Kaleb Cobb - Workplace Correspondence No Markup

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To: Marketing Department of EPA

From: Kaleb Cobb

Date: November 11, 2021

Subject: Information regarding the effects of greenhouse gases

To whom to may concern,

Thank you for agreeing to speak with me the effects of greenhouse gases on our
environment. When it comes to greenhouse gases, the impact has become more and more
prevalent as there have become more uses for things such as fuel in transportation vehicles and
different forms of energy, in terms of coal and natural gas. Greenhouse gases have been shown to
cause an array of negative effects in the environment and everything living in it, including
climate change, respiratory effects on humans, and the potential to cause multiple species of
animals to become extinct.
One thing I think we can do is to encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint and
limit usage of things in their daily lives. One example would be to encourage people to move to
renewable energy options, including hybrid-electric cars and alternative energy options like solar
energy and potentially move towards nuclear energy. Throughout the memo below is explained
several reasons to move away from various forms of energy due to the negative effects that
greenhouse gases have caused on our environment. I look forward to hearing from you and
would appreciate setting up a potential meeting to further discuss these topics.

Thanks again,
Kaleb Cobb
Date: November 11th, 2021
To: Marketing Department of EPA
From: Kaleb Cobb
Subject: Information regarding the effects of greenhouse gases
Distribution List: EPA Offices and online distribution

This report addresses an array of topics regarding the ecological impacts that greenhouse
gases have on the environment When conducting research to gain a comprehensive overview of
greenhouse gases and their impact on various parts of the environment, I noticed several
different impacts that most people probably wouldn’t have thought could be caused by
something as simple as driving your car during the day.

Rainbows have become not only a sign of being able to tell when there has recently been

a rainstorm, but they have also become a sign of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

Greenhouse gases can cause various problems in the world, including climate change and

potential respiratory issues. The main purpose of this paper is to educate on the formation of

rainbows, the causes and effects of greenhouse gases in the environment, and potential solutions

to the issue of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are caused by basic fuel emissions by people

in the world. There are several different causes of greenhouse gas emissions, but the primary

causes are transportation – people using their cars, public transportation, and other forms of

transportation. Another form of greenhouse gas emissions is electricity – using things like coal

and natural gas as forms of electricity causes further emissions of greenhouses gases in the air.

Greenhouse gases have become more frequent in the environment because of the frequent

use of transportation as well as the use of energy through means of coal and natural gases. The

main phrase that most ecological associations use when speaking on reducing greenhouse gas

emissions is “reducing your carbon footprint.” To limit emissions from using transportation in

your daily life, one recommendation would be to potentially move from a car that uses gas to an

electric car – hybrid and totally electric cars have become very easy to come by, with some of

the main car companies in the world starting to make hybrid-electric cars. To limit emissions

from energy, using renewable energy options like solar energy panels as a source of energy

would heavily lower or potentially eliminate the emissions of greenhouse gases. Nuclear energy

also often comes into discussion when speaking about alternative sources of energy, but people

tend to stray away from nuclear energy due to its high costs and the unknowns of its disposal.


The natural phenomenon of rainbows is one of the most beautiful things in nature, and

because of greenhouse gases, we are at risk of losing something natural due to the worsening of

the environment. With some of the potential steps listed above, we can potentially move toward

bettering the environment by all reducing our carbon footprints.

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