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When is an instrument payable to order?

signature of the indorser , without additional words,

Sec. 8. When payable to order. The instrument is is a sufficient indorsement.
payable to order where it is drawn payable to the What is a special indorsement?
order of a specified person or to him or his order. It Sec. 34. Special indorsement; indorsement in blank.
may be drawn payable to the order of: A special indorsement specifies the person to
(a) A payee who is not maker, drawer, or drawee; or whom, or to whose order, the instrument is to be
(b) The drawer or maker; or payable, and the indorsement of such indorsee is
(c) The drawee; or necessary to the further negotiation of the
(d) Two or more payees jointly; or instrument.
(e) One or some of several payees; or
(f) The holder of an office for the time being. What is a blank indorsement?
Where the instrument is payable to order, the payee An indorsement in blank specifies no indorsee, and
must be named or otherwise indicated therein with an instrument so indorsed is payable to bearer, and
reasonable certainty. may be negotiated by delivery.

When is an instrument payable to bearer? What are the differences between an order
Sec. 9. When payable to bearer. The instrument is instrument and a bearer instrument?
payable to bearer: In an order instrument, the payee must be named or
(a) When it is expressed to be so payable; or indicated therein with reasonable certainty. In a
(b) When it is payable to a person named therein or bearer instrument, the payee need not be named.
bearer; or
(c) When it is payable to the order of a fictitious or An order instrument is negotiated by indorsement
non-existing person, and such fact was known to the by the holder and completed by delivery. A bearer
person making it so payable; or instrument is negotiated by delivery.
(d) When the name of the payee does not purport to
be the name of any person; or An order instrument, if indorsed in blank is
(e) When the only or last indorsement is an converted to a bearer instrument, while a bearer
indorsement in blank. instrument in its origin cannot be converted to an
order instrument.
What is the Fictitious Payee Rule?
This is a rule that is applied to a negotiable What is the additional requirement for
instrument if the payee is not really fictitious but is negotiability of a bill of exchange?
considered fictitious under certain circumstances. Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he
must be named or otherwise indicated therein with
If the payee is not the intended recipient of the reasonable certainty.
proceeds of the instrument, then the payee is Note: that this is only applicable to a bill of
considered a fictitious payee, and the instrument exchange because only bills of exchange have
will be a bearer instrument. drawees in the NIL.

How can an order instrument be negotiated? What is a bill of exchange?

