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Boeing 777-200
Advanced Panel Manual
Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Primary Flight Display

PFD Layout
AFDS Engaged Flight Mode
State Annunciations Attitude Indicator

Airspeed Altitude
Indicator Indicator

Vertical Speed

Director Flight Path

Heading Indicator

Airspeed Indicator
Command Speed
Displays speed selected on Mode Control
Panel (MCP) or FMC commanded speed
when MCP speed window is blank V1 and VR Speeds
FMC calculated V1 and VR
Maximum Speed speeds. Shown only on the
Maximum speed not to be exceeded ground. When pre-flight
initialization not complete or
V speeds not confirmed on
Flap Retraction Speeds FMC TAKEOFF page,
Indicate flap retraction speeds for current (10) replaced by yellow
and previous (5) flap positions. Not displayed «NO V SPD» indication
on the ground

Speed Trend Vector

Shows acceleration or deceleration rate

Current Airspeed
Digital Airspeed readout

Minimum Maneuvering Speed

Shows maneuer margin to stall. Turns below
this speed may cause the aircraft to stall

Minimum Speed
Speed below which the aircraft will stall

Mach / Groundspeed
Shows Mach number when above M0.4, or
current Groundspeed when below

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Primary Flight Display

Altitude Indicator

Command Altitude
Displays altitude selected on MCP.

Current Altitude
Displays current barometric altitude. When below
10,000 feet, the first digit is replaced with a green
Outlined in bold white when approaching MCP
Decision Height selected altitude and within 900 to 300 ft to it.
Displays Decision Height (RADIO or Outlined in yellow when deviating from MCP
BAROmetric) selected on EFIS panel. selected altitude and within 900 to 300 ft from it.
Flashes in yellow when the aircraft is below
selected height. Barometric Altimeter Setting
Ground Displays selected Baro setting or STD, as
Displays Ground level, if the aircraft is below selected on EFIS panel. Outlined in yellow
400 ft AGL. when above transition altitude and STD not
set, or below transition level and STD set.

Select Radio or Select In.Hg.

Barometric DH Display Meters Select hPa

When MTRS Adjust DH Adjust

button pushed on Barometric
EFIS panel, Setting
additional metric
readouts are
added above
Altitude readout
Toggle Flight Toggle between selected
and Command
Path Vector Baro Setting and Standard
Altitude readout
display fixed 28.82 In.Hg.

EFIS Panel

Vertical Speed Indicator

Vertical Speed Readout

Shows Vertical Speed when over +/- 400 FPM. Placed above the indicator when climbing, and
below the indicator when descending.

Selected Vertical Speed

Shows Vertical Speed selected on MCP. Shown only when V/S mode is engaged.

Current Vertical Speed

Needle shows present Vertical Speed, in thousands of feet per minute.

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Primary Flight Display

Heading Indicator
Current Heading
Existing aircraft heading.

Current Track
Existing aircraft groundtrack, which can differ from aircraft
heading when in crosswind

Selected Heading
Heading selected in MCP Heading window. When selected
heading is outside visible rose part, the heading bug parks at
a side closer to the selected heading.

AFDS Engaged State Indication

Flight Director switch engaged while none of CMD
FLT DIR buttons are engaged; Flight Director bars visible

Either CMD button engaged; the aircraft is controlled by

A/P autopilot

LAND 3 Autoland active, all 3 autopilots are in CMD mode

Flight Mode Annunciations

Displays the active and armed Autothrottle, Roll and Pitch autopilot modes. Active modes are displayed in green. Armed modes
are displayed in white under Active modes. When a mode is changed, it is boxed for 10 seconds.

Autothrottle modes

Maintains reference thrust which is Throttles are being moved to Idle

shown on EICAS display position

Maintains speed selected in MCP Autothrottle servos are disconnected,

Speed window allowing for manual adjustment

Roll modes

Maintains heading selected in MCP Rolls wings level and maintains track
Heading window existed when levelled

Maintains track selected in MCP FMC commands bank to follow the

Heading window active route. Armed when below 100 ft

Rolls wings level and maintains Captures and holds localizer track.
heading existed when levelled Armed until localizer becomes alive

Pitch modes

Holds altitude existing when ALT HOLD VNAV mode is armed when the aircraft
button was pressed on MCP, MCP is below 400 ft
altitude when it was captured while in
V/S or FLCH mode
Holds vertical speed selected in MCP Maintains altitude or vertical descent
VS / FPA window path commanded by FMC to follow
route vertical profile.
Holds flight path angle selected in Maintains FMC commanded airspeed
MCP VS / FPA window by pitching the aircraft up or down

Maintains speed selected on MCP by

pitching the aircraft up or down

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Primary Flight Display

Flight Mode Annunciations (cont.)

