Name: ID:: Unit 5: Types of Text

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Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación.

Departamento de Idiomas Modernos.

Cátedra: Inglés con Propósitos Específicos. Comunicación Social, Ciencia
y Tecnología
Mención: Idiomas Modernos. Prof. Carolina Romero.
Pasantes: María L Suarez y Williams Chávez
Período: U-2021

Name: ID:

Unit 5: Types of text

1. Tell what type of text it is and name their characteristics. (Remember do it

in Spanish).

a) Type of text:

My Mother’s Kitchen

My mother’s kitchen is not very big, but it is warm and comfortable. My mother
cooks a lot, and her kitchen smells spicy and sweet. On the left side, there is a
nice, small fridge with some family pictures placed on fridge’s door. To the right,
there is a small, round table with four wooden chairs. In the left corner of the
kitchen stands the food cabinet which has my mother’s favourite spices and
utensils. Sometimes my brother and I sat on the chairs watching my mother
cooking. We liked learning new things, working together, and making delicious
foods. Now I live far away, but I often think about my mother’s kitchen.
b) Type of text:

A Stupid Man and His Cows

One day, a Stupid man went to market. He bought six cows. After that, he rode one
cow home and made the others walk in front of nim. On the way he counted them,
but he could only see five cows. He counted them again and again. He was certain
that he had lost one. He was afraid that he would be scolded by his wife.

His wife was waiting for him in front of their house. As soon as he saw her, he said
sadly that he had lost one of their cows. He did not know how it could happen. He
was very careful.

Then, his wife asked him how many cows he bought. The stupid man answered
that he bought six cows. However, he could only see five of them. His wife looked
at him and laughed. She said that he was very stupid. There was not one cow less.
There was one more.

c) Type of text:

Global Warming

Global warming is a term that refers to the general warmup of the Earth and its
atmosphere. Global warming is a hotly debated topic from one day to the next. The
cause of global warming occurs because of greenhouse gases. Certain types of
gases in our atmosphere cause the Earth to trap and retain an excess amount of
the sun's energy causing the overall temperatures of our air and water to heat up.
Carbon dioxide is a big greenhouse gas. Essentially these gases thicken our
atmosphere which is the equivalent of adding blankets to keep warm. Greenhouse
gases are necessary to trap some heat to maintain livable conditions on the Earth
but by adding greenhouse gases over time we increase the amount of heat and
this could potentially change our living conditions.
d) Type of text:

Why Chocolate Milk Should Stay In Schools

All around America, kids drink chocolate milk. Kids love it, but some people want to
ban it in schools. Melissa Dobbins, who is a nutritionist thinks chocolate milk is
'nutrition in disguise'. It doesn't have a lot of sugar, it encourages kids to drink more
milk, and it provides nutrients that kids need. This will explain why chocolate milk
should stay in schools. According to Nutrition in Disguise, chocolate milk only makes
up 3% of a child's daily sugar intake. In addition, it has many nutrients such as
Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, and niacin.
Also chocolate milk has less added sugar compared to other beverages that kids
consume that aren't as nearly as healthy as chocolate milk

Before you read.

1. Where do you think the Reading was taken from? Circle one picture.

2. Without reading completely the text answer this question. What you think
the text will be about? (Write in Spanish).


By The Life Script Editorial Staff
Published May 12, 2006
You’ve probably noticed people are sporting body piercings and tattoos more than ever. These aren’t
just a fad among young rebels anymore - you’ll even find them on mothers and professionals. What might
have once been considered taboo by many may now be considered the norm. But if you’ve thought about
creating “art” on your body with a body piercing or tattoo, you should consider not only the design or
placement, but also the potential health risks and permanence that may come with one.
While body piercings and tattoos may be a creative way to express individuality, they don’t come without
health risks. Keep in mind that getting either a piercing or tattoo is a form of altering your body, which can
mean trouble, even when they are done safely. This is because the body’s ultimate protective barrier - the skin
- is being punctured.  Infection and certain skin reactions can occur, some more serious than others.
Here are some specific health risks of tattoos and piercings that must
be taken into consideration before getting one done:
Allergic reactions are common.
Tattoo dyes can cause an itchy rash, particularly red dye, even years
after the initial work. With body piercings, just like in the ears,
jewellery that is made of nickel or brass can also cause allergic
Infections are especially common with body piercings.
Signs that you have a piercing infection include swelling, redness,
warmth and discharge. While navel piercings may look cute,
especially on a toned tummy, they can take the longest to heal.
Skin disorders can occur.
Skin disorders from tattoos include keloids, raised skin with
excessive scarring, and bumps called granulomas, both caused by
the tattoo ink.
Unsterilized needles can spread disease.
The most serious risk is blood-borne diseases like hepatitis, tetanus and HIV/AIDS.
Oral complications may also arise from tongue or lip piercings.
The jewellery not only causes oral infections, but also cracked teeth and gum damage, which can lead to gum
Not only can piercings and tattoos pose serious physical risks, but you may regret your decision later. That
groovy peace sign tattoo on your back may have been hip in the 60s, but it might be far from representing
who you are today. Remember: Tattoos are permanent. The decision to mark your body should not be taken
lightly, and shouldn’t be a spur of the moment decision. Do your research!
If you do decide that piercing or tattooing your body is right for you, choose an establishment that follows all
health and safety guidelines that prevent the spread of diseases.
Follow aftercare instructions religiously. And don’t forget to carefully consider your choice of piercing or
design and the place that you will be happy with it in five, 10 or 50 years from now. Whatever you may
choose, be safe and be sure.
(Adapted and abridged)
While you read.
5. Read each text and identify the topic and main idea

- Topic:
- Main Idea:

6. Did you find cognates in the texts?. Write at least 6 in box.

7. Read the text and Scanning to answer these questions. Remember do it

in Spanish.

Look at the readings and check if the sentence is true or false using the letter
(T) OR (F).

a) The jewellery not only causes oral infections, but also cracked teeth and gum
damage, which can lead to gum disease. ( )
b) Body piercings and tattoos may be a creative way to express angry. ( )
c) Jewellery that is made of nickel or brass can also cause allergic reactions. ( )
d) If you do decide that piercing or tattooing your body is right for you, choose any
establishment you want. ( )

After you read.

Answer these questions Do it in Spanish.

9. What do you think about the text? Was the information relevant for your

10. What did you learn from the text about the Body Piercings and tattoos?.
11. Which is your favorite type of text, Explain why.

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