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Issue 1,374 Wednesday 4 May 2011 FREE

Tensions over referendum hit

fever pitch after Huhne attack ALLISTER


An ally of Osborne’s said: “The talise on growing dissatisfaction
BY DAVID CROW chancellor was rising above it all among grassroots Liberal Democrats
in a statesmanlike way.” Another to launch a leadership challenge
SIMMERING coalition tensions over added: “The same can’t be said of against Nick Clegg.
tomorrow’s referendum on AV reached Huhne.” A senior Lib Dem said:

boiling point yesterday, after Chris But a Lib Dem source “There’s a general view
Huhne launched an extraordinary said: “There is a body of that Chris is on manoeu-
attack against the Prime Minister and Lib Dems that feel the No vres.”
chancellor during a cabinet meeting. campaign has been out of Yesterday, Ladbrokes

In heated exchanges, the climate order. cut the odds of a Liberal
change secretary challenged David “He brought it up Democrat cabinet
Cameron and George Osborne to “disas- during a conversation minister resigning
sociate” themselves from the No cam- about party business within 24 hours of the
paign, which he claims is “trashing” the and was right to do so.” referendum from 3/1 to

Liberal Democrats. There was growing 2/1.
Osborne hit back at Huhne, likening speculation in Westminster Last night, a ComRes poll
him to Jeremy Paxman and insisting last night that Huhne could put the No campaign on 66
that a cabinet meeting was an inappro- resign from the cabinet if the per cent against 34 per cent
priate forum for such a discussion. No campaign wins, and capi- for the Yes campaign.

CLIMBDOWN Bin Laden was unarmed
CAPITAL MARKETS in the first place.” funds and a pre-arranged group of
Fresh details are emerging of the terrorist leader’s last moments Picture: REUTERS

BY DAVID HELLIER There will be an official announce- cornerstone investors will subscribe
ment of a price range today. for about 30 per cent of the shares

when shot by US troops

ADVISERS to Glencore are set to price Advisers say that fund managers on offer in the newly-floated group.
the shares in the group’s flotation at who had heard the Glencore story But despite blue-chip cornerstone
the bottom of the expected range. were generally supportive. They espe- investors including Fidelity, Capital
As the banks working on the deal cially warmed to chief executive Ivan Group and BlackRock, there has
gauged investor support for what is Glasenberg’s pledge that he wouldn’t been scepticism from some fund
the London market’s biggest ever be selling any shares while he worked managers about the market in gen-

flotation, it became clear last night for the group. eral, about the riskiness of some of WORLD wound, after rushing towards the US
that the shares will be priced at a The announcement this morning Glencore’s earnings and about the BY RICHARD PARTINGTON navy SEAL team storming the third
range that will value Glencore at and the accompanying share prospec- longer-term prospects for the group. floor bedroom where bin Laden was
nearer to $45bn (£27bn) than the tus is likely to confirm that Peter Davey, head of mining and THE WHITE House last night revealed holed up.
$83bn or more that some bank advis- Glasenberg is a billionaire through metals research at Standard Bank, fresh details of Osama bin Laden’s The White House’s official
ers had estimated. That includes up his shares in the commodities trader. one of the few independent analysts death, shifting the official story on spokesman Jay Carney added that a
to $12bn the firm is aiming to raise in The float has attracted interest not working for a bank engaged in the mission to kill the world’s most “volatile firefight” had taken place.
new money with its London-Hong from several sovereign funds, with the deal, said: “Few of the assets wanted man. Officials also attempted to dispel
Kong listing. Abu Dhabi set to become the biggest that Glencore owns are world class US officials now say the Al-Qaeda growing speculation over the evi-
Some analysts suggested that non-employee stakeholder after the and a large component of its rev- leader was not armed when he was dence of bin Laden’s death. They
bankers on the deal could have IPO. It is likely that sovereign wealth enues come from low margin trad- shot dead by special forces, although claimed official photographs of bin
allowed the valuation to become ing income. maintained he “did resist” during the Laden’s corpse do exist, yet would not
hyped as a negotiating tactic. “But the biggest 40-minute raid on his compound in immediately be released.
Olivetree Securities’ Christian
Ivan Glasenberg’s pledge problem is that the market is not all Abbottabad, Pakistan. “It is fair to say it is a gruesome pho-
Georges said: “What they’ve been not to sell a single share that convinced that the miners are It emerged that he was shot in the tograph… it could be inflammatory,”
doing quite clearly now is pushing up in the company has going to the moon at the moment. head and chest and that his wife was said Carney.
the target price so that once they take impressed many of the So people are wondering why they taken alive, dispelling speculation he However, CIA chief Leon Panetta
out 10 per cent for good measure, fund managers need to chuck more money at the used her as a human shield. said the photographs would “ulti-
they still have the price they wanted sector.” She did, however, suffer a leg mately” be released. CITY VIEWS: P2
Certified Distribution
FTSE 100 ▲6,082.88 +12.98 DOW ▲12,807.51 +0.15 NASDAQ ▼2,841.62 -22.46 £/$ 1.65 ▼-0.02 £/¤ 1.11 ▼-0.01 ¤/$ 1.48 unc 28/02/11 - 03/04/11 is 105,180
2 News CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011

Britain must vote No to AV tomorrow NEWS | IN BRIEF

Keydata escapes criminal charges
Criminal charges will not be brought
against anyone involved in the collapse
preferences) and would increase the Chris Huhne once likened it to “an ill- the system is broken, partly because of Keydata, the financial services firm
power of insiders and of the political fitting corset attempting to squeeze all councils don’t have to raise locally all that collapsed earlier this year, accord-
establishment. It would do all of this the diverse strands of opinion in our the cash they spend. Rather than wast- ing to the Serious Fraud Office. The SFO
without making MPs work any harder society into an inappropriate and ing time and money arguing about said there was “insufficient evidence” for
or the system any fairer: AV is entirely deeply uncomfortable shape.” The whether to introduce a voting system a prosecution. An ongoing Financial
different from a proportional repre- 1998 Commission on Voting Reform nobody really wants, we should be Services Authority (FSA) probe into the
sentation (PR) scheme of the sort long chaired by Roy Jenkins, another Lib debating what our relationship with firm’s failure could however land execu-
advocated by many reformers. In fact, Dem, rightly argued that AV would be Brussels should be. Another interest- tives with heavy fines and a ban from
EDITOR’S LETTER AV would have produced even more “unacceptably unfair”, “less propor- ing reform would be to introduce a working in the sector. The firm’s
disproportionate results in three out tional” and “disturbingly unpre- right of recall for MPs – if enough vot- founder, Stewart Ford, has denied any
ALLISTER HEATH of the past four general elections, mag- dictable”. This is one reason why only ers sign a petition, a by-election would wrongdoing.
nifying defeats and exaggerating victo- three countries – Fiji, Australia, and be held. There is also a strong case for
FIRST it was wedding bells that ries. Because some voters would back Papua New Guinea – use AV for their bottom-up referenda, also triggered by BP agrees to pay $25m charge
drowned out campaigning for tomor- just one candidate while others would national parliament – and no national petitions. There could be lots of useful BP has agreed to pay a $25m (£15m)
row’s referendum – and then it was indicate several preferences, some peo- legislature uses the “optional prefer- changes – but adopting an eccentric civil penalty plus interest to settle a fed-
Osama bin Laden’s death. But the vote ple would have a greater voice than ence” version proposed in the UK. voting system that even its supporters eral investigation into a pipeline oil spill
on whether to change our voting sys- others, a deeply disturbing prospect. This is not to say the current elec- hate is not the way to go, especially at a on Alaska’s North Slope in 2006. The oil
tem is nevertheless a hugely important Most important of all, while an AV sys- toral system is perfect. There is a strong time when the nation faces far more spill in Alaska is one of several environ-
moment for Britain’s democracy. We tem ought not in theory to be too com- case for radical constitutional reform. important economic challenges. mental and safety problems that has
urge all of you who care about the way plex to understand, in practice it We should stop the ridiculous system Polls suggest that the No side is in beset BP in the United States in recent
we are governed to take part, to cast would baffle millions of voters – and whereby Scottish, Welsh and Northern the lead but mass apathy means that years, including a deadly explosion at an
your vote – and to vote No. even many so-called experts don’t fully Irish MPs vote on English issues, while there is a real risk of the Yes camp win- oil refinery in Texas that killed 15 work-
The version of the Alternative Vote understand it. English MPs have no say on most ning on a derisory turnout. So please ers and most recently last year’s historic
(AV) system on offer would make coali- The sorry truth about AV is that Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish make use of your democratic rights oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The penal-
tion governments more likely, would even its supposed supporters don’t policies. England needs to have the tomorrow – and vote No. ty is the result of BP violating US envi-
incentivise MPs to move to the centre really want it. Nick Clegg used to call it same rights as the other UK nations. ronmental laws when it spilled crude oil
(as they pander for second and third a “miserable little compromise” and We need to rethink local government: Follow me on Twitter: @allisterheath in waters on the North Slope.


7th Floor, Centurion House,
24 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AJ
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334
Centrica plea LADEN’S DEATH?
Interviews by Marion Dakers

over gas tax

Editorial “I think that if we keep up the existing anti-ter-
Editor Allister Heath rorism measures, London won’t be any more at
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor David Crow risk than before. We should concentrate more on
Night Editor Katie Hope what’s happening to Pakistan and Libya.”
Business Features Editor Marc Sidwell
POLITICS Simplification, described the surprise

Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel

Sports Editor Frank Dalleres BY DAVID CROW AND DAVID HELLIER raid on North Sea oil and gas firms as
a “rabbit punch” – an illegal boxing
Art Director Craig Gaymer
Pictures Alice Hepple CENTRICA was yesterday hopeful that blow – that was “precipitate and unex-
Commercial the chancellor would reconsider plans
to raid the profits of North Sea gas
pected”. Whiting said he was speak-
ing as a director of the Chartered
“I don’t think it will make much difference. I think
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery people might be a bit more aware and vigilant, but the
Commercial Director Harry Owen firms, after his own tax tsar hit out at Institute of Taxation and not in an
Head of Distribution Nick Owen the proposals. official capacity. level of danger in London probably hasn’t changed. I
A source close to the British Gas But despite Centrica’s optimism, a
owner said they were pleased that Treasury aide said there was “no way” don’t feel any more or less safe.”
Distribution helpline such a “senior voice” had “questioned Osborne would rework the proposals.
If you have any comments about the distribution
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email whether this is the right way for- Representatives of the oil and gas ward”. industry will today make their case
They added there had been “much against the North Sea tax raid at the JOSEPH BRINER | ADVANTAGE PROFESSIONAL
Editorial Statement interaction” with the Treasury about Commons energy select committee.
This newspaper adheres to the system of the possibility of reviewing the pro-
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints posal. Representatives of the “It will take a long time to make a lasting differ-
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s
Centrica argues that oil and gas oil and gas industry ence, either for the better or worse, around the
should not be treated in the same way,
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at since gas is sold at approximately half will today make their world. There might be a backlash, but there’s
Printed by Newsfax International,
the price of oil. case against Osborne’s no way of knowing either what’s planned or
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, Earlier this week, John Whiting, the North Sea raid how we are preventing it.”
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS head of George Osborne’s Office of Tax


The UK’s main quoted companies fear looking to set up offices in Brazil as Unions have clashed over how badly Sales of digital books are soaring in Mexico’s Supreme Court dealt Carlos
that £90bn of annual costs will return the industry increasingly seeks to tap the nation’s post offices may be the UK, according to figures from The Slim, the world’s richest man, a
to their books as they recover, wash- emerging markets for growth. KKR affected by the forthcoming privatisa- Publishers Association. In 2010, sales major setback yesterday, ruling that
ing away savings made during the and TPG are hunting for a senior fig- tion of Royal Mail. Mail workers have of ebooks and audio book downloads his Mexican cellphone company can’t
recession and squeezing profit mar- ure to lead their offices in Brazil, who warned that the Postal Services Bill, in the "general titles" category, which continue to block competitors by
gins, according to a survey by a lead- will then recruit start-up teams of which is expected to move to royal includes novels and consumer titles, using court injunctions to ignore the
ing accountancy firm. Businesses five to six staff, people in the industry assent this summer, could lead to rose from £4m to £16m. The rulings of the country’s telephone
believe that 95 per cent of costs they said. more than 90 per cent of the network Publishers Association, the trade body regulator.
cut in the downturn, many done as a closing. representing most of the UK publish-
quick fix, will return in a “cost RUSSIAN LENDERS FAIL STRESS TEST ing industry, said that the digital mar- PANEL RULES AGAINST AIG IN
boomerang” over the next few years, Nearly a third of Russia’s banks are ill- CITIGROUP SET TO AUCTION EMI AS ket is now six per cent of combined LIFE-INSURANCE DISPUTE
the research covering more than a prepared for a repeat of the global EARLY AS NEXT MONTH physical and digital sales. An arbitration panel in April ordered
third of FTSE 350 companies found. financial crisis, according to a stress Citigroup has asked the EMI boss a unit of American International
test of the industry by its central Roger Faxon to set up a data room for RUSSIAN INVESTIGATOR TARGETS Group to pay $86.7m to a US-based
CABLE CRITICISES RBS OVER REPORT bank. Few domestic lenders went potential buyers of the music busi- SENIOR HERMITAGE EXECUTIVE subsidiary of a Belgian bank. The pay-
ON COLLAPSE bankrupt during the crisis, thanks to ness as quickly as possible. The bank, A Russian investigator will today ask a out was tied to a dispute over insur-
Vince Cable has attacked Royal Bank nearly $40bn in state support. which seized control of EMI from its Moscow court to issue an arrest war- ance on loans that were made to an
of Scotland for putting up “obstacles” However, more than 300 of Russia’s private equity owner Guy Hands in rant for Ivan Cherkasov, a senior exec- investor who purchased older peo-
to prevent the publication of a long- 900-plus banks would see their capi- February, has decided to sell the com- utive at UK-based investment fund ple’s life-insurance policies. The
awaited report into the collapse of tal requirement fall below the 10 per pany as a whole rather than split its Hermitage, escalating a stand-off award shows AIG’s big role in the “life
the bank, amid concern legal battles cent minimum if they found them- music publishing section from its between the company and a group of settlements” market, where life-
could delay its release indefinitely. selves in a similar downturn. recording division. policemen it has branded corrupt. insurance policies are traded.
CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 News 3

Portugal secures bailout deal

for €78bn from IMF and EU

EUROZONE wrangling with the European Central It had aimed to reduce its debt moun-
BY RICHARD PARTINGTON Bank, the European Commission and tain to 4.6 per cent of GDP. Portugal’s
the International Monetary Fund main opposition parties have to
PORTUGAL last night struck a deal for (IMF). endorse the deal ahead of a general
an international bailout worth €78bn The interest rate Portugal pays on election on 5 June, although are
(£70bn) to ease its debt burden for a the loan is due to be set by EU minis- expected to agree to the terms of the
three-year period. ters on 16 May. Socrates said Portugal rescue package.
The country’s caretaker prime min- would be given more time to reach its Portugal is the third Eurozone
ister Jose Socrates said he had “got a budget deficit targets than had been member to seek a bailout, behind
good deal” in a televised address. previously expected. Greece and Ireland after the govern-
Few details of the loan were given Lisbon will now seek to cut its ment failed to get its austerity plans
Portugal’s caretaker prime minister Jose Socrates has agreed to a €78bn bailout. last night, after almost a month of deficit to 5.9 per cent of GDP this year. passed through parliament.