Pitch modes

Maintains MCP selected altitude if it

was captured during MCP climb or

Captures and holds glideslope. Armed

until glideslope is alive and aircraft is
below, or less than one dot above GS.

Rises the aircraft nose to reduce vertical speed before

touchdown. Armed when descending through 1500 ft radio
altitude and engaged at 50 ft above runway.

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Navigation Display

ND Controls on EFIS panel

Select ND Center or Select ND

mode expand ND Range

The four ND modes, APP, VOR, MAP and

PLAN, are switched by clicking left or right Left
of the ND Mode Selector switch. Pushing on
Navaid Navaid
CTR button switches between Centered Selector Selector
(Full Rose) and Expanded (Arc) display.

Left and Right Navaid selectors choose the

source for left and right station pointer
needles on the ND.

Display Display Display Display

Range VOR Fixes Airports
arcs stations

APP and VOR ND Modes

GS and TAS Current Heading

Current Groundspeed and True Airspeed. Present magnetic heading.

Wind indicator VOR1 course deviation indicator.
Displays wind direction and
speed. Reads CALM when no
wind. TF Flag
VOR1 To-From flag.
Left Navaid Right Navaid
Points in the direction or VOR1 Points in the direction or VOR2
or ADF, as selected on EFIS or ADF, as selected on EFIS
panel. panel.
Indicates selected course for
NAV1 radio.

Left Navaid Info Right Navaid Info

Left navaid source, station Right navaid source, station
identifier and DME distance. identifier and DME distance.

VOR Centered mode

GS Offser
Glideslope deviation indicator.

ILS Info
ILS station identifier and DME

APP Expanded mode

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Navigation Display

MAP Mode

Heading index Groundtrack

Current magnetic heading. Current magnetic groundtrack.

Next Waypoint
Active waypoint name, ETA and
distance to go
Display Range
The range from airplane symbol
to compass arc or rose is twice Active route
this figure. Selected on EFIS Enroute waypoints and legs
Runway symbol
Altitude Range Arc Selected departure or destination
The range at wich the aircraft will runway and extended centerline.
reach the MCP selected altitude
based on current vertical speed. VOR station
Positions of VOR stations from
Trend Vector navaids database.
Predicted aircraft position in 30,
Tuned station
60 and 90 seconds.
Positions of VOR station tuned
on NAV radio.

Route modifications are drawn Descent profile deviation

as white dashed lines when at descent stage.

Plan Mode

Step to Next Waypoint

Centers ND display around next

The PLAN mode is used to review the active FMC route. The display is North-oriented. Top part of the display is the same as in
MAP mode, and bottom part shows the active route. When EFIS Mode switch is moved into PLAN position, the display is initially
centered around the first (active) waypoint. If the FMC LEGS page is opened, a <CTR> mark appears after this waypoint name.
The centering can be advanced by selecting the STEP > prompt on FMC CDU, or pressing NEXT PAGE CDU button to advance to
first waypoint on next page.

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Automatic Flight
The Autopilot and Flight Director system allows automatic flight in both Command and Flight Director modes. In Command mode,
the autopilot is controlling the aircraft pitch, roll and thrust. In Flight Director mode, the autopilot generates control commands and
moves the Flight Director bars on Primary Flight Display to guide the pilot. Autothrottle system operates thrust levers to adjust
thrust according to engaged autopilot modes.

Autopilot has three channels, Pitch, Roll, and Thrust channels. Some autopilot modes control only one channel, while other modes
control two channels.

