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Universidad del Zulia.

Facultad de Humanidades y Educación.

Departamentode Idiomas Modernos.
Cátedra: Inglés con Propósitos Específicos.
Comunicación Social y Ciencia y tecnología
Tutor: P r o f . CarolinaRomero.
Pasantes: Williams Chávez y María Suárez.


Fullname: Nohely Rincon ID: 29.171.128

Part l. Select the correct answer.

1. What is Skimming?

Quickly Reading over a text to get the general gist. X

Taking the time to understand the whole text in depth .

Quickly Reading over a text to find a specific piece of information.

2. What is Scanning?

Quickly reading over the text to get the general gist .

Quickly reading over a text to find a specific piece of information. X

Taking the time to understand the whole text in depth.

Part ll. Choose the correct answer.

5. Looking through a Google search list is an example of…?

Skimming Scanning
6. Looking up the meaning of a word in the dictionary is an example of…?

Skimming Scanning

7. Looking through magazine to check what articles to read is an example


Skimming X Scanning
Before you read
Without reading the text, skim it to answer the
following questions.

1. What is the title of the text? ( Write it in English)

What makes people successful?

2. How many paragraphs does it have? 4

3. Where do you think it was taken from? Select one option.

Abook A newspaper Amagazine Internet

4. Look at these pictures and write down what you think the text will be
about. (Write it in Spanish)

Pienso que tratara de personas exitosas que lograron sus objetivos

While you read.

Read the text and using the strategy to answer these questions. Remember to do it
in Spanish.
1. Look at the reading and check if the sentence is true or false using the
letter (T) OR (F).

a) successful people choose careers where they can use their natural abilities

b) A successful person is someone who presents an exceptionally high degree

by having material goods and has lived happily with their families.

c) They set career and life goals( T )

d) A lot of people think that you are successful if you are rich and famous.( T )

e) Successful people plan their lives. ( T )

2. Circle the correct answer

How can a successful person be defined?

a) It can be defined when someone is enjoying what he/she does. Nevertheless,

he/she can encounter ups and downs in their lives in a regular basis. For this
reason, it cannot have an exact definition at all.

b) Human beings as a whole can feel the pleasure of being successful by his or
her job, and lives in general making sure that they are entirely pleased with them.

c) A successful person is someone who presents an exceptionally high degree by

having material goods and have lived happily with their families.

After you read.

Answer the following question, Remember do it in Spanish.

1. Did you find the reading interesting?


2. What do you do to be Successful?

Trabajo para intentar lograr mi objetivos personales y profesionales

3. What is your own definition of a Successful person?

Una persona exitosa, es alguien que logra lo objetivos de vida que se

propone y se siente bien consigo mismo y con su vida.

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