Murdoch in F1
bid talks with
Ferrari backer
ed F1’s place on free-to-air TV, a state

BY STEVE DINNEEN of affairs that would come under
grave threat if pay-TV boss Murdoch
NEWS Corp has confirmed it is in got his hands on it.
talks to launch an audacious bid to Private equity firm CVC, which
take control of Formula One racing. snapped up F1 in 2006 for $1.8bn
The firm said it is working on a bid (£1.1bn), confirmed last night it has
with Italian investment firm Exor, received a “friendly” and “very pre-
which has a 30.5 per cent stake in liminary” approach from an Exor,
Ferrari owner Fiat SpA. News Corp group about its interest in
A joint statement by the two said: buying Formula One.
“Exor and News Corp confirm that CVC “recognizes the quality of Exor
they are in the early stages of explor- and News Corporation as potential
ing the possibility of creating a con- investors, but any investment in
sortium with a view to formulating a Formula 1 will require CVC’s agree-
long term plan for the development ment and will need to demonstrate
of Formula One in the interests of the that it is in the interest of the sport
participants and the fans.” and its stakeholders, taken as a
As a competing firm, any involve- whole,” it said in a statement.
ment in a bid by a Ferrari’ sharehold- CVC is understood to be happy to
er would be controversial and likely hang onto its asset but city sources
face a competition probe. told City A.M. it would be tempted if a
News Corp boss Rupert Murdoch is Murdoch coalition bid a suitably high
also understood to be in talks with figure.
Mexican telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim
to launch a multi-billion bid for one
of the most prized assets in sport. Mexican telecoms
However, F1 chief executive Bernie billionaire Carlos Slim
Ecclestone has claimed Murdoch is understood to be in
would not be allowed to bid for the talks with Murdoch
sport as it would prevent a fair sale of
TV rights. Ecclestone has also defend-
over a joint bid.

US sues Deutsche Bank for more

than $1bn for mortgage fraud
MortgageIT unit misled the Federal

BY RICHARD PARTINGTON Housing Administration into believ-
ing their mortgages qualified for fed-
GERMAN lender Deutsche Bank is to eral insurance, knowing they could
be sued by the United States for more make “substantial profits” when the
than $1bn (£605m) over alleged mort- loans were later sold.
gage fraud. In fact, the government said, the
The Frankfurt-based bank is loan quality was so poor that nearly
accused of “years of reckless lending one in three mortgages defaulted, a
practices” by the US Justice percentage elevated by Deutsche
Department. It is also accused of Bank’s “dysfunctional” quality con-
defrauding the federal government trol.
by repeatedly lying to obtain insur- Deutsche Bank said the claims
ance guarantees on mortgage debt. were “unreasonable and unfair”, and
According to the lawsuit, filed in said it would defend against the
New York, Deutsche Bank and its action vigorously.
CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 News 5


News that an additional 25m people
HSBC to sell off $30bn of
assets in strategic overhaul
could have had their details stolen is a
disaster in terms of damage limitation.
One firm says the cost of cyber attacks
averages $318 a user – in this case
Potential cost: $32bn. It is likely costs will tail off as
$32bn numbers get into millions but this is
still a vast clean-up operation.
menting what Gulliver has called “a by selling off retail assets in the US.

BY JULIET SAMUEL very disciplined approach to alloca- Top of the list could be “the outsized
tion of capital” so as to meet the US credit card business and a scaling
Potential cost: HSBC is set to announce some $30bn bank’s 12-15 per cent returns target. back of HSBC’s US branch presence”.
(£18.2bn) in asset sales as part of chief Investec analyst Gareth Hunt says The remaining $5bn could come
The car manufacturer had an annus $2bn executive Stuart Gulliver’s strategic
rebalancing of the bank.
that sales must form part of any strate-
gic shift: “They need to sell in order to
from selling HSBC’s 16 per cent stake
in Ping An, a Chinese insurer, says
horribilis last year, announcing it would Insiders have confirmed the $30bn buy,” he said. Chandra-Rajan. However, some think
have to recall millions of its cars over figure to City A.M., which was estimat- Details of the sales are not yet this unlikely, given the further growth
safety fears. Analysts say the recall ed by Barclays Capital analyst Rohith known, but BarCap’s Chandra-Rajan potential of the Chinese market.
could cost it up to $2bn in lost output Chandra-Rajan in a note to investors. estimates that the lion’s share of the Other assets for the chop could
and sales. The damage to the reputa- The sales will form part of imple- capital – some $25bn – will be raised include some of the bank’s IT hubs.
tion of the world’s largest carmaker
could have an even higher value.

Potential cost:
(at least)
Japanese nuclear plant TEPCO suffered
irreparable damage to both its balance
sheet and reputation after the deadly
earthquake. The cost to replace each of
its four reactors is estimated at around
$100bn each and it will have to pay in
the region of $25bn in compensation to
residents of the surrounding area.

Sony hackers
hit 25m more
still not been reinstated yesterday.

BY STEVE DINNEEN Sony had begun a clean-up opera-
tion that involved giving users free
MISERY was heaped on embattled access to its premium content and pay-
Sony yesterday when it was revealed a ing credit card renewal fees in affected
further 25m customers could have areas but the latest revelation is likely
had their personal information stolen to dump it back to square one.
by hackers. Users were warned of a possible
Last week it was forced to admit attack on 27 April – a week after Sony
78m members of its PlayStation first detected a problem. Sony says it
Network have been targeted by hack- has now put in place measures to pre-
ers, with a limited number of credit vent another cyber-attack.
card and bank details amongst the
information accessed. ANALYSIS l Sony (Japan)
The latest breach is at the Sony 3,000
Online Entertainment division of the
company, which is separate from the 2,800 2,316.00
PlayStation Network. 3 May
It is understood both divisions were
targeted as part of the same sustained 2,600
attack but that Sony was unaware of
this until yesterday. 2,400
Sony was forced to shut down the
division in yet another blow to its
sales. The PlayStation Network had 7 Feb 28 Feb 18 Mar 7 Apr 28 Apr

Banks face further restrictions

in war to retain talented staff
retention bonuses to existing staff.

PricewaterhouseCooper’s Jon Terry
BY JULIET SAMUEL said: “It’s likely the latest announce-
GUIDELINES on implementing the ments will spell the end of guarantees
EU’s new bonus regulations will for existing employees, which had
deprive banks of a major way of retain- been an important tool for firms to
ing their most talented staff, experts retain talent.”
have said. The news follows revelations by City
In detailed guidance issued last A.M. earlier this year that both Barclays
week, the Financial Services Authority and RBS are fighting a rise in “regret-
(FSA) gold-plated EU regulations on ted losses” – the loss of talented staff
bonuses so as to effectively rule out despite efforts to keep them.
6 News CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011

Japan launch
boosts shares
in Man Group

HEDGE FUNDS the disaster.

BY RICHARD PARTINGTON The hedge fund manager struggled
in the wake of the financial crisis, but Man Group, headed by Peter Clarke, gets around 15 per cent of assets from Japan
SHARES in Man Group, Europe’s last quarter Man Group showed it was
largest listed hedge fund, leapt yester- winning back clients after two years
day after it revealed it had raised a
bumper $1.5bn (£910m) from
Japanese investors for a new fund.
of heavy outflows.
Meanwhile, the sponsor of the liter-
ary world’s Booker Prize also
Stanley Fink’s Japanese legacy still paying off
The Nomura Global Trend open- announced it had completed its deal
ended fund, which tracks Man to buy New York-based fund manager THERE have been relatively few also a vote of confidence in quant forged by former chief Stanley Fink;
Group’s AHL managed futures strate- Ore Hill. The purchase bolsters its US good news stories about quant funds, which use computer algo- Japanese funds account for 15 per
gy, is the firm’s biggest product operations, giving it a stronger pres- funds recently, and even fewer rithms to make investment deci- cent of its assets. Fink outlined his
launch since the financial crisis. ence in the American credit markets. about Japan. That’s why the barn- sions. Just over a year ago, these reasons for pushing into Japan back
Japanese bank Nomura marketed Man Group shares closed up three storming launch of a Japanese fund funds had been all but written off by in 2006, just before he quit as chief
the fund to its private-banking clients per cent at 258p per unit. that tracks Man Group’s AHL man- some commentators after several executive: “We work with a Japanese
on behalf of Man Group. aged futures strategy comes as such incurred huge losses. In 2009, AHL – bank that has $1,000bn of its cus-
Man Group will invest the fund in a ANALYSIS l Man Group a surprise. Analysts had expected which then accounted for around tomers’ money sitting there earning
mixture of assets via three currency the Nomura Global Trend fund, half of Man Group’s assets – lost 0.25 per cent. If we could manage
320 p
baskets, one of which includes the which was marketed to the $1.2bn or 17 per cent; performance just five per cent of that we’d double
Chinese Yuan. Japanese bank’s investors in the has been better since then, if some- the size of the business,” he said.
The investment powerhouse 300 258.00 aftermath of the earthquake, to what volatile, but the fund has With Japanese interest rates now at
pressed ahead with the launch of the 3 May attract $500m – just one third of struggled to shake off the shadow virtually zero, it’s a rationale that
computer-driven fund after initially the $1.5bn total. cast by that annus horribilis. still holds true.
stalling as a result of Japan’s massive That Japanese clients were willing Man Group has always had a good
quake and tsunami in March. to invest in Man Group’s flagship reputation in Japan, thanks to
About 15 per cent of Man Group’s
assets are based in Japan, and shares
240 product will come as a welcome
boost for the fund manager, but it is
strong partnerships with Nomura
and Mitsubishi Bank, which were
in the firm were hit hard following 7 Feb 25 Feb 17 Mar 6 Apr 28 Apr
Analysis by David Crow
CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 News 7

F&C boosted by inflows as

Bramson meets shareholders
the board in February, Edward boosting assets by 0.3 per cent but

BY ELIZABETH FOURNIER Bramson said his review of the com- missing analysts’ predictions of an
pany’s operations was ongoing. increase to £108.1bn.
THE new chairman of F&C Asset Analysts have deemed the out- F&C said that weaker fixed income
Management faced investors for the come of the review an integral factor markets had offset positive currency
first time yesterday, as the fund in the fund’s long-term value, movements and higher equity mar-
F&C’s new chair manager reported an increase in though the jump in inflows will be kets to keep asset growth subdued in
Edward Bramson assets under management to seen as an initial vote of confidence the first-quarter.
was elected in £106.1bn. in Bramson’s first months of leader- “Overall the business continues to
February after a At the first annual general meet- ship. trade in line with management’s
boardroom coup. ing since activist investor group The fund reported inflows of expectations,” said Alain Grisay, F&C
Sherborne Investors took control of £195m for the last three months, chief executive.

New markets
push up profit Why we make our business
at Aberdeen contracts flexible

ASSET MANAGEMENT emerging markets and Asia Pacific

BY MARION DAKERS funds before they become too large to
manage in their current state.
EMERGING market growth has pro- Revenues rose 30.9 per cent to
pelled pre-tax profits at Aberdeen £385.9m for the half-year.
Asset Management to £109.1m in the Performance fees more than dou-
last six months, doubling the gains of bled to £19.1m, while recurring man-
the same time last year. agement fees rose 28 per cent to
Funds under management rose six £366.5m. The group now has a £13.5m
per cent over the six months to the cash pile, compared with £7.7m net
end of March to £181.2bn, and are 1.4 debt last year, which the firm plans to
per cent ahead of this time a year ago. return to shareholders through an
The firm said outflows from more ongoing buyback and a 19 per cent div-
traditional fixed income funds have idend hike to 3.8p per share.
seen a “dramatic slowdown”, with

£600m leaving the investment catego- ANALYSIS l Aberdeen Asset Management

ry during the half-year compared with
230 p
£2bn at the end of 2010. 230.00
“[W]e are seeing encouraging inter- 3 May
est in emerging market and Asian 220
local currency debt, both of which we
believe will provide considerable
opportunity for new business wins 210
over the next few years,” said chair-
man Roger Cornick. 200
The company is actually looking to
slow the rate of investment in its 7 Feb 25 Feb 17 Mar 6 Apr 28 Apr




“ Aberdeen’s results beat our forecasts by seven per cent, driven by bet-
ter-than-expected performance fees and in-line management fees. Revenue mar-

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gins, operational gearing and improving cash generation.
8 News CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011

Treasury closes
Investors call in on deal with
Swiss on tax
for disclosure TAXATION

on junk bonds How would independence in
Scotland affect the UK economy?
BRITAIN yesterday was in the closing
stages of a deal with Switzerland to
tax undeclared assets in a deal that
will bag £3bn for the government by
Britons with funds in Swiss bank
accounts will be forced to pay tax on

CAPITAL MARKETS secured bondholders, and lenders THE latest Voice of the City panel is tions points to a pro-independence new deposits, as well as a one-off ret-
BY ELIZABETH FOURNIER under the senior facilities agreement. now online. To participate go to majority in the Scottish Parliament, rospective levy.
European high-yield is having a and answer which would be able to hold a referen- A withholding tax rate of 50 per
INVESTORS in Europe’s booming high- bumper 2011, with issuance to date the questions below. Results will be dum on leaving the UK. Would you view cent would apply to income from
yield market are demanding more already at €34bn according to figures published in next Monday’s paper. Scottish independence as good or bad Swiss bank accounts held by British
transparency and disclosure of terms from Dealogic – more than half the for the rest of the British economy? taxpayers, swelling the Treasury’s
from issuers and underwriting banks, €62.6bn sold over the whole of 2010. 1) Do you see the following as likely coffers in time for the May 2015 gen-
threatening a corporate funding mar- So-called junk bonds are becoming consequences of the death of Osama 3) A year since its founding, the coali- eral election.
ket that was worth more than €60bn an increasingly popular means of fund- bin Laden? tion government appears divided on The deal could force individuals
(£54bn) last year. ing debt refinancing and acquisitions, • Traders will be more likely to make key policy areas. Do you think it’s time who hide money to move cash away
In a letter to the major banks that as banks focus on their own capital risky investments for David Cameron to pull the plug on from Switzerland to alternative loca-
underwrite high-yield bonds, a group raisings and loans remain elusive. • Oil prices will begin to stabilise the coalition? tions, including Singapore, Hong
of the 30 biggest European investors in March alone saw a record €7.2bn • Barack Obama’s political position will Kong and the US.
the class have called for issuers to dis- sold into Europe, including German be strengthened significantly Participants could be in with the Yet tax havens worldwide are com-
close details of private funding agree- firm Kabel’s sale of a €3.2bn bond to • The threat of revenge attacks on chance of winning a free luxury week- ing under pressure from govern-
ments to the markets. fund its buyout of Liberty Global. Western targets will increase security end to Paris. In September, we’ll put ments strapped for cash in the wake
The letter, obtained by legal publica- A similar drive for transparency was risks for a time panellists who have responded to at of the financial crash and the global
tion IFLR, claims that practices in the launched in 2002, when a smaller least 80 per cent of surveys into a prize sovereign debt crisis.
mushrooming European market have group of investors demanded changes 2) Polling ahead of the Scottish elec- draw. Full Ts&Cs available on request. Swiss authorities are said to have
developed without enough input from to the practice of structurally subordi- been in talks with the Treasury since
the buyside, and that “some of the nating bond investors to bank lenders. last October, although no deal has
basic premises that have underpinned
senior secured bond issuance to date
But threats from investors may hold
more weight this time. Not only have yet been signed.
“Constructive discussions are cur-
need to be revisited”. protestors tripled, but high-yield bonds rently ongoing, but substantive
The group also wants voting rights in 2002 totalled just €6.2bn – less than In association with Apply to join today at issues remain and no agreement has
on enforcement to be standardised,
with an even split between senior
a tenth of the amount that could be at
stake this time round. been reached,”
spokesman said.
a Treasury
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CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 News 9

Compass continues £140m acquisition

Target Date Country


spree with more European buyouts PR 3 May Sweden


11 April India

P-I 6 April UK

M&A “The acquisition of BGP provides sized businesses so far this year
BY KASMIRA JEFFORD a valuable platform from which to in countries including Germany, US PP
grow our food service business in and India.
CATERING firm Compass Group yes- the north of Sweden,” said In its interim statement last 22 March Netherlands
terday announced the latest in a Compass. month, Compass said it has put
string of acquisitions of small food Compass Nederland has also aside around £140m for acquisi-
services businesses as part of its been given the go-ahead to buy tions in the first half of the year,
£140m overseas expansion plan. Elior, a French caterering business with more projects in the pipeline. GP RESURS 8 March US
The firm said it will buy BGP based in Holland, for an undis-
Resurs, based in northern Sweden, closed sum. Compass MD Ian Sarson has been
for SEK16m (£1.6m). BGP posted rev- The global catering company on the acquisition trail since 11 January Sweden
enues of 26.5m SEK in 2010. has bought eight small to medium- taking the role last year

Nasdaq takes
bid for NYSE The 160 hours our business
advisers spend training
to investors
analyst at Raymond James.