Sec. 30. What constitutes negotiation. An A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in
instrument is negotiated when it is transferred from writing addressed by one person to another, signed
one person to another in such manner as to by the person giving it, requiring the person to
constitute the transferee the holder thereof. If whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed
payable to bearer, it is negotiated by delivery; if or determinable future time a sum certain in money
payable to order, it is negotiated by the indorsement to order or to bearer.
of the holder and completed by delivery.
What are the distinctions between Sec. 1 (e) and
How can a holder indorse the instrument? the last sentence of Sec. 8?
The indorsement must be written on the instrument Sec. 1 (e) Where the Last sentence of Sec. 8
itself or upon a paper attached thereto. The instrument is addressed Where the instrument is
to a drawee, he must be payable to order, the
named or otherwise payee must be named or A confession of judgment in relation to negotiable
indicated therein with otherwise indicated instruments is a provision in the instrument where
reasonable certainty therein with reasonable the maker or the drawer authorizes a confession on
certainty. his or her liability.
Purpose is to allow the Purpose is to allow the
payee or indorsee to drawee to determine to What are the three kinds of confession of judgment?
know to whom to whom payment is to be Warrant of Attorney; Cognovit Actionem; Relita
present the instrument made, or to whose order. Verificatione
for payment. Moreover, an order What is a warrant of attorney?
instrument is negotiated A warrant of attorney is a confession of judgment
by indorsement and made before an action is filed in court.
delivery and the payee is
the 1st one to indorse the This provision is void because it enlarges the field
instrument. of fraud. It denies a party his day in court, and
If drawee is not named If the payee is not deprives a party his statutory right to appeal. If a
nor indicated with named nor indicated warrant of attorney is contained in a note, just
reasonable certainty, the with reasonable disregard the stipulation because it is void. It will
instrument is not certainty, then it is not not affect the negotiability of the instrument
negotiable, for lack of an negotiable for lack of an because n egotiability does not depend on the
essential element of essential element of validity of the instrument or its stipulations.
negotiability under Sec. negotiability under Sec.
1 (e) 1 (d) What is a Cognovit Actionem
This applies to Bills of This applies to It is a c onfession made when there is a case filed or
Exchange only. Promissory Notes and is pending in court. This confession is valid. If the
Bills of Exchange. confession is unreasonable, the court will decide if
Drawee must be named Payee must be named or it is reasonable or not.
named or otherwise otherwise indicated with
indicated with reasonable certainty. What is a Relicta Verificatione
reasonable certainty. It is a confession made when the party will deny
liability by setting up a defense in his answer but
What are additional provisions in an instrument later on, he will abandon such defense. When a
that will not affect negotiability? party abandons his answer or defense, in effect he is
Sec. 5. Additional provisions not affecting confessing judgment. This is also valid.
negotiability. An instrument which contains an
order or promise to do any act in addition to the What happens to the negotiability of the
payment of money is not negotiable. But the instrument if the holder is given the option to
negotiable character of an instrument otherwise require something to be done in lieu of payment
negotiable is not affected by a provision which: of money?
(a) authorizes the sale of collateral securities in case The option will not affect the negotiability of the
the instrument be not paid at maturity; or instrument. If the option is given to the maker, then
(b) authorizes a confession of judgment if the the promise to pay a sum certain in money is no
instrument be not paid at maturity; or longer unconditional. The maker can decide if he or
(c) waives the benefit of any law intended for the she will pay a sum certain in money or deliver the
advantage or protection of the obligor; or alternative obligation.
(d) gives the holder an election to require something
to be done in lieu of payment of money. What are the omissions in the negotiable
But nothing in this section shall validate any instrument that will not affect its negotiability?
provision or stipulation otherwise illegal. Sec. 6. Omissions; seal; particular money . The
validity and negotiable character of an instrument
What is confession of judgment? are not affected by the fact that:
(a) it is not dated; or
(b) does not specify the value given, or that any Yes. The instrument is not invalid for the reason
value had been given therefor; or only that it is ante dated or post-dated, provided this
(c) does not specify the place where it is drawn or is not done for an illegal or fraudulent purpose. The
the place where it is payable; or person to whom an instrument so dated is delivered
(d) bears a seal; or acquires the title thereto as of the date of delivery.
(e) designates a particular kind of current money in
which payment is to be made. What is the effect on the negotiability of the
But nothing in this section shall alter or repeal any instrument if the consideration is not indicated
statute requiring in certain cases the nature of the in the instrument?
consideration to be stated in the instrument. It will not affect the negotiability of the instrument.
What is the effect on the negotiability of the
instrument if it is not dated? Why?
The omission of the date will not affect the Every negotiable instrument is deemed prima facie
negotiability of the instrument. to have been issued for a valuable consideration;
What are the relevant dates in an instrument? and every person whose signature appears thereon
Date of issue; Date of payment; Date of acceptance to have become a party thereto for value. (Sec. 24,
What happens if there is no date of payment?
