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Bauan Technical High School



A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School Department
Bauan Technical High School

In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the K-12

Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum

Shervee M. Pabalate
Bernadeth Visanta
Mark Lorens Bejer
Angelo Recabo

Bauan Technical High School

The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to certain

people who help us fish this study.

First of all, the researchers are grateful to the Almighty God for guiding them and

giving them knowledge to accomplish this study.

The researchers would like to thank and express their deepest gratitude

to the following persons who help them finish their Research: to Mrs. Emily

Abanes for the support and guiding them to make this research possible.

The researchers appreciates their efforts on answering their question.

They are also thankful to the teacher who allowed them to conduct survey and

help them accomplish to accomplish the action research

The researcher would like to acknowledge gratitude to their family and

friends who support them financially and morally to make this research possible,
Bauan Technical High School

All through my life these are the people whom I want to express my

gratitude with:

I would like to dedicate this success to:

Our God Almighty, my source of inspiration, wisdom and knowledge; my mother,

my strength through this journey; our research teacher, Mrs. Emily Abanes for

her support and encouragement; and my groupmates, for making this journey

easier to face. You are all part of my success.

- Mark Lorens Bejer

With pride and honor, the completion of this piece of work is humbly and

whole heartedly dedicated to all who helped and guided us in fulfilling our

aspiration. To our Almighty God for the love and understanding, to our family for

encouragement and support they impart and to the persons who went out their

way to guide and help, we dedicate this work with sincerity from our hearts.

- Bernadeth Visanta

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destination and this research leads me one

of the very beautiful and important event in my life.

I would like to thank fist our almighty God who has been their in my side and to

my family who always support,

- Shervee Pabalate

Table of contents
Bauan Technical High School
Tittle Page

Tittle Page--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i

Acknowledgement---------------------------------------------------------------------- ii

Dedication ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii

Table of contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------- iv


A. Background

B. Scope and Delimitation

C. Significant of the study

D. Justification



A. School Rules and Regulation

B. Attitude of the students towards school rules and regulation

C. Level of Violence

D. Effects on Education

E. School Based Prevention Plans

F. Actions taken by Schools

G. Zero Tolerance

H. School rules and time management

Bauan Technical High School
A. Research Design

B. Participant of the study

C. Sampling Method

D. Instrument Used

E. Research Procedure




Revisiting the School Rules and Regulation of Bauan Technical High

School, Senior High School Department SY: 20016-2019
Bauan Technical High School


Students are the most essential resources in education. It necessary to

direct students to acceptable attitude and behavior within and outside the

school. Discipline Reduced Behavioral Issue and Respect to others. Rules are

guidelines for action and for the evaluation of actions in terms of good and bad

or right and wrong and therefore a part of moral or values education in school.

The importance of School Rules and Regulation is it enables students to remain

focused and most likely excel in their education. School rules help maintain

discipline by ensuring that the students are aware of how to behave and the

consequence of misbehaving. It helps create good behavior among students for

maintaining school’s good image. Parent sent their children to school not only for

academic learning but also for moral values. Applying the school rules and

regulation is essential due to the fact that it molds the character and values. It

helps create control over students since having students who are not mature

enough in school. The school approach toward discipline is for every students to

acquire self-discipline and be responsible conduct so as to contribute to over all

well being of all in the school. School rules and Regulation are essential for

students thus able to prepare them for the future.

Students are key stakeholders and the most essential resources in

education. It is absolutely necessary to direct students to exhibit acceptable

attitude and behavior within and outside the school. In an attempt to achieve an

organized and peaceful school environment and maintain law and order , school
Bauan Technical High School
management specifies rules and regulation to guide the activities of members of

the educational institution. Student ‘s discipline is a perquisite to almost

everything a school has to offer students, further link discipline with both the

culture and climate of the school thus according to them in order for satisfactory

climate to exist within a school , a certain level of discipline must exist. In

schools where discipline is a serious problem, for example , where students

bully others , parents can transfer their children to “better” schools. Since the

well behaved students usually perform well their transfer can affect the overall

performance of the schools. However punishment can aggravate behavior

instead of curbing it.