BY HARRY BANKS “The conditions to the tender offer of technical stuff
essentially state that Nasdaq/ICE’s pro-
NASDAQ OMX and Intercontinental posal must first be approved by the
Exchange (ICE) are planning to take NYSE board, so this offer does not 20 hours
their takeover bid for NYSE Euronext seem to be hostile at all.” learning how to treat
straight to the Big Board’s sharehold- Shareholders of the New York Stock customers really, really well
ers, as they ramp up attempts to cor- Exchange parent have nonetheless
ner the company into talks. urged it to at least talk to Nasdaq and 30 hours
Nasdaq and ICE have said they will ICE about their deal. on how to speed things
launch a tender offer for NYSE’s shares “I am bothered that NYSE has avoid- through the system
later this month. It comes after NYSE’s ed any conversation with Nasdaq. I feel
board twice rejected the $11bn as if they are biased to the Deutsche
(£6.7bn) unsolicited offer in favour of offer even though economically it’s
its $10.2bn deal with Deutsche Boerse. not equal,” said Keith Wirtz, invest- 4 hours
Nasdaq and ICE’s move to go hostile ment chief at Fifth Third Asset of well-earned coffee breaks
could force NYSE to the negotiating Management, which holds more than
table or to fight back with defensive 100,000 shares of NYSE Euronext. 35 hours
measures if shareholders step up pres- “The proposals on the table are not on the nuts and bolts of
sure. It could also pressure Deutsche likely to be the last,” Wirtz said. “I real- all our products
Boerse into sweetening its deal. ly think the German company is going
But it is unlikely to be the last word to be forced to react to the actions of
in what is likely to be a lengthy Nasdaq.” 25 hours
takeover battle. understanding which tariffs
NYSE could still sit tight. The gap ANALYSIS l NYSE Euronext
are best for your business
between Nasdaq-ICE and Deutsche 42
Boerse bids – a key shareholder con- 39.87
40 3 May
cern – has narrowed to eight per cent 18 hours
from nearly 20 per cent recently, 38
of fine-tuning all these skills
thanks in part to a weaker US dollar.
The Nasdaq-ICE exchange offer also 36 4 hours
has conditions that could yet derail it. of hot-off-the-press updates
“We believe the laundry list of con- 34
ditions attached to the offer virtually
guarantee that it will never be execut- 32
7 Feb 28 Feb 18 Mar 7 Apr 28 Apr
ed,” said Patrick O’Shaughnessy, an

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The Capitalist
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THE STAKES are higher than ever on FC: “I’m the wheeler dealer who acci-
series seven of The Apprentice with dentally became a finance profession-
more pressure, more risk and even al and wants to get out.”
more difficult challenges for the 16 Fighting talk. But isn’t that just the
hard-nosed contestants. sort of swaggering bravado that got
Gripping viewing – but no-one will Stuart “The Brand” Baggs into trouble
be watching the opening episode of last year? (“I’m not a one-trick pony,
this year’s series (next Tuesday) with I’m not a 10-trick pony, I’m a whole
more interest than the employees of field of ponies – and they’re literally
Scottish & Southern Energy in all running towards this job.”)
Reading. They’ll be following the for- And talking of pony, Hunter’s up
tunes of their former colleague against the likes of 28-year-old estate
Edward Hunter, who quit his job as agent manager Alex Britez Cabral,
an accountant at the energy firm to who believes that “if you are success-
become a contestant on the show. ful, you are unpopular, so unpopular-
You see, even though Hunter ity is a good thing.”
trained at one of the Big Four audi- As you’d expect, the thrusting line-
tors, being an accountant isn’t really up also includes some impressive
what he wants to do in life. titles like “business psychologist”,
Given a sneak preview of the open- and “skincare entrepreneur”.
ing episode, The Capitalist was wincing Which makes The Capitalist wonder
as he told judges Lord Sugar, PR what the collective noun would be
impresario Nick Hewer and Karren for such a group of go-getters?
Brady, vice-chairman of West Ham Suggestions by email please.

The line-up for this

year’s Apprentice,
Edward Hunter
IN A NEW twist from previous series
pictured back row, of The Apprentice, this year’s winner
fifth from right will enter into a 50/50 “uncivil part-
nership” with Lord Sugar, who will
invest £250,000 of his own money
into their business idea.
The investment is the same sum of
money Sugar used to start his first
company in 1967, adjusted for infla-
tion; he wants to prove to the public it
is still possible to start a business
from scratch as a way of ending the
“moaning culture”. “All the doom
and gloom has nothing to do with the
banks,” he said. “You have to help
yourself. It is as simple as that.”
Reminding his audience that “I’m
from Hackney, not Eton,” Sugar
added: “I’m not interested in high-
brow economic garbage. I am interest- Free at last: Alastair Cook at the Guildhall
ed in people going out and starting a
business from nothing and making a
pile of money. It is the small compa-
nies, the one-man bands of this world
THE PREVIOUS Lord Mayor Nick
that are the backbone of this country, Anstee was so impressed by the
not the likes of BP and M&S.” “courage and good grace” exhibited
by cricketer Alastair Cook in this win-
ter’s victorious Ashes tour, he and
ROYAL ENGAGEMENT alderman Gordon Haines nominated
AS SOON as Winterflood Securities the batsman for the Freedom of the
heard the news of the Royal engage- City of London.
The Queen and I: ment, the original theme for its Cook, who was “honoured” to fol-
professional Royal Christmas party – traditionally held low in the footsteps of England play-
lookalike Jeannette in April – was pushed back to next ers Andrew Strauss and Michael
Charles and year in favour of hiring a troupe of Vaughan, received the award at a
Michael butlers to entertain their 1,000 guests. cricket-themed lunch at the Guildhall
Winterflood Even though the Winterflood yesterday. But don’t expect to see
hosts didn’t dress up for its Right Cook driving a flock of sheep over
Royal Knees Up – except for a distin- London Bridge – that particular privi-
guishing rose buttonhole – The lege associated with the Freedom has,
Capitalist hears their behaviour sadly, been phased out.
was suitably regal, with life
president Brian Winterflood
insisting guests call him
“His Royal Bri-ness”
THE FAMILY of Richard Crossley, the
for the evening. Merchant Securities chartist who
Professional died at home in London on 12 April,
lookalike has confirmed the funeral will take
Jeannette place on Thursday 12 May at 10am at
Charles made Christ Church Spitalfields on
a convincing Commercial Street. There will be
Queen for the drinks afterwards to celebrate
n i g h t , Richard’s life at Sweet Basil
although Restaurant on Brushfield Street.
guests were No flowers by request, but dona-
less impressed tions may be made in memory of
by “Prince Richard to the Multiple Sclerosis
Charles”. “Some Society c/o Janet Burrow, Dale Edge,
people thought Back Lane, Whittingham, Preston,
he looked like Lancashire, PR3 2FH.
Gary Lineker,” For further details, please contact
said a mole. John Coulson on 0207 375 9030.
CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 News 11

Economic optimism highest since last August

from an all-time low of -36 in March having taken place in the last few tainly rosier than March with much frame to see that there is still a long
(positive minus negative) to stand at - days we can hypothesise that the feel room remaining for improvement. way to go before we reach the levels
24 in April. This improvement is like- good factor generated has built on The graph of optimism over the last achieved in late 2009 (when even
ly to have been driven by three main the improved economic conditions year shows that we are in as strong a then sentiment was negative).
factors: More positive economic news; helping to engender a mood of position as we have been for a while Stephan Shakespeare is chief executive of
for example 10 per cent people fewer greater optimism in the country; it but we only need to extend the time YouGov.
people now expect unemployment to will be important to see that opti-
rise a lot (23 per cent in April, 33 per mism maintained into May and ANALYSIS l Household Economic ANALYSIS l Household Economic
BRANDINDEX cent in March). beyond. Confidence 2010 Confidence since 2009
STEPHAN SHAKESPEARE Encouraging signs at the coal face
of the British economy; 23 per cent of
It isn’t all good news however with
inflationary expectations still
people saw business activity pick-up extremely high; 80 per cent expect -15 Economic Confidence -15 Economic

HE latest Bloomberg/YouGov at their place of work last month prices to rise over the next year, 31 per Confidence
Household Economic Activity compared to 18 per cent who saw it cent expect them to rise significantly. -25 -25
Tracker (HEAT) results released decline and worker’s expectations for These fears impact behaviour with 52
today show that optimism their business to improve over the per cent of Brits being more price-sen- -35 -35
about the economy is at its highest next 12 months went from +8 to +13. sitive than they were a year ago.
level since August 2010, recovering The royal wedding; with fieldwork Despite that the general picture is cer- Mar 10 Apr 10 Oct 10 Jan 11 Apr 11 Feb 09 Aug 09 Feb 10 Aug 10 Mar 11

Oz entrepreneur sells
start-up to WorldPay
Capital from The Royal Bank of

Scotland Group.
BY KASMIRA JEFFORD Envoy has appointed Rothschild
(see below) and Ashurst, the law
LONDON-based entrepreneur Phil firm, as advisers whilst FT Advisors
McGriskin (pictured) is set to sell and Weil, Gotshal & Manges are
his internet payment business advising WorldPay.
Envoy Services to WorldPay, the McGriskin said: “We are delight-
global payments provider, in a deal ed to be joining
believed to be worth £70m, just five the WorldPay
years after launching it. team and see
Australian Phil McGriskin, 37, a a unique
surfing fanatic who moved to window of
London in 1996, set up Envoy opportunity
Services in 2006 with just £750,000 to create a
after quitting his career in the city. truly differ-
He has attracted several wealthy entiated,
angel investors including market-
Sportingbet founder Mark leading
Blandford, who owns 11 per cent of proposition
Envoy. for global
The acquisition by WorldPay is merchants.”
timely, coming just as the new
limit for entrepreneurs’ relief on
Capital Gains Tax was introduced
last month.
In his March budget, chancel-
lor George Osborne announced
the doubling of the lifetime
limit on “entrepreneurs’ relief”
from £5m to £10m from April.
Envoy’s management team
could benefit from tax sav-
ings of £1.8m each on up to
£10m of gains with
McGriskin, who owns a
majority stake in the busi-
ness, potentially netting
over £35m from the deal
before tax.
WorldPay was itself
bought six months ago by
private equity firms Advent
International and Bain PHILLIP MCGRISKIN


Bridgepoint Capital on its £424m
Goldberg joined Rothschild in
ROTHSCHILD 2001 from Baring Brothers where he
worked for three years on their M&A
team. At Baring Brothers, he advised
on Millennium & Copthorne Hotels
acquisition of Regal Hotels in the US.
ROTHSCHILD is advising Envoy Before Baring Brothers, Goldberg
Services on the offer from WorldPay, worked as a corporate lawyer at
with Hedley Goldberg, managing Simmons & Simmons.
director heading the team. Law firm Ashurst is also advising
Goldberg has led the Rothschild Envoy Services. WorldPay is being
team advising Royal Bank of advised by Udayan Goyal, managing
Scotland on the £925m sale of the director at FT Advisors and by law
Priory Group to Advent and advised firm Weil Gotshal and Manges.
CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 News 13

Delays hit new insurer rules Experian pays $416m for

the deadline by which it has to sub- to believe that it would have a year to
the majority of Computec

mit the draft details, with the latest comply after all the requirements
BY JULIET SAMUEL suggested dates now in 2016. were known,” she said.
TIME is running out for the imple- Insurers are required to begin The matter is complicated by addi- ence and build on its strong market

mentation of Solvency II, the new complying with the new regime in tional delays from the European position in Brazil.
regulatory capital regime for insur- 2013, but KPMG insurance director Commission, which needs to publish EXPERIAN, the Dublin-based credit In the half year to 30 September
ance companies, according to Janine Hawes says there are now real its own drafts before EIOPA can hold information group, has agreed to buy 2010, revenues from Experian’s Latin
accounting firm KPMG. fears that the details of the scheme a public consultation on its propos- a controlling stake in Computec, a American division totalled $350m, up
The European Insurance and will not be decided until late 2012, als. leading Columbian credit services from $255m a year earlier.
Occupational Pensions Authority leaving little time for the industry to Hawes added: “Whilst it is true company, in an all cash deal valued at Computec, a publicly listed compa-
(EIOPA) is required to supply propos- adapt. that insurers know the general direc- approximately $416m (£252m). ny on the Colombian stock exchange,
als for the technical details of the “This is not what was expected at tion of the rules, in terms of the Experian said yesterday morning runs the most extensive database in
regime by the end of this year, but the start of the Solvency II journey, final detail much of the industry is that the acquisition will further Colombia providing fraud prevention
has been repeatedly pushing back when the insurance industry was led being kept in the dark.” strengthen its Latin American pres- services and credit reports.

Fall in sales at NEWS | IN BRIEF

Kalahari bid suffers setback
AIM-listed uranium miner Kalahari
Minerals has given Chinese suitor CGNPC-

Pfizer as drug URC more time to prepare its takeover

offer after the original deadline passed
yesterday. CGNPC-URC wants to lower its
indicative bid from 290p to 270p per
share after the Japanese nuclear crisis
threw the uranium industry into doubt.

patents loom But the Takeover Panel says the bid can-
not be cut without warning. Both firms
plan to appeal before the new bid deadline
of 17 June.