The instrument is payable on demand.demand. That is why even if the consideration is not
indicated in the instrument, it will not affect the
What happens if there is no date of issue? negotiability of the instrument because it is already
Where an instrument is expressed to be payable at a presumed.
fixed period after date is issued undated, any holder
may insert therein the true date of issue, and the What is the effect on the negotiability of the
instrument shall be payable accordingly. instrument if such instrument did not indicate a
Note that if the instrument is not dated, it will be place of issue or place of payment?
considered dated as of the time it was issued (This The omission has no effect on the negotiability of
is why even if the date is omitted, it will not affect the instrument.
the negotiability of the instrument). In this case the
holder may insert (indicate/write) the date of issue. The place of issue of the instrument is not relevant
to its negotiability. Omission of the place of issue is
What happens if the holder inserts a wrong date not material to the instrument.
of issue?
The insertion of a wrong date does not avoid the Where should the instrument be paid if there is
instrument in the hands of a subsequent holder in no indication of place of payment?
due course; but as to him, the date so inserted is to Presentment for payment is made at the proper
be regarded as the true date. place:
(a) Where a place of payment is specified in the
What happens if the acceptance of the instrument and it is there presented;
instrument is not dated? (b) Where no place of payment is specified but the
Where the acceptance of an instrument payable at a address of the person to make payment is given in
fixed period after sight is undated, any holder may the instrument and it is there presented;
insert therein the true date of acceptance, and the (c) Where no place of payment is specified and no
instrument shall be payable accordingly. address is given and the instrument is presented at
the usual place of business or residence of the
The insertion of a wrong date does not avoid the person to make payment;
instrument in the hands of a subsequent holder in (d) In any other case if presented to the person to
due course; but as to him, the date so inserted is to make payment wherever he can be found, or if
be regarded as the true date. presented at his last known place of business or
Can the maker or drawer ante date or post-date
the instrument?
What is the effect on the negotiability of the Where the instrument is not dated, it will be
instrument if the instrument contains a seal? considered to be dated as of the time it was issued;
The validity and negotiability of the instrument are
not affected by the fact that it bears a seal. What is the rule if there is a conflict between the
Seals are mere ornamentations of the instrument written and printed provisions of the
usually used for advertisement. instrument?
The written provisions prevail.
What are the rules in interpreting a negotiable
instrument in case there is doubt? What is the rule if there is doubt whether the
Sec. 17. Construction where instrument is instrument is a bill of exchange or a promissory
ambiguous. Where the language of the instrument is note?
ambiguous or there are omissions therein, the Where the instrument is so ambiguous that there is
following rules of construction apply: doubt whether it is a bill or note, the holder may
(a) Where the sum payable is expressed in words treat it as either at his election.
and also in figures and there is a discrepancy Note: Sec. 130. When bill may be treated as
between the two, the sum denoted by the words is promissory note. Where in a bill the drawer and
the sum payable; but if the words are ambiguous or drawee are the same person or where the drawee is
uncertain, reference may be had to the figures to fix a
the amount; fictitious person or a person not having capacity to
(b) Where the instrument provides for the payment contract, the holder may treat the instrument at his
of interest, without specifying the date from which option either as a bill of exchange or as a
interest is to run, the interest runs from the date of promissory note.
the instrument, and if the instrument is undated,
from the issue thereof; What is the rule if there is a signature in an
(c) Where the instrument is not dated, it will be instrument, but it is not clear as to what capacity
considered to be dated as of the time it was issued; is the signature for?
d) Where there is a conflict between the written and Where a signature is so placed upon the instrument
printed provisions of the instrument, the written that it is not clear in what capacity the person
provisions prevail; making the same intended to sign, he is to be
(e) Where the instrument is so ambiguous that there deemed an indorser.
is doubt whether it is a bill or note, the holder may
treat it as either at his election; What is the rule if an instrument contains the
(f) Where a signature is so placed upon the words “I promise to pay”, but it is signed by two
instrument that it is not clear in what capacity the or more persons?
person making the same intended to sign, he is to be Where an instrument containing the word "I
deemed an indorser ; promise to pay” is signed by two or more persons,
(g) Where an instrument containing the word "I they are deemed to be jointly and severally liable
promise to pay" is signed by two or more persons, thereon.
they are deemed to be jointly and severally liable
thereon. What is the rule in case there is a discrepancy
between the words and the figure of the amount
What is the rule if the instrument provided for payable?
an interest, but it did not indicate when the The sum denoted by the words is the sum payable.
interest would start to run?
Where the instrument provides for the payment of What is the rule if the words are ambiguous or
interest, without specifying the date from which uncertain?
interest is to run, the interest runs from the date of Reference may be had to the figures to fix the
the instrument amount.

What happens if the instrument is undated?

If the instrument is undated, the interest runs from
the issue thereof;

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