Students are molded to be a better individual that will soon inherit today’s

society. It is acceptable attitude and behavior within and outside the school. To

acquire an aspiring non-aggressive and organized school invironment, rules and

regulation are to guide each member, each member as well as the teachers and

staff, of the educational institution.

Discipline is the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of

behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. This is a necessity of being

in the present generation, children tent to prioritize things that are not usually

necessary like having relationship rather than focusing with their studies.

Continued disregard and noncompliance to the fulfillment of the school rules and

regulation may lead to problems.

Bauan Technical High School
School rules is just like any set of societally imposed regulation, serve to

create a learning, and set expectation. It is also teach the young that there are

limits to the behaviors that they may engage in and that these limits just like

nearly all of activities within school, are to train them to behave within a civil

society. Rules seem to be arbitrary, others seem to be overly restrictive. But, it is

the job of the administration and faculty to make sure that the school is a place

of learning, largely free from distractions, and conducive to the intellectual


School rules help maintain order in a large group of people. There may be

anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand students at any level of

education. In order for faculty and staff to manage such large groups,

implementing rules for the students is necessary. Some rules are intended to

protect the students as well as the teacher. Rules also help prepare students for

life as an adult. By learning to follow rules as a child, a person may be better

prepared for following the laws.

This study is very significant because a lot of time school authorities and

parent get into serious conflict due to these subject. Parents go as far as

removing their wards from certain schools because they feel the teacher are to

hard for them. They desire a place where the performance of their children will

improve and with less trouble. This study seek to find out better approach to

handle such conflict. Discipline should be perceived as a good thing by both

parents, student and the teachers. Some scholars have introduced certain
Bauan Technical High School
approaches that will make it easy to solve this problem. School rules are usually

associated with classroom management and school discipline. However, rules

also define ways of thinking about oneself and the world. Rules are guidelines

for action and for the evaluation of actions in terms for good and bad, or right or

wrong, and therefore a part of moral or values education in school. This study is

part of a larger ethnographic study on values education in the everyday life of


Researcher conduct this study about Revisiting the School Rules and

Regulation for the past three years. They came out in that study because

researcher knows that when they do something they what to know why the

students violated school rules and regulations.

In general the focus of this study is to be more effective the school rules

and regulation among the senior high student of Bauan Technical High School.

The study is largely dependent on the honestly, sincerity and integrity of the

senior high students who will not take part on the study. The further the study

goes the researcher observe the most of the students are violating different rules

and regulation; this the rules they are violating are: improper haircut, baston

pants, piercing and cutting classes. In addition to this dilemma, students violate

the school rules and regulation.

This study may benefit and advantage to the researcher and themselves

as they become equipped on the process in making this research. Also the

researchers believe that this study become benefits to the student, researcher
Bauan Technical High School
and future researcher. To the student, this study will change the mind of

repondents to how effective the school rule and regulation. To the researcher,

this study aim to be aware how students obeying school rules and regulation. To

the future researcher, this study provide insight the school rules and regulation.

The result gained by this study can be utilized to compare research.

This research study should be conducted for it tackles the importance of

rule and regulation, that will effect the students behavior towards the school.

This will rise awareness for rules breakers and why the students should be

conducted for identifying what are the factors why students cannot meet the

expected rules and regulation.

Objective of the Study

The broad intent of this Mixed study about the Revisiting the School

Rules and Regulation of Bauan Technical High School, Senior High School

Department SY: 20016-2019. In particular, this research aim to; Revisit the

school rules and regulation, school record for the past three years; To identify

the frequently violated school rules and regulation, among senior high school

students; To determine the reason why students violated school rules and

regulation; To recommend plan of action for the violators of school rules and

Bauan Technical High School
Literature Review

School Rules and Regulation

The Education Act of 1999 has documented some rules and regulations

that govern students discipline in Philippines school. It stipulates methods and

procedure for minor and serve disciplinary measures such as corporal

punishment, suspension and student expulsion. Rules and regulations are

drawn for the orderly conduct of the school affairs. Some of them are written and

others are implied and they recognized by law. Addressing the issue of rules and

regulations (Enrico Chavez 2009) state that: The School Broad and individual

school authorities have the right to make any reasonable rules and regulation for

the orderly conduct of school affairs in the interest of the entire school system.

