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Host genetics and dengue fever

Article  in  Infection, Genetics and Evolution: Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics in Infectious Diseases · November 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2017.11.009


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5 authors, including:

caroline Xavier carvalho Cynthia Cardoso

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


Antonio G Pacheco Milton O Moraes

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Fundação Oswaldo Cruz


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Infection, Genetics and Evolution 56 (2017) 99–110

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Host genetics and dengue fever T

a b a
Caroline Xavier-Carvalho , Cynthia Chester Cardoso , Fernanda de Souza Kehdy ,

Antonio Guilherme Pachecoc, Milton Ozório Moraesa,
Laboratório de Hanseníase, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Laboratório de Virologia Molecular, Departamento de Genética, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Programa de Computação Científica (PROCC) – FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil


Keywords: Dengue is a major worldwide problem in tropical and subtropical areas; it is caused by four different viral
Dengue serotypes, and it can manifest as asymptomatic, mild, or severe. Many factors interact to determine the severity
Polymorphisms of the disease, including the genetic profile of the infected patient. However, the mechanisms that lead to severe
Cytokines disease and eventually death have not been determined, and a great challenge is the early identification of
patients who are more likely to progress to a worse health condition. Studies performed in regions with cyclic
outbreaks such as Cuba, Brazil, and Colombia have demonstrated that African ancestry confers protection
against severe dengue. Highlighting the host genetics as an important factor in infectious diseases, a large
number of association studies between genetic polymorphisms and dengue outcomes have been published in the
last two decades. The most widely used approach involves case-control studies with candidate genes, such as the
HLA locus and genes for receptors, cytokines, and other immune mediators. Additionally, a Genome-Wide
Association Study (GWAS) identified SNPs associated with African ethnicity that had not previously been
identified in case-control studies. Despite the increasing number of publications in America, Africa, and Asia, the
results are quite controversial, and a meta-analysis is needed to assess the consensus among the studies. SNPs in
the MICB, TNF, CD209, FcγRIIA, TPSAB1, CLEC5A, IL10 and PLCE1 genes are associated with the risk or pro-
tection of severe dengue, and the findings have been replicated in different populations. A thorough under-
standing of the viral, human genetic, and immunological mechanisms of dengue and how they interact is es-
sential for effectively preventing dengue, but also managing and treating patients.

1. Introduction The mechanisms that can lead to more severe disease and eventually
death have not yet been described. One of the most challenging aspects
Tropical and subtropical countries are prone to dengue epidemics of the disease is the early identification of patients who are prone to a
caused by four viral serotypes circulating around the world: DENV-1, 2, worse prognosis (WHO, 2009). The critical phase occurs around the
3 and 4 (Messina et al., 2014; WHO, 2009). The Asian and American fourth to sixth day; a cytokine storm seems to be the cause of the se-
tropical regions have the highest incidence of dengue due to their cli- verity observed during this time. However, the intrinsic reasons for this
mate conditions (Bhatt et al., 2013; Guzman et al., 2016; Messina et al., unbalanced cytokine production, as well as which mediators regulate
2014; WHO, 2009). The recent emergence of other arboviruses, such as the progression towards a more severe disease, are unknown.
Zika and Chikungunya (Lucas et al., 2016; Roberto et al., 2015) in Latin The most commonly accepted hypothesis for the occurrence of se-
American countries including Brazil, has brought new challenges—- vere dengue is a secondary infection by a distinct DENV serotype. An
mainly due to the similarities among these diseases—that can hamper infection with a specific serotype - for example, DENV-1 - confers long-
the correct diagnosis and management of patients. term immunity against it but can trigger nonspecific responses against
Dengue is a multifactorial disease, in which both viral and human all the other types (i.e., DENV-2, 3, or 4). In this case, it is suggested
genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis and disease outcomes. that the memory T cells produced during a primary infection can react
The spectrum of dengue can range from asymptomatic (the majority of more readily but with less effectiveness than naïve cells during a sec-
the cases) to mild or more severe disease with bleeding, plasma leakage, ondary nonspecific infection, resulting in an inefficient immune re-
and the involvement of organs such as the heart and nervous system. sponse with the deregulated production of cytokines. This theory is