BHP Brazil plan gets green light

BHP Billiton and its partner Vale has given
Revenue would have fallen two per- its blessing to a $3.5bn (£2.1bn) expansion

centage points if not for the weaker project for its Samarco mining project in
BY HARRY BANKS dollar, which boosts the value of over- Brazil. The firms plan to expand iron ore
US PHARMA giant Pfizer yesterday seas sales, and for new products pellet production capacity by 8.3m tonnes
reported lower-than-expected quarter- obtained in Pfizer’s recent purchase of to 30.5m tonnes a year, with first produc-
ly revenue on a decline in sales of its specialty drugmaker King tion expected in 2014.
prescription drugs, exposing the risks Pharmaceuticals. Hannover Re has cut its profit outlook after a series of catastrophes Picture: REUTERS
the company faces if it were to it divest Investors fear Pfizer, which has Lamprell wins upgrade work

Catastrophes put a dent

its better performing animal health, bought three of the largest US drug- Oil and gas engineering group Lamprell
consumer products and nutritional makers over the past decade, will be has signed new contracts worth $57m
products units. too big to post strong profit growth (£34.5m) for refurbishment projects in the
Sales of Pfizer’s core business of pre- once Lipitor faces cheaper US generics United Arab Emirates, the company

in Hannover Re’s forecast

scription drugs fell two per cent to in November, and more than half a announced yesterday. Lamprell will
$14.2bn (£8.6bn). Cholesterol fighter dozen other drugs lose US patent pro- upgrade oil rigs owned and operated by
Lipitor, the company’s biggest product, tection in the next few years. Millenium Offshore Services, giving the
led the downturn. Its revenue tumbled Pfizer said it aims in the second half firm a boost after a sluggish second half
13 per cent to $2.39bn due to generic of the year to complete an assessment of 2010.
competition in overseas markets. of what businesses it may sell.
The world’s largest drugmaker, Sales of animal-health products INSURANCE premiums this year, particularly in Churchill brings in new investors

whose shares fell 1.8 per cent in pre- jumped 16 per cent to $982m in the BY MARION DAKERS new markets, and that high demand Churchill Mining was one of the top per-
market trading, said it earned quarter, while sales of consumer for pensions in the UK would also bol- formers on AIM yesterday after announc-
$2.22bn, or 28 cents per share, in the healthcare products rose 12 per cent to REINSURANCE giant Hannover Re yes- ster future results. ing a £7.7m share placing with Indonesian
first-quarter. That compared with $745m. Nutritional product sales rose terday slashed its profit outlook for Group premiums are expected to investors. Rachmat Gobel and Fara Luwai
$2.03bn, or 25 cents per share, in the three per cent to $470m. the year after a glut of expensive rise by seven to eight per cent this will own 16.5 per cent of the company
year-earlier period, when Pfizer took claims linked to the recent earth- year, Wallin added, compared to an between them, and will be entitled to
charges related to its late 2009 pur- ANALYSIS l Pfizer quakes in Japan and New Zealand. earlier forecast of five per cent appoint two board members. Churchill
chase of rival US drugmaker Wyeth. 21
$ 20.47 The downbeat news, largely expect- growth. shares closed up 32.5 per cent at 50p.
Excluding special items, including 3 May ed by the market, saw the firm cut its The firm has seen €509m of claims
its Capsugel business that is being sold 20.5 net profit forecast from €650m to linked to the five biggest natural Rio moves to delist Riversdale
and is now considered to be a discon- €500m (£585m to £450m) for the year, catastrophes so far this year – the Rio Tinto has won control of the board at
tinued operation, Pfizer earned 60 providing losses from the ongoing US Australian floods and cyclone, frosts Riversdale Mining, paving the way for
cents per share. Analysts on average 19.5
hurricane season stay below €410m. in Mexico, as well as the Japan and plans to delist the firm. Rio owns more
expected 59 cents per share. Net income for the three months to New Zealand quake. than 73 per cent of Riversdale shares, and
Global company revenue of $16.5bn 19 the end of March was €52.3m, a third The firm’s €24.8bn assets under has given remaining shareholders until
was a bit lower than the year-earlier of the level seen this time last year. management are helping to recoup Friday at 7pm Sydney time to accept its
quarter and slightly trailed Wall Street 18.5 Chief executive Ulrich Wallin told the losses, generating €222.7m of offer, after extending the bid by another
expectations of $16.63bn. 7 Feb 28 Feb 18 Mar 7 Apr 28 Apr shareholders he expects to see strong income during the quarter. week.



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14 News CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011

Pressure on NEWS | IN BRIEF

Google’s Korea office raided
Google’s Seoul office was raided yester-
day on suspicion its mobile advertising

revenues for unit AdMob had illegally collected loca-

tion data without consent, South Korean
police said. It is the latest setback to the
search firm’s Korean operations. The
probe into suspected collection of data on
where a user is located without consent

Orange owner highlights growing concerns about possi-

ble misuse of private information as the
use of mobile devices such as smart-
phones and tablets increases.

RenRen aims for bumper IPO

China’s biggest social network RenRen is
seeking a valuation of of more than two

TELECOMS had played a part.

BY STEVE DINNEEN France Telecom’s UK business times that of Facebook in its US IPO. It
Everything Everywhere – a joint ven- hopes to raise up to $743.4m (£449.8m) –
ORANGE owner France Telecom yester- ture with Deutsche Telekom combin- Ofcom boss Ed Richards expects to have to intervene in BT’s pricing Picture: PA an eye-watering 67-times its 2010 rev-
day said intense competition in its ing their Orange and T-Mobile units – enues. Last week, Renren raised the expect-

Ofcom may set price BT

home market had deflated its first- reported slow growth last week. ed price range of its IPO by 30 percent.
quarter revenues. The key service revenue figure, Demand for the stock is expected to be
It reported sales of €11.3bn (£10.1bn), which excludes handset sales, grew robust as the company taps investor inter-
roughly in line with expectations, and just 0.4 per cent to £1.6bn in the first- est in China and social media. It also revised

charges for infrastructure

overall earnings of €3.7bn. quarter. Analysts expect O2 and down the number of monthly unique log-in
France Telecom lost out on new Vodafone to post around six per cent users it said it had in December. China is
broadband additions as firms scrabble and 6.3 per cent respectively. one of only a handful of countries where
to attract customers in a fiercely com- Total revenues were down 1.7 per Facebook is not number one.
petitive market, ultimately claiming cent. In the previous quarter total rev-
just 20 per cent of the total. enue dropped 1.2 per cent. Car sales drive up Infineon figures
It was also hit by a hike in VAT for TELECOMS but added this looks “unlikely”. German chipmaker Infineon yesterday

telecoms services and the political ANALYSIS l France Telecom BY STEVE DINNEEN If no agreement is reached by June, celebrated the sale of its mobile proces-
upheaval in North Africa. 17 € Ofcom will come forward with a reg- sor business to Intel after bumper sales in
The group was rocked last week OFCOM chief executive Ed Richards ulated price structure. its core car-chip market buoyed its fig-
when an employee immolated himself 15.77 says he may be forced to set the price Japanese IT infrastructure giant ures. Infineon, which produces chips for
in a company car park in Bordeaux, 3 May BT can charge rivals to access parts of Fujitsu says it hopes to roll out super- two thirds of the world’s cars, received a
bringing back memories of the spate 16 its infrastructure. fast internet to 5m rural homes but welcome boost as the automotive indus-
of suicides at the telecoms giant The move could have far-reaching has said BT must lower its access try bounced back strongly.
between 2008 and 2010. More than 20 implications for the rollout of broad- prices to make the project viable. In the first three months of 2011,
workers for the company, which is 27 15 band to rural areas. Richards said he A BT spokesman said: “We are work- Infineon’s second-quarter, operating prof-
per cent owned by the state, commit- would prefer a “commercial” solution ing closely with both Ofcom and it was €202m (£181m), up 14 per cent
ted suicide last year, with union lead- between BT and rivals such as Virgin industry to ensure the prices reflect compared with the previous quarter.
7 Feb 25 Feb 17 Mar 6 Apr 28 Apr
ers alleging that working conditions Media for access to its ducts and poles the true costs.” Sales were up eight per cent.
CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 Consumer News 15

Thorntons’ sales melt away Estimated pre-tax

profits for the year
to 25 June

ago. Overall group sales – which sales were insufficient to offset the £3m-


drop in like-for- £4.5m

include commercial sales, franchise impact of the weather.”
BY JOHN DUNNE stores and the Thorntons Direct deliv- In February, Thorntons reported a
THORNTONS yesterday issued a profit ery business – fell 0.7 per cent. fall in half-year profits.
warning after blaming the hot weath- However, it saw an increase of 25.1
er over Easter for disappointing sales. per cent in sales of its products ANALYSIS l Thorntons
like sales for
The chocolatier reported a 22.8 per through supermarkets. 105
Easter week Like-for-like sales
cent drop in like-for-like sales com- Thorntons chief executive in Thorntons'
pared with the same week last year. Jonathan Hart said: “The past quarter 70.00
It now expects pre-tax profits for has been extremely challenging, par-
3 May own stores fell
the year to 25 June to be £3m-£4.5m,
down from the £6.1m it reported last
ticularly in our own stores and for
franchisees, and we foresee this weak-
ness on the high street. We took steps
over the 16
Like-for-like sales in Thorntons’ to ensure that our ice cream was 75
own stores fell 12.6 per cent over the available in more stores than last year weeks to the end
16 weeks to the end of April, com- ahead of the Easter trading period. 65
7 Feb
of April
pared with the same period a year However, these significant additional 25 Feb 17 Mar 6 Apr 28 Apr Thorntons has made its ice-cream available in more stores

Metro losses Car dealer Lookers rejects bid...

narrow after
M&A stepson, and Moor Park, a private at Nomura’s private equity division

BY JOHN DUNNE equity property advisory firm, are in London.

part of Petchey’s group. Trefick said in a statement: “The
CAR dealership Lookers yesterday They are now pursuing a parties have requested access to cer-
rejected an initial “speculative” bid potential £260m-plus bid for tain information in order to
by an investment company led by Lookers. Trefick Group already owns confirm the cash offer, but the

cost cutting
veteran investor Jack Petchey, but a 17 per cent of Lookers. board of Lookers has, to date,
new offer could be in the pipeline. Trefick called on Lookers to open declined to provide this.”
Petchey’s Trefick yesterday con- its books to the bidders so that they Last Wednesday Lookers said its
firmed its interest in a takeover, and could confirm their all-cash board had rebuffed a “highly specu-
revealed that it was behind last approach. Moor Park’s three part- lative” approach for the company
week’s rejected bid. ners are Gary Wilder, Shemeel Khan from an unnamed suitor, pushing
Brett Palos, Sir Philip Green’s and Jagdeep Kapoor, who all worked shares up more than ten per cent.

other western European markets. In

RETAIL giant Metro yesterday posted a
smaller than expected first-quarter
contrast, sales climbed 2.5 per cent in
eastern Europe, and were up strongly
in Asia and Africa.
Chief executive Eckhard Cordes
... as veteran investor Petchey
loss after closing stores to slash costs.
The net loss narrowed to €3m
(£2.6m), compared with €16m in the
same period last year.
said: “Consumer sentiment in a large
part of our portfolio is still fairly weak.
Even German consumer confidence
has weakened, resulting in a more
goes on new acquisition drive
Metro, which runs cash and carries, volatile environment.” JACK Petchey OBE is leading a team young people in London. He has
hypermarkets, electricals and depart- RBS analyst Justin Scarborough, not- potentially interested in moving for donated more than £65m to
ment stores, said first-quarter sales ing first-quarter earnings only car dealership Lookers. schools, clubs and projects.
were flat at €15.52bn. The world’s accounted for about five per cent of A genuine “rags to riches” busi- Petchey is a serial stake builder
fourth largest retailer, with over 2,100 the full-year total, said a big fall in nessman, Petchey rose from office in property and car companies. He
stores in 33 countries, reiterated that “other losses” underscored a disap- boy at 14-years-old to a motor trade previously invested in and then
it expects 2011 sales to rise over four pointing performance. and property tycoon. exited from Reg Vardy, the car
per cent and earnings to climb about The group said in March the The philanthropist, now 85, set dealership group, in 2007, at a
10 per cent. Japanese earthquake and unrest in the up the Petchey Group after the profit.
But the company admitted that this Arab world could put economic recov- Second World War, growing the He has written a book, 50/50
depended on a “further improvement ery at risk, knocking its shares. business from a single mini-cab to Man, about his business acu-
of the overall economic situation and control of a fleet of cars and car men. He talks about giving
the possibility to compensate price ANALYSIS l Metro AG showrooms and then on to holiday his children 50 per cent
increases on the procurement side”. 40 properties abroad. towards something they

Since the first-quarter of 2010, the He has an office in East London wanted to buy but they
German-owned retailer has closed or where he deals in share trading and would have to make up
sold 26 unprofitable domestic Real 36 31.43 has become one of the City’s most the difference, summing
supermarkets, Kaufhof department 3 May active and successful private deal- up his belief in self help.
stores and Cash & Carry wholesale out- ers. His investment vehicle for the Petchey is also a former
lets and disposed of its Moroccan 32 potential Lookers move is Trefick. chairman of Watford FC,
wholesale unit. Metro said sales fell The East Londoner set up the Jack finally selling his stake to
2.6 per cent in Germany, which Petchey Foundation in 1999 to help Elton John.
accounts for almost 40 per cent of the
total, and were down 1.9 per cent in
7 Feb 25 Feb 17 Mar 6 Apr 28 Apr

William Hill to buy Brandywine as it Pierre Cardin reveals he

accelerates expansion into US market is open to offers for firm
Brandywine operates in Nevada for AWI’s and Cal Neva’s sportsbook ed his house in 1950, and was known


and Delaware and had revenues of operations and will give William Hill for his avant-garde style.
$7.7m in 2010. a leading position in the US land- FASHION designer Pierre Cardin has The business entered Asia in the
WILLIAM Hill, Britain’s biggest book- The Brandywine deal comes nearly based sports betting market,” said that he is open to offers for the 1950s, set up in Japan in 1957, and
maker, is to buy American company a month after William Hill made its William Hill chief executive Ralph business with a price tag of $1.5bn then in China in 1979. Cardin was
Brandywine Bookmaking as part of first move into the US sports betting Topping said in a statement. (£897m). one of the pioneers of brand licensing
its plans to establish a leading posi- market by buying the American “This acquisition offers not only a His fashion house was one of the and the name is now carried on hun-
tion in the US sports betting market. Wagering (AWI) and Cal Neva busi- well regarded management team and first to expand in Asia, leading the dreds of products. He said his valua-
The company said it had agreed to nesses for a total of $39m. Nevada operation but also an exclu- way for other retailers. The designer, tion was based on a multiple of €10m
buy privately-held Brandywine William Hill added that it expected sive land-based sports betting rela- aged 88, told the Wall Street Journal: (£9m) per product per country,
Booking for $14.25m (£8.57m) in cash the impact of its American acquisi- tionship with the Delaware State “I know I won’t be here in a few years “which is nothing at all”, he said.
and would also provide a multi-mil- tions to marginally enhance its earn- government,” he added. and the business needs to continue.” “One thousand products, 100 coun-
lion pound convertible loan as part of ings. Brandywine runs 16 sports books, “I want to sell it now,” said Cardin, tries, that’s how it calculates. It’s
the takeover. “Brandywine is a good strategic fit employing 90 people. who does not have an heir. He found- nothing,” he added.
16 Economics CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011

UK’s factory growth

loses momentum...
responded ING’s James Knightley. nations Russia and China, as well as

BY JULIAN HARRIS However, British factories have still the US and Europe.
recorded growth for 21 straight Foreign markets are helping to off-
STERLING dropped sharply yesterday months, with April’s expansion set weak domestic consumer demand,
as figures showed a marked slowdown remaining above average levels. with new orders nearing stagnation
in the UK’s manufacturing boom. “The overall PMI index is slightly at 51.51, down from 54.95 in March
The pound sank more than a per- above the average of 53.6 during 1994 and a massive drop from 65.23 in
centage point to $1.647 in the morn- to 1996,” noted Citigroup’s Michael January’s PMI survey.
ing session after a purchasing Saunders, “and that was a period of Backlogs of work also shrank, for
managers’ index unexpectedly fiscal tightening and low pound, the third straight month. Backlogs fell
dropped to a seven-month low of 54.6. which saw solid and well-balanced more sharply in April (44.85) than in
The PMI has dropped over seven GDP growth led by business invest- March (48.61).
points since January’s record high of ment plus exports.” Inflationary pressures remain a
61.7, the steepest fall over such a peri- Manufacturing exports accelerated problem despite the input costs index
od for two and a half years. Figures in April, up by around half a percent- slowing to 76.3, from 81.2 in March
over 50 indicate economic growth. age point to touch 58. and January’s all time high of 84.
“The report further diminishes the The global recovery and a weak Output costs slowed to 64.2 yet “this
likelihood of a rate hike this week, pound were cited as ongoing forces is still the third highest index reading
with November looking the most like- behind resurgent exports, with since the series began in 1999,”
ly point for policy tightening,” strengthening demand from “BRICS” Knightley noted.