The fundamentals point raised above is that those provisions are made by

relevant authorized bodies to direct and spell out the relationship between

teacher, students and school authorities. The responsibility is therefore on every

member of the school system to respect and obey the rules, as any breach must

be followed by the application of appropriate disciplinary measures. The courts

of law shall always put into consideration the “reasonable and constitutional

right” of the school rules and regulation. Rules that encroached on constitutional

right of students will invariably be invalidated by courts.

As a way of minimizing unwanted behavior in school (Grossnickle, 2010)

emphasized that lack of discipline among students is largely are flection of

attributes, practices, and values of their society. This was evident in the

conceptual framework where the students adherence to school rules and

Bauan Technical High School
regulation were found to be reliant on the parental upbringing and social

environment as intervening variables. Besides, he appended that despite of

having a strict implementation of school rules and regulation, it still has not been

enough and/or truly affective in maintaining discipline and good academic

performance among the students. (Son 2009) added that a school without an

effective discipline is unmanageable and often results in unmotivated and

demoralized educators which in return lead to students poor academic

performance and attitude. In return, when there is an affective discipline in a

school, effective teaching and learning will take place thus leading to more

appealing environment that will help towards a more positive academic

achievement and a better attitude among the students.

Attitude of the students towards school rules and regulation

Rules are defined as asset of explicit or understand regulation or principle

governing conduct within particular activity or sphere. These include what the

group regards as a socially acceptable pattern of behavior expected in every

individual of the group (Harris, 2009). Regulations, on the other hand, are orders

made by the authorities with course of law intended to promote order efficiency

in an organization (Ndeto, 2011). School rules and regulation are among the

strategies designed to instill good conduct to the students; these imply self-

control, orderliness, acceptable behavior andobedience to the school authority

(Adams, 2012). Also, rules and regulation are set to maintain proper governance

and build respect among the teachers and students. Also, discipline aims to

educate and nature values of tolerance, respect, and self-discipline in the

Bauan Technical High School
learner rather than to victimize, belittle and dominate those who are under the

rules and regulations (Gottfredson, 2009). After interviewing the students about

what think of the strict implementation of school rules and regulation, (Mafabi,

2010) revealed that most of the students that were part of this study understand

that punishment, school rules and regulation are effective in remediating one’s

misbehavior and therefore improving the school’s orders. He also added that the

following serve as motivators to improve students sense of responsibility and

intellectual ability.

The International Dictionary Education formally defines discipline as a

term to describe teacher classroom control or general restraint of pupils behavior

(Lingworth, 2011) argues that coercion can never be a method of educating in

the sense that where teachers tend to interpret control threats there by forcing

students to learn what he has taught them is far behind the truth. Another

interesting aspect of discipline and administrative control is the use of scientific

procedures known as behavior modification based on the learning theory

develop by Skinner who advocates some technique and positive reinforcement

such us using rewards to bring about and maintain desired behavior combined

with extinction behavior, weakening undesired behavior by ignoring it or by

otherwise removing its reward consequences. However, the work of (Lauwerys,

2009) is discovered to be in contrast with the scientific procedures of behavior

modification and psychodrama work of piaget. His work on classroom

management focuses attention on the teachers public demonstration that he

knows what is going on, his ability to facilitate smooth transaction from one
Bauan Technical High School
activity to another and handle movement and type of demand he makes from

pupil. There is bound to conflict when administration in school taken to be rigid

and regimentation, where students have to fear administration create a problem

to administrative control of schools. Bad administrative control can hinder

effective discipline tone in the school. These can take the form of giving bad and

inadequate food to students, ineffective teaching, bad staff behavior,

authoritarian methods of administration, high school rules. Arrogant attitude of

the school prefects, unsatisfactory curricula, poor examination results, poor

communication between administrators and school pupils.

