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Name : Sulis Viana

NIM : E1D019198
Class : 5TP-3
When We Are Different
"I wish I could turn back time the way I want", said Zahra while daydreaming under the stars and
the bright moon. Yes, her name was Zahra. Zahra lived and grew up with her mother in a slum
near the city. Zahra was born because of her mother's affair with a man who didn’t want to be
responsible. Even so, Zahra never asked who her real father was. Zahra's mother was a
commercial sex worker, Zahra's disappointment with her mother always made Zahra's heart felt
like it was torn apart because of her mother's nightlife who often indulged nose men. So that due
to her mother's dirty behavior made the people in her village very angry that they were finally
expelled from their village.
Zahra and her mother were forced to live under a bridge, because of this condition Zahra really
wanted to get out of her mother's life and find her own way, but Zahra was very reluctant had the
heart to leave his mother alone. Even so, Zahra's mother also really loved Zahra. At that time,
Zahra intended to morning prayer in congregation at the mosque, even though she was a little
embarrassed because her background was known to everyone but she kept trying to step her foot
into the path of Allah. When she entered the mosque secretly, suddenly Zahra was seen by a
young ustadz, and it turned out that the young ustadz was the son of one of the famous master
teachers Agus Hermanto who was in Jakarta. Adam, that's what he was called from his family.
He often became an imam and was a speaker at the mosque. Because Zahra was very afraid and
embarrassed, she ran away from the mosque and canceled her intention to pray in congregation
at the mosque. From there the beginning of the meeting between Zahra and Adam. Since the
accidental meeting made Adam very curious about Zahra, Adam secretly monitored Zahra from
a distance with the reason of whether Zahra would come to the mosque for morning prayer or
not. A few days later, Zahra returned to pray in the congregation at the mosque. And for the
second time, Zahra and Adam passed in front of the mosque and made Zahra surprised and ran
away from Adam. Adam with his curiosity made him follow where Zahra went. And how
surprised Adam was when he saw Zahra praying at dawn in a narrow alley. From there, Adam
secretly admired Zahra.
In the morning when Adam and his family finished breakfast, Adam's family had secretly
planned an arranged marriage for Adam with his father's co-worker. "Assalamu'aikum" came a
greeting from outside the house and it turned out to be Mely. Mely was Adam's prospective
fiancé who has been chosen by Adam's own parents. "Walaikumussalam
warohmatullahiwabarokatuuh Mely, come on in dear, Adam has been waiting for you inside"
Adam's mother replied with a smile to Mely. Because Adam was very obedient to his parents,
Adam followed whatever his parents wanted, even though in Adam's heart he actually did not
agree with this matchmaking. A few days later, when Zahra finished the morning prayer in
congregation at the mosque, unexpectedly Adam was waiting for her in front of the mosque,
Adam deliberately waited for Zahra in front of the mosque with the excuse of wanting to ask
Zahra why Zahra left the mosque and didn't so the morning prayer in congregation. Finally, they
had time to talk and Zahra also told the real reason so that Adam knew who the real Zahra was.
Even though Adam already knew everything, he didn't stay away from Zahra at all.
After a few weeks, Zahra was no longer ashamed to pray in congregation at the mosque and the
people there also did not shun or insult Zahra. Zahra and Adam met more often because Adam
guided Zahra to learn the Al-Quran at the mosque. Adam's felt for Zahra were growing day by
day, but both of them didn’t show what they felt.
One month after Eid mubarak, Adam's family has prepared Adam's marriage with his fiancée,
Mely. But Adam reluctantly accepted the engagement. A few days before their wedding, Adam
and Zahra met at the mosque after Adam guided Zahra reciting Holy Quran. Adam opened the
conversation that he would soon get married, immediately it made Zahra felt a little
disappointed, but Zahra hid it from Adam by congratulating to Adam. Instantly the atmosphere
turned gloomy. Adam cleared the silence by inviting Zahra to attend his wedding. "Zahra, come
tomorrow... for my wedding and my fiance, Mely. InshaAllah it will be held at my house” (while
giving an invitation card). Zahra reluctantly replied "Insha Allah, I will come Ustadz", and
Zahra said goodbye to go home.
