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300 PHYSICS FORMULAS NYU 1, 0=s/r . 2x rad = 360° . 360° = | revolution . 1 radian = 57.3° . | degree = 60 minute . 1 minute = 60 seconds . Angle at circle is 2x radian. . Angle at sphere is 47steradian. . Volume of slid cylinder = x11 Area of sphere = 4zr° 3 Volume of sphere = 4/3 ar? SHS OCHMNIADUNAWN ro 12. Commutative property of vector= A+B = B+A 13. Fy=EF.cos0 14, Fy= Fsin6O 15. “R= /Fx? — Fy? 16. \ A.B=ABcos0 17, AxB=ABsin0 18, Scalar product; work and power 19, Vector product; torque 20.0 t=rxF 21. First condition of equilibrium; YF = 0 22. Second condition a : t=0 23. v=sit 24. a=vit 25. Vy = Vj tat 26. s=vitt+%at 27. 2as=ve-v? 28. S =Vaye Xt 29. Vave=( vi + ve )/2 30. g=9.8 ms? =32 ft* 31. F=ma 32. a=vit 33. P=mv 34. P=Ft 35. Impulse; J = F x t= AP 36. J=AP 37. Law of conservation of momentum; Ap = 0 38. Elastic collision in one dimension; [v, + v2] = [v,’+ 39. Magnitude of projectile velocity; V;= | v7, + v7, 40. Height ofjprojectilé~H = v;’sin’@/2g 41. — Time of flight; T = 2 v; sin/g 42. Time of summit or time to reach to highest point; T = v; sin@/g 43. Range; R= ve sin 20/g 44 Rma= vi/8 45. RE Rinax at 45° ork and Energy 46), » W = Fd cos 47, Power; p=W/t or p =Fv 48. 1 watt = Js 49. 1 hp = 746 watts 50. KE=%mv* 51. P.E=mgh 52. Efficiency = output/input = W x D/P xd 53. Absolute potential energy =Fr = - GmM_/R, (- because work is done against gravity) 54. Gravitational potential = E/m = GM,/R. 55. For escape velocity compare K.E with Absolute 2GMe Vee = 29% 61. Loss in P.E = Gain inn K.E + work done against friction ¥72+ MCQs in ETEA 2019 from this book. ¥ Topic wise and subject wise ¥ Clear diagrams ¥ Easy language ¥To the points ¥5000 key points ¥ 700 numerical data ¥ Revise chapter in 10 min. ¥ Revise whole subject in single day. Y New tabularstyle, so you can learnit easily 62. E=me —(c=3 x 10° ms’) 63. Rotational and circular motion 64. Angular velocity; o = A0/At 65. Angular acceleration; a = Aw/At > a= axr 66. v=ro vit =v /r) 69. Centrifugal force= mv’/r 70. FsinO=mv/r 71. F cos 0 = mg 72. TanO=Vv'/gr 73. Torque = rF = rma = rm (a) =(r'm)a= 1 ¢ 74. | Moment of inertia; 75. Ring or thin walled cylinder inertia(1)= MR? 76. Disc or solid cylinder inertia = 2 MR? 77. Disc inertia = M (R2” + Ri”) 78. Solid sphere inertia = 2/5 MR? 79. Solid rod or meter stick inertid’=1/12 MI? 80. Rectangular plate inertia = 1/12\M (a°+b’) 81. Angular momentum = L $1 x p = mv = mmr =’mo =lo 82. L=mv— Lit=mmv/t= rma = rF = 83. Lit=t 84. Linear kinetic enefgy-= % mv? 85. Rotational kinetic energy = % Io” 86. Velocityiof hoop = v =./gh 87. “Welocitpof dise= v= [2 gh 88... Critical velocity = v = 7.9 km? 89. \ The orbital velocity = v = [ome 90. Lift at rest + T =w 91. Lift moving downward — T = w- ma 92. Lift moving upward > T = w+ ma 93. Lift falling freely = T mg-ma=0 94. Frequency for artificial satellite + 95. Drag force + Fy=6 mrv 2pgr? on 97. Continuity equation > A, v, = Az v2 98. Av=AV/At = constant 99. Am/At=p AV/At . 