Level of Violence

School violence appears to be a significant concern in today’s society. As people

read their daily paper or listen to the news, the topic of level of violence

frequently appears in the headlines. Articles describing children committing

major crimes, such as armed robbery, murder, and assault with a deadly

weapon, are front page material. Currently, research shows that the number of

violent incidents occurring in school is not incidents. In 2010, there were about

155 school related crimes for every students (age 12 to 18). More recent data on

school crime raises questions about how frequently crime really does occur in

the school. (Morrison and Furlong, 2010) found that information on school

violence is sketchy and contradictory. This is due to differing definitions of

violence. According to a study conducted jointly by the Justice Department and

Education Department, there was no significant change of percentage of

students reporting victimization of violent acts. in spite of the conflicting

Bauan Technical High School
portrayals of school violence, school are still less violent than general society

(Dear, Scott, and Marshall, 2011). However, what is important to this study is not

so much the statistics, rather it is the idea that violence in the schools should not

be occurring at all.

Effects on Education

The effect of perceived school violence needs to be addressed. As these

perceptions about school violence continue and the level of concern increases,

children’s sense of safety in school will most likely decrease. As a result, the

education children receive may be negatively impacted. The opportunity for a

successful education is seriously jeopardized when students, staff members,

and the community fear going to school and remaining after (Mulhern, Dibble, &

Berkan, 2014). The concern about school violence is continuing to grow at a

very rapid pace and without further research to determine effective preventative

measures, public schools may no longer be the education of the future

(Stevenson, 2012). Currently, no research has identified the specific cause of

school violence, however, it is happening and something needs to be done

(Berger, 2015). For many students, school is a key resource in their life (Furlong,

& Morrison, 2013). It is a place of opportunity where they can explore different

things without fear. However, if there is a perceived fear for their safety,

resource no longer exists. According to Abraham Maslow (2016) and his

hierarchy of needs, safety is a basic need and must be met in order for children

to achieve the cognitive outcomes that we intend as a result of schooling. If

school does not fulfill that need, a child’s education will be negatively impacted.
Bauan Technical High School
Fears and concerns of school violence may lead some to believe school is no

longer the ideal place to learn and grow. A study of school violence done in 1995

by Chandler, Chapman, Rand, and Taylor, stated that 14.6 percent of students

aged 12 through 19 reported violence or property victimization at school. This

means that almost 15 of every 100 students have experienced a violent act in

school. According to Howard M. Knoff (2009), continuing issues of school safety

and students’ mental health needs have never been so professionally and

publicly prominent as over the past two years. School is a place parents drop

their loved ones off and trust that they are in a conducive learning and growing

environment. A basic need children have is to be safe and secure (Furlong,

Morrison, Chung, Bates, & Morrison, 2017). As children fear the level of safety in

a place where they are expected to thrive, (Furlong & Morrison, 2013), their level

of education is going to be greatly affected. School is a place with the goal of

educating individuals. So, anything that adversely affects an individual’s ability to

learn should be of considerable concern.

School Based Prevention Plans

As previously stated, prevention plans are one option school districts

have chosen to initiate in response to school violence. A prevention plan can be

very beneficial, however, the level of benefit it offers is limited to its effectiveness

and appropriate implementation. According to Stephens (2015), of the National

School Safety Center, in order for a school safety plan to be effective it must be

comprehensive, continuing, and broad based. Comprehensive means that it

must build on previous plans and ideas. Continuing means that it is effective
Bauan Technical High School
from this point forward with no exceptions. Broad based means it must cover a

wide range of possible acts and provide guidelines to define them. Prevention

plans appear to be a necessary tool in school districts, however, the

development and implementation of them can be very tiresome and challenging.

Individual school districts have different ideas of what should be included in a

prevention plan. Some include a code of conduct, specific rules and

consequences that can accommodatestudent differences on a case-by-case

basis. Others provide for collaboration between schools, law enforcement, the

courts, community agencies, parents, and the public (Mulhern, Dibble, & Berkan,

2013). To date, there is no right or wrong answer on what should be included in

a prevention plan. The plan needs to be appropriate for the district and simple

enough to be effectively carried out. The details need to be developed by a team

of individuals that are aware of the various situations that could occur in their

district. Prevention plans should not only provide ideas pertaining to “after the

