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(Treatment Design)

Assignment Rules

 Completely Randomized Design

 Randomized Complete Block Design
 Latin Squares Design

2 10/10/2021
Definition of Factorial Design

 An experiment in which the effects of

multiple factors are investigated

 The treatments consist of all combinations

that can be formed from the different factors.

3 10/10/2021
Definition of Factorial Design

 A set of factorial teratments consists of all

combinations of all levels of two or more

 Each treatment combination must contain

one level of every factor.

4 10/10/2021
Definition of Factorial Design

 The treatments are assigned randomly to

the pool of experimental units with an equal
number of units in each treatment.
 The number of experimental units assigned
to each treatment is referred to as the
number of replications.

5 10/10/2021
Factorial Designs - 1
 Intervention studies with 2 or more
categorical explanatory variables leading to
a numerical outcome variable are called
Factorial Designs.
 A factor is simply a categorical variable with
two or more values, referred to as levels.
 A study in which there are 3 factors with 2
levels is called a 23 factorial Design.
6 10/10/2021
Factorial Designs - 2
 If BLOCKING has been used it is
counted as one of the factors.
 Blocking helps to improve precision
by raising homogeneity of response
among the subjects comprising the
Factorial Designs - 3
Advantages of factorial Designs are:
 A greater precision can be obtained in
estimating the overall main factor effects.
 Interaction between different factors can be
 Additional factors can help to extend
validity of conclusions derived.
Problem of Factorial Experiments

 The uniformity of experimental material in

large number of treatment
 Factors A, B, C and D having levels a, b, c and
d, there are t = abcd different treatments.
 With many factors and/or many levels, the
number of treatments can get prohibitively

9 10/10/2021
2 Factor Model Specification
Yi = B0 + B1X1i + B2X2i + B3X1iX2i + ei

Yi – Outcome for ith unit

B0 – Intercept coefficient
B1 – Effect 1 coefficient
B2 – Effect 2 coefficient
B3 – Interaction coefficient
X1i – Level of factor 1 for ith unit
X2i – Level of factor 2 for ith unit
ei – Error term for ith unit
10 10/10/2021
Analysis of Factorial Design
 Main Effects – effects of each factor
independent of the remaining factors.
 Interaction Effects – 2- to n-way interaction
effects between all combinations of factors.
 Design provides a lot more information
than a single factor experiment with
potentially not much more work.

11 10/10/2021
The secret to mastering two-factor
analysis of variance

 In a two-factor analysis of variance, we look at

interactions along with main effects.
 Interactions are the effect that one factor has on
another factor.
 The main effect of a factor looks at the mean
response obtained by averaging each factor (IV) over
all levels.
 A two-factor ANOVA should begin with an examination
of the interactions. Interpretation of the main effects
changes according to whether interactions are present.
Two-factor ANOVA

Consists of three significance tests:

Each of the main effects (A and B)
Interaction of the two factors (AB)
There is an F-test for each of the
hypotheses: the mean square for each
main effect and the interaction effect
divided by the within-variance (MSE).

13 10/10/2021
Hypothesis testing
 The first hypothesis (main effect of factor A):
 looks at the mean response for each level of A--that is, the mean
obtained by averaging over all levels of B--and asks whether they are
the same. This is the case whether or not there is an interaction in
the underlying model.
 The second hypothesis (main effect of factor B):
 looks at the mean response for each level of B--that is, the mean
obtained by averaging over all levels of A--and asks whether they are
the same. This is the case whether or not there is an interaction in
the underlying model.
 The third hypothesis (interaction effect):
 asks whether or not factor A has an effect on factor B.
 If there is no significant interaction, the means for the levels of
factor A will behave like the expected values from any of the
individual levels of B.

 If there is a significant interaction, the hypotheses for the main

effects are the same (we still test whether the means obtained
from each level of A by averaging over all levels of B are the same.)
However, if the model includes an interaction, this hypothesis
might not be useful.

 Look first at the interaction; never analyze or interpret main effects

in the presence of an interaction.
Purchase of Fashion Clothing By
Income and Education

Low Income High Income

Purchase Purchase

High Low High Low

122 (61%) 78 (39%) High 241 (80%) 59 (20%) 300

High 200 (100%)

171 (57%) 129 (43%) 300 (100%) Low 151 (76%) 49 (24%) 200

17 10/10/2021
The 2 x 2 Factorial Experiments
Block IV Aa Ba Ab Bb
Block III Bb Aa Ba Ab
Block II Ba Bb Ab Aa
Block I Ab Aa Ba Bb

18 10/10/2021
Kombinasi Perlakuan
N1: 25 kg P1: 25 kg
N2: 50 kg P2: 40 kg
N3: 75 kg P3: 60 kg

