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ENG – PAGE 1 , PHY – PAGE 4 , CHE – PAGE 6 . BIO – PAGE 8 , MATHS – PAGE 9

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Whenever I have had to ask myself the question why I have not left this country for good, many answers
rush to my mind, each striving to be recognized as being the most cogent. I am reminded of the popular
slogan that this country belongs to us all‟, for which reason every Nigerian must join hands in trying to
salvage it. I try to dismiss the argument by reasoning that it is foolhardy attempting to lend a helping
hand where one‟s services are apparently not required. Then I am reminded that if I left the country in a
hurry just because of our political instability and economic hardships, my commitments to my family at
home would suffer. I reply by saying that as soon as I got settled abroad, I would arrange for my family
to join me. Other financial problems at home would be taken care of by my regular remittances. Would I
then never think of going back home in future? Not until the situation in the country improved
considerably, I would answer. And who did I expect to carry on with the task of national rehabilitation
when the likes f me are all out of the country? Those who messed up the country in the first place, I
would argue. And so on. This dialogue of self has been going on for the last ten years or so; meanwhile,
I am yet to leave the country. When I wonder how many people share my kind of mental experience, I
realize that we must be very few. For not many have the slightest opportunity of absconding from the
country; they do not have the place to run to, nor do they have the means of escape. Even among the
elite who consider thispossibility, the uncertainty of a future outside their fatherland intimidates. And so
we all end up staying and mumbling.

1 To leave the country „for good‟ means leaving the country A. unexpectedly B. for better opportunities C
C. permanently D. now that things are not very good.

2 The expression „each striving to be recognized as being the most cogent‟ means each A. trying to prove B
its superiority B. determined to prove that it is the most acceptable C. resolved not to be dislodged D.
attempting to show that it is the brightest.

3 The writer‟s argument that it is foolhardy to offer one‟s services where such are apparently not required C
implies that in Nigeria A. the authorities do not solicit for the services of the citizens B. mediocrity is
the order of the day C. the authorities are indifferent to offers of help from the citizens D. to offer to

serve the country is dangerous.

4 The writer‟s posture as to who caused the problems in his country can be described as A. Indifferent B. C
unpatriotic C. self-righteousness D. logical

5 The last paragraph of the passage reveals that A. the writer is a member of the elite which alone A
indulge in this kind of thinking B. people in the country only end up arguing among themselves, while
nobody does anything about the situation C. the majority of citizens in the country do not possess the
ability to argue the way the writer does D. deciding to leave the country is as bad as deciding to stay

6 It was clever of him to have arranged the schedule so precisely. a) ingenuous b) ingenious c) B
hackneyed d) impractical

7 Agbo had to carry the can because he refused to identify the culprit.a) dispose the can of refuse b) accept B
responsibility c) be made one of the scapegoats d) bear the brunt

8 She hasn‟t been regular here because she has been off colour. a) gloomy b) trying to hide her bleached C
skin c) slightly sick d) upset

9 The plaintiff tried to mislead the court. a) complainant b) defendant c) accused d) prosecution A
10 We looked at him and saw tell-tale signs of a dyed-in-the-wool convict. a) hardened b) remorseless A
c)heady d)hardhearted

11 “Marcus bears watching”, remarked emperor Nero. a) deserves b) needs c) favours d) enjoys A
12 There is not ________ in what he said a) many b)plenty c) lot of d) much D
13 One of the old men _____ round the lawn three times every evening.a) use to run b) are use to run c) is C
used to running d) are used to run

14 The _________ of the participating countries attended the conference in Ibadan.a) Auditors General b) A
Auditor Generals c) Auditor General d)Auditors Generals

15 These arid zones should have more ________ trees.a) drought-resisting b) drought-resistant c) B
droughted d) droughtful

16 Identify the odd option a) when the tourists arrived b) if you are camping c) it is bigger than Rhode C
island d) although there are many cars