fact”, but they should also offer options, or ideas, relating to the cause or

warning signs of problem behaviors. School personnel may fail to recognize

problem situations which, left unaddressed, can precipitate crisis events or

worsen an existing crisis (Cornell & Sheras, 2014). The implementation of a

prevention plan is seen to possibly eliminate, or at least reduce, the room for

error. In a prevention plan, there are certain steps to follow if a particular action

occurs or if signals of a violent act occur. This is important because the early

warning signs allow people to act responsibly by getting help for the individual

before problems escalate Being able to recognize the signs of an individual in

Bauan Technical High School
trouble, or considering violence, allows educators to act appropriately through

following the guidelines of the prevention plan. Along with the use of prevention

plans, other various forms of prevention have been explored. Incidences have

led schools to try increasing the number of security personnel, installing two-way

intercoms in every room, using identification cards, and assigning more police to

arrival and dismissal times (Pitcher & Poland, 2010). However, despite these

attempts, violent acts Persist.

Actions taken by Schools

With the numerous effects of violence on a child’s education, there is not

only a need for further research, there is also a need for society to take action

violence that occurs in the community has found its way inside the schoolhouse

door. Society needs to be prepared and willing to respond and act on what is

currently happening. One after another, school communities across the country,

(King & Muhr, 2009) have been forced to face the fact that violence can happen

to them. Even though these experiences are troubling and unforeseen, they

cannot prevent society from taking the initiative to act. School response to

violence typically takes one of two forms: crisis intervention policies or

prevention response plans. According to Wolfe (2017) and Chandras (2015),

crisis intervention approaches are often the treatment of choice in a large

number of schools experiencing violence. This is because many schools believe

it is not necessary to fix something before it is a problem. Such approaches posit

that the actual crisis is not the focus situation, rather it is the individuals’

perceptions and responses to the situation. Crisis intervention policies are

Bauan Technical High School
reactive rather than preventative. In contrast, others find that preventative

actions and plans are the. Preventative measures can reduce violence and

troubling behaviors in (Pitcher & Poland, 2010). Those who choose to use a

preventative strategy believe that through education and awareness, one has

the necessary knowledge to stop an act before it is fully carried out. Some of the

most promising prevention and early intervention strategies involve the entire

educational community - administrators, teachers, families, students, support

staff, and community members - working together to form positive relationships

within the school.

Zero Tolerance

As tragedies in the schools continue, school districts are called upon to

impose more severe penalties for any kind of school disruption, a stance that

has led to a common prevention method known as, zero tolerance. A “zero

tolerance policy” is defined as a school or district policy that mandates

predetermined consequences or punishments for specific offenses It outlines

penalties for violent or threatening behavior by students in school or at school

sponsored activities . The purpose is to create a safe and secure environment

for learning. The “zero tolerance policy” is a fairly recent addition to the array of

school violence prevention techniques. There are still some concerns about

whether this is an appropriate resolution to the problem of violence. However,

there are some that believe it is successful because the behaviors that are and

are not considered acceptable are clearly outlined, as are the consequences.

Initially, the term zero tolerance “referred to policies that punish all offenses
Bauan Technical High School
severely, no matter how minor. It was at this time that “zero tolerance” made its

mark by being applied to issues such as environmental pollution, trespassing,

skateboarding, racial intolerance, homelessness, sexual harassment, and boom

boxes Since the initial application of zero tolerance policies, there has been

significant controversy on its effectiveness. Some find it to be beneficial in

reducing the issue at hand, while others find it detrimental and unable to fulfill its

intended purpose. Considered ineffective in drug rehabilitation, many community

drug programs phased it out. However, at the same time, the concept began to

take hold in the public schools , zero tolerance policies were being adopted by

schools across the country (Skiba & Peterson, 2011). The policy was mandated

nationally by the federal government when President Clinton signed the Gun-

Free Schools Act. According to Skiba and Peterson (2011), the initial motivation

behind the adoption of zero tolerance policies was the fear that drugs and

violence were spreading in our nation’s schools. Concern about escalating drug

use and fear of random violence led to demands to take action and implement

these “get tough” policies such as zero tolerance. However, controversy

surrounds the zero tolerance policy. Zero tolerance policies have been criticized

as being too specific or too broad-based, as well as, discriminatory.