The Roll modes are single-channel. They include:

HDG HOLD Commands the autopilot to roll wings level, and hold the heading existing when reaching zero bank.
HDG SEL Turn to and maintain heading selected in MCP HDG/TRK window. The bank angle during the turn is either
automatic or can be manually set using the bank angle selector.
TRK HOLD Commands the autopilot to roll wings level, and hold the track existing when reaching zero bank.
TRK SEL Turn to and maintain track selected in MCP HDG/TRK window. The bank angle during the turn is either automatic
or can be manually set using the bank angle selector.
LNAV Lateral navigation. Follow FMC-generated roll commands to fly the active route.
LOC Capture and follow the localizer.

Basic Pitch modes are single-channel too:

ALT HOLD Captures and holds the altitude existing when the mode was engaged. This mode is also engaged when in V/S
or FLCH mode and airplane reaches the altitude selected in MCP Alt window.
V/S When engaged, opens the VS / FPA window with present vertical speed, and maintains this speed.
The vertical speed can be adjusted using the VS / FPA thumbwheel.
FPA When engaged, opens the VS / FPA window with present flight path angle, and maintains this angle.
The flight path angle can be adjusted using the VS / FPA thumbwheel.
G/S Captures and holds the glideslope.

Other Pitch modes are two-channel and control both pitch and thrust:
FLCH Starts climb or descent towards the altitude selected in MCP Alt window. If climbing, throttles maintain Climb
thrust, if descending, throttles are moved to idle. The aircraft pitch is adjusted to maintain the speed selected in
MCP IAS/Mach window. The plane nose is lowered to accelerate and rised to decelerate.
VNAV Vertical navigation. Both pitch and thrust are controlled to follow the vertical profile and speed settings generated
by FMC for the active route.

Two thrust modes are also available, which are

SPD Autothrottle adjusts thrust to maintain the speed selected in IAS/MACH window.
THR Autothrottle maintains reference thrust selected in FMC and shown on EICAS display.

The APP mode controls both pitch and roll to follow localizer and glideslope for an ILS approach.

The Autopilot modes are switched from the Mode Control Panel (MCP), pictured below.

Autopilot engage button Autothrottle Arm switch

Engages autopilot in currently selected Arms autothrottle. Thrust controlling modes
modes, if Flight Director already engaged. cannot be engaged if autothrottle is not
If Flight Director off, engages HDG HOLD and armed.
V/S modes when in flight.
Can be operated using the Flight Simulator
“Z” key

Flight Director switch

Autopilot Disengage bar
Displays Flight Director bars on PFD.
When slided down, disengages the autopilot.
When switched on on the ground with no
Prevents autopilot engagement when in Down
autopilots engaged, arms TO/GA pitch and
roll modes.
Can be operated using the Flight Simulator
When engaged in flight with no active
“Z” key.
autopilots, engages HDG HOLD and V/S
modes. First “Z” key press engages A/P button.
Second press moves Disengage bar down.
Third press silences the autopilot disconnect horn.
Fourth press returns Disengage bar to Up position.

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Automatic Flight

IAS/MACH select button IAS/MACH Window

Toggles the window display and speed mode Displays selected airspeed or Mach. Blank
between Indicated Airspeed and Mach. when in VNAV mode and the speed is
Current selection is shown on the left side of controlled by FMC.
the display. When aircraft is first powered, displays 200
CLB CON button
Inhibited below 400ft AGL. When pushed, IAS/MACH Selector knob
changes engine thrust limit to CLB or CON if When Rotated, sets speed in IAS/MACH
one engine is inoperative. This button is window.
normal means of reducing takeoff thrust to When Pushed while in VNAV mode,
climb thrust if VNAV isn’t used. unblanks the display to current FMC-
To Push the IAS/MACH
commanded speed and allows to manually
selector, click on its center
part. To rotate it, click left or adjust the target speed. Second push
Autothrottle button right of it. Left mouse button blanks the display and returns speed control
Engages SPD autothrottle mode. Throttles to FMC.
click will adjust the number by
maintain airspeed or Mach selected in 1, while Right mouse button
IAS/MACH window. click will adjust by 10.

