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What is the definition of a tangent line?

A line that touches a curve at one point

What is the definition of a secant line?

A line that touches a curve at two points
What is the definition of a point of tangency?
The point where the tangent line touches a curve

What is the difference between average and instantaneous rate of change?

Instantaneous is the rate at a specific moment. Average is the rate over a time interval.

How do you find an average rate of change?

The slope of the secant

How do you approximate an instantaneous rate of change?

Choose two points close to the specified value and find the slope between them

When will a limit exist at k=n?

When the limit from the left equals the limit from the right

How do we find a limit?

Substitute, graph, approximate or algebra

How do you find a horizontal asymptote?

Find the limit as x approaches positive and/or negative infinity
How do we know if y=b is a horizontal asymptote? (technical definition)
lim f(x)=b

lim f(x)=b

How do we know if x=a is a vertical asymptote?

(technical definition)
lim f(x)=+-infinity

lim f(x)=+-infinity

How do we find an end behavior model for rational functions?

Determine which part of the function has more "power" at endpoints and use that
How do you prove a function is continuous at x=a?
limit at a = the value at a

Define the Intermediate Value Theorem?

If f(x) is continuous, then every value between f(a) and f(b) must exist

How do we find the slope of a function at x?

lim f(x+h)-f(x)/h

What is the formula for finding the slope of a curve at a point?

lim f(x+h)-f(x)/h

What is a normal line?

A line perpendicular to a tangent line

Where will a derivative not exist?

corner, cusp, vertical tangent, discontinuity

If a function is differentiable, will it be continuous?


If a function is continuous, will it be differentiable?


What is the intermediate value theorem for derivatives?

If a function is continuous, then the derivative must take on all values between f(a) and

What formula should I remember for the product rule?


What formula should I remember for the quotient?

(uphill-downhill) divided by the denominator squared

For derivatives, how will you know when to use the product rule?
When two or more functions are multiplied

For derivatives, how will you know when to use the quotient rule?
When two or more functions are divided

What is the one thing Lok says I should do prior to differentiating?


How are velocity, acceleration and position related?

Velocity is the derivative of position and acceleration is the derivative of velocity

What is speed?
Speed is the absolute value of velocity

Explain negative velocity.

The velocity while moving backwards (or down)

How do you find average velocity?

The slope between two points of position

How do you find the derivative of a parametric equation?

The derivative of y divided by the derivative of x

When must you use the chain rule for differentiation?

When you have a composition (or when it is not a "basic", a "product" or a "quotient"

What is the difference between Implicit and Explicit differentiation?

Explicit shows y=?

What steps should be followed for implicit differentiation?

differentiate, gather y', factor out y' and solve for y'
What is a critical point?
An x value where the derivative is equal to 0 or undefined

What must be true if x=a is a min or max of a function?

f'(a) must equal zero or is an endpoint

What is the Mean Value Theorem (MVT) for Derivatives?

if a function is continuous, then the derivative must take on all values between f'(a) and

What are the requirements for the MVT to be true?

f(x) must be continuous and differentiable

How do we show a function is increasing?

show f'(x) is positive

Hos do we show a function is decreasing?

show f'(x) is negative

What is concavity?
the rate at which the slope is changing

What does it mean if a function is concave up?

the function is above the tangent line

What does it mean if a function is concave down?

the function is below the tangent line
How do you show if a function is concave up/down?
show the 2nd derivative is positive/negative

What is meant by the term optimization?

find the minimum of a function

Describe the process of maximizing/minimizing a function.

find out where the derivative is equal to zero and undefined. Use those values on a sign

How do we find maximum profit?

first derivative test on the profit function

How do we find marginal profit?

the derivative of profit

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