School rules and time management

In a proper learning situation, a disciplined student is the one expected to

do the right thing at the right time (Kajubi, 2009). Bratton and Gold (2010) also

shared the same opinion where they argue that, a disciplined student is the one

who is in the right place at the right time. However in most schools, students
Bauan Technical High School
misuse time through loitering in villages and yet time is a factor for achieving

success, others arrive very late for classes missing lessons, which seems to

affect their academic performance. This can be blamed on the existence of

ineffective school rules and regulations especially concerning time management.

According to Byarugaba (2013), time is a scarce resource and therefore requires

proper apportioning so as to enable any organization achieve its objectives.

Punctuality needs to be observed not only by students but also teachers, head

teachers and non-teaching staff in an educational institution. Many a times, this

is usually dependent on effective school rules and regulations. Mafabi (2011)

also agreed with this idea and argued that, in the school environment for

success to be achieved, the school head teacher is expected to be an example

of good time management. Despite this expectation, the practice in most

secondary schools is that, most of the school activities seem not to respect the

designed timetable. There is a need therefore to establish the source of this poor

time management. Clifford (2012) noted that discipline should take precedence

over other activities and must be enforced. He argued further that, much of time

management in schools is guided by school timetables that indicate time for

every activity in the school such as teaching, break time, assembly, lunchtime

and sports. This usually forms part of the school rules and regulations. Parkes

and Thrift (2014) also shared the same opinion with Clifford (2012) during their

study on time management in public schools in the United States of America and

established that, time is a mental device that gives order to events by identifying

them as successive. But in reality, in most secondary schools, for example,

Bauan Technical High School
assemblies tend to encroach on the time for other activities an indication of poor

time management. Docking (2016) argues that, a disciplined student is the one

expected to arrive before lessons start and wait for the teacher. At the same

time a disciplined teacher is the one expected to respect all the time allocated to

him or her on the timetable. Despite this belief, most teachers in the secondary

schools are also reported to attend lessons late and leave classes before the

end of lessons. This generally seems to originate from ineffective school rules

and regulations.


Research Design

The descriptive design of research was used on conducting this study

since it aims to Revisit the School Rules and Regulation of Bauan Technical

High School for the past 3 years, this study is a mixed study that used interview

in gathering the data needed for this study. Moreover, the proponents a

convenient interview that the respondents can understand and answer easily

with respect to their privacy. The answers in the interview is the basis of the

researchers that made them illustrate and review the results.

Participants of the study

The subject of this study are the limited to the record of the senior high

students of Bauan Technical High School, the respondents were selected by

the researcher where in the sampling method that will be adopted is simple

random sampling, by choosing a set of respondents in Bauan Technical High

Bauan Technical High School
School. In each stand the respondent will be 5 students. The choosing

respondents gave the support from the given question,

Sampling method

On this research study, the researcher will use systematic random

sampling to collect the data needed, fist the researcher will get the data to the

guidance, second the researcher will interview some students and last is

analyzing the data collected. The researcher also choose this kind of sampling

because it’s not consuming of time on getting respondent needed and it’s also


Instrument Used

The instrument that the researcher used was interview. The researcher

prepared some questions and it will be done in a face to face s way of collecting

the data. The researcher used the systematic random sampling in choosing the

respondents for they can help to have an appropriate and effective findings.

Research Procedure

The researcher explain only one study in each members. They looked for the

data were gathered from the internet. Then, they sought for the approval for their

research adviser before they conduct the study. The information is collected

using through voice recording. The respondents were informed about

confidentiality of their answer. After that, the researcher first choose their

respondents that involved in their study. Their were able to answer the given

questions then they interpreted the gathered information and findings. Lastly,

they analyzed the data that they gathered in determining the revisit the school
Bauan Technical High School
rules and regulation for the past 3 years. The researchers analyzed the data in

answering their objective of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will make a letter of request giving permission to interview

