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Don Norman: Design and the University 1 April 10, 2011

Design and the University: An Uneasy Fit

Don Norman
Nielsen Norman group
Palo Alto, California, USA
Department of Industrial Design, KAIST
Daejeon, S. Korea

Abstract—Design has transformed itself from a craft to a The study of governments, politics, economics, and
sophisticated discipline that requires knowledge of business are elsewhere as well, yet engineering impacts
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: all of these areas. Although, students are often urged or
STEM. Unfortunately, the education of designers has not even required to take a few elementary, entry-level
kept up with the change. But design education within the courses in these areas, but they are usually broad survey
traditional university is hampered by the structure of the courses, ill suited to address the issues faced by
university. The top universities of the world pride engineers.
themselves on hiring and promoting world-class specialists Although engineering education usually does not
(who must necessarily be deep and narrow) rather than
include fields outside of science or engineering, most
broad generalists who are typical of the best designers.
engineering undergraduate degrees in the United States
Design training still focuses upon craft skills, with require approximately two years of general education
insufficient training in science and technology, business, that gives students some breadth to their education. But
and economy. Most importantly, designers are more and even this limited general education is usually absent
more acting like applied social scientists, while lacking from design education.
even elementary knowledge of these fields and of the Designers can be even more isolated than are
difficulties of making broad claims. The University and engineers, for the traditional undergraduate education in
and design need one another, but the need can be design is of a craftsperson, entirely focused upon the
addressed only if the University changes.1 skills and techniques of the craft. Yes, engineers are
ignorant of non-engineering fields, but in my analyses of
Keywords-component; STEM, design, social science, the courses taken by design students, I find the same
university education, specialist, generalist, craftsperson. pattern. Little science or engineering, little mathematics,
I am concerned about the weaknesses in our and little technology. Little psychology or other
educational system – not the ordinary problems that are behavioral and social sciences, little history, little
so frequently written about but rather that the emphasis philosophy, and in fact, little or no courses outside the
on specialization of the faculty can be counter to the narrow domains of design.
needs of society. Modern design is a mélange of disciplines: art and
Engineers build things for society and people, but science, social sciences and engineering, manufacturing
nowhere in their curriculum is there any education about and marketing. But design started out as a craft and still
these topics. No in-depth courses on the relevant maintains this tradition, especially in undergraduate
components of psychology, sociology, anthropology, education. Design ought to be unique among the
political science, economics, or the cognitive sciences. professions, requiring the knowledge and expertise of
Not even the applied areas of human factors and the physical and social sciences, art, the humanities, and
ergonomics, human-computer interaction, and design. business. But design faces two major hurdles. The first
The engineering fields are, as a whole, resistant to hurdle is to overcome its heritage, with many design
learning about society and people. teachers actively antagonistic to modern technology, the
Today the average citizen is probably most aware of attempt to add science to design, and the kind of rigor
the role of computer chips, communication, and displays that the social sciences require before making claims of
in our everyday technology, but the interaction of efficacy. The second hurdle is that of the university,
technology and people hardly is restricted to these which makes the hiring, and then the training of
technologies. All the engineering disciplines, whether generalists both difficult and also ill regarded by the
civil or mechanical, industrial or electrical, chemical or establishment.
aeronautical, nautical or biomedical all impact people. To understand why this is, and more importantly
Where do engineers learn about the social impact of why this problem is so difficult to solve, it is necessary
their work? Within universities, the study of people and to look at the organization of the education system.
society are usually absent from schools of engineering, Disciplines are deep and narrow. Real problems are
segregated into schools of social or behavioral sciences. broad. So the practitioners must have broad, general
knowledge, while employing narrow deep specialists,
but the university departmental system hires and
Paper prepared for the conference on Doctoral Education in Design,
Hong Kong, 22-25 May 2011.
Don Norman: Design and the University 2 April 10, 2011

