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RELEASE: Wednesday, December 8, 2021

New York, NY — 

In light of the recent press, and the talk of the Mayor-elect Eric Adams’ involvement in the
Speaker’s Race, we would like to reiterate the political power behind the movement for a City
Council Speaker who identifies as a woman. With a historic 31 member majority of women, and
an historic year for gender representation, women’s groups are working with the new majority to
empower them to select a woman speaker. It is unconscionable that Mayor-elect Adams’ would
indicate support for only male identified Speaker candidates.

The women’s political organizations supporting this statement are both national and local: 21 in
‘21, Eleanor’s Legacy, Dare To Run, National Organization for Women in New York City, Vote
Mama, National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund, #VOTEPROCHOICE,

"Current news media notwithstanding, there is a majority women voting bloc that actually has
the power to choose the next Speaker. This is not in the hands of the Mayor-elect. We are not
willing to accept the boys club of the old New York. Mayor-elect Adams needs to read the room,
and when he does, he will see a majority women, and they are ready to lead." said Jessica
Haller, Executive Director of 21 in '21.

“New York women are making history and gaining leadership roles throughout the state. We
have the first ever women majority leaders of the State Senate and the Assembly, the first
woman elected Attorney General and the first ever woman Governor.
With our historic women majority nyc council, we must build on all of this success. New York
women have always been ready to lead and they finally have the opportunity to show people
how women get the job done,” said Sophie Nir, executive director of Eleanor's Legacy.
“Dare to Run is extremely proud of the 31 Women who have been elected to the New York City
Council this year. Women are an integral part of the political, social, economic, and cultural
landscape of New York City, and our voices and stories need to be heard at every level of
government. Women are always a part of the conversation, and should have the tools and
training they need to execute successful campaigns for public office. Visit our website at to learn more about our spring training opportunities for women.” -
Rachelle Suissa, Founder and President of Dare to Run, Inc.

“​​There are highly qualified women who are ready to lead. New York City voters clearly want to
see more women in leadership positions, they elected more women to the city council than ever
in history. To bypass an outstanding woman candidate who can lead the first women-majority
chamber doesn’t recognize this history-making moment by voters. Council members should pay
that forward.” Sonia Ossorio, president of the National Organization for Women in New
York City

“We have entered a new era of New York City politics where more women are winning, leading,
and rising up the ranks than ever before. For the first time in its history, the New York City
Council has reached gender parity and women are now the majority. It’s time to build on that
momentum by selecting a woman to serve as Speaker of New York City Council. Women belong
at the decision making table and we are here to stay,” said Liuba Grechen Shirley, Vote Mama
Founder & CEO

“The women of New York are exhausted. In the past year alone, we organized and turned out to
build power for prochoice women, we won an historic number of seats on the city council, we've
fought to issue consequences for sexual misconduct in government offices, and now we're
watching mayor-elect Adams turn his back on everything we've done” said Heidi Sieck,
#VOTEPROCHOICE CEO. “Mayor-elect Adams is deeply mistaken if he thinks he can ignore
the political will of the women of New York. We bear much of the burden of this moment in
history -- which is exactly why we've just put an historic 31 women on the council. Now,
Mayor-elect Adams thinks that he can continue the business as usual by only endorsing men for
speaker. But for the first time in history, we have a meaningful seat at the table, and we deserve
leadership to reflect that fact.”

“The people of New York City delivered a clear message electing a majority women bloc to the
City Council and yet all citywide elected offices are held by men. It is absolutely unacceptable
for there to be an end-run around the many qualified women vying to be Speaker of the City
Council” said Danielle Castaldi-Micca, National Institute for Reproductive Health Action
Fund Vice President of Political and Government Affairs. “The men who have been elected
Mayor, Comptroller, and Public Advocate shouldn’t find it acceptable either. We know that the
best way to protect and expand reproductive health, rights and justice is to ensure women have
positions of power. Voting for a woman as Speaker would both uphold the voice of the voters,
and help ensure that New York City continues to be a leader on gender justice.”


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