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(Entry 1 )M1 L3: Journal/Notebook Submission

EQ-Are the powers of the federal government stronger under the

United States Constitution? ANSWER-Yes, the federal government is
stronger with more power over the states as well.

Ratification-Our government has only been amended 27 times since
the ratification in 1788.

Federalism- Ultimately, both sides argued for their version of

federalism and the relationship between the central government and
state governments.

Checks and balances- Their solution of checks and balances between

three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial
would balance the central government’s powers.

Popular sovereignty- The Preamble of the constitution is the

introduction to the constitution: it explains what the constitution is
meant to do and describes the purpose of the new government from
the Articles of Confederation, all the way down to its basic concept of
popular sovereignty.

Separation of powers-This compromise meant that the branches of

government would have a separation of powers to balance them all.

(ENTRY 3) 6 Factors

1)Order and security

3)Checks and balances
4)Equal application of the law
5)Procedural fairness
6)Access to justice

(ENTRY #6) Ratification

QUESTION 1-In order to ratify the Constitution, the Framers decided

that this number of states would need to accept the document as
written: ANSWER- 9-greater than a ⅔ majority
QUESTION 2 - What was the name of the series of essays written by
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in defense of the
new U.S. Constitution during the effort to ratify it?: ANSWER-The


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