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Prince Ezekiel E.

Alipoyo Grade – 11 Stem – A

Task 1: Your Own Design


Task 2: Picture Analysis

1. Picture 1 is well organized and clean, while picture 2 is really messy and dirty.
2. I like to get a cold drink and some rest
3. - Take care in using facilities and equipment. In consideration of the school's effort and of
students who will benefit from using the facilities and equipment, it is in good form to handle
them with
care and use them solely on their purpose. This is to prevent having them misplaced, stolen or
unnecessary clutters in the training area than can cause accidents.
- Only use equipment that you already know how to use do not leave or pass on equipment that
is in
complete disarray or dirty.
- Be Alert and Aware in the training area.
- In performing exercises and movement in general, practice good form first.
- Bring back all equipment in place after use.
- Do not hug the equipment.
- Return the equipment properly or leave the venue clean. Doing exercises in improper form
deficit its
benefits. Do not monopolize the equipment. Allow everyone a fair use of the facilities.
- Check Yourself - practice proper hygiene and care. Take a bath or a deodorant if needed. Do
not force
yourself to engage in physical activity if you are feeling sick.
- Move on the double; do not loiter around the venue or hang on the equipment doing nothing.
Do not
handle it until such time the teacher gives instructions on how to operate the said equipment.
You could
break the equipment or cause harm to yourself or others.
- Be nice, as a general rule!
4. Etiquette makes people comfortable and at ease, it shows that we value and respect others.
Etiquette promotes kindness, consideration, and humility. Etiquette gives the confidence to deal with
different situations in life, it gives us life skills.

Task 1: Name them

Date Event Name Type/Categories Organizers Proof of

of Events Participation
08/16/19 Intramurals Basketball PNHS Teachers
09/7/21 Gatungan Cycling Bananeros Cycling
Climbing Race Club (BCC)
09/30/21 120km Challenge Cycling Team Manoy

Task 2: Answer the following questions

1. Regular exercise and physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves
respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain
a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and reduce your risk for
some cancers.
2. I get my motivation from my friends because they are the only reason why I got myself into
Task 1: Physical Activity Benefits

Strong Bones High Blood Pressure

Healthy Weight Obesity
Good Posture Anxiety
Reduce Stress Diabetes
Improved Sleep Depression
Healthy Heart
Develop Leadership skills

Task 1: Describe in one word the characteristics of a physically active individual.

 Posture is always right.

 Flawless skin.
 Healthy eyes.
 Healthy hair.
 Features are symmetrical.
 Good grip and flexibility.
 Low resting heart rate.

Task 1: Find Me
1. Professional Athlete
2. Enstructor
3. Fitness Instructor
4. Nutritionist
5. Athletic Coach
6. Athletic Trainer
7. Fitness Trainer
8. Aerobics Instructor
9. Physical Therapist
10. Sports Trainer
Task 2: Think and Match!
1. Cooking Chef
2. Cycling Professional Tri Athlete
3. Animals Zoo Keeper

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