17 We were given generous ______ for the job we did.a) renumeration b) remuneration c) nonpayment B

18 If _______ comes to _______ I shall visit my family.a) worse/worse b) the worst/worse c) the worst/the C

worst d)worse/the worst

19 Tokyo is one of the ______ centres of the world. a) electronic b) electronics c) electric d) electron B
20 The competitor who _____ earlier on has started ______ again.a) fainted/ running b) fainted/ to run c) A
had fainted/to run d) fainted/on running

21 The company advertised for ________ accountants.a) two young, but highly competent, Nigerian b) A
young, but highly competent two Nigerian c) two Nigerian, young, but highly competent d) highly
competent, but young, two Nigerian

22 ……………. to help him, being the only person in the vicinity.a) it was not possible b) there was no one C
c) he had nobody d)no person was around

23 Olu, Akpan and Obiageli‟s __________ make people believe that they belong to the same school of B
thought. a) philosophy b) philosophies c) philosophise d) philosophys

24 Insects can become _______ to insecticides. a) immunized b) resistant c)reticent d) B


25 If I had been told of the matter earlier, I ________ there so late. a) would not go b) will not have gone c) D
should not have gone d) would not have gone

1 The thermometric properties of a thermocouple is the change in? A. equivalent resistance B. B
electromotive force C. color D. pressure

2 On a fairly cool rainy day when the temperature is 20°C, the length of a steel railroad track is C
20m. What will be its length on a hot a dry day when the temperature is 40°C? [coefficient of
linear expansion of steel = 1.1x 10^-6K^-1] A. 20.013m B. 20.0008m C. 20.0004m D. 20.0002m

3 What would happen to a hole in a metal sheet when the sheet is heated? A. It decreases in B
size B. It increases in size C. No change is seen D. First increases and then decreases

4 At what temperature are the Celsius and Fahrenheit equal? A. 40° B. –40° C. –0° D. +100° B
5 The linear expansivity of a metal P is twice that of another metal Q. When these materials are B
heated through the same temperature change, their increase in length is the same. Calculate
the ratio of the original length of P to that of Q. A. 1:4 B. 1:2 C. 2:1 D. 4:1

6 A sealed flask contains 600cm³ of air at 27°C and is heated to 35°C at constant pressure. The D

new volume is? A. 508 cm³ B. 516 cm³ C. 608 cm³ D. 616 cm³

7 Which one among the following denotes the smallest temperature? A. 1° on the Celsius scale B
B.1 on the Kelvin scale C. 1° on the Fahrenheit scale D. 1° on the Reaumur scale

8 Thermal equilibrium between two object exist when A. the temperature of both objects are A
equal B. the quantity of heat of both objects is the same C. the heat capacities of both
objects are the same D. one object losses heat continuously to the other

9 A piece of brass of mass 170kg has its temperature raised from 0°C to 30°C. Calculate its A
increase in volume, given the density of brass at 0°C at 8.5x10³kg/m³ and its cubic expansivity
as 5.7x10⁻⁵K⁻¹. A. 3.4x 10⁻⁵m³ B. 4.3x10⁻⁵m³ C. 3.4x10⁻⁴m³ D. 3.4x10⁻³m³

10 A change of A˚ C on Celsius scale gives what change on the kelvin scale A. (A + 273 )K B. D
2A K C. (A + 273.15)K D. A K

11 The temperature 45°C is the same as A. 25°F B. 57°F C. 81°F D. 113°F D

12 A malaria patient has a body temperature of 103°F, what is the corresponding temperature A
on the Kelvin scale? A. 312.5 B. 376.1 C. 217.58 D. 103.1

13 A metal rod of length L is subjected to a temperature rise of θ. If its final length is 1.5L, its linear D
expansivity is A. 1.05/θ B. 1/(1.05θ) C. 1/20L D. 1/2θ

14 A platinum resistance thermometer has resistances of 5.25ohms and 9.75ohms at 0°C and B
100°C respectively. When the resistance is 8.25ohms, the temperature is A. 63.6°C B. 66.7°C C.
75°C D. 84.6°C

15 What is the percentage increase in area of aluminum square hole measuring 4.5cm by 4.5cm A
when raised to a temperature of 120°C from 0°C. Coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum
is 2.3×10⁻⁵ A. 0.55% B. 55% C. 0.055% D. 0.0055%

