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Armored Division Inspection Guide

Written by:

Lieutenant General, blackdragon0704

Armored Division, Division Commanding General
Table of Contents
Section 1 | Inspection Uniform
Inspection Format
TFA & AD Staff
Section II | Inspection Process
Inspection Rules
Section I | Inspection Uniform
This is a guide uniform you only wear if there's an event or
inspection in camp luna. Every cap have assigned rank.

Class A- This attire only worn by the TAD chief and HQ staff.

Class B- This attire worn If there’s an inspection or events in

camp luna.
Type of Caps-
NCO/Enlisted Cap- Worn by Private First Class to Chief Master
Company Grade Officer Cap- Worn by Second Lieutenant to Captain.
Field Grade Officers Cap- Worn by Major to Colonel.
General Officer Cap- Worn by Brigadier General to Lieutenant General.

[The rest of The Page is Intentionally Left blank]

Section I | Inspection Format
This is the only inspection format. Every letter and comma must be

[Rank] [Username], [Armored Division Rank] of Armored Division, Ready

for Inspection, Sir!


Lieutenant General blackdragon0704, Division Commanding General of

Armored Division, Ready for Inspection, Sir!

Section I | TFA& AD Staff

This is the current staff of Armored Division and The Filipino Army
Commander in Chief- VenomSFX
Secretary of National Defense- VenomCronus
Chief of Staff- SenorTovar
Deputy Chief of Staff- Hero_Invictus

Commanding General- Justin_gaming360

Division Commanding General- blackdragon0704
Commanding Officer- Flbrb, Hapsal303
Executive Officer- iiAlexander_law123

Section II | Inspection Process

This is how the inspection process works in The Filipino Army. Once
the inspection starts, No unnecessary movement and Don’t go AFK
without the permission of High Command.
Once the inspector approaches you, you must salute them and greet
them. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Sir! like the picture below.

After that, send your complete format and check the spelling comma of
your format. Don’t make the inspector wait to send your format.

After that, get ready for question and answer. You need to answer
about the chain of command, rank and insignia.
Section II | Inspection Rules
These are the rules during Inspection. Any violation will result in
DT and PT.

No AFK during Inspection without the permission of High Command.

Don’t Talk when the inspection starts
No unnecessary movement
Don’t Walk while at-ease
Don’t talk or answer question while at-ease

Section II | Rank and Insignia

This is the list of ranking and insignia of The Filipino Army.
Rank | Insignia
General Officers:
General| 4 stars
LTGEN | 3 stars
MGEN | 2 stars
BGEN | 1 stars
Field Grade Officers:
Colonel| 3 suns with eight rays and a baybayin K in the middle of
each sun.
LT.Colonel| 2 suns with eight rays and a baybayin K in the middle of
each sun.
Major | 1 suns with eight rays and a baybayin K in the middle of
each sun.
Company Grade Officers:
Captain | Three triangles with baybayin letter k in the middle of
Lieutenant| Two triangles with baybayin letter k in the middle of
Second Lieutenant| One triangles with baybayin letter k in the middle
of each
Sergeant Major:
Chief Master Sergeant| “CM” Over 5 rockets and under 3 chevrons
Senior Non-Commissioned Officers:
Senior Master Sergeant| Three Chevrons over Four rockets with “SM” in
the middle.
Non-Commissioned Officers:
Staff Sergeant | Three Chevrons over a rocket
Sergeant | Three Chevrons
Corporal | Two Chevrons
Private First Class| One Chevron
Private | No Insignia


Rank | Paygrades | Abbreviation

General Officers:
General 010 GEN
Lieutenant General| 09 | LTGEN
Major General | 08 | MGEN
Brigadier General | 07 | BGEN
Field Grade Officers:
Colonel | 06 | COL
Lieutenant Colonel | 05 | LTCOL
Major | 04 | MAJ
Company Grade Officers:
Captain | 03 | CPT
First Lieutenant | 02 | LT
Second Lieutenant | 01 | 2LT
Sergeant Major:
Chief Master Sergeant | E9B | CMS
Senior Non-Commissioned Officers:
Senior Master Sergeant| E7 | SMS
Non-Commissioned Officers:
Staff Sergeant | E5 | SSGT
Sergeant | E4 | SGT
Corporal | E3 | CPL
Private First Class | E2 | PFC
Private | E1 | PVT

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