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Date: November 11, 2021

To: Office of Polar Programs Employees
From: Noah A Cooley-Cannon
Subject: New Recreational Facility
Action Required: Send any questions or concerns to HR at
Distribution List: Office of Polar Program Employees

This memo addresses the lifestyle irregularities that exist for all Office of Polar Programs’
employees due to their living far from home at the South Pole. Currently, we have one facility
which offers a place for employees to gather and watch movies/shows and eat meals. Besides
this there are no other recreational areas at the Amundsen Scott South Pole Station that facilitate
recreational activities or are reminiscent of home. Because of this we are constructing a new
recreational facility where employees can enjoy activities, play with penguins and feel at home.

Due to our company’s current lack of facilities catered towards making employees feel at home,
we are constructing a new recreational center, where employees can enjoy recreational activities
and interact with the penguins in our care. This facility will include a gymnasium, game room,
and playground (for interacting with the penguins). Included in this memo are the specifications
of what is available through this facility and how it will operate. If you have any questions or
concerns regarding the activities or specifications of the new facility, please email Human
Resources at

Facility Specifications
The name of this new facility will be the Empoleon Recreation Center. The Empoleon
Recreation Center will include a gymnasium for any indoor activities (such as soccer, basketball,
volleyball, etc.…), a game room with both physical and digital games, and a playground, where
employees are able to interact with penguins. In addition to this we are introducing a program
where employees can sign up to adopt a penguin during their time at the South Pole. The
responsibility of the adoptees would include a journal of what they observed their penguin doing
during the time they were around them. The expected completion date of the Empoleon
Recreation Center will be January 17, 2022.

How this will benefit our community

At the Office of Polar Programs, we value the relationships made in the workplace as well as the
happiness of each individual employee. Through the addition of a gymnasium and game room,
employees will be able to connect through common recreational activities as well as feel a sense
of being home. We believe that this will improve teamwork amongst coordinated research
groups, as well as increase the overall motivation of employees. Not only will adopting a
penguin give a sense of familial responsibility it will also help fellow employees in the penguin
research department better understand the behaviors and interactions of the penguins in our care.
Through all these new additions at the Amundsen Scott South Pole Station, we will not only
increase the quality of life, but the quality of our research and other works.

Although it has taken a while for us to accommodate the hard work and efforts of our employees,
we appreciate the continued support and feedback to the company. We hope to give back to all of
you employees ten-fold through the addition of this new recreational facility. We believe we can
solve many lifestyle irregularities that exists for those residing at the South Pole. Whether these
irregularities be cultural or familial, we hope this new facility will foster a community of
employees where everyone is happy and feels at home.

To better incorporate the most beloved recreational activities, we recommend that you all send
an email to Human Resources regarding the activities you would like to be seen made available
in the new facility. For those looking to be a part of our penguin adoption program please find
our signup form which is available on the company’s website in your employee portal. For any

other questions of concerns regarding the new facility please email Human Resources at

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