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English Worksheet #2 (2421726) (no compartidos) Cambiar de cuenta Borrador guardado


Student name: *

Juan Camilo Guzmán Solano

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences

It not will be rainy next week.

It won't rain next week

She will becomes a famous scientist in the future.

She will become a famous scientist in the futu

He might not coming to school tomorrow.

He might coming to school tomorrow

Will you to visit me on my birthday?

Will you visit me on my birthday?

I hope I will am able to save enough money.

I will be able to save enough money

I am go to study medicine next year.

I am going to study medicine next year

She isn't to come to the party tonight.

She won't come to the party tonight

We going to go to the movies tomorrow?

Are we going to go the movies tomorrow?

He isn't go to college, he wants to get a job.

He isn't going to college, he wants to get a job

They are going to getting married next year.

They are going to get married next year

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of Will or Going to
and the verb in brackets

I promise I (study) harder from now on.

I promise I will study harder from now on

This president is very unpopular, he (not/ win) the reelection.

This president is very unpopular, he will not win

Can I borrow your suitcase? I (travel) to Scotland next month.

Can I borrow your suitcase? I will travel to Scot

A: I am really cold. B: OK, I (turn) the heater on.

OK, I am going to turn the heater on.

The sky is very cloudy! It (rain) soon.

The sky is very cloudy! It is going to rain soon.

Pick the most appropriate expression of time.

I think you might be very famous ________



in two days.

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___________ I will already be retired.

When I graduate college

Next monday

When I'm 75 years old

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__________ I'm going to go to a concert.

Next week

In ten years' time

One day

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I'm not going to go on vacation _____


In five minutes.

this year

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I'm feeling a little sick, I think I won't go to the party ____________.


next week.

next summer.

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Write a sentence where you use "will", "won't" to express a prediction, one where
you use it to express a future fact, one where you use it to express a promise,
and one where you use it to express a spontaneous decision.

We will find a new house the next month. She won't call to the police. Juan won't go to the
playground, he is doing his homework.
Write a sentence where you use "going to" to express a prediction, one to
express a decision, and one to express a future intention.

He is going to begin the lesson very soon. Carla is going to travel when she has her
vacation. I am going to study very hard for the exam on Monday.

Look at the following table.

Complete the following sentences with the correct option

Angela hopes she ________ go to college next year.




might not

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Angela ___________ get married.



is going to

isn't going to

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Angela __________ work as an industrial designer.

probably will

probably won't


might not

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Miguel __________ go to college.


might not

is going to

isn't going to

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Miguel _________ get married if he meets the right person.


might not



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He _______ definitely work as an electrician.

is going to

isn't going to



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John _______ go to college.




might not

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He _________ defintiely get married.




might not

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He thinks he ________ work as a famous actor someday.



is going to

isn't going to

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