Lateral navigation button Vertical navigation button

Engages LNAV mode when above 100 feet Engages VNAV mode when above 400 feet
radio altitude. Arms LNAV mode for radio altitude. Arms VNAV mode for
engagement when on the ground or below engagement when on the ground or below
100 feet. 400 feet.
LNAV mode uses FMC-generated commands VNAV mode controls both pitch and thrust
to follow the active route. to follow the FMC-calculated vertical profile
When LNAV mode is armed, it can be and speed.
disarmed with second push. LNAV mode can Armed VNAV mode can be disarmed with
be disengaged by selecting other roll mode. second push. VNAV mode can be
Automatically disengages when LOC mode disengaged by selecting other pitch mode.
engaged and localizer becomes alive. Automatically disengages when APP mode

When using VNAV, the normal procedure is to set your cruise altitude in MCP Altitude window before takeoff, and reset this altitude
to zero or MDA when approaching the Top of Descent point. Until a lower altitude is not selected, the descent will not be started.

When VNAV mode is active, as in other vertical modes, the MCP altitude window is a «restriction». When aircraft climbs or
descends in VNAV mode and reaches the altitude selected in Alt window, it levels off and pitch mode displayed on PFD changes to
VNAV ALT. Thus, the altitude window can be used for example when flying under ATC control. If ATC clears you to climb to an
altitude lower than cruise altitude set in FMC, all you need is to select your clearance in MCP ALT window. Aircraft will level off
when approaching this altitude. As soon as another clearance is received, enter the new cleared altitude or cruise altitude in ALT
window and Push the Altitude selector knob to resume the climb.

HDG/TRK window
HDG/TRK selector Displays selected heading or track. This
Toggles the window display and mode (if heading (track) will be maintained if HDG
engaged) between Heading and Track. SEL or TRK SEL mode is engaged.
Current selection is shown on the left side
of the display. HDG/TRK selector
Rotate to adjust the heading or track
SEL button displayed in HDG window.
Located on top of heading selector. When
pushed, engages HDG SEL or TRK SEL HOLD button
mode depending on HDG/TRK selector. This When pushed and wings are level, holds the
mode turns to and maintains the heading or current heading or track. When pushed and in
track selected in HDG/TRK window, using turn, first rolls wings level, and holds the
banks as commanded by Bank Limit Selector heading or track which existed upon levelling.
To push the HDG SEL button, click
Bank Angle Limit selector on central part of knob.
Rotate to select automatic bank angle To rotate Heading selector, click
specific bank angle limit. When turning in left or right of it. Left mouse button
HDG SEL or TRK SEL mode, the aircraft adjusts the display by 1, right
will not bank over the selected limit. mouse button adjusts by 10.
To rotate Bank Limit selector, click
above and left or right of the knob,
below the corners of HDG window.

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Automatic Flight

VS/FPA select button Altitude window

Toggles the window display and mode (if Displays selected altitude. When reaching
engaged) between Vertical Speed and Flight this altitude in any pitch mode, the plane will
Path Angle. Current selection is shown on the level off. FLCH mode will start climb or
left side of the display. descent towards this altitude when engaged.

VS/FPA window
Displays selected vertical speed or flight path Altitude selector
angle when in V/S or FPA mode. Blank when Rotate: adjusts altitude displayed in ALT
pitch mode other than these is used. When window.
VS/FPA button pushed to engage mode,
opens to existing vertical speed or flight path Push:
angle. During VNAV Climb, removes the next route
altitude restriction before cruise altitude.
VS/FPA selector During VNAV Descent, removes the next
Adjusts vertical speed or flight path angle route altitude restriction.
displayed in VS/FPA window. Inoperative If in Climb and no restrictions ahead, or in
when window is blank. Cruise, and MCP altitude is higher than FMC
cruise altitude, changes cruise altitude to the
VS/FPA button selected MCP altitude.
Engages V/S or FPA mode, which maintains If in VNAV mode and aircraft is holding the
vertical speed or flight path angle selected in captured MCP altitude and MCP altitude is
VS/FPA window. When pushed to engage, To increase vertical speed, click changed, resumes climb or descent.
captures present vertical speed or flight path on lower half of VS thumbweel.
angle. If autothrottle armed, also engages the To decrease vertical speed, click ALT HOLD button
SPD thrust mode. on upper part of thumbwheel. Engages ALT HOLD mode. Aircraft levels off
To Push the Altitude selector,
and captures and maintains the altitude
click its central part. existing when mode was engaged. Altitude
To Rotate the Altitude selector, selected in MCP ALT window is not affected.
click left or right of it. Left mouse If autothrottle armed, also engages the SPD
button adjusts value by 100 feet, thrust mode.
Right mouse button adjusts by
1000 feet.

