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Auna Allen



Mental Health Awareness In College Students

One can not exaggerate the claim that there is and has been a deeply concerning mental

health issue in young adults. There are many studies and statistics that suggest the rise of mental

health illnesses in college students alone. These studies reveal there is a greater amount of stress

and anxiety put on today's generation of college students than ever before. This level of stress

and anxiety forced on these students makes it harder for them to cope with simple tasks in their

day to day lives. There is a effortless, yet substantial solution for this crisis. By making this issue

known we could help save the lives of millions of college students. This is why affordable,

accessible, and reliable help is the simplest way to divert this issue.

For many mental health is a hard topic to talk about, but most can agree that talking about

it and talking to someone can and will help. Talking about these challenging issues will increase

awareness of this illness nationwide. This solution would have a positive impact on college

students whom are struggling with mental health illnesses. As more and more universities and

private colleges recognize the stress and anxiety students are going through, it will push them to

get help.Therefore, universities should have affordable accessible help for those struggling on

their campuses. In contrast, there are many universities that do this but they have a fee. For

instance, here at the University of Iowa, “The Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling

program is committed to increasing the quality of life for people with disabilities and mental
health disorders through the preparation of qualified professionals who can serve people with

diverse challenges in living” (Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling). Although Iowa’s

counselling is renowned for its tremendous impact on students there is a cover fee “the cost of

the health fee is $118.50 for the spring 2017 semester” (Rehabilitation and Mental Health

Counseling). As we all know many college students are already struggling financially, to put fees

like this on top of mental illness just adds to the stress of the student. Although we can recognize

The University of Iowa does a great job of having accessible help; for many students at other

universities this tends to not be the case. Students at larger schools may struggle to find the help

they need and soulful deserve.

For years now the mental health crisis in college students has gradually increased. “The

average university has one professional counselor for every 1,737 students — fewer than the

minimum of one therapist for every 1,000 to 1,500 students, recommended by the International

Association of Counseling Services” (Henriques, Gregg).This worry that students are not getting

accessible help is hard to dispose of because one of the most dangerous aspects of depression

which is known as suicide. “Suicide is currently the second most common cause of death among

college students” (Henriques, Gregg). These are real people, real students, sons, and daughters,

these are not just statistics. These illnesses should not be taken lightly that’s why I believe this

mental illness needs to be talked about and taken seriously.

With the increase of students looking for help, universities undergo a tremendous

demand for counseling services. Many colleges report an increase in this demand for these

mental health services. Surveys taken place in 2017 represent the increase of cases among

college students.“In spring 2017, nearly 40% of college students said they had felt so depressed
in the prior year that it was difficult for them to function, and 61% of students said they had “felt

overwhelming anxiety” in the same time period, according to an American College Health

Association survey of more than 63,000 students at 92 schools” (Reilly, Katie).The demand for

help has risen tremendously over the years. Many schools are becoming “overwhelmed” and

understaffed while trying to help their students. My solution for this overwhelming amount of

students who ask for help is on the universities to provide them by any means necessary. One

could object that one should just pick a school that has these services if they are struggling.

When picking a school, many students are not using whether or not a school has a mental health

clinic or not to sway their opinion. For one to ask whether or not the universities have the means

of helping these students is diminishing. Therefore I believe that universities should have the

means of helping their students after all they are paying a lot of money to go there.

The number of college students who are seeking mental health treatment on campuses are

suddenly facing an unprecedented demand for counseling services. “Between 2009 and 2015, the

number of students visiting counseling centers increased by about 30% on average, while

enrollment grew by less than 6%, the Center for Collegiate Mental Health found in a 2015

report” (Reilly, Kaite). These universities should hire more staff to accompany the statistics, this

solution would increase the awareness, and accessible help in universities. Students should not

be worried whether or not the help they deserve is there or not. Therefore a third part of my

solution is to have accessible treatment centers on every college campus. This solution would

help the number of students struggling to find help around their campuses. There are also many

benefits for the universities who accompany their students with these services. Overall, college
life will go up, and many students will be more successful in their schooling. I also believe that

colleges who provide these services will have a lower transfer rate as well.

Many can acknowledge the seriousness of these deadly mental illnesses but, whether or

not the concern and motivation to help is there, is devastating. Anyone can be an advocate for the

mental health crisis in today’s generation of college students and in general those struggling

nationwide. That is why for those struggling, my solution of having accessible, affordable help,

can and will help. Let’s put the pressure on universities and college administrators instead of our

struggling students.
Work Cited

Henriques, Gregg. “The College Student Mental Health Crisis.” Psychology Today, Sussex


ge-student-mental-health-crisis. Date Accessed: October, 2018

“Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling.” Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling

College of Education University of Iowa, 2018,

Date Accessed: October, 2018

Reilly, Katie. “Anxiety and Depression: More College Students Seeking Help.” Time, Time, 19

Mar. 2018, Date

Accessed: October, 2018

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