesson. They will be learning how to figure out the
meanings of unknown words by using strategies that will help them in their future experiences with reading
- How does this lesson fit into the vocabulary. Students will be learning how to define these unknown words and create sentences on their own.
larger unit of study?

- Focus on a logical/hierarchical
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before

State Learning Standards Common Core Language standards: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

List the complete, relevant grade-level

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 7 reading

September 2021
and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and
digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

Learning Target(s) and Learning LT: I can identify unknown vocabulary words by utilizing the dictionary, thesauruses, and online sources.
LO: Students will be able to apply strategies to clarify unknown vocabulary words by using dictionary, thesauruses,
- Choose your learning target(s) and and online sources.
objective(s) based on the relevant state
learning standard(s).

- Write focused targets and objectives

that describe the specific learning
outcome (what students should be able
to do as a result of the lesson).

- Be sure they are stated in observable

and measurable terms (e.g., ABCD+T).

Grouping This lesson will start off with the whole class together to ensure that everyone is receiving the same information and
to address any issues one may have.
Describe how and why students are
grouped based on

- homogeneous, heterogeneous, We will go over the reading passage together a whole group. Then, after reading students will separated into groups
randomized to review the highlighted vocabulary words. They will work independently to look up words in the online dictionary
and thesaurus and fill out the “Know the Word, Use the Word” graphic organizer.
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or
social-emotional, behavioral, language

Co-Teaching Strategy N/A

Does this lesson involve co-teaching?

September 2021
If not, state N/A. If yes, identify the
co-teaching model and what role each
teacher will play.

-One Teach, One Observe; One Teach,

One Assist; Station Teaching; Parallel
Teaching; Supplemental; Alternative;
Team Teaching

Differentiation Content: The reading passage will be presented on the promethean board, and it will be provided on their chrome
books. We will read the passage together for while class discussion.
Describe how you will meet individual
students’ needs by adjusting the
content, process, product, and
environment based on their readiness,
interests, and learning preferences. Process: Students will be the remainder of the class period to complete their assignment. If students do not finish,
they are able to work on the assignment at home or the following day in class.

Product: Students will be working independently for this assignment.

Environment: Students will work individually in a low volume environment in their assignment seat. There should be
no movement or discussion during this time.


September 2021
Formative Assessment Students will be utilizing the strategy” Know the Word, Use the Word”, to complete their graphic organizer. Students will be
looking for any unknown vocabulary words they spot in the “Money” reading passage.
- How will you monitor student
learning throughout the lesson? I will be monitoring student by checking to see if students are completing their graphic organizer with by filling in each box
that is surrounding the unknown word is the middle. They must fill in understandable and brief definitions and of the word, the
- Be specific about how your practice word in a sentence, and the synonyms and antonyms by using outside sources.
assessments connect directly with the
lesson objective.

Formative Evaluation Criteria To evaluate student learning, I will be grading them based off a holistic rubric.

- What material(s) will you use to

evaluate learning?

- Attach a copy of your checklist,

rubric, observation criteria, or other

3: Meets
4: Exceeds Expectations 1. Incomplete
Expectations 2: Needs Work

-Graphic organizer is -Graphic organizer is -Graphic organizer is completed -Graphic organizer is completed
completed completed
-Students uses outside sources -Students uses outside sources
-Students uses outside -Students uses (Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and (Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and online sources
sources (Dictionary, outside sources online sources) correctly for 2-3 ) correctly for 0-1 words.
Encyclopedia, and online (Dictionary, words
sources) correctly for all Encyclopedia, and -Student displays 0-1 words in the middle of
the 5 words online sources) -Student displays only 2-3 words them
correctly for all the 4 in the middle of their graphic graphic organizer.
-Student displays all 5 words organizer
words in the middle of - 0 to 1 words are identified correctly
their graphic organizer -Student displays all -Only 2-3 words are identified
4 words in the correctly
-All 5 words are identified middle of their

September 2021
correctly graphic organizer

-All 4 words are

identified correctly

Summative Assessment Indirect vocab instruction

How will students demonstrate After students have reviewed each of the five unknown vocabulary words, they will be displayed on an anchor chart that will
mastery of the standard? be put up in the classroom.

