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Baker Bandits : Korea'S

Band of Brothers
Cynthia Shelton
Casemate Publishers
B-1-5 was a unique company in the Korean War. The Baker Bandits
fought at Inchon, Naktong, Chosin Reservoir, Guerrilla Hunts and
the many numbered hills. Theyinspired one B Company
Commander, Gen. Charlie Cooper to the extent that when he
became Commanding General of the Marines First Division in
1977, his time with B-1-5 inspired his "Band Of Brothers
Leadership Principles" used widely in the Corps for many years.
Emmett Shelton was a 19-year-old Marine Reservist in 1950. He
was called to duty after graduating Austin High School and, within
six months, he was a rifleman in Korea. The Korean winter of 1950
was brutal and Emmett was evacuated shortly after Chosin due to
frostbite. After the war, Emmett got on with life, then in the 1980s
he attended a Chosin Few Reunion. He was overwhelmed by a need
to reconnect with his old Company, his Baker Bandits. Emmett
tracked down B Company members one-by-one and started a
newsletter, The Guidon, to share stories and reconnect. For 20 years
Emmett published The Guidon, monthly. The contributing
readership grew to a high of 300, including a number of young B
Company Marines fighting in Afghanistan. Chosin Brothers brings
together first-hand accounts from The Guidon, written by the men
of B-1-5 about their time in Korea: their battles, their fallen
commanders, deathin the foxhole, lost platoons, injuries and what
happened to them after the war.

Casemate Publishers

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