promotes those with expertise in a narrow topic, not limited number of columns, were the modal number is
broad general knowledge. probably close to one. A specialist is narrow and deep.
In the university, disciplines are divided into Generalists in a domain are wider and shallower: the
departments and departments are organized into schools. Area Rule states that the total area – breadth times width
Students who wish to take courses across departments – is constant. Generalists cut horizontal swatches across
often face difficulties, and courses that cut across the domains, so their knowledge is represented by
schools are even more difficult. Similarly, professors horizontal rectangles, which by the area rule means that
often collaborate with colleagues in the same they know a little bit about a lot of topics.
department, less so with colleagues in different Real problems require both specialists and
departments and infrequently with colleagues in other generalists. We need people expert in their domain, but
schools. What does this mean for design, where art in in we also need people who know what domains are
one school, the physical and biological sciences in required, how to stitch the knowledge from each of them
another, social science in yet another, engineering in still together, and how to translate the language and thought
another, and marketing of in the business school? patterns of one domain into another.
There are many reasons for the difficulties. As with Ideally, the university ought to have both types of
all complex problems, no single factor is responsible so people. But no, the promotion policies prevent this.
the solution requires analyzing education as a complex Promotion is usually given by worldwide recognition as
system, with multiple factors that can be improved. But deep specialists and contributors to some topic domain.
first, let’s talk about the university. Generalists fail the test. Promotion, remember, is
granted after polling the leading specialists about the
I. THE CULPRIT IS THE UNIVERSITY quality of the candidate’s contributions. Specialists will
If I had to pinpoint one root cause of these complex always judge the generalist’s contribution to their
difficulties I would point my figure at the University. particular area to be shallow. They have no way of
The university started in Europe and taught many accounting for the broadness of the knowledge.
practical disciplines. Over time, the search for pure Promotion committees seek the advice of world
knowledge and more abstract thinking dominated. authorities, but then frown at the weak letters. Spreading
Today, depth of knowledge gains the highest prestige. one’s work across different disciplines means one is not
Faculty are hired and promoted through rankings against well known by any. Doing practical, applied work in the
the world’s authorities in their chosen field. Quantitative university is equally damning, for practical results, no
measurement and theories have come to dominate, with matter how important or beneficial to society, do not
the highest prestige given to disciplines that are the most count as fundamental enhancements of knowledge,
rigorous and quantifiable. "If you can't measure it, you which is the goal of the research university. Because
can't improve it," is the standard refrain. The result is the prestige flows to the highest ranked research universities
quantification of everything, quite often losing the that ha, all universities try to emulate them, elevating the
essence of the phenomenon under study. desirability of fundamental research, research grants,
Depth of understanding leads to such a degree of and deep, narrow expertise. As a result generalists
specialization that a specialist in one university seldom get hired and then, seldom get promoted.
department often cannot understand the work of other Note that this tension between breadth and depth is
specialists in the same department. known. The professional schools of the university are
What has been missed is real world experience. The quite aware of the need for breadth. Business schools
understanding of how political issues, society, culture, and designers are fond of talking about T-shaped
and people's behavior, desires, and wants impact individuals who combine broad, general knowledge with
systems. Business issues are critical for the success of deep understanding of one specialty. I am sympathetic to
most practical endeavors, but these considerations are the approach, but deep knowledge of one discipline
seldom raised. Engineers tend not to like these issues for hardly satisfies the need for knowledge across all
to them, they are distractions from the technical disciplines. The notion of alphabetically shaped
challenges. knowledge and people is badly flawed and therefore,
But why are we training engineers who are both badly misleading. Nonetheless, the emphasis on Ts and
ignorant and disdainful of the societal concerns and the other shapes does indicate growing awareness of the
political and economic impact of their developments? problem. Alas, it also seems to be yet another example
Shouldn't technology and engineering serve society? of solving a deep problem by naming it: saying we are
How can it do so without a deeper understanding of the T-shaped does not solve the problem. My personal
complexity of modern society? opinion is that the world of specialized knowledge is
essential to progress, but too vast for any individual to
II. THE AREA RULE OF KNOWLEDGE encompass. The broad generalist serves as the integrator,
Over the years I have come to formulate an informal pulling together the needed specialties and integrating
hypothesis about knowledge that I call “the area rule of their knowledge into the common framework of the
knowledge.” The rule, which is obviously a great product or service. We should reward total amount of
simplification, states that the total knowledge a person knowledge and total contribution to our understanding
can have is reasonably constant so that great depth leads and application of that knowledge. Generalists can have
to narrowness while great breadth leads to shallowness. just as much knowledge as specialists, just differently
Let the knowledge in any domain be represented by a distributed.
vertical column. Specialists are usually experts in
Don Norman: Design and the University 3 April 10, 2011

