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: Notes on Personality Development : (III Sem. B.Tech.

AS(E) 2.3.3) (V Deans' Comm.)


1. What is Personality Development? OR What is powerful and comprehensive personality? OR

which are the four main aspects of PD?
PD is to develop four types of strengths___ i) Physical ii) Mental or Intellectual iii)
Moral and iv) Spiritual. By developing first two to the exclusion of the other two shall
prove to be a threat to the well-being of the society.
2. What price to be paid for the PD?
Hard Work, Dogged perseverance and Diligent Efforts.
3. What are the requirements and facts to develop one's personality?
i) Responsibility of building one's personality lies wholly on one's own shoulders.
ii) PD does not happen by chance nor by somebody's blessings.
iii) To understand/ learn that development of personality is very much a science.
iv) The prospect of possessing a glorious personality depends on how and how much of
this science is applied in day to day life? For that __a) Study the book and b) Practise
the methods meticulously.
4. What is your concept of a Country?
Vast and varied geography as well as enchanting scenic beauty do not constitute the
country, but it is the people who constitute the country.
5. Which types of the people make a country powerful?
People of character, of noble qualities, people with a kind heart and powerful/ sharp
brain__ strong and dynamic people make a country rich and powerful. If the people are
cultured, nation is civilized.
OR [ question 4 & 5 combined ] How do the strength and glory of a nation depend on the
6. For all living beings what is a common cycle in their lives?
Birth, growth and one fine day death.
( apart from other living organisms) which element/point is in our control?
Regarding growth, we have a great freedom of choice, we can do a lot to grow.


1. Of which five elements our body is made up?

Space, water, earth, fire and air.
2. What do you understand by the phrase, 'Muscles of Iron and Nerves of Steel'?
By this phrase we get the ideal of Perfect Human Body, not only physical well- being but
. a strong and healthy body……1….
3. To make a body strong to which aspects we must give attention?

For making our body strong and healthy, we must give attention to four main aspects.
They are__ i) Food ii) Exercise iii) Cleanliness and iv) Worrylessness.
4. Regarding food, which words are very popular now-a-days?
Nutritious food, balanced and regulated diet and tonic, these are the words we hear
everywhere today.
5. What is the cause of fat and obesity?
The undigested high energy food due to lack of exercise causes fat and obesity.
6. What is the golden rule regarding eating habits?
The eating which is pleasing, moderate and timely is good for digestion. The food must be
nutritious but one should not eat beyond capacity of digestion. It is called हितभुक', 'हितभुक',
'ऋतुभुक' in Sanskrit.
7. Explain these three concepts.
i) Pleasing (हितभुक) : The food that we eat must be pleasing to the mind. i.e. if the food is
half boiled or stale or rotting, if it is giving out a bad odour, it won't be pleasing to the
mind. While eating, if the mind is not calm and pleasant, the food taken will not be
properly assimilated into the body. If the food is not assimilated properly, how will the
body get strength? It is also essential to know the kind of food that suits our body
ii) Moderation (हितभुक) : A general rule cannot be drawn in moderation, but each has to
find out his/her limit of the intake of the food. Neither excess nor under-eating to cause
obesity or skeleton!
iii) Timely food (ऋतुभुक) : To form a good habit to have food at proper time and at proper
place is a must to keep up the well-being.
8. 'Hunger is the salt in food'…..explain the sentence.
When one does hard physical work, his hunger will well up in his stomach. Such food will
easily be digested. Then one can see for oneself the miracle of ordinary bread and water
tasting like nectar! So taste here is not so important but hunger caused by hard physical
9. What role do the exercises play in personality development? OR Importance of exercise in
daily life. OR Why is exercise mandatory? and for whom ? OR Give advantages of
Exercises play an important role in digestion and assimilation of food. They are necessary
for physical well-being. By doing regular exercise we remain alert and enthusiastic
throughout the day. We can keep up our general physical health. They make us fit and fine.
They make our body strong and flexible. Fatigue will be replaced by fresh vigour and
enthusiasm. All the parts of the body must get proper work through regular exercise. This
kind of disciplined efforts brings two boons__i) Strength__the body becomes progressively
stronger and ii) Relaxation__ the sleep at night will be deep and satisfying.
10. What happens when there is no cleanliness of the body?
The body becomes prone to diseases and mind gets disturbed and distracted due to lack of
cleanliness. When we have regular bath and wear clean clothes, there is an elated feeling of
well-being in the body and confidence in the mind. ….2…..
11. What is the tested truth regarding worrylessness? OR How can a mental attitude affect our
physical health?
The state of our mind affects our physical health to a very large extent. When tormented by
great mental tension, even the strongest of men become weak, the body becomes emaciated
(thin), face gets long drawn and eyes lose their luster. While bullets and poison kill a man
instantly, worry and mental tension lead to slow death. Weak-minded, weak-willed persons
who cannot think rationally and deeply, fall victims to chronic worries and depression.
12. How to avoid worries and stay happy? OR How worrylessness help to develop our physical
The persons who get worried every now and then or even a small issue causes to worry
them should form the habit of thinking deeply on the pros and cons of those particular
issues which cause them to draw in sea of worries. Such persons should seek the company
of strong willed persons. Gradually, by their influence, these persons too will learn to think
rationally and deeply and learn to ignore the non-essentials and concentrate on the essential
things of life.
13. What is worry? How to get rid of it?
Worry is the misuse of imagination. Following are the ways to get rid of it___
i) To keep company of good people___rich in common sense
ii) To learn the technique of thinking deeply, meaningfully and profitably.
iii) Must read good books and closely observe wise men. By doing these things we too
shall develop good qualities, called virtues.