Note: This assessment does not have to We will split the chart in three parts: the left side will be the word; the middle will be the synonyms and right side will be the
occur during/after this lesson but in meaning of the word.
upcoming lessons.
Once we have decided on a good and brief definition of each word, it will be written on the far-left side of the anchor chart.
We can give the anchor chart the title “Word Breakdown”, and students can use this as a reference when they choose to make
new vocabulary sentences with these new words.

Summative Evaluation Criteria To evaluate student learning, I will be using a checklist.

- What material(s) will you use to

evaluate learning?
_ Students can define the new vocabulary words. of the 5 new vocabulary words in a sentence.
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other _ Students can use at least three of the five vocabulary words in a sentence.
measure. _Students can identify at least two synonyms of the new vocabulary words.


September 2021
Opening: Introduction and To begin this lesson, I will show students a video where a teacher is explaining multiple outside sources to find the
Connection to Previous Learning meaning of words.

● Anticipatory Activity (Hook)

● Activate prior knowledge. She explains that students can use a real life or online version of a Dictionary and Thesaurus. Also, the use of
Online Sources such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
● Be sure students understand
procedures and instructions for the
First, the teacher explains that a Dictionary is a reference book that lists words in alphabetical order.
● Establish clear expectations.
It gives meaning and other details of the listed words. Each listed word is called an entry word.
● Model concept.
The words on the top left and right of the pages are called guide words.
The groupings/instruction/lesson
progression may look different in
different parts of the lesson!
For example, the teacher is looking for the word “enhance” in the dictionary.

At this time, I would pause the video and ask students to take out their chrome books and go on the online
dictionary which is prior knowledge because I have already shown them how to get there, but not use it.

I will have them go on that resource and try to find this word. First, they need to figure out what letter it begins
with. In this case they would look for the words under the “E”. Next, I will have them look at the next letter and
continue to scan down until they find the word they are looking for. Once they have found the word, I want them to
take out a piece of paper and write down the word and its meaning.

Next, the teacher is explaining in the video the importance of the thesaurus which is a book of words and their
synonyms. I will pause again, and enhance student prior knowledge by asking, What is a synonym?

September 2021
I will wait for responses and share that synonyms are words will the same meaning.

Therefore, I will pause and have students go to the online version of the thesaurus where they will find a synonym
for the word enhance and they will write this in a different column on the same piece of paper. This will be a small
version example the graphic organize they will be completing.

Next, I will explain to students that in today’s lesson they will be indemnifying unknown vocabulary words just like
they did as a practice based on that video. They will be using outside sources as a strategy to understand each of
the unidentified words,

I will explain to the class that we are focusing on new vocabulary words for this math unit on Money.

To get us started, students will be following along to the read-aloud online “Money” that they will be working on
after the lesson. Students will be listening to the text while it is being read out loud to the whole class. When coming
across the highlighted unknown word, stop and use the Know the Word, Use the Word strategy to look up the
unknown word and its meaning.

I will display the graphic organizer “Know the Word, Use the Word on the document camera.

I will be giving students a model example of how they will fill it in when they separate and work independently.
Together as a class, fill out the graphic organizer for each of the 5 words you come across in the text. You will fill
out, “Word definition”, “Use word in a sentence?”, “Synonyms”, and “Antonyms.”

For example, the first word that is highlighted and students will stop at is “Invention”.

I will explain that in the middle box, students must write the word Invention”. Then on each corner of the box will be
an arrow pointing up to a smaller box, in the top left, there is a box where students will write a definition go the word

September 2021
using their own words (using the online literary) How was it used in the book you read. How could you use it when
you write or talk? Moving on to box in the right corner, Use word in a sentence (Reread the definition. Remind
yourself what the word means. Try to use it). Now let’s go down to the bottom left box, “Synonyms’ (what other
words fit well with the topic of what you are trying to say? Use your Thesaurus for assistance. Last Box on the right
side, “Antonyms” (what is a word that opposite in meaning to the word? Use online sources for this one.

After understanding how to identify each unknown word by using outside sources, they will keep their chrome books
open and go to our class link home page and I will give instruction on their assignment from there.

