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Address: Jalan Udayana Singaraja-Bali. Postal Code 81116
Telp. (0362) 22570, Fax (0362) 25735

Study Program : Mathematics
Course Title : Differential Calculus
Course Code : MMM1101
Semester I
Credit Units 3
Course Prerequisite : None


Differential Calculus is a basic course that must be mastered by students as a basis for learning for advanced courses, such as integral calculus,
multivariable calculus, differential equations, mathematical statistics, and many more. The focus of Differential Calculus is the foundation on
functions, limits and continuity, derivatives, and their applications.


The differential calculus course has the following learning outcomes:

A. Attitude and Behaviour:

At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Contribute to self-improvement through interaction and group work
2) Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their field of expertise independently
3) Discipline in using time
4) Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics

B. Knowledge:
At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Describe and explain the concepts of function, it’s domain, and it’s curve.
2) Describe and explain the concepts of limit and continuity.
3) Describe and explain the concepts of derivative.
4) Apply the derivative concept to solve problems

C. Skills:
At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing mathematics
2) Demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance in solving differential calculus problems
3) Carry out the evaluation process of their group works, and manage their learning independently
No Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Indicators Topics/Subject Matters
1 2 3 4
1 A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, C1,  Students are able to construct a function Function
C2, C3  Students are able to determine the natural domain  Definition of a function
and range of a function  Natural domain and range
 Students are able to sketch a function  Function’s curve
 Students are able to classify the symmetric of a  Symmetry
function  Algebraic operation on functions
 Students are able to prove some properties of  Properties of operation on functions
algebraic operation on functions  Some special functions
 Students are able to explain the properties of some  Composition of functions
specific functions  Trigonometric functions
 Students are able to construct a composition of two
 Students are able to explain the properties of some
trigonometric function

2 A1, A2, A3, A4, B3, B5, C1,  Students are able to deduce the limit of a function Limit and Continuity
C2, C3 based on intuitive understanding.  An Intuitive Understanding
 Students are able to analyse limit of a function by it’s of Limit
formal definition.  A formal definition of limit
 Students are able to prove some theorems of limit  Theorems of limit
 Students are able to find limit involving  Limit involving
trigonometric functions trigonometric functions
 Students are able to find limit at infinity.  Limit at Infinity; Infinite
 Students are able to analyze infinite limit Limit
 Students are able to analyze continuity of a function  Continuity of functions
at certain point.
Midterm Examination

3 A1, A2, A3, A4, B3, B5, C1,  Students are able to explain the similarity of The Derivative
C2, C3 instantaneous velocity and gradient of tangent line.  Introduction of the derivative
 Students are able to explain the definition of (instantaneous velocity and gradient
derivative. of a tangent line)
 Students are able to prove the rules for finding  Definition of derivative
derivative.  Rules for finding derivatives
 Students are able to find the derivative of  Derivative of trigonometric functions
trigonometric functions.  The Chain Rule
 Students are able to apply the chain rule to  Implicit differentiation
determine the derivative of a composition function.
 Related Rates
 Students are able to apply implicit differentiation.
 Differential and Approximation
 Students are able to solve related rates problems
 Students are able to explain the similarity and
differences between differential and derivative.
 Students are able to apply the concept of differential
to find approximation of f(x+Δx)
4 A1, A2, A3, A4, B4, B5, C1,  Students are able to analyze whether a function with Application of the Derivative
C2, C3 certain domain has minimum or maximum value.  Maxima and Minima
 Students are able to determine monotonicity and  Monotonicity and Concavity
concavity of a function.  Local Extrena and Extrema on Open
 Students are able to determine local extrema and Interval
extrema on an open interval  Practical Problems
 Students are able to solve practical problems related  Graphing Function using Calculus
to extreme value, monotonicity and concavity of a  The Mean Value Theorem for
function. derivatives
 Students are able to analyze properties of a function
by using calculus concept and sketch it’s graph.
 Students are able to apply the mean value theorem
for derivatives
6 Final Examination
Approve by: Arranged by:
Coordinator of Mathematics Study Program

I Gusti Nyoman Yudi Hartawan, S.Si., M.Sc. Putu Kartika Dewi, S.Pd., M.Sc.
NIP 198405252008121008 NIP 199004202019032021

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