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.O. Moraes).
Received 17 July 2017; Received in revised form 7 November 2017; Accepted 9 November 2017
Available online 10 November 2017
1567-1348/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Xavier-Carvalho et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 56 (2017) 99–110

known as “original antigenic sin” (Halstead et al., 1983; rs3765524 at PLCE1 (allele T; OR = 0.77) (Khor et al., 2011). The same
Mongkolsapaya et al., 2006). A similar assumption is the antibody-de- genes were investigated in another replication study among Thai people
pendent enhancement hypothesis, in which the nonspecific antibodies (Dang et al., 2014) and the results of the MICB analysis were similar to
produced during a secondary infection with a heterologous serotype those obtained in the GWAS. However, the PLCE1 SNP rs3765524 was
lead to higher viral uptake and replication in target cells, such as associated with an increased risk of DSS (allele C; OR = 1.49; Dang
monocytes, through Fc receptors (Guzman and Vazquez, 2010; et al., 2014). It is important to note that the alleles associated with
Halstead, 1979). protection and risk (T and C) are different, which confirms an asso-
Despite the clear evidence for both theories, the majority of in- ciation in the same direction.
dividuals living in endemic dengue areas have antibodies against the Later, the same group responsible for the GWAS extended the ana-
dengue virus and do not develop severe forms of the disease. In con- lysis to determine possible associations between MICB and PLCE1 and
trast, several epidemiological studies have demonstrated the occurrence less severe dengue outcomes (Whitehorn et al., 2013). The study in-
of severe dengue during primary infections in children and adults cluded 7 cohorts (4 pediatric and 3 adult), with a total of 3961 dengue
(Balmaseda et al., 2006; Halstead et al., 2002; Hung et al., 2004; cases with different clinical outcomes and 5968 cord blood controls.
Khurram et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2010; Soo et al., 2016). These data The pooled ORs indicated an association between the SNPs MICB
reinforce the multifactorial nature of dengue fever and suggest that rs3132468 and PLCE1 rs3740360 and dengue cases without shock.
additional immunological or genetic factors are associated with more However, in both cases, the OR values were close to null (allele C for
severe disease outcomes. Consequently, the small number of severe both; OR = 1.15 for rs3132468 and OR = 0.92 for rs3740360), sug-
cases among dengue patients during a single epidemic and the low gesting a subtler effect in comparison to the GWAS. Additionally, an in
frequency of symptomatic dengue patients—considering the high silico analysis showed that the SNPs at MICB and PLCE previously as-
number of exposed and infected individuals—suggest that host genetics sociated with DSS in the above-cited GWAS deleteriously affected DNA-
play a role in dengue. All of these issues will be discussed in this review. protein interactions (Taqi et al., 2016).
A more recent and very interesting GWAS analyzed 2.5 million SNPs
2. Study design and genetic association studies in dengue in a cohort of 274 dengue patients from Cuba recruited during the 2006
epidemic. The major breakthrough of this study was the employment of
There are different approaches to investigating genetic associations ancestry analysis to identify SNPs associated with protection among
with infectious diseases, and published reviews have discussed the African descendants. The authors confirmed that African ancestry was
strategies for performing this type of genetic analysis (Pacheco and associated with protection against DHF and identified haplotypes in
Moraes, 2009; Reid-Lombardo and Petersen, 2017). Thus, we will not oxysterol binding protein-like 10 (OSBPL10) and SNPs at the retinoid X
present those strategies here. Nevertheless, it is important to mention receptor alpha (RXRA) genes associated genetically and functionally
that the most popular approach to identifying associations using genetic with DHF protection in Africans (Sierra et al., 2017). OSBPL and RXRA