N1 N2 N3
P1 N 1 P1 N 2 P2 N 3P3
P2 N 1 P2 N 2 P2 N 3P2
P3 N 1 P3 N 2 P3 N 3P3

Contoh: pembuatan plat elektroda dengan disepuh
menggunakan dua arus listrik berbeda dan dua
temperatur larutan. Masing-masing kombinasi ada 6
Temperatur (B)

Rendah Tinggi Total

19.8 23.4
Rendah 43.2
X =3.3 X = 3.9

Amper (A)
28.2 18.6
Tinggi 46.8
X = 4.7 X = 3.1

Total 48.0 42.0 90

Temperatur (B)
Rendah Tinggi Total
Rendah 19.8 3.3 23.4 3.9 43.2 3.6
Amper (A)
Tinggi 28.2 4.7 18.6 3.1 46.8 3.9
Total 48.0 4.0 42.0 3.5 90

Pengaruh sederhana faktor

A pada level rendah c1  Y21.  Y11.  4,7  3,3  1,4
dari faktor B

Pengaruh sederhana faktor

A pada level tinggi dari c2  Y22.  Y12.  3,1  3,9  0,8
faktor B

10/10/2021 21
Temperatur (B)

Rendah Tinggi Total

Rendah 19.8 3.3 23.4 3.9 43.2 3.6

Amper (A)
Tinggi 28.2 4.7 18.6 3.1 46.8 3.9

Pengaruh utama faktor A Total 48.0 4.0 42.0 3.5 90

 4,7  3,1   3,3  3,9 

c3  Y2..  Y1..    
 2   2 
 3,9  3,6  0,3


c3  Y21.  Y22.   Y11.  Y12. 

1 1
2 2
 Y21.  Y11.  Y22.  Y12. 
 
1 1
2 2
 c1  c2   1,4   0.8  0,3
1 1
2 2 22
Pengaruh sederhana faktor B pada
A rendah c4  Y12.  Y11.  3,9  3,3  0,6
A tinggi c5  Y22.  Y21.  3,1  4,7  1,6

Pengaruh utama faktor B:

c6  Y.2.  Y.1.  3,5  4,0  0,5

c6  Y12 .  Y22 .  Y11 .  Y21 . 

 
1 1
2 2 Temperatur (B)

 Y12 .  Y11 .   Y22 .  Y21 . 

1 1 Rendah Tinggi Total

2 2
c4  c5
Rendah 19.8 3.3 23.4 3.9 43.2 3.6

Amper (A)
Tinggi 28.2 4.7 18.6 3.1 46.8 3.9
Total 48.0 4.0 42.0 3.5 90
Kemungkinan dalam kombinasi perlakuan
Tidak ada interaksi
Ada interaksi Ada interaksi

Arus lemah Arus lemah Arus lemah

Arus tinggi

Arus tinggi
Arus tinggi


24 10/10/2021

JK A 
0,6  0,54 
4 
6 

JK B 
1,0 
 1,5


JK 
 2,2 
2 
 7, 26
I 4

6 
 
19,82  28, 22  23, 42 18,62 
  2
JK plk  6  90
  337,5  9,3
6 10/10/2021
Formulas for Computing
a Two-Way ANOVA
SSR  nC  ( X
i X )
df R
 R 1
i 1
SSC  nR  ( X j  X )
df  C 1 where:
j 1 n = number of observations per cell
SSI  n  ( X ij  X i  X j  X )
df I
  R  1 C  1 C = number of column treatments
i 1 j 1
R = number of row treatments
SSE     ( X ijk  X ij )
R C n 2
df E
 RC n  1 i = row treatment level
i 1 j 1 k 1
C R n j = column treatment level
SST     ( X ijk  X )
df T
 N 1 k = cell member
c 1 r 1 a 1

SSR MSR X = individual observation
FR 

R 1 MSE X = cell mean

MSC  F C  MSE X = row mean
C 1 i

= column mean
MSI  
 R  1 C  1 X = grand mean
RC n  1

26 10/10/2021
The Linear Model for a Two-Factor
X ijk     i   j  ( )ij   k  eijk
i  1,2,...., a
j  1,2,....,b
k  1,2,...., r

a b r

 X
i 1 j 1 k 1

  X ...