The long awaited day had come, the extended family of the bride and groom had gathered at
Adam's house as well as the invited guests. A marriage that should be filled with happiness, but
Adam was very nervous about his marriage, even before his own contract he still thought about
Zahra. Adam looked around the house whether Zahra would came or not. Adam's gaze was
directed towards the outside of the house where there was Zahra standing near the gate and
hesitant to enter. Adam who saw Zahra immediately approached her, she immediately said
"congratulations on your marriage, Ustadz, I hope you become a happy family, and thank you for
the knowledge you have given me," said Zahra with a heavy heart. Without a word coming out
of Adam's mouth, Zahra immediately left him.
Adam who was filled with doubts about his marriage, suddenly said to himself "to be honest I
don't want this marriage, and by Allah honestly I only love you Zahra". Without realizing it,
Mely was behind him and heard everything he said. Instantly, Mely’s happy face turned into a
face full of disappointment and sadness. Without thinking long, she immediately told everything
she had heard and witnessed to her family and also Adam's family. Hearing this, all the families
from both sides were very surprised and disappointed with Adam, moreover they were all
ashamed of the invited guests who had already arrived. Adam's family immediately forced Adam
into a room and asked Adam to clarify what had happened. For the first time, Adam ventured to
tell all his family about what he had been feeling for the woman he admired and loved. Mely,
who had always known who the woman was, also immediately told Adam's parents about the
background of the woman. Hearing the truth, all the families from both sides were really angry
and very disappointed with Adam. "Where do we want to put our family in Adam...!!!'' cried the
mother while sobbing. "You have damaged the honor of our extended family, Adam," continued
Anggi, Adam's sister. Adam, who had been silent all this time, immediately spoke and made a
decision. "I'm sorry father, mother, and all my family and also Anggi's family, I can't lie to my
own feelings. I love Zahra because of Allah, I have always followed what you want, so please
let me choose my own future wife for this time.” Adam said with all seriousness. Full of
disappointment, Mely immediately left Adam's house.
One week passed leaving behind an incident that took everyone by surprise, with the atmosphere
still filled with disappointment because of Adam's decision. Because of Zahra's background,
Adam's family strongly opposed Adam's decision. But suddenly, Adam's mother and Anggi
approached Adam and said that they had agreed with Adam's decision, which already had the
intention to marry Zahra. How pleased Adam was to hear the words of his mother and brother.
“Haha…are you sure you're going to marry that filthy girl Adam!?” asked Doni, Anggi's
husband with a cynical feeling. "It's okay, don't because it makes our family not get along,"
continued Adam's father who had just come out of the room. After a long talk, Adam finally
went straight to look for Zahra.
Unexpectedly, it turned out that Adam and Anggi's mother had secretly made bad plans about
this. They deliberately obeyed Adam's will with the excuse that they could take revenge on the
woman. That night, Adam found Zahra who happened to be buying food for his mother on the
side of the road. Adam called Zahra with the intention of saying something to Zahra. At first
Zahra thought that Adam had become another woman's wife, but Adam told the truth. Although
Zahra also secretly loves Adam, she politely refuses Adam's desire to marry him, because she
knows that she does not feel worthy of marrying a prominent ustadz, while she is very aware of
her own background. But Adam really believed Zahra that he was very serious about this
decision and said that his mother and family had allowed him to marry Zahra. After thinking for
a long time, Zahra agreed to Adam's invitation to get married.
A few days after Zahra and her mother were introduced to Adam's family, they finally got
married. Even though the wedding was only attended by the closest family, Adam and Zahra
were very happy with the marriage. But on the other hand, Adam and Anggi's mother's evil plan
had been prepared long ago. Only a week into being husband and wife, Adam and Zahra's
household has been shrouded in problems that their mother-in-law had planned from the start.
starting with Zahra who was slandered by her own in-laws for stealing her jewelry. But this
incident was denied by Adam, because Adam really believed in his own wife that Zahra would
never do something bad like that, and there was also no evidence that pointed to Zahra. Adam
was very protective of his wife from the actions of anyone who wants to try to hurt his wife.