1. How can we understand that our intellectual strength is developed or blossomed?

If intellect develops properly----
i) We must become self-reliant.
ii) We must be able to solve all the problems of our lives.
iii) We must be able to make our lives comfortable.
iv) We must be able to choose good books and develop the ability to read and understand
them all on our own.
v) We must be able to deal with the educated class of people on equal terms.
vi) We must be able to understand the affairs of our society, our country and the whole
world___not just understand but we must also be able to react appropriately in each case.
2. Which things depend on the development of intellectual strength?
A man's life style, his standard of living and his fulfillment in life---all these things
depend on the level of his intellectual development.
3. What is the testimony of man's intellectual powers?
Man has conquered the oceans, skies, reached the moon and walked on lunar soil!
Information Technology and Computers are other fields of achievements which can be
considered as the testimony to man's intellectual powers.
4. How can the intellectual strength be developed? OR Which are the techniques to develop
intellectual strength?
There are certain time-tested techniques. But intellectual development has to be achieved
only through hard work___by relentless practice and by conscious, sincere efforts. There
is no shortcut for the development of mind. Yet, we can say that the technique has four
main aspects. They are i) Alertness ii) Deep Study iii) Deep Thinking and iv) Prayer.
5. "The quality of your life depends upon the quality of your attention"--explain this
sentence . OR What is 'attention' which plays an important role in developing mental
Attention means mental alertness i.e. the attention we give with an alert mind to a thing or
person or work…whatever is at our hand. Alertness of the mind is primary condition for
intellectual development. The more attentive we are, the more we get to know, whatever
be the subject of our studies.
6. What is 'Study"?
To read something attentively with an alert mind is called study. If we study all the
subjects, keeping in mind this clarity of alertness, there are the least chances of failures.
7. Why don't we remember, what we read or what we hear?
When we don't do any action-- be it reading or hearing-- attentively or being mentally
alert or absent mindedly, we cannot remember the thing properly. Knowledge dawns in
the mind only if the mind is alert.
8. How is the whole world called a university?
Because from the very birth to complete Self enlightenment, eternal lessons are being
imparted in this world. Joy and sorrow are very able teachers. Grief and failure teach one
kind of lesson; joy and success teach another kind. Every experience in this world leaves
us wiser by teaching us something valuable, if we be alert of learning. ….4
9. How can our mental horizons (boundaries) be expanded?
The quicker, more direct and sure shot technique to expand mental horizons is deep study.
By studying books deeply on various subjects which appeal to us most, we can expand our
mental horizons. Instead of wide reading, wise reading is necessary.
10. What does 'disciplined study' mean?
Before starting or cultivating the habit of reading, first we must choose a subject (topic)
that interests us greatly, then we must select certain books written on that topic. Then
these books must be 'studied' not 'read', they must be studied over and over again, making
relevant notes, then we must discuss with experts of that topic and exchange our ideas.
Then we get to know that subject in depth. By this type of disciplined study, our intellect
develops in a wonderful way.
11. What is power of thought? OR What are the advantages/benefits of deep thinking?
In this vast world, man alone is blessed with power of thinking. This faculty of thought is
capable of freeing man from all the troubles and difficulties he faces in his life. When
problems arise, we can overcome them by deep thinking. It helps us to decide what is
good and beneficial to us and what evil to be given up. Intellect grows by thinking. As
physical exercise helps to digest food, deep thinking helps to 'digest' what we see, hear
and read. Thinking springs from the intellect, intellect grows by thinking.
12. What are the differences between worry and contemplation?
Worrying about a matter drains us of our mental energy; contemplation increases and
amplifies it. Worry never solved any problem for anyone, while there is not a single
problem that contemplation has not solved.
13 How is prayer useful for developing intellectual strength?