variables involves case-control studies that test candidate genes, where are genes related to steroid metabolism, and lipid profile alterations are
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the markers of choice. already known to be associated with severe dengue (Durán et al.,
Their features include being biallelic, having a wide distribution in the 2015).
genome, being easy to genotype, and having the ability to be tested on a
large scale. According to this approach, the allele for one SNP will be 4. Classical HLA alleles
the exposure factor, while the disease and its different forms will be the
outcome. Nowadays, there are several databases with tools enabling the Long-term host-pathogen interactions have shaped the human
location of tag SNPs in different population, providing information genome, and infectious agents are probably some of the most important
about linkage disequilibrium analysis and the relevant functional ef- recent evolutionary forces. It has been suggested that in highly endemic
fects (Adzhubei et al., 2010; Xu and Taylor, 2009). Thus, case-control areas where humans and deadly pathogens coexist, the human popu-
studies have been widely used in research on dengue. lations exhibit genetic variations indicative of selective pressure.
The influence of host genetics on dengue was first suggested by Infectious agents, whether viruses, bacteria, or parasites, have been
comparisons among the occurrence frequencies of severe cases in eth- shaping the human genome towards adaptive responses that can be
nically distinct populations. As demonstrated by Halstead (2001) and detected through the emergence of resistant genotypes in different
reviewed by Sierra et al. (2006), both dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) human genes associated with diseases.
and dengue syndrome shock (DSS) have a low incidence among Afro- The set of genes involved in the innate immune responses clearly
descendants. Accordingly, a study conducted among Brazilians from the shows a high nucleotide diversity and strong positive selection
state of Bahia showed an association between African ancestry and (Ferwerda et al., 2007; Fornarino et al., 2011; Manry et al., 2011;
protection against severe dengue (Blanton et al., 2008). Similar results Mukherjee et al., 2013) and the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) com-
were obtained from two studies involving Colombian subjects (Chacón- plex, located at the 6p21 chromosome region, is the most polymorphic
Duque et al., 2014; Rojas Palacios et al., 2016). The subsequent de- human gene family. HLA class I (A, B, and C) and class II (DR, DQ, and
velopment of association studies, mostly using candidate genes related DP) alleles were the first candidates for dengue association studies in
to the immune response, has helped to better explain the role of genetic different ethnicities including Indians, Cubans, Vietnamese, Filipinos,
variations in dengue. Brazilians, Sri Lankans, Mexicans, and Malays. A previous study per-
formed a wide review of HLA case controls for dengue (Stephens,
3. Genome-wide association studies 2010). Despite the great number of studies, the results remain highly
discrepant, and no replication has been observed in different studies.
The first genome-wide association study (GWAS) conducted on Furthermore, there is a lack of functional data to corroborated genetic
dengue enrolled 2008 pediatric DSS cases from Vietnam and 2018 cord findings. The alleles for the HLA locus associated with dengue outcomes
blood controls and the results were replicated in an independent are summarized in Table 1.
Vietnamese cohort (Khor et al., 2011). The results obtained from this
study showed an association among the major histocompatibility 5. Non-HLA immune-response genes associated with dengue
complex class I polypeptide-related sequence B (MICB) and phospho- outcomes
lipase C, epsilon 1 (PLCE), and DSS. The most significant SNPs asso-
ciated with DSS were rs3132468 where the allele C; showed Odds Ratio Upon infection, the innate immune system is capable of recognizing
(OR) = 1.41 and rs3134899 (allele G; OR = 1.31) at MICB and pathogenic structures through several receptors on the cell surface.