...but the high street Inflation growing in the Food prices are rising strongly in many OECD countries Picture: GETTY

sees sales rebound OECD as food prices bite ▲

WORLD ECONOMY member states of OECD, it announced

retailers considered sales to be unsea- real incomes.” yesterday -- up from a rate of 2.4 per

BY JULIAN HARRIS sonably poor, stocks are running The underlying trend of sales, FOOD prices are posing greater infla- cent the previous month.
quite high, and orders with suppliers shown by the survey’s three month tionary pressures throughout the Food prices continued to grow
RETAIL sales sprang back last month are expected to fall,” said the CBI’s average, has taken a downward turn. developed world, the Organisation for across national borders, the OECD
after exceptionally gloomy results in chief economist Ian McCafferty. In the three months to January a pos- Economic Co-operation (OECD) revealed, up 3.2 per cent in its member
March, the Confederation for British A negative balance of -23 per cent itive balance of 45 per cent of respon- revealed yesterday. countries for March.
Industry (CBI) said yesterday. of retailers showed that sales for the dents reported growth in sales, And food inflation in UK shops was The UK still has the highest con-
A positive balance of 21 per cent of time of year were poor in April, close compared to a positive balance of 14 up to 4.7 per cent last month, accord- sumer price inflation in the G7,
retailers reported a rise in sales in the to March’s low of -24 per cent. This per cent in the latest survey. ing to a separate survey conducted by despite a slowdown in its annualised
first two weeks of April. In March a element of the survey had not been The balance could fall to just six the British Retail Consortium (BRC). rate in March.
negative balance, reflecting falling lower since August 2009. per cent next month if expectations Overall shop price inflation edged In the UK, inflation came in at four
sales, was recorded for the first time “Admittedly, the later fall of Easter are realised, the CBI said. up to 2.5 per cent, from 2.4 per cent per cent in March, compared to 3.3 per
in nine months. this year makes it hard to take the Retailers reported no change in the previous month. cent in Canada, 2.7 per cent in the US
Despite the bounce-back, sales on survey entirely at face value,” said orders placed with suppliers, com- “Rising food inflation outweighed and two per cent in France.
British high streets remain sluggish, Vicky Redwood of Capital Economics. pared to a year ago. Overall orders are slowing non-food inflation,” the BRC’s Industrial producer prices, mean-
with the CBI survey expecting no fur- “But overall it looks like consumers expected to decline next month by a Stephen Robertson explained. while, were up by an annualised 6.7
ther growth in sales this month. are still reining in their spending in negative balance of around minus Consumer prices were up 2.7 per per cent in the Eurozone in March, the
“For the third month in a row, the face of the tight squeeze on their four per cent, the CBI explained. cent in the year to March throughout Eurostat office said yesterday.

Fathom: Spain could be next to go India tightens monetary stance
Manufacturing rise Households face
worst squeeze
boosts US outlook
Spain is “on a knife edge” as the next India’s central bank raised key interest
country facing possible default on its
government debts, Fathom Consulting
will warn today. It says the UK is
rates for the ninth time since March
2010 yesterday, by a sharper-than-
expected 0.5 per cent. The repo rate, at
since the 1870s
“not far behind it,” despite the coalition’s which it lends to banks, rose to 7.25 per
austerity plans. A stuttering, weak cent, and the reverse repo rate was hiked
recession is “the best the UK can hope to 6.25 per cent. India’s headline inflation
US ECONOMY ger,” he said of consumers.

for,” Fathom argues, “given the scale rose to nine per cent on an annual basis UK ECONOMY
of government and consumer debt that Earlier in the day the Commerce
in March. AMERICAN factory orders surged in Department had announced a three BRITISH households are facing the
was accumulated over the preceding
decade.” March, posting a fifth straight per cent spike in new orders for all biggest cash squeeze since the 1870s,
Ireland gets boost from industry monthly increase that showed a manufactured goods. New orders a report by Deloitte out today claims.
The pace of growth in Irish healthy manufacturing sector well totalled $463bn (£280.8bn) in March, Disposable income is set to fall by
Rate of sickness leave still falling manufacturing activity rose slightly in placed to support economic recovery. well above Wall Street economists’ about two per cent this year, or the
Workers are taking fewer days of
April to its second highest level in 11 On a strong day for US data, vehi- forecasts for a 1.9 per cent pickup. equivalent of about £780 per house-
sickness leave, a survey revealed
years, the NCB Purchasing Managers’ cle manufacturers also lined up to In addition, February orders that hold, the report claims.
yesterday. The average employee took announce largely positive sales had been reported as dropping by 0.1 The drop is driven by rising infla-
five days sickness leave in 2010 com- Index revealed yesterday. Irish factory
PMI rose to 56.0 in April from 55.7 in results. General Motors, the biggest per cent were sharply revised to tion, which could rise above five per
pared to 6.7 days in 2007, the EEF and US car seller, went first, announcing instead show a 0.7 per cent increase. cent this year, causing real earnings
Westfield Health 2011 survey showed. March, staying above the 50 mark sepa-
rating growth from contraction for the a 26 per cent uptick in sales for April. A cheaper US dollar has helped to fall for the fourth successive year
An all time high of 45 per cent of The boost was largely driven by export industries and there are signs in a row.
employees took no days off through sick- seventh month.
sales of new fuel-efficient compact that producers are boosting invest- “Pay growth is unlikely to catch up
ness last year. cars, GM revealed. Some analysts ment in plants and equipment to with inflation any time soon... It will
Swedes wary of rising wages argued that higher petrol prices were benefit from it. take until 2015 or so for incomes to
Rates kept on hold in Australia More interest rate hikes could be on the triggering demand for efficient cars, On Monday, the Institute for get back to their 2009 peak,” said eco-
Australia’s central bank kept its rates cards in Sweden, after the minutes of the with more sales ahead this summer. Supply Management said its gauge of nomic adviser to Deloitte Roger
steady at 4.75 per cent yesterday, latest Riksbank meeting revealed fears “I believe there is a call to action,” factory activity eased to 60.4 in April Bootle.
despite risks that it will have to move over upside pressures to inflation. The Pipas said of consumer purchases from 61.2 in March -- still a brisk level “This year will see falling real earn-
later in the year to restrain inflation amid current rate path signals three further this spring. “Summer is the driving since any reading over 50 shows busi- ings, falling real house prices and ris-
a massive trade and mining boom. increases in rates this year. season, and I’m going to pull the trig- ness is expanding. ing unemployment,” he added.
CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 News 17

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Harriet Dennys

appointed Li Rongrong, the former processor has appointed Shane Kim as building a global stock-picking franchise
Ashcourt Rowan chairman of the Assets Supervision and a non-executive director. Kim is a man- for institutional and retail clients.
Ashcourt Rowan, the wealth management Administration Commission of the aging member of Camden Partners, a Edelsten previously worked for Taube
division of Syndicate Asset Management, has State Council of the People’s Republic private equity firm specialising in busi- Hodson Stonex and Illingworth joins
appointed Paul Miles as director of intermedi- of China, as non-executive director. ness services, healthcare and education. from Insight Investment.
ary services. Miles joins Ashcourt Rowan Previously, he served as chairman of the
from discretionary fund management plat- State Economic and Trade Commission Barclays Wealth Jones Day
form Parmenion, where he was sales director of the People’s Republic of China. The wealth manager has appointed The law firm has appointed Corinne
for the last three years. Miles will report to Christian Kwek as managing director in Ball, the lawyer best-known for steer-
Christopher Jeffreys, Syndicate’s director of O Twelve its ultra high net worth team. Kwek ing Chrysler through its 42-day bank-
asset management, who has been appointed The Guernsey-based investment com- previously spent eight years at BNP ruptcy, to lead the firm’s restructuring
as a director of Ashcourt Rowan. pany has appointed Mark Donnor and Paribas, most recently as head of the and distress M&A efforts in Europe.
Benjamin Warner as non-executive Equity Derivatives Group in London.
Simmons & Simmons Dickinson, who is retiring. Passmore directors. Donnor serves as managing Devro
The law firm has appointed Colin became a partner in 1990 and is cur- principal of Westbrook, and Warner is Artemis The manufacturer has appointed Paul
Passmore as its new senior director, fol- rently head of litigation in London. managing director of Europlan Group. Simon Edelsten and Alex Illingworth Withers as a non-executive director
lowing a vote by the company’s part- have joined the independent wealth with immediate effect. Withers is cur-
nership. Passmore will take up the role Noble Group Planet Payment manager as fund managers in the glob- rently a non-executive director of both
on 1 August, succeeding David The commodities supply chain has The multicurrency payment and data al equities team, where they will begin Premier Farnell and Hyder Consulting.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career updates and pictures to

BEST OF THE BROKERS To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to

ANALYSIS l BskyB ANALYSIS l The Restaurant Group ANALYSIS l Lavendon

860 p 847.00 340 p 3 May 108 p
3 May
820 96.00
3 May


740 7 Feb 25 Feb 17 Mar 6 Apr 28 Apr
7 Feb 25 Feb 17 Mar 6 Apr 28 Apr 7 Feb 25 Feb 17 Mar 6 Apr 28 Apr


Credit Suisse rates the media group “neutral” and has raised its target price Numis has cut its stance on the leisure group from “buy” to “hold” with a tar- Peel Hunt has started covering the construction equipment firm with a “hold”
to 870p, based on the price it believes News Corp might have to pay to secure get price of 360p. The broker expects like-for-like sales to be 0.8 per cent rating and a target price of 100p. The broker thinks long-term gains are possi-
a takeover recommendation from the board. A News Corp offer for BSkyB ahead of forecasts when the firm updates on 11 May, alongside its annual ble, and that a recent 115p per share takeover bid suggests potential value as
could come within days, the broker thinks. Credit Suisse has calculated its general meeting, and thinks 20 per cent earnings growth is possible this year the construction sector recovers. However, Peel Hunt thinks market fragility
new target based on a 20 per cent probability of News Corp walking away, in barring any weather disruptions. Numis also expects net debt to be halved to and an ageing fleet, along with the rejected bid price, put a short-term ceiling
which case it foresees a drop in the share price to 685p. around £24m this year. on the shares.

Drugmaker deals buoy FTSE US stocks slide as

despite dragging miner shares investors cash in
unveiled a $6.8bn deal on Monday to dipped 0.9 per cent. “We've had a great earnings season,

THE LONDON buy US Cephalon.

AstraZeneca was among the top
FTSE 100 risers, up 2.4 per cent, recov-
ITV which relies on advertising
from the retailers, fell 2.2 per cent.
Smiths was the biggest laggard, off
NEW YORK but above that there’s not much on
the horizon to further gains in
stocks,” Jankovskis said.
REPORT ering its poise after a 3.5-per cent
drop on Thursday when it reported
first-quarter results, with Citigroup
5.7 per cent, after the technology
firm said the head of its detection
unit would step down immediately,
REPORT Chinese Internet stocks fell, with
search engine Baidu down 5.2 per
cent to $139.84 in heavy volume

RUGMAKERS helped Britain’s saying the numbers are “not as bad as as trading at the airport security busi- ahead of the initial public offering of

top share index rise modestly (the) market implies”. ness fell short of the board’s expecta- S stocks fell yesterday as Chinese social networking site
yesterday, buoyed by deal activi- Observers said that investor confi- tions. investors questioned the sus- Renren.
ty in the United States, as dence, recently aided by solid corpo- Man Group, meanwhile, topped tainability of the rally in light Investor interest in the smaller
traders mooted the possibility that a rate earnings from both sides of the the blue-chip leader board, up 3.3 per of fresh worries about earnings Facebook competitor was clear last
recent equity rally may falter. Atlantic, may be sapped by macroeco- cent, as the hedge fund unveiled a growth in the coming quarters. week as Renren raised the expected
Miners hampered the FTSE 100’s nomic fears in the near term, $1.5bn fund in Japan, its biggest prod- Investors targeted recent top per- price range of its IPO 30 per cent to
progress though, hurt by easing met- although any weakness could be uct launch since the financial crisis. formers, particularly energy shares, $14 from $12 per share.
als prices on renewed fears about seized upon as a buying opportunity. In Europe, the FTSEurofirst 300 which were also hit by a fall in oil Online media company SINA Corp
demand, with Rio Tinto off 1.6 per “A number of macro factors could index closed 0.5 per cent lower at prices. The S&P energy index dropped dropped 9.5 per cent to $122.22.
cent on talk that the miner was lin- trigger investors to try and book prof- 1,150.81 points, ending a two-week 2.4 per cent, while oil futures lost The Dow Jones industrial average
ing up a bid to buy US aluminium its; oil price, concern about inflation, rally during which it gained about 4 more than 2 per cent. edged up 0.15 points to 12,807.51. The
producer Alcoa. worries about overheating in emerg- per cent. Miner Xstrata fell 2.4 per The Nasdaq was pressured by losses Standard & Poor’s 500 fell 4.60 points,
Neither Rio Tinto nor Alcoa would ing markets, the US debt position,” cent while oil major Total shed 0.7 in Sears Holding after it said it will or 0.34 per cent, to 1,356.62. The
comment on the rumours. Henk Potts, market strategist at per cent, as commodity prices retreat- lose money in the first quarter. Nasdaq Composite Index lost 22.46
The UK blue-chip index ended Barclays Wealth, said. ed on renewed worries over demand. Cognizant Technology Solutions was points, or 0.78 per cent, to 2,841.62.
12.98 points, or 0.2 per cent, firmer at “(However), long term, the outlook another drag, falling on heavy vol- Alcoa shares rose 2.6 per cent to
6,082.88. The index has risen nearly remains very strong (and) equity mar- ANALYSIS l FTSE 6,082.88 ume as investors focused on its slow- $17.67 on market talk that Rio Tinto
3.8 per cent since its April lows. kets remain our preferred asset class,” 6,100 3 May ing growth rate. was lining up a bid to buy the US alu-
“The recent rally appears to be run- he added, seeing the best prospects in “There is concern the market is a minum company. But sources said
ning out of steam around this year’s cyclical stocks, with industrials and 6,000 little overheated and some people are two banks rumored to be financing
highs at 6,105,” Michael Hewson, mar- technology his top picks. 5,900 using the opportunity to take some the deal were not involved.
ket analyst at CMC Markets, said. Weakness was seen on the high profits,” said Peter Jankovskis, co-chief Sears's estimate of a quarterly loss
“Until such time as we see a close street, as data from the 5,800 investment officer at OakBrook late on Monday sent its shares down
above this resistance area, the FTSE Confederation of British Industry 5,700 Investments in Lisle, Illinois. 9.9 per cent to $75.88. Cognizant
will remain susceptible to pull backs highlighted the grim outlook facing The S&P 500 fell for a second day dropped 5.7 per cent to $77.52 on its
towards the 5,800 area,” he said. retailers. Next, scheduled to issue a 5,600 after hitting its highest level in nearly highest volume since 4 August 2009,
Drugmakers were boosted after trading update on Wednesday, fell 0.7 5,500
three years on Friday at the end of a as investors focused on its slowing
Israel-based Teva Pharmaceuticals per cent, while Marks & Spencer 7 Feb 25 Feb 17 Mar 6 Apr 28 Apr two-week rally. growth rate.
18 CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011