Adam's mother was very upset and hated Zahra, besides that Adam's mother was also upset
because she saw Adam loved Zahra so much, and still didn’t accept Zahra's background. Zahra's
life since getting married and living with Adam's family in the house did not make Zahra feel
happy because she got a new family, but instead she was treated in a bad way by her mother-in-
law and sister-in-law. Their treatment of Zahra had gone too far, they treated Zahra like an
animal and that was without Adam's knowledge. Maybe it's just doing all the housework, getting
hit, kicked, it had become a normal thing for Zahra while in the house, but what made Zahra's
heart eroded the most was when she was forbidden by her mother-in-law to meet her own
mother, it made Zahra felt destroyed. Zahra could no longer did anything because of threats
from her mother-in-law. If all these heinous deeded coming to Adam's knowledge, his own
mother's life would be in danger. Zahra was really impressed with this situation, especially if her
husband leaved her to work. Adam's work in his father's company was very much so that he
often came home late at night and even worked late at his office. Adam was like a protectived
wing for Zahra, Zahra will be protected from the cruelty of her mother-in-law if she was always
with Adam.
Two months passed, the wait that Zahra and Adam had been waiting for arrived, Zahra was
tested positive for pregnancy by the doctor, how happy this couple was because their little family
will soon be completed by their presence for the heart. But the problem didn’t end there, Anggi
maked an evil plan with Mely's mother, Melisa, to separate Zahra and Adam, so that Adam could
repair his relationship with Mely. The reason Anggi made this plan was to get money from
Mely's mother so that she could fulfill her husband's wish, because if he didn't comply, Anggi
would be tortured by his own husband. This was what causes the economic condition of Anggi's
household and husband to be very apprehensive, and that's also the reason they decided to live
with their parents in the house.
They began to carry out this evil plan, they were looking for loopholes to easily damage Zahra
and Adam's household. And unexpectedly Doni also planned bad things to separate Zahra and
Adam, Doni did that because he turned out to like Zahra and really wanted to have Zahra
completely even though he already had a wife. One day, when the house was quiet, where
Zahra's husband went to work, Zahra's father-in-law went out to attend a meeting, Anggi went to
not come home from the market, where Zahra's house was only with her routine habit of cleaning
the entire room. But suddenly Doni sneaks up to Zahra and drags Zahra to the next room on the
second floor and Zahra is almost raped by a jerk Doni but fortunately Zahra can still rebel and
coincidentally Anggi just came back from the market and accidentally saw her husband's
behavior towards her. Zahra. Seeing the incident, Anggi immediately dragged Zahra out of the
room and he even blamed Zahra for the incident, because of his emotions Anggi kicked Zahra
and pushed Zahra onto the stairs, causing Zahra to roll off the stairs causing Zahra to bleed.
two years ago, the incident made Anggi and Doni panic so they both ran to hide before anyone
else saw it. A few moments later Adam's parents returned home and immediately they were
shocked to see Zahra who was lying helpless with blood all over her body, Zahra was
immediately taken to the hospital for first aid. After a while of waiting, the doctor informed him
that Zahra had miscarried because of the hard impact that hit her stomach. A few moments later
Adam came to the hospital and how shocked Adam was to find out what really happened. But
strangely, Adam immediately left the hospital without seeing his wife's condition. Adam's
parents were very surprised why Adam suddenly behaved like that, even though they knew that
Adam loved and spoiled his wife, but this time Adam's attitude immediately changed.
A few days after Zahra was discharged from the hospital, Adam's attitude towards Zahra
changed greatly. Adam starts to hate Zahra and doesn't even want to meet Zahra, Adam prefers
to sleep in the guest room instead of having to sleep with Zahra. Adam said that he was very
disappointed with Zahra, because Zahra's carelessness caused her future child to have a
miscarriage. In fact, all of this is not Zahra's fault, but Anggi and her husband's fault. As long as
she was married to Adam, she has never vilified her husband's own family even though Adam's
family's attitude and actions were very cruel to her. Even about the incident that Zahra didn't tell
her husband yesterday, Zahra only said she fell because she slipped, not because she was pushed.
