Lilian Rujel Rodriguez

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Lilian Rujel Rodriguez

GRAMMAR: Have to/Has to

Simpe Present: have to/has to Negative: don’t have to/doesn’t have to

Use have to/has to to say that something Use the negative form (don’t have/doesn’t have to)
is necessary or important to do. The to say that something is your choice. You can do
speaker does not have a choice. it if you want to, but it is OK if you do not do it.

I have to take the bus to work. You don’t have to submit the homework today.
We have to be to work on time. Tomorrow is OK.
You have to have a license to drive. We do not have to work today. It’s a holiday!
They have to follow the traffic rules.
She doesn’t have to buy a new phone.
He has to go to a meeting. Her mobile phone still works fine.
She has to finish her report today. He does not have to be home until 10.
The computer has to be repaired.

Past Tense: had to/didn’t have to Future tense will have to/won’t have to
I had to take piano lessons when I was 10. be going to have to/won’t be going to have to
We had to go home because I felt sick. I will have to call him back later.
She had to be at work last Friday. She’ll have to take the class again next year.
They won’t have to attend the meeting.
You didn’t have to help me. Thank you!
He did not have to pay. I had money. I’m going to have to save up more money.
She’s going to have to wait a little longer.

A. Complete the sentences with have to and don’t have to

A: Do we ______________
have to submit the assignment tomorrow?
B: Well, you can if you want, but it is due next week. You _______________
dont´t have to submit it tomorrow.

A: The teacher says that we ________________

don't have to come to class next Monday. The school
cancelled classes.
B: That’s great! But we still ____________
have to finish the online homework. It’s due Sunday night.

A: Our plane leaves early in the morning. We __________

have to wake up at 3 o’clock in the morning
to get to the airport on time!
B: Yes, but we ________________
don't have to go to bed that night. We can just stay up all night and sleep
on the plane.

A: I need to lose some weight. I ______________

have to start exercising.
B: Actually, you ________________
don't have to exercise to lose weight. You can just eat less.

A: In the United States, do you _______________

have to leave a tip after you eat in a restaurant?
B: Well, if you don’t want to, you _________________
don´t have to leave a tip, but most people do it anyway.

B. Complete the sentences with has to and doesn’t have to.
Ann lives at home. She _____________
has to wash dishes on most nights. Her parents get angry if
she doesn’t. She also ______________
has to keep her room clean. Her mother won’t clean it for her.
Ann _____________ cook, though. Her mother does all the cooking. Ann ________________
donen't have to donen´t have to
to do yard work, but sometimes she does it anyway.

C. Complete the sentences with had to and didn’t have to.

When Pete lived at home, he ____________________
had to do many chores in the house. His mother
did everything in the kitchen, so Pete ________________cook
didn't have and he ________________
had to wash
dishes. However, Pete ______________________ keep his room clean or his mother would get
had to
angry. Pete also __________________________
had to do yard work, or his father would be upset.

D. Complete the sentences with will have to and won’t have to.
Sam is starting to think about life after he graduates from the university. He____________
have to decide soon which graduate school he wants to go to. If he chooses a
university in his hometown, he ________________________
won't have to move out of his parents’ home,
but if he wants to go to a better university, he _________________________ find an
will have to
apartment next year. Sam _________________________
won´t have to worry about money for graduate
school, though. He will probably get a scholarship, and his parents will help pay as well.

SPEAKING: Household chores

do the dishes do the laundry clean your room cook

do yard work dust the furniture take out the garbage wash the car
water/take care of the plants feed/ take care of the pet vacuum/sweep/mop the floor

A. Talk about all of the above household chores with a partner. Discuss what chores you did in
the past and what chores you have to do now.

• When I was a child, I had to... When I was a child, I didn’t have to...
• These days, I have to… These days, I don’t have to…
B. Compare your answers with your group. Prepare a group report. Complete all of the sentences
below if possible.
When we were younger, These days,
none of us had to ________________________. none of us has to ________________________.
only one of us had to _____________________. only one of us has to _____________________.
two of us had to _________________________. two of us have to ________________________.
most of us had to ________________________. most of us have to _______________________.
all of us had to__________________________ . all of us have to ________________________.


A. With a partner, complete the following sentences with your advice. In the last section, make
your own sentence asking for advice and then give some suggestions.

Do you want to get be healthy?

You have to ____________________________________________________________________

eat more vegetables and fruit in your diet. .

some exercises at home or in a gym with a personal trainer.

You should______________________________________________________________________ .

drink less than 2 litres of water in a day.

You should not___________________________________________________________________ .

eat unhealthy food frequently.

You don’t have to________________________________________________________________ .

You can’t________________________________________________________________________
have a sedentary life. .

Do you want to get a job?

get resume and cover letter help.

You have to_____________________________________________________________________ .

use all job search resources.

You should______________________________________________________________________ .

You should not___________________________________________________________________

go to an interview if you're not prepare. .

apply without confidence.

You don’t have to________________________________________________________________ .

broke good relationships with your coworkers and managers as long as you’re working
You can’t________________________________________________________________________ .
with them. 

improve your English?

Do you want to _________________________?

watch television and films in English.

You have to_____________________________________________________________________ .

You should______________________________________________________________________
make notes of new vocabulary. .

You should not___________________________________________________________________

only practice your English in class. .

be afraid of make mistakes while you are learning.

You don’t have to________________________________________________________________ .

You can’t _______________________________________________________________________ .

expect to just turn up to class for a few weeks and be able to speak the language.


LISTENING & GRAMMAR: Answering questions

A. Listen to the questions and select the correct answer. To select the correct answer,
pay close attention to the grammar used in the question.

Example: [You hear.] What did you do on Friday?

A. I usually go to school.

B. I’ll meet some friends.

C. I did my homework.

C (I did my homework.) is the correct answer because the question is in the past tense.

1. A. Yes, she’ll go tomorrow. 6. A. No, I didn’t.

B. Yes, she went yesterday. B. Yes I do.
C. Yes, she goes there often. C. Yes I am.

2. A. Yes, I play every weekend. 7. A. Yes, I’m more or less happy these days.

B. No, I didn’t play yesterday. B. Yes, I was happy when I was a child.

C. No, I won’t play tomorrow. C. Yes, someday I’ll be happy.

3. A. Yes, I sit behind you. 8. A. Yesterday? Sure I was.

B. Last year? Yes, I was. B. Right now? Of course I am.

C. No, I won’t take that class next C. No, I was sleeping when you called me.
9. A. Right now? No, of course not!
4. A. No, I was in the shower.
B. Earlier this morning? Yes, I guess I was.
B. No, I’m not sleeping right now.
C. Tomorrow? Yes, that’s my plan.
C. No, I don’t do that these days.
10. A. I usually go to the park.
5. A. Yes, I think I will.
B. I went to the park.
B. No, I didn’t.
C. I’ll go to the park.
C. Yes, I often go to parties.


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