Wealth Management Foreign Exchange |

IN THE HANDS In the long run
the Aussie is a
wager against

T THE start of this week’s trade in the cur-
rency market, the much beleaguered dollar
received an unexpected lift when President
Obama announced that a top notch team of
Navy Seals was able to find and kill Osama bin
Laden. However by the North American open, most
of the patriotic sentiment had faded and the buck
resumed its downward trend as both euro and
Aussie hit fresh year-to-date highs against the unit.
Despite the boost from geo-political events, the
trade in the dollar continues to be driven almost
exclusively by economic factors. Last week, Ben
Bernanke confirmed that the Federal Reserve will
remain stationary at least until the end of 2011,
Technological innovation and setbacks in China
leaving the buck vulnerable to further selling on
carry trade flows as interest rate differentials
would see a flight from Aussie, says Philip Salter
between US and the Eurozone continue to widen.
That’s why any recovery in the dollar will not be

driven by US policy manoeuvres, but rather by N 2 May, the Australian dollar materials, the Aussie dollar has been a
actions of the monetary authorities on the other climbed to a high of $1.1011, not major beneficiary of the soaring commod-
side of the Atlantic. Therefore this Thursday’s reached since its 1983 float. Despite ity prices. China’s economic strength in
European Central Bank (ECB) meeting at 12:30pm a small retreat, this upward trend is particular is ensuring demand for
could prove pivotal to the near term direction of largely expected to resume on the back of Australian exports despite these high
euro-dollar. With the currency market primed for continued demand for commodities and a prices.”
further rate increases, any suggestion by ECB chief hawkish Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). Alistair Cotton of Currencies Direct
Jean Claude Trichet that the European authorities Yet over the long-term, trouble in China thinks that “the terms of trade for com-
may not hike rates for at least a few more months and technological innovation could modity producers will continue to
could trigger a profit taking rally in the pair. reverse rising commodity prices and with improve as prices keep rising, and that
Although European monetary policy makers it the Aussie dollar. means the Aussie may still have signifi-
continue to be concerned about inflation, they are This week the RBA decided to keep rates cant room for improvement against the
also wary of driving euro-dollar higher, fearing that at 4.75 per cent, despite a prior unantici- pound and dollar over the coming years.”
above the $1.5000 level it could hurt exporters in pated jump in CPI inflation of 1.6 per cent According to Campbell, “there are expec-
the region. Furthermore, if oil prices, which are the to 3.3 per cent in the first quarter of 2011. tations for further increases for the Aussie
primary catalyst behind rising price levels, begin to But markets are anticipating a rate rise in dollar with some calling for Australian
stabilise around the $110/bbl level, the ECB may the coming months, as the RBA’s post- dollar-dollar to go as high as $1.2400, so
feel less need to be vigilant. meeting statement talked tough on infla- another 14 per cent higher than where we
On Monday, European Central Bank vice presi- tion. Michael Blythe, chief economist at are now.” However, Driver says that
dent Vitor Constancio may have tried to telegraph the Commonwealth Bank of Australia although “it is difficult to see any signifi-
the policymakers’ intentions by stating that, “we believes “the door to another rate rise is cant reversal of the Aussie’s strength in Jeremy Grantham of Grantham, Mayo,
have not decided to rush into a series of further opening.” He predicts it will happen in the short-term, when the liquidity provid- Van Otterloo (GMO) in his latest quarterly
increases.” If Jean Claude Trichet echoes that sen- August, although suggests that it could ed by the US quantitative easing (QE) pro- letter “Time to Wake Up: Days of
timent, euro-dollar could correct towards the come even earlier. gramme dries up in June as is expected, Abundant Resources and Falling Prices
$1.4500 level over the next several weeks. The critical factor in the rising then the Aussie may cease to benefit from Are Over Forever” argues that “statistical-
Australian dollar is demand for commodi- the current generous dollar inflows.” ly, most commodities are now so far away
ties, because so much of its economy is Despite the end of QE2, a number of from their former downward trend that it
reliant upon mining exports. “As com- authoritative investors believe that high makes it very probable that the old trend
modity prices have increased, the commodity prices are here to stay. The has changed – that there is in fact a para-
Australian economy has boomed and much admired investor Jim Rogers, who digm shift – perhaps the most important
along with it the currency,” says Angus amongst other things foresaw the com- economic event since the industrial revo-
Campbell of London Capital Group. modity price inflation well before it took lution.” Rogers and Grantham both think
Richard Driver of Caxton FX says: “With an off, believes that commodities still have that high commodity prices are based on
economy heavily geared towards raw some way to go. Also, the much respected the fundamentals of limited supply and
CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 19

A flagging Chinese ANALYSIS l The rise of Aussie dollar

economy would hit
the Australian dollar $

Picture: Reuters 1.00



Sep 09 Jan 10 May 10 Sep 10 Jan 11 May 11

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However, whether the Chinese Julian Simon that copper, chromi-
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swathes of economic activity, will technological innovation can throw
spot, let alone pop, bubbles prior to a spanner in the predictions of
their formation is highly question- Malthusian catastrophes.
able. If the country manages to avoid If Rogers and Grantham turn out
epic malinvestment and its atten- to be right, rising commodities and
dant crashes even the most an Aussie dollar are here to stay.
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20 Wealth Management | Foreign Exchange CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011

Protests, earthquakes, wars and

bailouts. But no love for the dollar
Though we have
IG INDEX FOREX.COM there are issues. Firstly, there is
had a year of ups DAVID
long-term debt and the Fed happy
to pay the price of a weaker dollar KATHLEEN only a certain amount of gold
available. The yellow metal is
and downs, there JONES if it keeps the economic recovery
going. For the foreseeable future
BROOKS already trading at elevated lev-
els, so going forward investors
is no obvious safe Arguably the
US dollar has
the haven “currencies” are likely
to remain the likes of gold and sil-
A safe haven
may be put off from flooding
into gold with prices so high.
haven any more, lost its safe
haven label for
ver. Although the pedants can
debate whether these qualify as
needs to be
politically and
Added to this, gold is traded on
an exchange, FX is not.
writes Craig Drake the vast
majority of
actual currency, the liquidity and
availability of these markets put
stable, neither
As we have seen with silver
recently, exchanges can change
this decade – the one time we them firmly in the forex camp for of which margin rules without giving any
saw investors falling over them- me – although the volatility is not spring to mind when you talk notice, which can disrupt price

HROUGHOUT 2011, we have selves to buy the dollar was in the something that everyone can about the US dollar. However, action. This is not exactly the
had sustained periods of uncer- epicentre of the financial melt- stomach. we wouldn’t write off the dollar type of risk you want in a “safe
tainty in the money markets. down in the second half of 2008 – The Swiss franc still has its place as a safe haven just yet as haven” asset. This leaves the
In the past, uncertainty and the rest of the time plenty of and continues to make somewhat other havens have their own Swissie – our favourite safe
turmoil have given rise to rallies for other currencies have looked far more sedate progress to all-time issues to deal with. The yen has haven. Politically it is stable
the greenback as a result of investor more attractive. highs against the dollar than the been rising on the back of risk and after getting its fingers
flight into the safety and liquidity of It is still the case today of course likes of silver and gold. In the long aversion fuelled by the death of burnt in 2009 and 2010 the
this safe haven currency. – it would be something of a con- term you should never rule out a Osama bin Laden, yet Japan is risk of the Swiss central bank
Continued turmoil in the Middle trarian play at the moment to recovery for the greenback, but hardly a haven of political or intervening to push down
East, concerns over the ongoing view the dollar as a safe shelter the short and medium term sug- economic stability at the the value of the Swissie
European sovereign debt crisis and with Standard & Poor’s firing gests there are plenty of more moment. Even when we talk seems remote for the
fears that rising commodity prices warning shots concerning US secure destinations for cash. about gold as a safe haven time being.
could put the brakes on the global
economic recovery have given forex
traders sleepless nights. But where it
would usually be bought up faster CAPITAL low interest rates, which have ALPARI UK leaves the currency a little vulnerable.
than drinks on an expense account, lead to serial devaluation of its The yen remains very near the top of
the dollar has found itself being left SPREADS currency. JAMES the safe haven list; however, the
out in the cold while other currencies
receive a warm reception from
ANGUS But as the dollar continues to
decline and its status as the
HUGHES financial and political implications of
the earthquake and nuclear disasters
investors. CAMPBELL world’s reserve currency is called Safe haven cur- will leave many questioning its safe
So which is the new safe currency? Even though into question, there are other cur- rencies have haven potential. Despite the prob-
Has the dollar simply seen a short the dollar has rencies and asset classes that long been those lems, these currencies are all still
term fall from grace or is this a long seen consider- investors are buying as an alter- that many will seen as safe havens and are joined by
term effect? Has the Swiss franc able weakness native to the greenback. Gold of flock to when the going gets tough the commodity based currencies.
knocked the dollar off its perch or in the last few years it should not course has seen tremendous and I don’t think that will change. These could well be a much safer bet,
have the traditional haven currencies be underestimated as a safe strength in the face of the dollar’s However, what might change is as the movement of the currency is
been usurped completely in favour of haven asset. During the height of decline, but at some point this which currencies traders will be not only based on the overall
gold and silver? These two commodi- the banking crisis in 2008 bubble will burst. Other curren- flocking to. I do think the dollar will strength of the economy. The
ties have seen constant strong growth investors flooded back into the cies such as the Swiss franc are remain as a haven, but will share this Australian dollar is one that contin-
this year, particularly when political dollar as they pulled out of riskier attractive due to its historical safe status with a few others. However, ues its strength due to its commodity
turmoil or natural disasters have hit assets and even today when haven attributes and relatively all of the major currencies have their dependence. Of course we also can-
hardest, but have these rises run their there’s a whiff of bad news geopo- high yield compared to other cur- problems. The dollar is already strug- not overlook the Chinese yuan, many
course, or can they rise still further? litically or fundamentally with the rencies. gling amid its rather lacklustre eco- people’s tip to overtake the US as the
For an answer, we’ve asked a selec- financial markets, the dollar usu- For now there is no real alterna- nomic recovery, but due to its power world’s major currency. All in all, safe
tion of currency experts for their ally benefits. The main reason for tive, so the dollar will remain the and stable government will always havens are here to stay and, with the
opinions on how the land lies for its weakness is the continual world’s reserve currency for some remain top of the list. The Swiss current global stories resulting in the
haven currencies, and where they quantitative easing and money time to come, but its crown as the franc has its own problems. Despite risk-on/risk-off trade changing regu-
expect the top destinations for those printing that the US have been king of safe havens is being chal- not being part of the euro its expo- larly, these currencies as well as the
seeking shelter from the storm will be undertaking, on top of the record lenged day by day. sure to European banking stocks gold price will benefit.
this year.

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CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 Wealth Management | Foreign Exchange 21

A Conservative
win is good for
Canada’s dollar
The Canadian dollar, nicknamed the Loonie,
is set to build from a strong base following
Stephen Harper’s victory, writes Craig Drake

HE Canadian dollar climbed yester- Michael Gregory: “On the fringes, the Bloc
day as Canada’s Conservative party Quebecois getting trounced reduced a risk
won an outright majority in the gen- of Quebec sovereignty, which is always an
eral election. Since 2006, Prime issue hovering around elections. For them
Minister Stephen Harper has led two to be squeezed so much offers more stabil-
minority Conservative governments, but ity.”
yesterday’s victory brings him a majority After the rally by the Canadian dollar
mandate. yesterday, it is expected that the Loonie
Michael Gregory, senior economist for will continue to see gains. Markets had
the Bank of Montreal, is buoyant about the seen heavy selling of the Canadian dollar,
result: “This is certainly a Canadian dollar fearful of the prospect of an unstable
friendly result. The Conservative govern- minority government led by a left-wing
ment has followed plans that are very party. But the victory for Stephen Harper’s
favourable to foreign investors by cutting party, one committed to deficit reduction “They are deemed to be the favoured rallies has been the winning strategy for The image of a loon
spending in a policy of deficit reduction as through a tight hold on public spending, is party for the markets and it is expected the last two weeks. I expect that the dollar- on the Canadian $1
well as implementing low corporate taxes.” seen as a good result for the Canadian that the Canadian dollar will continue to Canadian dollar will continue to trade on coin gives it its
Alongside the gains for the Conservative economy. benefit as a result,” says Richard Wiltshire, the soft side, but with a bit more caution nickname
party, the left wing National Democratic chief foreign exchange dealer for ETX than usual as the market worries about a Picture: GETTY
Party (NDP) also had its best ever election ANALYSIS l Dollar-Canadian dollar Capital. He says the Canadian dollar has possible pull back.”
results, taking more than 100 seats. It man- Ca$ strengthened against the dollar over the With the weak UK PMI data that came in
aged this rise by snatching seats previously last few weeks. But as the Loonie nickname yesterday, traders should also keep their
held by the Bloc Quebecois separatist party suggests, trading the Canadian dollar is eyes on the sterling-Canadian dollar pair-
that has had a political stronghold in the 0.960 not for the faint hearted and there have ing, as there could be opportunity for
Francophone Quebec province for more been some nasty spikes along the way, short selling of this pair in the coming
than two decades. 0.955 most notably on 18 April when a lot of peo- days.
The hit taken by the separatist party, ple were caught short. Canada emerged from the recession in
which saw its seats reduced to the point 0.950 In the short term, how should investors one of the strongest positions of the G7. If
that it is no longer recognised as an official profit from the Canadian dollar’s antici- it can continue to rein in its public spend-
political party in the Canadian Parliament, pated direction? According to Richard ing, then in the long term things look rosy
is seen as another positive result by 2011 11 Apr 18 Apr 25 Apr 2 May Wilshire: “Selling dollar-Canadian dollar for the Canadian economy.