FLCH button
Engages Flight Level Change mode, if Autothrottle is armed.
If the MCP altitude is higher than current altitude, a climb will be
performed. The throttles will maintain reference thrust selected in
FMC (Takeoff or Climb thrust), while elevator will pitch the aircraft to
maintain the speed set in IAS/MACH window.
If the MCP altitude is lower, descend will be performed. The speed
will be maintained by elevator, and throttles will retard to idle.
When aircraft intercepts the MCP altitude, it will level off and
autopilot modes will automatically switch to SPD and ALT HOLD.

APP button
Engages or arms LOC and G/S modes. LOC
LOC button mode remains armed until localizer becomes
Engages or arms LOC mode. LOC mode alive. G/S mode remains armed until
remains armed until localizer becomes alive. glideslope alive and aircraft is not higher than
While LOC mode is armed, it can be one dot above the glideslope, or below it.
disarmed with second push. Armed modes can be disarmed with second
LOC mode captures and tracks the localiser push.
course inbound. G/S mode captures and follows the
LOC mode can be disengaged by selecting glideslope.
other roll mode. Below 1500 feet radio altitude with LOC and
G/S modes engaged and any autopilot active,
all three autopilots automatically engage and
are locked for autoland. After this, APP mode
can be disengaged only by sliding the
Disengage bar down.

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) display

The EICAS display is divided into four main areas: Primary Engine indicators, Message area, Gear status and Flaps status
displays. Secondary engine indicators are shown on ENG page of Multifunction display on central pedestal.

Message area
EICAS Warnings, Cautions,
TAT Advisories and Memo messages.
Displays Total Air Temperature.
Gear and Flaps indicators
Gear position and actual and
commanded flaps position.

Engine indicators
Displays main engine parameters.
Total Fuel quantity
Amount of fuel left in all tanks.

Primary Engine Indicators

EPR Thrust Reference Mode

Current Engine Pressure Ratio. Thrust reference mode selected on
Readout not displayed when engine off. FMC.

N1 Reference Thrust
Current N1 (Fan) RPM, in percent. FMC selected reference thrust.
Digital readout changes to REV
when reverse thrust is applied.

Exhaust Gas Temperature. Readout
not displayed when engine off.

Flaps and Gear Indicators

Actual Flaps Position

Gear position Shows current actual flaps position.
Shows green «DOWN» when gear Indicator is removed after 10
down and locked. seconds when flaps are up.
Shows white hatched box when
gear in transit.
Shows white «UP» when gear up. Commanded Flaps Position
Indicator is removed after 10 Shows position of flaps lever. Green
seconds when gear up. when flaps are in commanded
position, Magenta while flaps are
moving to commanded position.

Flaps lever on central

Gear lever.
pedestal. Click above or below
Click on desired position with
to move lever up or down, or
mouse, or use Flight Simulator
use standard Flight Simulator
“G” key.
key commands.

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Flight Management Computer

The Flight Management Computer (FMC) is the primary means of navigation and automatic flight along the route.

The FMC allows entry of flight route consisting of a number of waypoints. The route is displayed on the Navigation Display (ND), and
can be flown either automatically, using the LNAV (Lateral Navigation) autopilot mode, or manually. The legs between route waypoints
are calculated as Great Circle paths, ensuring the minimal leg distance. The route can be manually entered by specifying the route
waypoints, or imported from existing FS2000 flight plan. The route can be modified at any time by inserting or deleting waypoints.

The FMC contains a complete, current real-world AIRAC navigational database which includes airports, runways, navaids, waypoints,
and SID and STAR procedures.

You can select desired SID (Standard Instrument Departure) and STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival) procedures for Departure and
Destination airports. Selected SID and STAR waypoints will be added to the route and will be displayed on the ND. These procedures
will be flown according to any special routing defined for such SID and STAR.

The FMC calculates optimal Vertical (altitude) and Speed profiles for Climb, Cruise, and Descent stages of enroute flight. This
calculation accounts for any altitude and speed restrictions defined for route waypoints, and for speed restrictions and transitions set
for climb and descent. FMC automatically computes the Top of Descent (TOD) point which allows the descent on idle or minimal thrust
to minimize the fuel consumption. The Economy speeds for all flight stages are calculated based on entered Cost Index.