Zahra was very sad because her husband has changed, even though he suddenly hated her but
she always gave attention to her husband as well as to Adam's family. Since that incident,
Zahra's mother-in-law began to try to accept Zahra's presence in the family, because Adam's
mother realized that Zahra really had a very sincere and patient heart. Adam's hatred of Zahra is
mounting, Adam suddenly visits Mely's house, his ex-fiancé who suddenly makes Mely also
surprised by Adam's arrival to his house. Mely's mother was very happy when Adam came to
meet Mely. The two of them were chatting in the living room with a serious atmosphere. Adam
started the conversation by saying that he hated his wife very much, he was very disappointed in
her, and he also said that he no longer loved Zahra because Adam thought that Zahra had
deliberately aborted her own womb. Mely, who heard it all, was suddenly shocked and couldn't
believe what Adam had said. What makes Mely even more surprised is when Adam says that he
regrets marrying Zahra and now Adam wants to mend his relationship with Mely. Mely tries to
calm Adam down and tells Adam to go home to solve his own problems amicably. After Adam
said goodbye, Mely had no idea about everything that Adam said, Mely still couldn't believe it
because it was impossible for Adam to really love Zahra and suddenly hate Zahra just because
Zahra had a miscarriage.
In the evening when Adam returned home, Zahra was waiting for him to eat together, but Adam
refused his wife's invitation. Zahra asked Adam for an explanation why Adam's attitude
suddenly changed. The two of them argued until finally Adam firmly said that he was divorcing
Zahra and immediately kicked Zahra out of his house, instantly all of Adam's family were
shocked by Adam's words. But everything has already happened. On the one hand, Anggi's plan
to make Adam and Zahra separate has been successful, and on the other hand, Adam's mother,
who has slowly accepted Zahra but can't do anything else because of Adam's decision. With a
very broken heart because Zahra lost her future baby and added to Zahra's suffering because she
was divorced by her husband. Zahra had lost hope of living with Adam, that day Zahra
immediately said goodbye to Adam's family to leave the house, the sobs were unstoppable. But
fate has done its job. Zahra left the house with a very hurt feeling.
The separation of Adam and Zahra was heard in Mely's ears, Mely was very surprised and she
immediately came to Adam's house. Arriving at Adam's house, there were Adam's parents, and
also Anggi. Mely tells that there is something strange with Adam, so they decide to search
Adam's room and it turns out that there is a strange item found by Adam's father. It turns out that
this is what has made Adam change his wife. Anggi who began to realize his mistake
immediately opened up to his parents and explained honestly that he was the one who pushed
Zahra until Zahra fell down the stairs and ended up having a miscarriage. Truth after truth began
to emerge. About the items found in Adam's room, Anggi explained that it was her husband who
did that, Doni deliberately put the item so that Adam hated Zahra because Anggi also knew that
her husband also had evil plans for Zahra. Anggi, who was honest about everything he had done,
immediately apologized to his parents and regretted his actions. The items that had been found
were then burned by Adam's parents and immediately when Adam was calming down
somewhere he immediately remembered Zahra and like his old soul had returned. Without
thinking, Adam immediately rushed home and met Zahra at home, but it was too late. Zahra has
left the house far away somewhere.
Zahra sadly looked for her mother, but Zahra did not find her mother's whereabouts, Zahra
continued to look for her mother. The strong wind and heavy rain did not break Zahra's
enthusiasm to find her mother. Until finally Zahra met her mother in a narrow alley, seen from a
distance her mother was already lying on the ground, Zahra immediately approached her mother
and hugged her mother tightly. But his mother was no longer strong, at the last second, Zahra's
mother only said goodbye to Zahra after saying the last goodbye, Zahra's mother died in Zahra's
Adam, who was awake and aware of everything that happened about him, immediately rushed
to find Zahra's whereabouts, for months Adam had been looking for Zahra's whereabouts but had
not been found. One day, Adam stopped to perform the Zuhur prayer at one of the mosques in
south Jakarta. And by accident, he met Zahra who was teaching the children the Koran. How
happy Adam was when he met Zahra who he had been looking for for a long time. Adam then
told the incident that he had experienced and also Adam without forgetting to immediately
apologize for all the mistakes he had made to his wife. And Adam intends to invite Zahra back
home and reunite as usual. The seed of love between them is still strong, Zahra's feelings for
Adam never go out, until finally Zahra forgives all the mistakes that Adam has made and decides
to return with Adam and live with Adam's family, finally Zahra and Adam's love story ends

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