the respondents and a sample draft of interview questions to the authorities to

allow the researchers to approve the letter for the whole time. Upon approval,

the researchers permission, also the confidentiality of every respondents of

Bauan Technical High School where the respondents will be taken. After the

researcher questions for the interview have been approved, checked and


Schools play an important role in the socialization process of the young

people from where they learn to regulate their own conduct, respect towards

others, manage their time responsibly and thus becoming responsible citizens

(Tait, 2009). Thou they play such a crucial role, what is being observed in

Kenya‟s secondary schools is a wave of indiscipline among students inform of

strikes, bullying, arson cases in schools, and vandalism of school property. That

is why Njoku (2010) argued that there has been an increase destruction of

property and lives lost. This has therefore created a big concern for teachers,

head teachers and stakeholders. This state of affairs makes one wonder

whether the rules and regulations are effective in enhancing discipline.

Bauan Technical High School
Table 1

Common Cases of Violence

Common Cases

Violence’s in the year CP Fight Socks Hair Hair Baston Late

of: cut Color

2018 20 2
2019 66 27 6 5
2020 53 12 27 6 6 7

Students discipline is a prerequisite to almost everything a school has to

offer students (McGregory, 2010). Seifert and Vornberg further link discipline

with both the culture and climate of the school thus according to them in order

for a satisfactory climate to exist within a school, a certain level of discipline

must exist. In schools where discipline is a serious problem, for example, where

students bully others, parents can transfer their children to „better‟ schools.

Since the well behaved students usually perform well their transfer can affect the

overall performance of that school. However punishment can aggravate

behaviour instead of curbing it (Rigby, 2009). The parents were getting anxious

and frustrated as they complained of the rising incidents of indiscipline and

violence in schools. The concern was not only on the risk of destruction of

property and injury to persons but also the poor academic performance

associated with the growing trend of indiscipline.

The methods of managing student discipline that are alleged to be highly

breached are suspension and expulsion (Njoku, 2010). Student may be

suspended from attendance at a school by the head teacher of the school or a

Bauan Technical High School
teacher acting in that capacity, if his language or behaviour is habitually or

continually such as to endanger the maintenance of a proper standard of moral

and social conduct in the school, or if any single act or series of acts subversive

of discipline is committed (Education Act, 2009). On expulsions, the Education

Act (2009) states that it is only the Director of Education who is authorized to

expel students from schools after considering his age, progress and the report of

the Board of Governors in detail. The Education Act gives authority to the Board

of Governors to: make administrative rules appertaining to the discipline of

students and prescribe appropriate punishment other than corporal punishment,

for a breach of, or non-adherence to, such rules. With this provision, very many

types of methods of managing discipline in schools are reported being used.

Whereas some methods have been alleged to be effective in managing student

discipline in some schools, in some, they have been a cause of indiscipline

(Rono, 2016).

Table 2

School Rules and Regulation violated

Bauan Technical High School
Areas of objective Strategies/ Person Time
concern involved Frame

School Identify the Guidance and Senior 1 year

community frequently violated Counselling High around
school rules and Students
regulation. Informing the
senior high Prefect of
Determine the students of the Discipline
reason why they new school
violated the rules and Teachers
school rules and regulation
regulation. Principal

amendment on the
school rules and

Proposed Plan of Action

The recommendation to improve the school rules and regulation were

categorized into two: for revisiting the school rules and regulation for the past 3

years and to determine frequently violated. This study manifest that there is a

needed on prevision in school rules and regulation in order to improve it. The

said proposed plan of action on school rules and regulation improvise the

discipline of the students.


The researcher have formulated the following conclusion based on the

finding and results.

Bauan Technical High School
1. All senior high students most violated school rules and regulation is

bringing their cellphone.

2. The school rules and regulation describe the student of Bauan Technical

High School.

3. There is a significant relationship between the effect in education and

violating the school rules and regulation.

4. An enhanced plan of action is being proposed.


1. The ability of the school to make students not to violated the school rules

and regulation.

2. The school may have the activity or culminating activity about school

rules and regulation.

3. The school may have provide and improve the school rules and

regulation in with may offer some good discipline.

4. The school may perform identifying the vision and mission of the school

rules and regulation.

5. The plan of action being proposed may serve as an instrument for the

improvement of school rules and regulation.

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