16 A steel rod increases its length its length by 5mm when the temperature is increased by 10°C. A
What is the initial length of the rod if the coefficient of linear expansion of steel is 1.1×10⁻⁵/K. A.
45.45m B. 4545m C. 45.45cm D. 454.5m

17 A platinum resistance thermometer has resistances of 5.25ohms and 10ohms at 0°C and 100°C A
respectively. When the resistance is 8.25ohms, the temperature is A. 63.15°C B. 66.7°C C. 75°C
D. 84.6°C

18 Coefficient of Cubic expansivity has which of these units A. K⁻³ B. ⁰C⁻³ C. ⁰C⁻¹ D. ⁰C³ C
19 A piece of substance of specific heat capacity 450J/Kg/K falls through a vertical distance of B
20m from rest. Calculate the rise in temperature of the substance on hitting the ground when

all its energies are converted into heat. [g = 10m/s²] A. 2/9°C B. 4/9°C C. 9/4°C D. 9/2°C

20 Calculate the mass of ice that would melt when 2kg of copper is quickly transferred from D
boiling water to a block of ice without heat loss; Specific heat capacity of copper = 400J/kg/K.
B. Latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.3 × 10⁵J/Kg A. 8/33 kg B. 33/80 kg C. 80/33 kg D. 33/8 kg

21 A 50W electric heater is used to heat a metal block of mass 5kg. If in 10 minutes a temperature B
rise of 12°C is achieved, the specific heat capacity of the metal is ............. in J/kg/K A. 400 B.
500 C. 390 D. 130

22 The correct unit of specific latent heat of fusion is A. J/kg/K B. kg/J/K C. kg/J D. J/kg D
23 What is the resistance of a heater with potential difference of 30V, which raises 100g of water A
through 25°C temperature difference in 1.5mins. A. 0.129 B. 11.67 C. 7.71 D. None of these

24 A 2000W electric heater is used to heat a metal object of mass 5kg initially at 10°C. If a A
temperature rise of 30°C is obtained after 10min, the heat capacity of the material is A. 6.0 x
10⁴J°/C B. 4.0 x 10⁴J°/C C. 1.2 x 10⁴J°/C D. 8.0 x 10⁴J°/C

25 A block of aluminum is heated electrically by a 25 W heater. if the temperature rises by 10°C in B

5 minutes, the heat capacity of the aluminum is? A. 850 J/K B. 750 J/K C. 650 J/K D. 500 J/K

1 A reaction is given by 2A + B  C . If the rate law of a reaction is given by R = K[A]x[B]y .The C
molecularity of the reaction is a. xy b. x/y c. 3 d. x+y
2 The combustion of ethane (C2H6) is represented by the equation: 2C2H6(g) + 7O2(g) -------> 4CO2(g) + D
6H2O(g) In this reaction:(a) the rate of consumption of ethane is seven times faster than the rate of
consumption of oxygen.(b) the rate of formation of CO2 equals the rate of formation of water.(c) water is
formed at a rate equal to two-thirds the rate of formation of CO2 (d) Oxygen disappears slightly more than
thrice as fast as ethane.
3 The decomposition of carbon disulfide, CS2, to carbon monosulfide, CS, and sulfur is first order with k = 2.8 D
x 10-7 s-1 at 1000°C. CS2 ------> CS + S What is the half-life of this reaction at 1000°C? (a) 5.0 x 107 s (b)
4.7 x 10⁻6s (c) 3.8 x 105 s(d) 2.5 x 106 s
4 Suppose the reaction: A + 2B -------> AB2 occurs by the following mechanism: C
Step 1 A + B -------> AB slow
Step 2 AB + B ------> AB2 fast
Overall A + 2B -------> AB2 . the intermediate of the reaction mechanism is A. AB2 B. A C. AB D. B
5 Which is incorrect (a) if a reaction temperature is increased from 0°C to 283K, the rate is doubled (b) D
molecularity may be same as order of a reaction (c) dehydrogenase is an oxidation-reduction enzyme (d)
molecularity can be fractional
6 Consider the following reaction mechanisms – D
1. A + B ------> C + D
2. D + E -----> F + 2A
3. G + H -----> 2B + E . The catalyst of this mechanism is (a). B ( b) A (c) D & E (d) E