III. DESIGN AND STEM: NATURAL ALLIES unoriginal? Because the designers are unfamiliar with
I am continuously impressed by the power of great the literature. Why naïve? Because they do not take into
design. Pleasurable, exciting, effective. Great designers account the complexities of the interlocked systems of
transform the mundane, practical world of science and ecologies, technologies, economies, cultures, and
technology into exciting, powerful components of life. political realities. Why clever? Because at first sight,
Design plays an essential role in the products and they are indeed clever. Why doomed to fail? Because as
services that we use, whether for business or pleasure, the American journalist H. L. Mencken once said, “For
home or factory, school or sport. But it is a role that is every complex problem there is a simple solution. And it
not fully appreciated. is wrong.” Designers are proud of the simple solutions
The STEM disciplines of science, technology, they find.
engineering, and mathematics add to our knowledge and V. WHY DESIGN IS PART OF THE SOLUTION
understanding. But these are academic areas, not
practical ones. Although technology and engineering Real projects require broad, generalized thinking.
have roots in practice, in the world of today's academia, Universities train deep specialists, and so in the world of
they are more about theory than practice. Although practical accomplishments, graduates are often ill trained
knowledge and understanding of STEM topics is to work with other disciplines, or even to know what
essential, we also need the knowledge of how to knowledge they need from these disciplines. In the
transform them into practical applications. To do that, world of education problems are well formed, with well-
we need more disciplines. Two major missing defined solutions. In the real world, problems are fuzzy,
components are the social sciences and business: Social ill-defined, where it is often not even apparent that there
sciences because technology exists to serve people and is a problem, or even when it is agreed that a problem
society, so we must have experts in the impact of exists, neither the approach nor the solution is known,
technology and society involved; Business because the nor recognizable at first. Designers and economists call
practical realization requires an understanding of market these "wicked" problems. Wicked problems require
forces, costs, supply chains, and distribution. creative, right brain thinking, not the logical, systematic
The discipline that can serve as the appropriate left-brain thinking so prized by academics.
bridge between the knowledge of STEM and the Much of what engineers develop goes into systems
realization of practical results is design. Modern design meant to be used by people. Yet the scientific study of
is actually modern applied social sciences, coupled with people takes place in the social sciences, not the
a general knowledge of the many disciplines in the engineering sciences. To many engineers, people are a
STEM arena. Who else should be better prepared to nuisance ("if it weren't for people," I have heard
transform STEM knowledge into practice than design? engineers complain, "our systems would work much
On top of this, through design's attention to real human better"). Designers are sensitive to the needs and
behavior through its field observational techniques and capabilities of people. That is one of the components of
other design research methods, design ensures that the modern design training.
results will add value and depth to lives. The modern The solution is to rethink education. Yes, we need
designer is also sensitive to environmental logical, deep-thinking specialists, but we also need
considerations. broad, creative thinking generalists. We need people
who can solve the "wicked" problems of real life, who
IV. WHY DESIGN IS PART OF THE PROBLEM can work in broadly based, multidisciplinary teams with
I wish I could say that the discipline of design engineers, social scientists, economists, and business
represents the broad, general education so needed to people.
produce quality systems. Alas, the education received by VI. DESIGN NEEDS TO CHANGE
most designers is just as narrow, just as specialized as
that of the typical engineer. Indeed, there is virtually no Design, the discipline, is ideally suited to help solve
overlap in their training, despite the fact that in their these problems. Modern designers are problem solvers,
career they will often end up as collaborating partners. relishing complex, wicked problems, developing
Moreover, neither side incorporates the social sciences. creative, original solutions. They are broadly trained,
Design training is remarkable narrow. Designers experienced in a wide variety of disciplines. But these
tend to be craftspeople or artists, often deliberately virtues come at a price: designers lack the necessary
ignorant of difficult, technical subjects involving depth in each area. Combine designers and engineers,
mathematics or science. Yes, I know: this broad engineering training and design training, and we can
generalization is unfair to many. Nonetheless, I believe create the teams of people needed to solve the problems
it holds for the typical design student. Even at KAIST, a of the 21st century. Systems problems, integrating
technical university that only accepts students who rank across disciplines, constrained by cost and existing
high in science and mathematics in high school, students solutions, psychology, sociology, and culture, political
tell me they switched to design because they discovered differences, and business needs. This is the real world:
they did not enjoy mathematics or science. we need to rethink education to address it.
Designers are ill equipped to handle the difficult
topics of society, but because they are unaware of their
ignorance, they launch bold new proposals to solve the Engineers tend not to think of the societal
ailments of the world: often unoriginal, usually naïve, consequences of their designs: that is left to the business
and although often clever, doomed to fail. Why people and politicians, often thought of as the enemy.
Don Norman: Design and the University 4 April 10, 2011