100. Bernoulli’s Equation = P + % pv? + pgh = constantes 101. Torricelli’s Theorem —> v = J2gh 96. Terminal velocity > v, = 102. Flow meter or the venture meter — v = 103. Frequency — f=1/T 104. Angular frequency > w= 2nf 105. Time period > T = 2n/@ 106. Velocity of projection y, = avr? — x? 107. Simple pendulum time period > T = 2 fi 108. Simple pendulum potential energy = 4 kx? 109. Simple,pendulum kinetic energy = % kxo” -Y kx” 110. Total energy of simple pendulum = ¥2 kx” 111. Resonance frequency = F, = nf, 112. Phase + 0 =o t 113%. Waves Tue 114.\ Transverse wave speed > v = ™ 115. — Longitudinal waves speed > v = = vT orv =— m 116. Phase change 2n = 117. Phase difference + 5 = 2n/A. 118. Speed of sound by newton > v = feast - 281 ms" * ih - 119. Laplace correction + v = vemg" = 332 ms" BOR NSSOSS WAN 120. le=1.602x 10°C 121. Q=ne 122. Coulomb’s Law; F =k ae 13, K=. ~ 4me0 124. K=9.0x 10°Nm?C? 125. = 8.85x 10°? C?N! m? =+ 126 a 127. Frea= > aFaVaKe 128. Fra Ka 129. ®=EAcos0=Nm’C! 130. o=£ 20 131. E/due to sheet of charge; E=< 132. Edue to charge palates; E= £ ‘Main Features: Key points topicwise. Y¥MCQs with solution with each topic. ¥ Conceptual short questions. ¥ Solved ETEA past papers at end of chapter. 3500 KEY POINTS ¥ Solved numericals. ¥ Tricks and hints Broa ¥ Formulas and derivations ¥ Clear diagrams. Explaining different cases, For ETEA, MDCAT, NUMS,AKU,AMC, and other medical and engineering entry tests. ¥ Formulas that are not in book, but = 4 important for ETEA. Gone ret) Volt = Joule / Coulomb 134. Electric potential energy; U = K a 135. Electric potential; ~V = ts Fras Q r 136. Potential Gradient = E=- 137. LeV=1.602x 10" Cx 1V = (leV=1.602 x10" J) Cm 138. c=2=CVv" = farad - 139. Charge density; o= 4 140. Cue = 2 = mA _ aera a 141. &=Crea/ Vvac 143. Capacitors In Series; 144. Q=Q1l=Q2=Q3 145. V=V1+V2+V3 146. 1/Ce= 1/C1 + 1/C2.+ C3 147. Capacitors In Parallel: 148. Q=Q1=Q2=Q3 149. V=VI1+V2+V3) 150. Ce=C1+C2+C3 151. Electric'dipole»P = qd _ ype Uv _ v2 _1Aeder 2 152. Energy.= U= > = = a4 (Edy 153. Energy density; p =< = 50 er E* 154, “Maximum charge on capacitor = C x e.m.f 155.\ q/qo = 63.2 % —for charging 156. »q/qo = 36.7 % —for discharging 157. q=qo(l-e“®) — —for charging 158. : = § evRe —for a A 159. Current, I= Q/t > Cs" = 160. Drift velocity order = 10° m/s. 161. V=IR 162. TanO=V/V=1R > a 163. Resistance, R= V/L > 1Q=1V/1A 164. R=pL/A >Qm 165. Conductance, G = 1/R — Siemen(S) or mho 166. Conductivity, o = 1/p =L/RA —mho/m or S/m 167. Pure metals R inc with T inc. 168. Electrolytes and insulators, R dec with T inc. 169. AR=oaRoT — Rr =Ro(I+aT) 170. Temperature co-efficient of Resistance, a= Rr — Ry/RoT > K" 171. Resistivity, pr =po(I+aT) OR a= pr—po/ pol —k" 172. Electromotive Force,e=W/q -> hyolt=1 joule/coulomb 173. Open circuit, 1=0 so V=e 174. Terminal Voltage, Vr= ¢ > Ir 175. Power, P= Wit =VI 176. — 1 Watt=1Vjx 1A 177. 1 kWh=1 unit of electrical energy 178. 1LJ=1Wx Is 179. Maximum output power, (Pou)mux = & /4r = &? /4R 180. Thermo'emfysse= aT + % BT? 181. KCL,21=0 182. “KVipLe= ZV = IIR 183. KCL based on L.O.C.O.CHARGE 184. “KYL based on L.O.C.O.ENERGY 185. Wheatstone Bridge, X = PQ/R 186. »Potentiometer, € /e, =I, /I; 187. Tan@=I/V=1/R 188. Force on current carrying wire, F=BIL sin 0. 189. | Magnetic field or magnetic induction, B = F/IL 1 tesla=1 NA’ m!=1 Wb m? 190. 