OUR MISSION - Thayne Elementary Is Dedicated To The ABC's of Education

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OUR MISSION - Thayne Elementary is dedicated to the ABC’s of Education:

• Academics
• Building relationships
• Connecting knowledge to the real world

CONSTITUTION  WEEK  -­‐  In  honor  of  Constitution  Week,  the  students  at  Thayne  Elementary  participated  
in   an   art   contest   last   September   sponsored   by   the   Foundations   of   Liberty.     Students   illustrated   their  
ideas   concerning   the   constitution   and   freedom.   Some   wonderful   artwork   was   submitted!     Contest  
winners  were  recently  presented  with  their  awards.    Thank  you  students  for  your  creativity!  
  Constitution  Poster  Contest  Winners  
  1st  grade   2nd  grade   3rd  grade  
1st  place   Breanne  Jenkins   Brailee  Tyler   Hunter  Fluckiger  
2nd  place   Harvest  Kinn   Payson  Holtman   Emma  Dubisz  
3rd  place   Trinity  Roberson   Zachary  Johnson   Bridger  Roberson  
THANK  YOU,  PTO!  -­‐  Teacher  Appreciation,  sponsored  yearly  by  the  PTO,  was  a  wonderful  experience  for  
teachers  and  staff  at  Thayne  Elementary.    We  would  like  to  thank  the  PTO,  all  the  volunteers  who  
brought  the  wonderful  food,  and  Amy  Simpson  for  directing  this  event.    The  soups,  casseroles,  fruits  and  
vegetables,  and  other  special  activities  were  terrific!!!    We  are  very  thankful  for  your  thoughtfulness,  
kindness,  and  support!    Thayne  Elementary  parents  are  the  best!!!  
SAFETY  ISSUE  –  for  student  safety,  please  do  not  wear  flip-­‐flops  and  open-­‐toe  shoes  to  school.    Sturdy  
shoes  help  keep  children  safe  at  recess,  PE,  and  other  activities.  
PTO  and  VOLUNTEERS!    Words  cannot  express  the  gratitude  that  all  Thayne  Elementary  staff  and  
students  have  for  the  many  hours  of  service  given  throughout  the  past  year!    Thank  you  for  volunteering  
in  the  classroom,  Morning  with  Mom  and  Doughnuts  with  Dad,  Science  Fair,  Literacy  Week,  Teacher  
Appreciation,  etc.    Our  records  show  over  2000  hours  of  service  this  year  so  far.    Many,  many  thanks!      
May 3 Mrs. Weber's class to Etna Elementary
May 6 school sing
May 6 Mrs. Frome's class to Haderlie Farms
May 13 Mrs. Simpsons' class Writing Celebration in Library at 12:20
May 13 1st grade fieldtrip to IF zoo
May 14 Native American Day
May 17 Wyoming Reads for 1st grade
May 17 2nd grade fieldtrip to Idaho Falls Zoo
May 18 3rd grade fieldtrip to Afton
May 19 1st grade play @ 8:30 for dress rehearsal and 12:15 for parents, families, and friends
May 20 school sing and AR celebration
May    23   Awards  Assembly  at  10:00  pm  
May    24   Field  Day  sponsored  by  PTO  
May   25   Frome  and  Point  Kindergarten  Graduation  9:30-­‐10:30  a.m.  
May    25   Aullman,  Bagley,  Turner  Kindergarten  Graduation  at  Thayne  Pavilion  from  12:00-­‐1:30  
May 26 Last day school for students – half day release at 10:45

MESSAGE FROM PTO – We will be sponsoring Field Day on May

24 and need lots of volunteers. Please be watching for more
information to come. Also, thank you for the food you brought to
the school during Teacher Appreciation. It was a good way to
show the staff how much they mean to us. Thanks again for
supporting the teachers, staff, and PTO!

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