My pick: Long euro-sterling, short euro-Canadian dollar My pick: Long dollar-yen (pending) My pick: Buy dollar-Swiss franc at SFr0.8700; stop below SFr0.8500
Expertise: Fundamental and Technical Analysis with Risk Management Expertise: Global Macro Expertise: Technical Analysis
Average time frame of trades: 1 day to 1 week Average time frame of trades: 1 week to 6 months Average time frame of trades: 1 week to 6 weeks
My long dollar-yen position from ¥82.50 tripped its stop with a close Dollar-yen has settled above support at ¥80.93 – the 50 per cent Fibonacci The latest break to fresh record lows below SFr0.8700 threatens our
below ¥80 with the dollar’s pervasive sell off. In the meantime, with retracement of the rally from the 17 March low – after a botched attempt longer-term recovery outlook. Still, we do not see setbacks extending
the forthcoming ECB and BoE rate decisions, I’m looking specifically to mount a rally last week. I am treating the pullback from early April as a much further and continue to favor the formation of a material base over
at euro-sterling as a reaction for the greater of the two disappoint- buying opportunity, expecting dollar-yen to rise along with US Treasury the coming weeks for an eventual break back above parity. Look for the
ments. I think a close above £1.8950 would offer the clearest move. yields as the Fed allows QE2 to expire in June against a backdrop of market to hold above SFr0.8600 on a daily close basis, while a daily close
An alternative euro view rests with the potential euro-Canadian dol- increasing fiscal stress in the States. No entry point has materialised as yet back above SFr0.8700 will relieve immediate downside pressures and
lar break below pivot resistance at Ca$1.40. and I will continue to monitor prices for viable opportunities to get long. accelerate gains. Only a weekly close below SFr0.8500 delays outlook.
22 Wealth Management | Markets CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011

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| Motors WORDS BY

When Volvo flirts with sexy

You can never be completely safe and completely sexy. But the V60 gives it a pretty good whack

IG, boxy, boring was the image of Tourings of this world. But to do that it lane departure warning system, a blind but then the V60 is aimed at drivers that
past Volvos, particularly Volvo has to be better than it has been. So how spot information system (BLIS) system want a sportier car rather than the most
estates. Known for protecting pas- does it fare? and a pedestrian detection system that practical load lugger. Which really does
sengers above all else, they were Very well, actually. We found the car will totally stop the car to avoid a pedes- confirm that with the V60, Volvo is tar-
solid and reliable and were a safe, if to be a lovely companion. Our 2.0-litre, trian impact if it senses that you are geting an entirely new type of buyer to
unexciting, option for car buyers. 163PS, five- cylinder diesel engine with going to fail to do so. It uses a mixture of the brand.
But thanks to a fundamental rethink its 6-speed manual gearbox was far more radar, laser and camera technology – I live in North London, which is the
about how Volvo’s look and drive, Volvo refined than we were expecting and and presumably a pretty quick micro- home of the Volvo estate and it’s certain-
cars have been evolving from a simple, with a 0-62mph acceleration time processor – to recognise a human being ly likely to do very well amongst right-on
practical choice to something more. of 8.9 seconds if felt plenty quick above 80cm tall. Impressive stuff. Islington types dragging kids and dogs
Much more. enough too. As Volvo has done Inside, the cabin is trimmed in in their retro trainers and gilets.
Take this, the V60 D3 R-Design. It’s a a great deal of work creating leather, as is the three-spoke steering Whether the V60 will take sales from
sports wagon according to Volvo, or an a chassis that it claims is its wheel and gear knob. The seats are BMW and Audi in other parts of the city
estate car to the rest of us, which means most dynamic yet, the ride particularly notable. Not only are remains to be seen.
on paper it should be as uninspiring as a and handling was surpris- they a very cool design, they some-
car can get. Yet take a look at it. Does ingly good too. This car how manage to do that miraculous
that look like a Volvo to you? has a lowered, stiffer and thing so rare in the automobile – THE FACTS:
This new V60 is a bit of a looker then. sportier chassis. At times be supportive in the corners and VOLVO V60 R-DESIGN
It has a wedge-like front end with an it feels a little too firm comfortable on the motorway. The
unusual rear-sloping roofline that gives perhaps but I find this dash gets special blue R-Design dials
the car a determined look. Its five-spoke preferable to not being which I really liked. There’s also a Price: £33,435
wheels add to a great looking car that firm enough. Thanks to clever shelf which pulls down in the 0-62mph: 8.9 secs
looks more like a long coupé (hence the some clever traction control centre of the rear seat that includes a Top speed: 137mph
Sport Wagon moniker) than a conven- technology – in the bends the tray and cupholders which would be CO2 g/km: 144g/km
tional estate. As any car designer will tell car’s inner wheel is braked, useful for kids and adults alike.
you, styling an estate is tricky, which is transferring more power to the So what’s not to like? Well, the naviga- MPG Combined: 51.4 mpg
why so few of them look enticing. I outer wheel, reducing understeer – the tion system was a bit of a shocker, or THE VERDICT:
mean seriously, try and name three V60 felt tight in the corners too. maybe it just had a bad day, but trying
attractive estate cars. Now try and think The result of all of Volvo’s hard work is to route me south across Hampstead DESIGN hhhhi
of one you aspire to own. that the car felt both safe and fun and Heath to get to Milton Keynes when I PERFORMANCE hhhhi
Volvo is aiming to steal some sales that’s before you even factor in some was already north of it was certainly a PRACTICALITY hhhhi
from the Audi Avants and BMW impressive safety technology. There’s a low point. The boot too is not the biggest VALUE FOR MONEY hhhhi


British sportscar company Caterham Cars has been bought by If the performance of the 911 GT3 RS isn’t quite enough for you, you More than 50 examples of the iconic Jaguar E-Type will join a parade
Formula One outfit Team Lotus and to celebrate, the company is can now specify a ramped up version. The 911 GT3 4.0 has the 500hp through London on 6 June. The cars will travel on a 10-mile route
building a limited run of just 50 Team Lotus Special Edition Sevens. naturally-aspirated 4.0-litre flat six engine from the 911 GT3 RSR through The Mall, Whitehall, Trafalgar Square and the Tower of
For an additional £3,000, Seven buyers can buy a car painted in the racer squeezed into it instead of the regular 3.8-litre unit. The result is London en route to Motorexpo, London’s free-to-visit motor show
famous green and yellow colours of Lotus and supplied with Team a 911 than can sprint to 62 mph from a standing start in 3.9 seconds which takes place from 6-12 June. It’s the biggest London show to
Lotus additions. The Caterham Seven became famous through the and on to 124mph in under 12 seconds. Only 600 will be built at a date, with cars from 250 different makers, including BMW, Volvo and
1960s cult TV show The Prisoner. price of £128,466. Audi.
24 Lifestyle | TV& Games CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011



6pm BBC News 6pm Eggheads 6pm London Tonight 6pm The Simpsons 6.30pm 6pm Home and Away
6.30pm BBC London News 6.30pm Great British Menu 6.30pm ITV News Hollyoaks 7pm Channel 4 News 6.25pm OK! TV
7pm The One Show 7pm Escape to the Country: A 7pm Emmerdale 7.55pm 8pm Vacation,
7pm 5 News at 7
Vacation, Vacation 8.30pm
7.30pm CHOICE Waterloo couple hoping to relocate to a 7.30pm CHOICE UEFA 7.30pm Zoo Days; 5 News
Superscrimpers: Waste Not Want
Road; BBC News cottage in east Devon. Champions League Live: Not 9pm Boudica’s Lost Tribe: A Update
8.30pm Life of Riley 8pm Two Greedy Italians Manchester United v Schalke Time Team Special 10pm Desperate 8pm Essex Jungle; 5 News at 9
9pm Council Houses – Cheats 9pm Children’s Craniofacial 04 (Kick-off 7.45pm). Housewives 11.05pm The Big C 9pm CHOICE NCIS
and Victims: Panorama Surgery 10pm ITV News at Ten 11.40pm Music on 4: Being N-Dubz 10pm Law & Order: Criminal
10pm BBC News 10pm Never Mind the 10.30pm London News in America and Beyond 12.10am Intent
10.25pm Regional News Buzzcocks 10.35pm UEFA Champions The Album Chart Show Introduces: WATERLOO ROAD
10.55pm Law & Order: Special
10.35pm The National Lottery 10.30pm Newsnight; Weather League: Extra Time: The semi- Hurts 12.25am Abbey Road Debuts BBC1, 7.30PM
Wednesday Night Draws 10.45pm 12.45am The Album Chart Show Victims Unit New series. Karen Fisher has an
11.20pm Stewart Lee’s final second-leg encounters. 11.55pm Poker: Aussie Millions
Would I Lie to You? 11.15pm FILM Spotlight 1am Mercury Prize eventful first day back when new site
Invincible: 2006; National Lottery
Comedy Vehicle 11.35pm Long Lost Family Sessions 1.15am Wakestock 12.50am SuperCasino manager Rob discovers an abandoned
Update 12.55am Sign Zone: See 11.50pm The Quite 12.35am The Zone; ITV News Festival 1.40am FILM Six Degrees 4.05am Meals in Moments 4.10am baby on the premises.
Hear 1.25am Watchdog 2.25am Remarkable David Coleman Headlines of Separation: 1993. 3.30am Ugly Brian Sewell’s Grand Tour 4.55am
Country Tracks 3.25am Antiques 12.50am BBC News 2.35am Kojak 5am-5.30am ITV Betty 4.15am Hill Street Blues County Secrets 5.10am Wildlife
Roadshow 4.25am-6am BBC News 4am-6am BBC Learning Zone Nightscreen 5.10am-5.55am Countdown SOS 5.35am-6am House Doctor

SKY SPORTS 1 8pm Watersports World 9pm 3am ESPN Press Pass: Football- E4 Complete History 4.40am How

1pm Live Masters Tennis: The Ironman Triathlon 10.30pm Trans related debate. 3.30am Planet 7pm Hollyoaks 7.30pm Friends the Universe Works 5.30am-6am
third day of the Madrid Masters. World Sport 11.30pm Cage Speed 4am WRC Rally World 9pm FILM The League of Destroyed in Seconds
8pm Boots ‘n’ All: Super League Fighter 12am Poker 1am 5am-6am AFL Review Show Extraordinary Gentlemen 2003.
review. 9pm Revista De La Liga Watersports World 2am-3.30am 11.10pm My Name Is Earl DISCOVERY HOME &
10pm You’re on Sky Sports! Ironman Triathlon SKY LIVING 12.05am Glory Daze 1am The HEALTH
11.30pm Football’s Greatest 12am 7pm CSI: Crime Scene Event 1.50am Ugly Betty 2.35am
7pm Bringing Home Baby 8pm 18
UEFA Champions League BRITISH EUROSPORT Investigation 8pm How to Hold The Event 3.20am Heartland 4am Kids and Counting 9pm Diagnosis
ITV, 7.30PM
6.50pm Show Jumping 7.50pm onto a Prince 9pm Bones 10pm Manchester United v Schalke 04 (Kick-
Highlights 1am Revista De La Liga The Class 4.25am-6am Switched X 10pm Hospital Sydney 11pm
2am Boots ‘n’ All 3am UEFA Equestrian 8.50pm Riders Club Grey’s Anatomy 11pm Criminal off 7.45pm). Adrian Chiles presents live
Trauma Team 12am Diagnosis X
Champions League Highlights 8.55pm PGA Tour Golf 9.55pm Minds 12am CSI: Crime Scene HISTORY 1am Hospital Sydney 2am Trauma
coverage from the semi-final second-
4am FIFA Futbol Mundial European Tour Golf 10.25pm Investigation 1.50am Ghost 7pm America: The Story of the US Team 3am 18 Kids and Counting leg encounter at Old Trafford.
4.30am Football’s Greatest Ladies European Tour Golf Whisperer 2.40am Charmed 8pm Ax Men 10pm Swamp 4am Deliver Me 5am-6am
5am-6am Boots ‘n’ All 10.35pm Golf Club 10.40pm 4.20am Nothing to Declare People 11pm Ax Men 1am Swamp Bringing Home Baby
Yacht Club 11pm Eurosport for 5.10am-6am Maury People 2am Deep Sea Salvage
SKY SPORTS 2 the Planet 11.30pm Olympic 3am America: The Story of the US SKY1
7pm FIFA Futbol Mundial 7.30pm Magazine 12am-12.30am WATTS BBC THREE 4am The Universe 5am-6am Ice 8pm Emergency with Angela
Live Greyhound Racing 10pm 7pm Top Gear 8pm Misbehaving Road Truckers Griffin 9pm Brit Cops: Zero
Boots ‘n’ All 11pm Total Rugby ESPN Mums-to-Be 9pm Don’t Tell the Tolerance 10pm Fringe 11pm
11.30pm Inside the PGA Tour 5.30pm Live Scottish Premier Bride: Live 10pm Russell Howard’s DISCOVERY Martina Cole’s The Runaway
12am European Tour Weekly League Football 8.15pm ESPN Good News 10.30pm FILM The 8pm How It’s Made 9pm Britain’s 12am Ross Kemp in Search of
12.30am Asian Tour Golf Show Kicks: Extra 8.30pm DTM Review Pacifier 2005. 12am Family Guy Toughest Cops 10pm I Almost Pirates 1.40am UK Border Force NCIS
1am-2am Trans World Sport Show 9.30pm Formula 3 12.45am Don’t Tell the Bride: Live Got Away with It 11pm Behind 2.30am Cold Case 3.15am A CHANNEL5, 9PM
Euroseries Review 10.30pm 1.45am American Dad! 3.55am Bars 12am Bear Grylls 1am Town Called Eureka 4am So You The agents team up with the Coast
SKY SPORTS 3 VW Scirocco Cup 11.30pm Russell Howard’s Good News Deadliest Catch 2am Future Think You’re Safe? 4.50am Zoo Guard to investigate the apparent
7pm European Tour Weekly Premier League World 12am 4.25am-5.25am Misbehaving Weapons 3am Hitler’s Generals Vet at Large 5.15am-6am Don’t murder of a Navy diver who was
7.30pm Total Rugby Live Major League Baseball Mums-to-Be 3.50am World War Two: The Forget the Lyrics US trying to recover a sunken treasure.

Copyright Puzzle Press Ltd,


12 26 38 9 39 17 20 
11 6 23
20 10
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 3 
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 20 11
4 35
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 45
above or to the left of it.
You can only use the digits 1-9 7 13 14 
  and you must not use the
21 23
same digit twice in a block. 18 33 34 5
  The same digit may occur 16 16 13 
17 22
  more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a
29 22
    separate block.
10 8
7 15
 14 13 14

1 Group of warships (5) 2 Hawaiian wreath (3)
4 Popular game played
with pieces of
stiffened paper (5)
3 One who leaves a
country to settle
in another (7)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have 8 Nocturnal flightless bird 5 Meat cake (7)
  ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
E S of New Zealand (4) 6 Small shelter with an
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters A 9 Communion (6)
10 Large African
open front to protect
a guardsman (6,3)
LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
N I antelope (3)
11 Room access (4)
7 Piece of equipment
used to catch small
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
Y C 13 Berth (4) rodents (9)
14 Replenishment (7) 8 “Handle with ___”, treat
QUICK CROSSWORD 9 5 7 3 1 8 1 15 Slow pace of running (4) with extreme care (3,6)
6 1 9 8 2 5 4 7 3 SUDOKU          16 Culinary plant (4) 12 Greek mythological
3 7 6 1 4 2 5 musician, the husband
A O O E F H          17 British dominion
P E T U N I A T O Y 3 2 9 4 1 4 2 of Eurydice (7)
7 5 9
         over India (3)
8 6 5 6 8
         18 Capital of Austria (6) 13 Chinese tile game (3-4)
D A M E S M I N C E 4 9 5 3
20 Nevertheless (3)
WORDWHEEL 19 Variety of agate (4)
P B R U         
5 4 3 1 2 7 8 9
U T U B E H E L P S         
9 7 6 8 9 9 7 21 Japanese dish (5)
8 2 9 4 7 5 6 The nine-letter word was 22 Semi-precious
A E R R I F 5 9 1 4 3 8 2 7 6         
P A R K A D E P O T 1 6 2 1 3 2 1
stone with streaked
colouring (5)

Flower signs
Work to do if new deal and
England are to sets lofty goals


maintain their ENGLAND coach Andy Flower insists

he can take the team to new heights
after resisting overtures from India to
extend his contract with the England
and Wales Cricket Board.

upward curve
Flower has worked wonders in his
two years as team director, winning
two Ashes series and the Twenty20
World Cup and hoisting England
from sixth to third in the world Test
That improvement did not go
unnoticed in India, who were keen to
of being selected for the first Test poach Flower before settling for one
against Sri Lanka when you consider of his predecessors as England coach,
Ravi Bopara has attempted to catch Duncan Fletcher, instead last month.
the eyes of the selectors by scoring But South Africa-born former
runs for Essex. Zimbabwe captain Flower shunned
interest from the subcontinent in
COACHING SET-UP favour of reaffirming his commit-
England’s backroom staff didn’t get ment to the ECB, and believes his cur-
the acclaim they deserved for the role rent team can overhaul India as the
CRICKET COMMENT they played in retaining the Ashes. world’s No1 side.
ANDY LLOYD The work undertaken by fielding
coach Richard Halsall has trans-
“I am delighted to have been given
the opportunity to build on the con-
formed England’s performance in siderable progress we have made to
NDY FLOWER’S decision to extend that aspect of the game. After the date as a squad and remain fully com-

A his contract with the England

and Wales Cricket board has
been rightly celebrated by those
with an interest in the national side.
The former Zimbabwe batsman
2005 Ashes series, bowling coach Troy
Cooley, who worked successfully with
Steve Harmison, was poached by
Australia and England’s attack was
never the same. Personal ambition
mitted to developing the side and
ensuring we are in a position to
realise our objective of becoming the
No1 side in the world.
“I firmly believe we have the talent
has transformed England’s fortunes might make it tough, but Flower amongst the playing squad and man-
on the back of his dedication, thor- must retain Halsall and current bowl- agement team to help us realise our
oughness of preparation and man ing coach David Saker if England are ambitions.”
management skills. to maintain their progression. Flower took over, initially as stand-
Ever the perfectionist, however, in, with England in disarray following
Flower will appreciate England’s lack- ONE-DAY CAPTAINCY the departures of warring coach Peter
luster World Cup showing means he It would be churlish to say Flower Moores and captain Kevin Pietersen.
must address the deficiencies in the needs to rip it up and start again but Months later he helped recover the
one-day set up if his side are to be con- he faces a delicate balancing act in Ashes and retained them last winter
sidered a credible challenge to the respect that he needs to plan for the during a hugely successful trip to
subcontinents’ supremacy. In my future but with both World Cup final- Australia.
opinion there are three areas he must ists touring this summer, selecting a “Regaining the Ashes in 2009 and
address as a matter of urgency. brand new side is a recipe for disaster. retaining them last winter and the
Andrew Strauss is likely to stay on as 2010 World Twenty20 title are obvi-
COLLINGWOOD’S REPLACEMENT skipper for now, but it would be an ous highlights, but there is still plenty
For so long the Durham all-rounder idea for Flower to groom his succes- more we want to achieve in the
has been a vital cog in England’s sor. Ian Bell would make a fantastic longer term,” Flower added.
wheel, but Old Father Time caught limited overs leader and an elevation The ECB’s Hugh Morris, managing
up with him this winter and Flower to one-day vice skipper would send director of England Cricket, said
faces a tough decision as to who he out the signal that he is looking to Flower had made “a huge impact”,
picks as his successor. Eoin Morgan is the future, while maintaining the adding: “I have no doubt that under
the obvious choice but his decision to nucleus of England’s relatively suc- Andy’s direction we will continue to
play in the IPL may affect his chances cessful recent past. Flower has overseen England’s rise to third in the Test rankings Picture: GETTY see England improve.”