27 10/10/2021
a a b r

  X ..  X
i 1 j 1 k 1

 i 1
  X i ..  X ...
b.r a.b.r

b a b r

 X . .  X
j 1
i 1 j 1 k 1

   X . j.  X ...
a.r a.b.r

a b a b a b r

 X
i 1 j 1
ij .  X ..  X . .  Xijk
j 1
i 1 j 1 k 1
   i 1
 
r b.r a.r a.b.r
28 10/10/2021
r a b r

  X ..  X k
i 1 j 1 k 1

 k 1
  X ..k  X ...
a.b a.b.r
a b r a b r

 a b r  X ij .  X ..  X
k ijk

 ijk   X ijk  i 1 j 1

 k 1

i 1 j 1 k 1

i 1 j 1 k 1 r a.b a.b.r

 a b r
 ijk   X ijk  X ij .  X ..k  X ...
i 1 j 1 k 1

29 10/10/2021
a b r
( X ijk ) 2

JKtotal   X ijk  i 1 j 1 k 1


db total = abr-1
a a b r

X ij
. ( X ijk ) 2

i 1 j 1 k 1
Jkperlk  i 1
 dbperlk = ab-1
r a.b.r

a a b r

 X .. i
( X ijk ) 2

i 1 j 1 k 1
JKA  i 1
 db A = a-1
b.r a.b.r
30 10/10/2021
b a b r

 j
X .
j 1
( X ijk ) 2
i 1 j 1 k 1
JKB   dbB= b-1
a.r a.b.r

a b a b a b r

 ij
X .2

i 1 j 1
 X .. i
 j
X .
j 1
( X ijk ) 2
i 1 j 1 k 1
JKAxB   i 1
 
r b.r a.r a.b.r
db AxB = (a-1)(b-1)
a b r a b r

a b r  X ij . 2
 X .. k
( X ijk ) 2
JKerror   X ijk 
i 1 j 1 i 1 j 1 k 1
 k 1


i 1 j 1 k 1 r a.b a.b.r

db error = (r-1)(ab-1) 10/10/2021
Sums of
Degrees of square Mean
Souce of variation F
freedoma s square (MS)
Blocks (B) b-1 SSQB SSQB/(b-1) MSB/MSE
First factor (F1) f-1 SSQF1 SSQF1/(f-1) MSF1/MSE
Second factor (F2) s-1 SSQF2 SSQF2/(s-1) MSF2/MSE

First X Second (FxS) (f-1)*(s-1) SSQFxS SSQFxS/((f-1)*(s-1)) MSFxS/MSE

Error (E) (f*s-1)*(b-1) SSQE SSQE/((f*s-1)*(b-1))

Total (Tot) f*s*b-1 SSQTot
awhere f=number of treatments in the first factor. s=number of treatments in the second
factor and b=number of blocks or replications.

10/10/2021 32
Another example

Factor B
Total Ai..
B1 B2 B3 B4

Factor A A1 11 8 12 9
12 32 10 28 10 35 11 30 125
9 10 13 10

A2 13 14 8 9
11 38 10 34 12 30 9 26 128
14 10 10 8

A3 9 10 11 7
9 27 8 29 11 31 11 24 111
9 11 9 6

Total B.j. 97 91 96 80 364

10/10/2021 33
CF  364 2 36  3680,44
 
SStotal  112  12 2  ...  6 2  CF  117,56
  
SS A  125 2  1282  1112 12  CF

 3694,12  3608,4  13,73

  
SS B  97 2  912  96 2  80 2 9  CF

 3700,67  3680,4  20,23

  
Komb. plk  32 2  282  ...  24 2 3  CF
 3738,67  3680,4  58,23
SS A*B  SS plk  SS A  SS B

 58,23  13,73  20,3  24,27

34 SS Error  117,56  58,23  59,33 10/10/2021

SR df SS MS Fhit Ftab
A 2 13.73 6.86 2.77 3.42
B 3 20.23 6.74 2.72 3.03
A*B 6 24.27 4.04 1.63 2.51
Sesatan 24 59.33 2.47
Total 35 117.56

35 10/10/2021
TUGAS (dikumpul minggu depan)
1. Tuliskan definisi percobaan faktorial.
2. Apa beda percobaan faktorial denga nfaktor tunggal?
3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan interaksi dalam percobaan faktorial?
4. Tuliskan sumber keragaman dalam percobaan faktoria
5. Seorang mahasiswa ingin meneliti pengaruh berbagai jenis inokulan mikroalga
dan dosisnya terhadap produksi padi di lahan rawa lebak. Inokulan mikroalga
terdiri dari: inokulan 1, inokulan 2 dan inokulan 3. Sedangkan dosis yang akan
dicobakan terdiri dari 30 mL, 45 mL, 60 mL, 75 mL dan 90 mL) dengan
kepadatan 106 sel/mL diaplikasikan pada 1 minggu setelah pindah tanam.
Tuliskan: a) Latar belakang penelitian (2 alinea saja, tidak perlu pustaka), b)
Tujuan penelitian, c) Hipotesis penelitian

36 10/10/2021

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