They seldom consider the difficulty of installation, are woefully ignorant of these fields. They know neither
maintenance or usage, and they attribute accidents and of the extensive analyses that have been done nor of the
injuries to human error: a failure to follow procedure, or methodological issues that these workers face in being
to read the instructions. Engineers are ill equipped to able to make valid inferences and statements about
know if their procedures are usable, if they make complex human and social behavior in real, complex
economic sense, or if the equipment is so poorly environments. As a result, the design community boldly
designed from a human point of view that complex goes forth, makes a few observations, proclaims some
instructions are required. clever deduction, invokes a novel principle, and then
Is it any wonder that we have trouble with our designs something that they proclaim will change
technology? That our infrastructure is difficult to behavior or solve some long-existing problem. They
maintain? That the environmental impact is large? That have little idea of the nature of evidence required to
there are many accidents, destruction of property, make such a case and little patience for those who try to
injuries and deaths in the installation, maintenance, and explain it to them.
use of our technologies? That huge amounts of time, The obvious solution is to enlist the social scientists
resources, and money are lost each year to the into the fray, asking for their help in teaching the
confusions that result from poorly conceived interactions designers and in participating in design exercises. The
with people, at all stages of the technology? These literature of the social and behavioral sciences is rich
deficiencies are invariably blamed on human error with useful information, but packed into a dense,
whereas the in fact are due to poor design that does not relatively unintelligible format that makes it difficult to
take into account how people actually operate and extract useful information. Moreover, the scientific bias
behave. Engineers design for the benefit of people toward extreme accuracy prevents the information from
without understanding people: engineers need to learn being distilled into “good enough” principles that could
about and cooperate with the professions that do be applied.
understand these issues. Social scientists are in love with the word “science.”
In the design of equipment, the human factors and On the whole (with some notable exceptions), they are
ergonomics communities along with the human- uninterested in practical applications. They believe the
computer interaction community has helped refine the real world is too uncontrolled to be studied. They dislike
operation of complex equipment such as aircraft, mining the simplification of their work that is required to make
equipment, and heavy machinery. In the arena of it applicable, even though the simplification can still be
computers, the field of Human-Computer Interaction immensely valuable. Finally, if they start doing applied
(HCI) flourishes in industry, making great strides in the work, they rightly fear they will not be promoted.
development of usable, effective, and enjoyable Social science needs to change. Psychology and the
technology. But in academia, HCI has withered away. cognitive sciences have come the closest to
Once prevalent in Psychology and Computer Science understanding this, especially in the field of human-
departments, it is now almost entirely absent from computer interaction, but this still remains an exception,
psychology and enjoys only a token presence in most even within the field of psychology. We need a
computer science departments, although the computer discipline of applied social science, one that works
science professional society, ACM, has Computer closely with engineering and design, combining their
Human Interaction (CHI) as one of its largest and most knowledge and developing tools, models, and
popular special interest groups. procedures for integration across the disciplines.
Mechanical engineering has a section on user-
centered design in their professional society ASME, but IX. WE ALL NEED TO CHANGE
their presence within departments is rare. Universities need to change. Not only are they too
While Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, narrow, but they safeguard the disciplinary walls that
and Mechanical Engineering are at least aware of the inhibit cross-fertilization. Professors lack practical
human side of their profession, they tend to deny it full experience and usually feel that such experience is
academic status because it represents the soft, mushy inferior in value to theoretical and research skills. So
side of engineering, where formal mathematical models practice is not rewarded. Only publications in refereed,
are rare. But the other areas within engineering are not research-based journals are recognized for promotion.
even aware of any need to consider the role of humans In industry, almost all work is done cooperatively, in
in the design of their systems. Civil and electrical teams that cut across disciplines. In the university,
engineering, to take two examples, are responsible for students study alone, with courses that are primarily
much of the infrastructure of the world, but these fields focused upon a single discipline. This needs to change.
pride themselves on mathematical rigor, on optimization Students and faculty should work more in groups. We
algorithms, and on the engineering sophistication of need to teach cooperation, not competition. This would
their works. People, if considered at all, are mainly require changes to the way students are judged. When
thought to be a nuisance. students are judged for their individual work and
penalized for joint work (or for asking for help), it
VIII. WHY THE SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES encourages competition and discourages cooperation.
NEED TO CHANGE Similarly, when grades are given “on the curve,” so that
Modern design is often applied social sciences. there is a fixed percentage of students at each grade
Designers are manipulating and deliberately inducing level, it turns grading into a zero-sum game, where one
change in human, group, and societal behavior. But they student’s gain is at another’s expense, once again
Don Norman: Design and the University 5 April 10, 2011