7 2[A]/K is the half life of A. First order B. Zeroth order C. Third order D. Second order B
8 Which is correct A. The half life of zeroth order does not depend on concentration B. The half life D
of first order depends on concentration C. Radioactive disintegration is a zero order reaction D. The
rate constant of zero order has same unit as its rate
9 Which is not true of a complex reaction I. It contains two or more elementary reactions II. The rate B
determining step is the slowest reaction III. It is a step reaction IV. It is always a first order reaction (a) I & II
(b) III & IV (c) III only (d) IV only
10 The speed of a chemical reaction (a) is constant no matter what the temperature is.(b) is independent of D
the amount of contact surface of a solid involved. (c) between gases should in all cases be extremely rapid
because the average kinetic energy of the molecules is great.(d) between ions in aqueous solution is
extremely rapid because there are no bonds that need to be broken.
11 For the reaction, 2H2S(g) + O2(g) 2S(s) + 2H2O(l), which one of the following statements is absolutely D
true? (a) The reaction is fourth order overall. (b) The rate law is: rate = k[H2S]²[O2]. (c) The rate law is: rate
= k[H2S][O2]. (d) The rate law cannot be determined from the information given.
12 The rate of a reaction depends on __________. a. collision frequency b. collision orientation c. D
collision energy d. all of the above
13 Dust particles suspended in the air inside unheated grain elevators can sometimes react explosively D
because the dust particles have a a. high kinetic energy. b. high activation energy. c. catalytic effect on
the reaction. d. large surface area for the reaction.
14 As the temperature of a reaction is increased, the rate of the reaction increases because the B
__________. a. reactant molecules collide less frequently b. reactant molecules collide more
frequently and with greater energy per collision c. activation energy is lowered d. reactant molecules
collide less frequently and with greater energy per collision
15 The rate law for a reaction between the substances A and B is given by rate = K[A]n [B]m. On doubling C
the concentration of A and halving the concentration of B. What will be the ratio of the new rate of the
earlier rate of the reaction? a) (1⁄2)m+n b) m+n c) 2n-m d) n-m
16 Rate = K[A]n [B]m . If the volume of reaction vessel is suddenly reduced to 1/4th of initial value. How A
new rate will be affected? a) 16 b) 1⁄10 c) 1⁄8 d) 8

17 The rate of reaction, A + B Products, is given by the equation, r = k[A][B]. If B is taken in excess, what B
would be the order of reaction? a) 2 b) 1 c) zero d) unpredictable
18 In a reaction, 2A2 + B2 → 2A2B, when the reactant A will disappear? a) half the rate that B will D
decrease b) the same rate that B will decrease c) double the rate that A2B will form d) twice the rate
that B will decrease
19 If the temperature of a reaction at 20˚C is raised by 50°C, the rate of the reaction increases by about a. D
64 times b.8 times c.24 times d. 32 times
20 . What of the following observations is incorrect about the order of a reaction? a. Order can be D
determined only experimentally b. Order is not influenced by stoichiometric coefficient of the reactants.
c. Order of reaction is the sum of power to the concentration terms of reactants to express the rate of
reaction. d.Order of reaction is always the whole number
21 In a reversible reaction the energy of activation of the forward reaction is 50 kcal. The energy of B
activation for the reverse reaction will be a. < 50 kcal b. either greater than or less than 50 kcal c. = 50
kcal d. > 50 kcal
22 Which one of the following statements concerning rates of reactions is FALSE? A. The higher the A
activation energy barrier, the faster the reaction. B. Increasing the concentration of a reactant may
increase the rate of a reaction. C. Adding a catalyst speeds up the rate of reaction for both the forward
and reverse reactions. D. Increasing the concentration increases the rate of a reaction, because it
increases the number of collisions.
23 Which of the following is affected by catalyst? (a) ∆H (b) ∆S (c) ∆G (d) Ea D
24 Which one of the following is NOT a key concept of the collision theory: A. particles must collide in B
order to react B. particles must move slowly when they collide, otherwise they simply “bounce off” one
another C. particles must collide with the proper orientation D. particles must collide with sufficient
energy to reach the activated complex in order to react
25 A first order reaction is 50% completed in 1.26 × 1014 s. How much time would it take for 100% D
completion? (a) 1.26 × 1015 s (b) 2.52 × 1014 s (c) 2.52 × 1028 s (d) infinite

