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Date: December 8, 2021

To: All Departments of Bennet Graphics

From: Ally Maurer

Subject: Important Change: Phasing Out VOC Inks beginning January 1

Distribution List: All Employees in the office and plant for Bennet Graphics

This memo is written to highlight the change that will be occurring beginning on January 1,
2022. The Purchasing Department has decided to halt orders for additional inks that contain a
large percentage of volatile organic compounds. These volatile organic compounds ( VOCs) are
bad when released into the environment and can cause negative effects in the air and water we
intake daily. As a company we are working hard to be more environmentally friendly in the way
we work and operate because these negative effects not only impact the air quality but also have
a potential to impact our employees.

For over 30 years, Bennet Graphics has prided itself on being a leading organization in
sustainability within the printing industry. With the recent discovery of the negative impacts
these inks containing VOCs have on the air quality we have decided to pivot in the way we print.
We want to continue to lead the industry in new ways of printing while minimizing the
introduction of harmful chemicals into the air and environment. 

Why are volatile organic compounds included in ink? 

Ink is composed of pigments that are formed through a mixture of solvents, resins, alcohol,
carbon and other materials. The VOCs are mostly released through the evaporation of carbon
into the atmosphere. These carbon compounds can be used to give the ink its color or build its
strength. The components can also help extend the shelf life of an ink. The amount of VOCs
present in an ink are dependent on the type of ink, the drying and printing process.

What are the negative impacts seen in air quality from VOCs?
When VOCs are released into the environment these negative inorganic chemicals can have
chemical reactions with other chemicals already present in the air creating harmful toxins. These
harmful toxins are then released into the air we breathe around us. This can lead to potential
irritations in the eyes, nose, and throat along with more serious conditions in the respiratory and
cardiovascular systems. As an organization, we would like to remove the potential for these
detrimental effects on our employees and the surrounding community.

What are substitute components in the inks? 

The substitute components vary depending on the ink used for a specific printing process. For
web offset headset lithographic inks the way to minimize the release of VOCs would be to
control the emission by using devices like a catalytic incinerator. Flexographic inks with a water
based solution are a great substitute for regular flexographic inks because the volatile organic
compounds concentration is so low. These water based flexographic inks have been found to be
the perfect substitute without compromising any ink quality.

Due to the extensive research by our Research and Development department we will proceed
with denying future orders for printing inks that contain a majority percentage of VOCs. We
have found that these VOCs can be released into the environment and form reactions causing
harmful toxins to be released into the air we breathe daily. The Purchasing Department will
begin the new year by ordering water based flexographic inks. Using these inks to produce our
projects will not diminish the quality that Bennet Graphics is known to deliver but it will
improve the air quality our employees breathe in on a daily basis. We not only care about
delivering sustainable projects to our customers but we care about building an environment for
our employees to thrive in.

After reviewing this memo, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me or
any of my colleagues in the purchasing department. We would be happy to further explain the
decision along with provide any additional resources relating to this topic. We look forward to
continuing to be a leading organization in the fight for sustainability in the printing industry.

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