encouraging competition and discouraging cooperation. XI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

But real, practical problems cut across disciplines, so no
one person can solve them. Real problems require Earlier drafts of my thoughts on these issues have
cooperation and collaboration. This is where design has been distributed in several different venues, including an
its strengths, but this mode of work is discouraged by essay for my column in the online design journal,
university practices.
The separation of the social and behavioral sciences
from engineering is most unfortunate: they need one
another. But the social and behavioral sciences shun
applications except to proclaim in incredible naiveté the
fanciful applications of their work, without actually
trying to implement the applications. And the
engineering disciplines ignore the human factor, even
though, in theory, engineering builds and designs for
human use and benefit.
What role do the Arts play in this? Today, education
in the arts is thought to be an interesting sideline for
scientists and engineers. Many Deans have told me how
impressed they are with the musical, artistic, or acting
abilities of their students, but they assume that these
activities are sidelines to the technical domain. Of
course, we get the other reaction as well. Designers who
are trained in art departments might also have good
technical knowledge, but this too is often treated as an
interesting sideline.
What would it take to cause the educational system
to realize that an equal, substantive mix of knowledge
across schools and disciplines is fundamental to creative
and professional success?
Design can be the bridge that ties these disciplines
together. In this modern world of technically enabled
products that use novel materials, electronic sensors and
electromechanical actuators, microprocessors and
ubiquitous networking, designers are applied social
scientists, applied scientists, and applied artists. In fact,
given the movements of the engineering disciplines
toward an emphasis upon the underlying science base
rather than practical applications, designers are also
applied engineers, applied social scientists, and applied
Designers need to understand more about technology
more about human and social systems, and as a result,
more about the subtle biases that pervade their attempts
to form conclusions and the need for well-designed
studies with attention to statistical analyses. They need
to understand business well enough to work closely with
managers and marketing divisions, along with engineers.
Today, to become a skilled designer, engineer,
scientist, or artist takes may years: years of schooling
followed by years of practical experience. How could
one possibly become knowledgeable in the multiple
disciplines required for the practice of modern
engineering or design? And given the existing state of
education, who would teach such courses?
The university and design need one another, but the
need can be addressed only if both design and the
University change together.

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