1 Which of the following sets of organisms represents the correct trend from simple to complex structural D
organization? 1.Mollusca 2.Platyhelminthes 3.Nematoda 4.Protozoan A.4,1,2,3 B.4,3,21 C.4,2,1,3
2 Which of the following phyla have members with both internal and external segmentation? C
A.Platyhelminthes B.Nematoda C.Annelida D.Mollusca
3 In the earthworm,the cocoon is secreted by the A.chaeta B.prostomium C.periostomium D.clitellum D
4 The soil swallowed by the earthworm to form the worm cast is ground up in the A.clitellum D
B.prostomium C.mouth D.gizzard
5 The most successful group of animals in terms of diversity of species is A.Mollusca B.Arthropoda B
C.Mammalia D.Platyhelminthes
6 Which of the following lacks chaetae,tentacles and antennae? A.snail B.crab C.millipede D.earthworm B
7 The function of maxillipedes in crayfish is to aid A.walking B.swimming C.feeding D.respiration C
8 Which of these is not true of the insect?The possession of A.two pairs of antennae B.jointed appendages A
C.exoskeleton D.three pairs of legs
9 Which of these statements is NOT true of insects? A.They undergo metamorphosis B.Their body is C
divided into three distinct regions of head, thorax and abdomen C.Their thorax comprises three
segments,only two of which bear a pair of appendages each D.Respiration is by means of trachea
10 The ability of the cockroach to live in cracks and crevices is enhanced by the possession of A.wings and D
segmented bodies B.compound eyes C.claws on the legs D.dorso-ventrally flattened body
11 Lungbooks is used for respiration in A.spiders B.insects C.millipedes D.snails A
12 The pedipalp in spiders is used for A.grasping B.walking C.feeling D.web spinning C
13 The group of arthropods that has no antennae is the A.crustacea B.chilopoda C.arachnida D.diplopoda C
14 A centipede differs from a millipede by it's A.colour B.numerous abdominal segments C.paired legs on D
each abdominal segment D.poison claws
15 Insects and millipedes have many features in common EXCEPT A.exoskeleton B.jointed appendages C
C.compound eyes D.segmented body
16 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of snails? A.Bilateral symmetry B.Chitinous exoskeleton B
C.Muscular foot D.Soft unsegmented body in mantle
17 Viviparity occurs mainly in the A.Mammals B.Reptiles C.Aves D.Amphibians A
18 The first terrestrial vertebrates evolved from A.Pisces B.Reptiles C.Amphibians D.Mammals C
19 Vertebrates having one functional ovary are the A.mammals B.toads C.reptiles D.birds D
20 Parasitic forms are not found among A.platyhelminthes B.nematodes C.molluscs D.annelids C
21 Which of these animals is radially symmetrical? A.squid B.hydra C.snail D.cockroach B
22 Which of the following organisms does not exist as a single free living cell? A.paramecium B.volvox B
C.amoeba D.chlamydomonas
23 The body of a snail is divided into head A.thorax and abdomen B.visceral mass and abdomen C.thorax D
and foot D.visceral mass and foot
24 The respiratory organ in the land snail is the A.radula B.mantle C.tentacle D.foot B
25 The hyphal wall of fungi is rigid owing to the presence of A.cell wall B.lignin C.cellulose D.chitin B

