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Title/Topic Objectives Rationale – Why?
Rehabilitation of Romblon To cure and enhance the land The complex is dying,
State University Complex of the complex. In addition, a without actions may cause
(Sawang, Romblon) court size cementation on a unused properties. And RSU
specific part of the complex (Romblon) don’t have a
for maximal use. proper complex. That is why
most events to be specific,
sports events, are held at
RNHS, which is 7 kilometers
away from the camp. This
causes students
inconvenience and a waste of
money for transport, and a
waste of time for commuting.
Renovation of a wrecked To restore the wrecked The bridge was built as a
bridge of Sawang Romblon. bridge connecting Sawang pedestrian path whenever
Barangay Hall and Creekside the water at the lake rises,
area. causing it to be uncrossable.
The lake cuts through the
main barangay area and the
Creekside area where the
Elementary School is located.
When the water rapidly rises
most students at the school
is stranded until rescue.
A portable/foldable metallic A metallic foldable sheet or Philippines in general is a
plate for muddy terrains plate that serve as a portable typhoon prone country in
path for construction vehicles addition, most soils or paths
or other vehicles crossing are muddy when rainy
muddy terrains. season comes. Causing
inconvenience to most
vehicles, delays of some
construction businesses.

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