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Experiment No.

:2-Part 1 Radar Systems By: Ghufran Mahdi

Experiment No.:2-Part 1
Experiment name: Radar range equation in MATLAB

Take in account the free space losses

Experiment No.:2-Part 1 Radar Systems By: Ghufran Mahdi

Q1: Write a Matlab program to calculate the SNR with different radar range, for the following
radar parameter.
𝑃𝑡 1.5MW
G 45 dB
f 5.6 GHz
𝜎 0.1 𝑚2
𝑅 25 Km, 165Km, 1Km
F 3 dB
K 1.38 × 10−23 joule degree ⁄ Kelvin
𝑇𝑒 290 K
B 5 MHz
𝐿 6 dB
list the values of SNR with range in table. What is the relationship between them?
Q2: Write a MATLAB code to implement L- band radar to calculate SNR. This radar has the
following parameters, list the values of SNR with range in table.

𝑃𝑡 10KW
G 25 dB
f 2 GHz
𝜎 0.2 𝑚2
𝑅 10 Km, 20Km, 30Km
F 2 dB
K 1.38 × 10−23 joule degree ⁄ Kelvin
𝑇𝑒 600 K
B 100 Hz
𝐿 0 dB
Q3: Calculate in theory SNRs that indicated in Q2 and compare them with your simulation?

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