Frankel to miss Melbourne Rebel Cipriani SPORT | IN BRIEF

Derby but Cecil hit with one-game ban Radcliffe calls off comeback race Stevenson wins world title
ATHLETICS: Paula Radcliffe has been
forced to abandon her comeback race
TAEKWONDO: Britain’s Sarah Stevenson
has won her third Taekwondo World
still favourite due to a throat infection. Radcliffe who
has been out of action for 18 months,
was due to race on 15 May.
Championship title by beating China’s
Guo Yunfei in the -67kg category in
Gyeongju, South Korea.

RUGBY UNION protective of our standards and we

HORSE RACING BY JAMES GOLDMAN are disappointed that these players


installed as the new favourite for the
ENGLAND outcast Danny Cipriani
has accepted his punishment of a
have put themselves before the
Chief executive officer Ross
Investec Derby after trainer Henry one-match ban for breaking a cur- Oakley added: “Both players defied a L<=8:?8DG@FEJC><J<D@$=@E8C)E;C<> :cp[\j[Xc\9XebJZfkk`j_Gi\d`\iC\X^l\
Cecil revealed much-fancied Frankel few imposed by his Melbourne team directive to abstain from stay- 9XiZ\cfeX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ( I\XcDX[i`[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ( @em\ie\jj:Km:\ck`Z-gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
will not run. Rebels team-mates. ing out late on Saturday night, given G\[if,+ DXiZ\cf-+ 9cl\JhlXi\9\kJflk_GcXp$f]]J\d`$]`eXcj1Nfb`e^m=XieYfifl^_%
8^^1*$(% 8kk10'#'''
Cecil is reluctant to step up 2000 Cipriani, 23, who won the last of the six-day break ahead of our next 9CL<JHL8I<9<KÇEfik_GcXp$f]]J\d`$]`eXcj1>l`j\c\p( :I@:B<K
Guineas winner Frankel to a mile and his seven international caps three game. The club supports the deci- 9fjkfeLk['#Ele\Xkfe(8=:K\c]fi[(%Jflk_GcXp$f]]J\d`$ CM:flekp:_j_`g[Xp(f]+#((Xd 
a half next month at Epsom, leaving years ago, and scrum-half Richard sion of our Player Standards Group.” ]`eXc1:_\cdj]fi[(<YYj]c\\kLe`k\[+%
;`m`j`feFe\1?Xdgj_`i\mJljj\oK_\Ifj\9fnc #Efkkjm
his stablemate to take top billing. Kingi defied an agreement to avoid a It is not the first off-field indiscre- Pfibj_`i\Ki\ek9i`[^\ #Jfd\ij\kmNfiZj\KXlekfe #
NXin`ZbjmCXeZXj_`i\<[^YXjkfe %
“I think the Derby would not be late night after Saturday’s 28-9 tion to have undermined Cipriani’s
doing the right thing,” said Cecil, who defeat by the New South Wales attempts to regain his England berth KF;8PËJ;@8IP ;`m`j`feKnf1>cflZjmD`[[c\j\o9i`jkfc #B\ekmEfik_Xekj
:Xek\iYlip #Jlii\pmC\`Zj9i`k@ejliXeZ\FmXc %
added Frankel may run at Royal Ascot Waratahs. since his move to the Super 15 fran- L<=8:_Xdg`fejC^\J\d`=`eXcJ\Zfe[C\^ K<EE@J
later in June. “I’d want to give him a “We have taken this action due to chise. Back in February he was fined DXeLk[) mJZ_Xcb\' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DX[i`[Fg\eDX[i`[#JgX`e %
race before Epsom over a bit further a breach of team protocol,” said club by the Rebels for an incident in a
but I can’t do that.” captain Tim Davidson. “We are very nightclub. email
26 Sport CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011

Ferguson is tar-
geting his third
League success

Picture: GETTY

Argentine Faurlin Pic: ACTION IMAGES

Clubs could
sue over FA
QPR ruling

QPR’S Championship rivals could sue
for millions of pounds if the west
London outfit escape a points deduc-
tion over the signing of Alejandro
Faurlin, a leading sports lawyer has
A Football Association hearing into
seven charges levelled at QPR and
Faurlin over the Argentinian mid-
United boss ready to rotate his squad with Sunday’s
fielder’s signing in 2009 got under-
way yesterday at Wembley, with a title showdown against Chelsea on the horizon
decision due by Friday.
QPR fear they could be stripped of
points if found guilty, jeopardising nant display in Gelsenkirchen last statistics that tell you the European from the virus which has side-
the promotion they thought they had MANCHESTER UTD week, but after seeing their lead at games do take it out of you. lined him for the best part of
guaranteed with victory over Watford the top of the Premier League cut to “That has to have a bearing on my two months.
on Saturday. three points last weekend, Ferguson team selection. We have two massive Ferguson stands on the brink
Andrew Nixon, of Thomas Eggar, SCHALKE will rest key individuals this evening, games. Both as important as the of etching his name even further
believes clubs who miss out on pro- including Wayne Rooney, with a nod other. into United folklore with a 19th
motion, which is estimated to be to Sunday’s Old Trafford summit “Chelsea is massive, so I have to league title and third Champions
worth around £90m, will consider Man Utd lead 2-0 from first leg meeting. pick the right team on tonight to League crown up for grabs, and he
legal action if Rangers are found Chelsea virtually wrapped up the ensure I have the same kind of fresh- advised the club’s fans to savour

guilty but keep enough points for title last season with a 2-1 victory ness I need for Sunday’s match. the moment.
automatic promotion. Sheffield BY JAMES GOLDMAN over a Manchester United side dis- “Hopefully I will have the nucleus “It is always dangerous in
United got £20m in compensation MANCHESTER UNITED manager Sir tracted by a European quarter-final of a team that is still good enough to football to assume you have
from West Ham after ineligible player Alex Ferguson admits Sunday’s against Bayern Munich and win the match.” cracked it; that you have
Carlos Tevez kept the Hammers up in Premier League title decider against Ferguson is determined not to let It is likely that United would’ve found a sliver bullet or dis-
2007 at the Blades’ expense. Chelsea has forced him to gamble history repeat itself. have been without Rooney anyway, covered some secret formula
“Such a scenario cannot be ruled with his team selection ahead of “If you look at our experience of the England striker reported for for success,” said Ferguson.
out on this occasion,” said Nixon. tonight’s Champions League semi- last year, the team were very tired training yesterday with a tight ham- “We live in exciting times for
“And should QPR escape a deduction final second leg against Schalke. against Chelsea in that next game string, while Fabio is likely to be Manchester United and while I want
then clubs who may have failed to United hold a commanding 2-0 after losing in Munich,” he said. replaced by his brother Rafael, but both players and supporters to enjoy
reach the play-offs as a result will advantage and have one foot in the “All four semi-finalists lost this Ferguson confirmed Darren Fletcher every minute of it, we must take
obviously wish to consider their posi- Wembley final following their domi- weekend too and there are certain will play some part having recovered nothing for granted.”
tion, particularly in view of the huge
financial windfall involved.”
CITYA.M. 4 MAY 2011 Sport 27


l Man Utd last tasted defeat at home
Guardiola relieved he’s finally free
to focus on Barca’s Wembley date
more than a year ago. They lost 2-1 to
Chelsea on 3 April 2010, goals from Joe
Cole and Didier Drogba effectively taking
the Premier League title back to
Stamford Bridge.
l United’s last home defeat by more
than a single goal was the infamous 4-1 KEY MOMENTS |
hammering by arch rivals Liverpool back
on Saturday 14 March 2009.
l United’s last home defeat in Europe
came way back in 2005, when Hernan
Crespo gave AC Milan a 2-0 aggregate Barcelona win 3-1 on aggregate

win, knocking United out in the second FOOTBALL

round of the competition. BY JAMES GOLDMAN
l United have never lost a European BARCELONA manager Pep Guardiola
Cup home game by more than one goal, admitted he’s glad to see the back of 54 mins: Having kept Barca at bay almost on
the four-game marathon with Real his own, Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas
but the last time they conceded two was was finally beaten when Andres Iniesta’s eye
in bowing out to another German side, Madrid after his side booked their
place in the Champions League final of the needle pass was controlled and dis-
Bayern Munich, last season. later this month. patched clinically by Pedro.
l Schalke have lost just once in 10 Leading 2-0 following last week’s
European games – last week against highly controversial first leg at the
Bernabeu, Barca killed off any hope
United. Their unbeaten nine-game run of a Madrid comeback when Pedro
was a club record, and included 10 goals struck in the 54th minute having
in their last three games before the been released by Andres Iniesta’s
United defeat. They’ll need their shooting defence splitting pass.
Real’s Brazil full-back Marcelo, who
boots on again tonight, but Schalke can had been at the centre of a pre-match
take some hope from their 5-2 thumping race storm, levelled matters on the 64 mins: Real were given an unlikely lifeline
of last year’s champions Inter Milan at night 10 minutes later, but Barca held when Xabi Alonso slipped in Angel Di Maria.
the San Siro in the last round. onto their advantage with the mini- The Argentine’s shot hit the post but he col-
mum of fuss allowing Guardiola the lected the rebound and squared for Marcelo
l Schalke’s away form has been mixed opportunity to reflect on another who swept home from close range
this season. They have only lost once on notable achievement.
the road in Europe, against Lyon back in He said: “I don’t have time for talk-
September, but in the Bundesliga they ing about Madrid or referees any
more. It has been a tough 20 days and
have lost eight and drawn four of their 16 we have played the richest team in
away games. the world many times.
l Striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar (left) has “The referee may have had an
influence but we were very good in
returned from a three-month absence the second match. Let the people
with a knee injury and is available to play judge the decision of the referee, but
tonight. Huntelaar, who injured himself now let us enjoy this day. 90 mins: Eric Abidal made his first appear-
in training in February, has scored “Football is coming home so it is an ance since an operation on a tumour in his
honour to play at Wembley. We won liver two months ago. The France defender
10 goals in 30 our first Champions League in 1992 came on as a last minute substitute and was
appearances at the old Wembley and we are ever at the centre of the post match celebrations.
for the so proud for our club and players.” Pedro’s goal put Barcelona 3-0 ahead on aggregate Picture: PA
German side The result may have been different
had Gonzalo Higuain’s strike not Liverpool midfielder Xabi Alonso felt feel that way. It would have changed be impossible for us to go through
this season. been controversially disallowed three the performance of the referees cost everything, our position would have after the first leg. Tonight proved that
l Schalke are aiming to become the minutes before Pedro increased his side a place in the Wembley final been much stronger and after that it it was impossible and 100 million
fourth German side to reach a Barcelona’s aggregate lead. over the course of both legs. He said: was much more difficult.” people saw it – there is nothing more
Champions League final after Borussia Referee Frank De Bleeckere had “When we scored the first goal it Real Madrid assistant coach Aitor to add.
already blown for a free-kick when would have been totally different and Karanka also claimed the perform- “Of the four games we have played
Dortmund, Bayer Leverkusen and Javier Mascherano, the covering we feel so many bad decisions have ance of the officials proved his side against Barcelona, we have drawn
Bayern Munich. defender, had been accidentally been made against us and we are not had no chance of making it through two and won another. We can be
clipped by Cristiano Ronaldo before happy about that. to the Wembley showpiece. proud of how we have done, what we
Higuain located the back of Victor “We think we did a good job but “(Jose) Mourinho was right,” have achieved and we fought right up
Valdes’ net. And Real’s former decisions went against us, we really Karanka said. “He said that it would until the very end.”

Pearce defends Wilshere Under-21 call SPORT


FOOTBALL ing to any relevant managers have severely limited his partic-
ENGLAND Under-21 coach Stuart
that I deem necessary.
“I think I will have a conver-
sation with Arsene with
ipation this term.
Liverpool boss
Dalglish is thought to be less
Kenny Arsenal fan anger
Pearce has risked the wrath of
Arsenal and Liverpool by picking
respect to [Jack Wilshere] and
outline my viewpoint on
concerned by
involvement with the
at 6.5% price hike Andy Lloyd’s verdict
youngsters Jack Wilshere and Andy
Carroll for this summer’s European
“But I think the most
Under-21s, but is likely to
harbour some concerns
on the challenges
Gunners midfielder Wilshere
important thing is
England go with a
about the
record £35m signing
club’s ARSENAL have been criticised by fans’
groups after hiking ticket prices by 6.5
that lie ahead for
(right) and Reds striker Carroll are
regulars in the senior squad but still
very strong side and a
strong squad and
going into his first
full season at Anfield
per cent for next season.
The Gunners have not won a trophy
young enough to play for the Under-
21s, and Pearce wants his strongest
hopefully that stands
the players in good
with little rest.
Manchester United,
since 2005 and already boast some of
the costliest tickets in the Premier
head coach
side available for the finals in
Denmark next month.
stead in the future when
they step on the pitch for
Manchester City may
and League, before the planned increase.
A spokesman for the Arsenal
Page 25
That is likely to upset Arsenal man- the senior team.” also have objections over Supporters Trust (AST) said: “The AST
ager Arsene Wenger, who wants Wilshere’s club col- the call-ups of striker is very disappointed that Arsenal have
Wilshere, 19, to have a rest this sum- league Kieran Gibbs is Danny Welbeck, mid- rejected fans’ call for ticket prices to
mer having played 46 times already another senior star in fielder Jordan be frozen. This decision will price loyal
in a breakthrough season. Pearce’s provisional 40- Henderson and defender fans out of the Emirates.”
But Pearce said: “I’ve spoken with man party, but his inclu- Micah Richards, who It cam came after the club agreed a
the players and the important thing sion is not as have all been capped at multi-million partnership with Indesit.
is obviously the players. I’ll be speak- controversial as injuries senior level.

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