The vertical and speed profile can be flown automatically using the VNAV (Vertical Navigation) autopilot mode. The crew can level the
aircraft off at any assigned altitude without leaving the VNAV mode by selecting the altitude in MCP ALT window. Additionally, the FMC
speed commands can be overriden by pushing the MCP speed selector knob and selecting different speed.

The FMC allows for performance management. It computes the takeoff V-speeds, thrust settings, optimum and maximum cruise
altitudes, landing reference speeds etc based on fuel quantity, entered Zero Fuel Weight, atmospheric conditions and other factors.

Based on computed optimum altitude, the FMC automatically calculates Step Climb points to minimize fuel consumption by climbing
at higher altitudes as fuel burns and aircraft weight reduces.

The FMC allows the flight progress monitoring by estimating the time of arrival and remaining fuel on next waypoint and destination.

Holding patterns can be automatically flown in LNAV mode. The crew can define a hold with any parameters, at any enroute or off-
route waypoint, or at present position. The FMC will automatically choose the correct hold entry procedure depending on entry course
and holding pattern orientation.

The FMC automatically tunes the NAV1 and NAV2 navigation radios to the two closest VOR stations. The crew can override this
autotuning and tune any NAV radio by entering the new frequency or station identifier. When approaching the destination airport and
an ILS-equipped runway is selected, the ILS frequency and front course will be automatically selected on NAV1 radio.

The FMC is controlled using the Control Display Unit (CDU), accessed by clicking on panel FMC icon or pressing Shift-5.

Boeing 777-200 Advanced Panel Manual ©2001 Phoenix Simulation Software

Flight Management Computer

FMC Control Display Unit (CDU)

Page Title Page Number

Title of current CDU page. Current page and total number of
related CDU pages.

Line Title
Describes the information displayed
Line Select Keys (LSK) below.
Used to select on-screen prompts,
insert entered data into entry fields,
and copy data to the scratchpad. Entry Field
Fields for data entry. Boxes indicate
required entry. Dashes indicate
optional entry.

Scratchpad Prompt
Entered information, or downselected Marked with a caret “>”. Selecting
data, appears here. with Line Select Key will perform
some action or display another CDU
Mode Select keys
Press to display different CDU pages.
EXEC Button and Light
Used to confirm major changes.

CDU keyboard
Contains keys for data entry.

The FMC displays its information and is programmed and controlled from the Control Display Unit (CDU). The CDU contains a
CRT screen and keyboard to enter data and perform actions.

The CDU has many pages. Desired page is displayed by pressing the corresponding Mode Select key. When several pages of
same type exist, like many LEGS pages for a long route, you can navigate through such pages using the PREV PAGE and NEXT
PAGE keys. The Page Number indicates current page and total number of such pages.

The information is entered into the CDU via the CDU keyboard. One way is to press the keys on CDU picture with your mouse.
Alternatively, you can press SCROLL LOCK key to use your PC keyboard. While SCROLL LOCK is pressed, all keystrokes will go
to the CDU and will not be received by FS2000. This state is indicated by a flashing «K» symbol above the CDU screen. To resume
normal keyboard operation, press SCROLL LOCK again.

When you type something on CDU keyboard, the entered information appears on the Scratchpad line at the bottom of CDU
screen. After entering the data, press the Line Select Key (LSK) next to the desired onscreen entry field. This will transfer the data
from Scratchpad into the selected field.
Some fields (for example, waypoints on LEGS page) allow to be «Downselected». When you LSK such field (press the Line Select
Key next to a field), its contents are copied into the Scratchpad. This allows you to insert this data into another field.

The CLR key erases the last entered character on the Scratchpad. The “+/-” key types a minus sign, additional presses on this key
alternate the sign between Minus and Plus.

The data in some fields can be deleted. To do so, press the DEL key - “DELETE” appears on scratchpad - and LSK the desired

When some major changes are done, such as modifying an active route or selecting different runway, the CDU requires you to
confirm the changes. A yellow light is illuminated on the EXEC key. To confirm the changes, press this key. You can also cancel
the changes by selecting the “< ERASE” prompt which will appear on the screen.


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