During: Lesson Progression Now that students know how to fill out their graphic organizers using the 5 words from the online text “Money”, they
will work on their Chromebooks and complete their graphic organizers exactly how they did in class.
In this portion of the lesson, you will
be letting go and letting students
engage in productive struggle;
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we On class link, students will need to find the assignment under the ELA folder and click on the Vocabulary
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or Assignment for this week. The assignment is called “Know the Word, Use the Word”, and attached within this
independent practice, or other learning folder, will be their online reading passage, called “Money”.
methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of:
Students will be reading this independently and they will be filling out their graphic organizer when they get to every
● Students’ thinking and how unknown word. In the graphic organizer students will fill out: Word definite, Use word in a Sentence, Synonyms and
they will start the lesson. Antonyms.
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it).
While they work I will provide support for the students by asking them questions about their boxes on the graphic
● Provide worthwhile organizer to reinforce what they are writing down and promote student thinking.

● Provide opportunities for

September 2021
students to engage in using the
academic language.

This is where you will be suggesting

or modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy
makes sense to them. However, you
must make sure ideas come from

Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension Students will be given the remaining class time to work on their graphic organizer.

End the lesson with a final review of If students do not complete their assignment during the class period, they can finishes it as homework or they will
key ideas and knowledge. This is have another class period the following day to finish it with all five words filled in and the responding boxes.
where you have students talk about
their thinking and share strategies with
the whole class. It’s important to name Next, I will do quick review questions on using outside sources.
strategies and use academic vocabulary
here, extending the lesson to broader Students know a lot about how technology because we use our chrome books just about every day.

● Promote a community of
learners. I will ask students how using these outside sources helped us to find the meaning of words and their Synonyms?

● Listen actively and probe

thinking without evaluating or
Do you believe that this strategy was helpful for vocabulary comprehension?
telling them how you would do

Summarize main ideas and identify Do you think using online sources of a dictionary and encyclopedia is an easier way than looking a real life one and
future problems that they would be need to flip through all the pages? Which do you prefer?
able to solve using the thinking you
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will
I’ll ask for responses to hear the students thought process about this instruction and how useful this strategy was for

September 2021
them overall.

If students encounter any problems to complete this graphic organizer, I will remind them to look at the example we
did that was based on the video that they wrote down on a piece of paper.

Also, I can give them the opportunity to use a real-life source if they are confused with the online versions.

I will also be prompting students by asking questions like “Try to use it in a sentence” or Reread the definition.
Remind yourself what the word means, Try to use it”. By doing this will increase their thinking and help to arrange
their boxes correctly.

Curricular and Instructional Using Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Online Sources to find Word Meanings
Resources or Materials
- List and provide a brief rationale for
all necessary lesson resources and
materials. If not original, cite the Online text “Money”
Money | Nonfiction Reading Activity (
- Attach/link a copy of all materials the
teacher and students will use during
the lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to
answer, slides, worksheets, and so on. Graphic Organizer


Supplies, Equipment and Chromebook/charger (students should already have)

Document Camera
- List all other supplies that need to be
available. Pencils

September 2021
Holistic Rubric

4: Exceeds Expectations 3: Meets Expectations 2: Needs Work 1: Incomplete

-Graphic organizer is completed -Graphic organizer is completed -Graphic organizer is completed -Graphic organizer is completed

-Students uses outside sources -Students uses outside sources -Students uses outside sources -Students uses outside sources
(Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and online (Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and online (Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and online (Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and online
sources) correctly for all the 5 words sources) correctly for all the 4 words sources) correctly for 2-3 words sources) correctly for 0-1 words.

-Student displays all 5 words in the -Student displays all 4 words in the -Student displays only 2-3 words in -Student displays 0-1 words in the
middle of their graphic organizer middle of their graphic organizer the middle of their graphic organizer middle of their graphic organizer.

-All 5 words are identified correctly -All 4 words are identified correctly -Only 2-3 words are identified - 0 to 1 words are identified correctly

September 2021
Know the Word, Use the Word Graphic Organizer

Word Definition Use Word in A Sentence

What Is The Word?


2. What’s the word?




Synonyms Antonyms

September 2021
September 2021
September 2021

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