1 If y = 3 cos(x/3), find dy/dx when x = (3π/2) A. 1 B. –3 C. 2 D. –1 D
2 A circle with radius 5cm has its radius increasing at the rate of 0.2m/s. What will be the corresponding A
increase in the area? A. 2π B. 5π C. π D. 4π
3 If y = 3sin(–4x), dy/dx is A. 12x cos (4x) B. –12x cos (–4x) C. –12 cos (–4x) D. 12 sin (–4x) C
4 If tanθ = 4/3 when θ is at the third quadrant , calculate sin²θ - cos²θ. A. 16/25 B. 24/25 C. 7/25 D. 9/25 C
5 The slope of the tangent to the curve y = 3x² – 2x + 5 at the point (1, 6) is A. 4 B. 1 C. 6 D. 5 A
6 If dy/dx = 2x – 3 and y = 3 when x = 0, find y in terms of x. A. 2x² – 3x B. x² – 3x C. x² – 3x – 3 D. 2x² D
– 3x + 3
7 Find the rate of change of the volume, V of a sphere with respect to its radius, r when r = 1. A. 12π B. 4π B
C. 24π D. 8π
8 Find the value of A if Cot 3A = Tan 2A A. 12° B. 17° C. 20° D. 18° D
9 Evaluate ∫ 2(2x – 3)^2/3dx A. 3/5.(2x – 3)^5/3 + k B. 5/3.(2x – 3)^5/3 + k C. 2x – 3 + k D. 6/5.(2x – A
3)^5/3 + k
10 Differentiate (2x + 5)²(x – 4) with respect to x. A. 4(2x + 5)(x – 4) B. 4(2x + 5)(4x – 3) C. (2x + 5)(2x – D
13) D. (2x + 5)(6x – 11)
11 If the gradient of the curve y = 2kx² + x + 1 at x = 1 is 9, find k. A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 C
12 A function f(x) passes through the origin and its first derivative is 3x + 2. What is f(x)? A. y = (3x²)/2 + A
2x B. y = (3x²)/2 + x C. y = 3x² + (x/2) D. y = 3x² + 2x
13 If the volume of a hemisphere is increasing at a steady rate of 18π m3/s, at what rate is its radius C
changing when its radius is 6m? A. 2.30m/s B. 2.00 m/s C. 0.25 m/s D. 0.20 m/s
14 If y = 2 + sin²x, find dy/dx when x = π/4 A. 1 B. –1/ C. 2 D. None of these A
15 If the minimum value of y = 1 + hx – 3x² is 13, find h. A. 13 B. 12 C. 11 D. 10 B
16 What is the derivative of t²sin(3t - 5) with respect to t? A. 6tcos(3t – 5) B. 2tsin(3t – 5) – 3t²cos(3t – 5) C
C. 2tsin(3t – 5) + 3t²cos(3t – 5) D. 2tsin(3t – 5) + t²cos3t
17 Integrate with respect to x (a) (b) In (c) In C
18 Find the gradient of the curve y = 2√x - at the point x=1(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 D
19 The integral of Tanx is a. sec2x + k b. sinxcotx + k c. –InCosx + k d. cot x + k C
20 If y = - cosx , find y'''' a. cosx b. –sinx c. sinx d. –cosx D

21 Find the point (x,y) on the Euclidean plane where the curve y=2x²-2x+3 has 2 as gradient. A. (1,3) B. A
(2,7) C. (0,3) D. (3,15)
22 The perpendicular bisector of a like XY is the locus of a point A. whose distance from X is always C
twice its distance from Y B. which moves on the line XY C. which is equidistant from the points X and
Y D. whose distance from Y is always twice it's distance from X
23 Find the tangent of the acure angle between the lines 2x+y=3 and 3x-2y=5. A. -⁷/₄ B. ⁷/₈ C. ⁷/₄ D. ⁷/₂ A
24 If m is the gradient of the line pq-px-qy=0 and q is not equal to 0, find 1/m, A. q/p B. p/q C. -q/p D. - C
25 A triangle has vertices P(-1,6), Q(-3,-4), and R(1,-4). Find the midpoints of PQ and QR respectively. A. D
(0,-2) and (-1,-4) B. (-1,0) and (-1,-1) C. (-2,1) and (0,1) D. (-2,1) and (-1,-4)










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