1T=10°G 191. Magnetic Flux, ®=BAcos® —1Wb=I1Nm A. 192. Ampere’s Law, BO IW/r=po(I/2nr) OR v=EB 200. Torque on current carrying coil, ‘t= NBIA cos 8 201. Pestoring torque, .t =C 0 202. Galvanometer, / NBIAcos@=C8 —+I=C®8/NAB —10«8 203. galvanometer into ammeter, small R connected in parallel 204. galvanometerinto voltmeter, large R in series are connected 205. 206. Ammeter, R,;=Regl,/(L—-I,) | — Ideal ammeter OR 207. Voltmeter, Ry =(V/I,)—Rg — Ideal voltmeter — infinite R ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION Faraday’s Law, e« N(A®/At) — &€=N (A®M/At) Lenz Law, e=-N (A®/At) Flux.motional emf, ¢= Blv sin 0 Rate of work done, W= Bilv Rate of production of electrical energy, energy =e I W=energy — Bilv=el > €=Blv Power, P=Fv e=LAIV/At ore=NAM/At > LI=N®D Self-Inductance, L=N®/I e=MAI/At ore =N AD/At — MI=N®O Mutually inductance, M=N®/I F=1/T 220. Induced emf, e=NABcoswt or NAB o sinat 221. €= Emax Sin wt 222. Backemf, V=e+IR 223. _N,/ ii =V,/ ct = in . Stress m 224. — Elastic modulus = = Strain : F 225. Tensile stress = a 226. Tensile strain = 227. Young modulu: [bi MI z 5 228. Shear stress = £ 229. Shear strain = > =tan@ £ 230. Shear modulus =Tigidity modulus = £ =— y 231. Bulk or volume stress zt 232. Bulk modulus (in fluids) = Ap =— 233. Volume strain =- = F 234. Bulk modulus = 47 = “fy 7 Vv 235. Stress « strain (Hook’s law) 236.\ A=nr 237, ~W='4Fe (work done on stretching wire). 238. Strain energy = 4% Fe 239. Strain energy per unit volume = = 2a = = (stress) (strain ) 240. E=mpoc 241. L=Lo 242. T=t [ea 243. M=my |= 244. — Amax T = 0.2898 x 10?mk (Wein’s displacement law) 245. E=oT* (Steffan-Bolts Law) 246. 0 =5.67x 10° Wm' K* 247. E=nhf 248. K.Emux=e Vo 249. KEmx=hf-® 250. Hfy=o= 251. K.Emax= hf - Hf 252. Hf=K.E +hf 253. P== 254. A= -cos @ 7 moc 355. Fae 256. -Epioion = E Ren + Bpositron 257. Photon rest mass energy = 2myc? = 1.02 MeV 2582 =imve. + mVe, (Ap)(Ax) = h (AE)(At) 265. 267. 268. 269. 270. | 271. 272) 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. R =E/ he = 1.097 x 10’m”. mvyr = nh/2z. h = planks constant = 6.6256 x 10™4js. E=hf=E,—E, _ __n2h2 ‘1 Sakme2 2n2 2kme4 E,=- 2™ikmet 20015-2019 “Topic wise ¥ Chapter wise Y Physics; 1000+ MCQs ¥ Chemistry; 800+ MCQs ¥ Biology 700+ MCQs ¥ Maths; 700+ MCQs English : 400 MCQs A solution to each and every MCQs Y Year written with each meqs ¥ For quick revision. Subject wise — Fy —< REO AANA el} - eee 7 E, + = 2ATX 10°'8 j/ n? = +13.6 ev/ n? T= ry r= 0.53 °A. 1°A=10m 2ar=nd eV — hfnax = he/Amin Jamin = he/eV excited state for 10° s, metastable state for 10° s Nuclear size is of the order of 10°" m. The mass of the nucleus is of the order of 107” kg. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 300. 301. Ye mv = Vq Bqv = mv’/r Bqv = mv’/r m= Bar/v % mv’ = Vq v? = 2Vaq/m So m= qr’B’/2V Am = Zm, + Nm, — Maz) The binding energy in MeV is 931 x Am. The binding energy per nucleon = E,/A. on! > ,H'+ Bp? + antineutrino 12MIN, AN/At =-AN R =- AN/At =AN N=N ye 1 Bq = 1 decay per second. 1 Ci = 3.70 x 10'°decay/s AT A= 0.693 The charge on wy and c, in term of electron is +2/3e. The charge on s,t and-b in term of electron is -1/3e. proton=2U—D. neutron =Ux=2D

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