By praying God, we get the qualities of God in ourselves. Our intellect gets expanded by
the grace of God, which leads us to do beneficial, positive and creative activities. It will
help to live a life of peace, happiness, contentment and charity. All good qualities are
developed. Otherwise, the intellect developed by one's own efforts will inspire one to be
selfish and to be engaged in all kind of self-destructive activities. Egotism, arrogance,
selfishness are developed, if not directed by Prayer.
1. Which two types of qualities exist in all human beings?
i) Demoniac__ like lust, anger, greed, attachment, arrogance, jealousy, egotism,
selfishness etc..
ii) Divine__ like non-violence, honesty, compassion, kindness, love for all, sympathy,
service attitude, brotherhood, faith, trust, humility, helping and peace-loving nature etc…
2. What happens if morality is developed?
If it is developed in mankind, every home, every nation, the entire world will enjoy peace,
harmony and prosperity.
3. What does moral strength in man do?
If it is sincerely and seriously developed, it enables us to cultivate divine qualities in our
4. What is morality? How can moral strength be developed?
Morality means good conduct. Ethics, character building and morality are synonymous.It
has its source in mind, which is manifested through speech and is transformed into deeds
through our organs. So to develop this strength, we need to culture our thought, word and
deed. (हिचार, िाणी, िततन). When we do this, our thoughts become pure, speech becomes
cultured (sophisticated) and all our actions will be beneficial to others and ourselves.
Thus we have to attain___
i) Purity of Thought ii) Purity of Speech and iii) Purity of Action. (to develop moral
5. To which three categories does human mind belong?
The human mind belongs to three types of categories__ i) Cultured ii) Uncultured and iii)
ill-cultured. All the bad or demoniac qualities stay limitlessly in second and third
categories, while in cultured minds they stay well in manageabke limits. So, such persons
are considered cultured and civilized.
6. How can mind be trained? OR What is the training of mind ? (for personality
development) OR Why are good company and good books essential in the training of our
minds? OR What role do the good company & good books play in the training of mind ?
The mind has to be trained and cultivated by conscious and serious efforts. By doing so,
we can prevent it from being perverted and immoral and make it flow along the right
direction. For achieving this, good company and studying good books are indispensible. It
is only when we stay in good company and read good, elevating books that we realize
what is meant by good thoughts, good impulses and good feelings.
7. What does the way of speech reveal?
The way we speak reveals the inner stuff of ourselves. OR The way of speech reveals the
inner stuff of the person.
8. How should our speech be ? OR How should we speak?
The words we use in our speech (when we speak) must soothe ear, inspire the mind and
touch the heart of the listeners.
9. What is to be done to achieve purity of speech?
We must put in a lot of efforts to refine and culture our way of speaking. For that we have
to be alert and exercise a lot of self-control. If others use bad words, we should continue to
be dignified in our speech and choose our words with a lot of care and attention, of which
others may have positive effects. …6….
10. What is the secret of speech? Or Which speech is considered as 'cultured speech'?
The secret of speech means knowing the tact of what to speak, with whom to speak,
where and in what circumstances to speak. Hence, if a person speaks the right words at
the right time to the right person in a right context, we may safely say that his/her speech
is cultured.
11. How is our personality judged by people?
It is first judged by our words, later by our deeds.
12. Write a note on Hanuman's speech, which was praised by Sri Ram. OR Hanuman's
speech___the perfect example of 'Communication Skills'. (Speech)
These are some of the ways which were praised by Sri Ram, when Hanuman talked to Sri
i) Hanuman was a master of words, a speech by a highly learned man.
ii) He must have studied Grammar and Linguistics many times over, as he didn't commit
any mistake nor did he speak any unnecessary word.
iii) His facial expressions and bodily movements were calm and poised.
iv) Not a single unnecessary wrinkle appeared on his face.
v) His speech was precise and clear.(No chance for confusion or doubts)
vi) His speech was for what the situation demanded, neither more or less.
vii) Neither did he drawl nor did he eat his words.
viii) His words were from his heart, not too loud or too low to listen to.
ix) He used only the auspicious words.
Thus, his speech was perfect in every respect.
13. What do the deeds of a man reveal?
A man's deeds reveal his inner feelings. Words can be used to express as well as hide the
inner feeling, but actions (deeds) reveal the inner motive without fail.
14. What do we get by purity of action? OR what is gained by poa?
By purity of action__i) we finish the works in our hands obstinately.
ii) We give importance to means as well as ends.
iii) We be methodical in the style of working.
iv) Our enthusiasm is increased.
v) Not being hasty and haphazard in work, our enormous energy is spent in works.
vi) We can give a lot of thought to finish the work in hands, being focused in it.
vii) We can undertake beneficial and profitable endeavours.
15. What is Purity of Action?
If the qualities like dedication to work, dignity of work and the spirit of 'work as worship
of God' are developed, it is called Purity of Action.


1. What is spirituality? OR What do you understand about Spirituality?
Spirituality means the thoughts related to 'Spirit' or 'Self' or 'Consciousness'. This is the
central aspect of a completely developed all-round personality. The other three strengths
find fulfillment in spirituality.
2. What is 'Spirit'? Why do we need to know about our spiritual self? ….7…..
Spirit is called consciousness, which is our true nature. It is all powerful, all blissful.
So to overcome our fears and weaknesses and to remove our sorrows, we need to know
about our spiritual self.
3. To which things spirituality is compared?
It is compared with 'Electricity' and 'Chocolate'; both of which can be experienced but not
expressed. Thus, the spiritual self is not visible to us or not touched by us, but remaining
unmanifest, it governs all our bodily functions and actions, it makes our mind and intellect
think, feel and imagine.
Thus, this spirit or Atman, as it is called in Sanskrit, is of the nature of light. It is
luminous, resplendent, but ignorance about it, has made us blind. So, to remove this
ignorance, the spiritual strength should be developed.
4. How is spiritual strength developed?
Generally, we identify ourselves with our body, we forget our divine nature and feel we
are 'only the body' (ignorance). The way out is___ a true spiritual teacher, who has
realized his true nature can open our eyes (help by a spiritual teacher). Then only we can
also realize our true nature, which is Sat--Chit--Anand, i.e. Sat= eternal existence, Chit=
eternal knowledge and Anand= eternal bliss (not like joy or the enjoyments of the world).
As we think, so we become is the universal law. Hence we have to think deeply on our
true nature all the time.
5. What is the method to realize our true or real nature?
There are three methods__i) Hear about Atman ii) Think deeply on it and iii) Meditate on
it. So the top most priority should be given to the development of this strength, above all
the three strengths. Spiritual strength is the main fountainhead from which gush out all the
three strengths, which makes or adorns beautiful (just like ornament) a complete, all round
6. By thinking on 'Atman' what shall we gain?
In Atman lies permanent, unalloyed joy, supreme contentment (Satisfaction) and eternal
bliss. We shall get power, knowledge, wisdom and more importantly there is security and
permanence. We shall come face-to-face with the Infinite.
7. Give an efficient, simple technique of meditation.
Watching the mind, which is like a monkey or a sparrow, moving here and there in a
moment. Such mind has to be tamed by a regular practice of making it steady on one
point__ like flowing oil from one container to another, without any break.
Technique : Choose a clean, silent place. Sit steady__no pain anywhere__ relaxed. Watch
the breath---inhaling & exhaling, sometimes only rhythmic breathing. Watch and let pass
the thoughts coming in the mind, no bodily movement. muscles and nerves should be
totally relaxed and at ease. The main thing is that body must be very steady and firm, yet
relaxed and perfectly at ease…Practice is needed. No pain, no gain.
8. What exactly is 'meditation'?
It is to recollect the mind and then to make it flow towards a particular subject
continuously, undisturbed.
9. What is the nature of mind?
The mind always remains in motion. Ripple after ripple arise in the mind. Generally its
motion is like that of a monkey or a sparrow, this moment here, the next moment there,
and again gone elsewhere.

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