C. Xavier-Carvalho et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 56 (2017) 99–110

Table 1 populations showed an association between the allele -336G and DHF
Association studies between HLA locus and dengue. (Sakuntabhai et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2011). Later, a study including
the promoter SNPs at the − 871 (rs735239), −336 (rs4804803), and
Allele Region Association Reference
− 139 (rs2287886) positions showed an association between allele G
HLA-DR4 Mexico Protection against LaFleur et al., 2002 and genotype GG at − 139 (rs2287886) as well as the A/A/G haplotype
DHF and an increased risk of developing DF among Indians (Alagarasu et al.,
HLA-DRB1*07 India Risk of DHF Alagarasu et al.,
2013a, 2013b, 2013c). In addition, the AA genotype at − 871
HLA-DRB1*07/ 2013a, 2013b,
15 2013c (rs735239) was associated with thrombocytopenia, and no association
HLA-DRB1*09:01 Vietnam Protection against Lan et al., 2008 was found for the − 336 SNP (Alagarasu et al., 2013a, 2013b, 2013c).
HLA-A*24 DSS Similarly, another case-control study conducted among Thais and in-
Risk of DSS cluding an appropriate number of subjects did not confirm the pre-
HLA-B*35 Mexico Protection against or Falcón-Lezama
viously reported association between the − 336 SNP and DHF (Dang
HLA-DQB1*0302 dengue fever (DF) et al., 2009
HLA-DQB1*0202 Risk of DHF et al., 2016).
Risk of DF The association between the CD209 gene and dengue outcomes has
HLA-B*48 Thailand Risk of DHF Vejbaesya et al., also been investigated in American populations. The − 336 promoter
HLA-B*57 2009
variation (rs4804803) was investigated in Mexicans, and a borderline
HLA-A*0207 Thailand Risk of DHF Stephens et al., association (p = 0.08) between allele G and dengue fever risk was
HLA-B*51 Risk of DHF 2002 observed when patients with uncomplicated symptoms were compared
HLA-B*52 Risk of DF with asymptomatic individuals (Noecker et al., 2014). Studies con-
HLA A*31 Cuba Risk of DHF Sierra et al., 2007 ducted among Brazilians showed a protective association between the
HLA-B*15 Risk of DHF
GG genotype or G carriers and dengue severity (Silva et al., 2010b;
DRB1*07 Protection against
DF/DHF Xavier-Carvalho et al., 2013).
HLA-A*33:01 Philippines Risk of DHF and DSS Mercado et al., 2015 The conflicting results have encouraged the development of a meta-
HLA-B*53 Malaysia Risk of DHF Appanna et al., analysis to define consensus estimates for the effect of the − 336 SNP in
HLA-A*03 Protection against 2010
dengue infection. A total of 5 studies were included (Alagarasu et al.,
HLA-A*31 DRB1*08 Sri Lanka Risk of DSS Malavige et al.,
2013a, 2013b, 2013c; Sakuntabhai et al., 2005; Silva et al., 2010a;
2011 Wang et al., 2011; Xavier-Carvalho et al., 2013), and no association was
HLA-B*44 Brazil Risk of DHF Xavier Eurico de observed. However, when populations were stratified into Asian and
HLA-B*07 Protection against Alencar et al., 2013 Brazilian subjects and pooled ORs were defined, the results showed
opposite associations with risk and protection (Xavier-Carvalho et al.,
Protection against
DHF 2013).
HLA-A*01 Brazil Risk of DHF Monteiro et al., The SNP at − 336 affects the SP1 transcription site and, therefore,
2012 may influence promoter activity (Liu et al., 2003; Sakuntabhai et al.,
HLA-DQ1 Brazil Risk of DF Polizel et al., 2004
2005). Cells from individuals with the AG genotype expressed higher
DC-SIGN levels, producing more TNF and IP-10 and lower viral re-
plication than cells from individuals with the AA genotype (Wang et al.,
After pathogen binding—in this case, the binding of the dengue vir- 2011). In contrast, Lozach et al. (2005) found a positive correlation
us—there is uptake of the virus and consequent increase in replication. between the DC-SIGN expression levels on cell surfaces and viral re-
At the same time, the virus-receptor interaction activates downstream plication (Lozach et al., 2005).
pathways, resulting in the production of inflammatory and antiviral In spite of the relevant functional effects for − 336 at the CD209
mediators. These mediators can contribute to the resolution of a disease promoter, the result for this SNP should be carefully considered. Even
or lead to more severe symptoms. though the meta-analysis indicates an ethnic influence, few studies
Several immune mediators and their receptors are present at in- were analyzed to obtain a pooled OR, and the studies had weaknesses
creased levels in patient's serum with dengue and severe dengue. It has such as a small number of patients and different disease classifications.
been reported that tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interferon-gamma Furthermore, other SNPs also located in the promoter region may have
(IFNγ), macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), different inter- an additive effect either independently or through haplotype combi-
leukins (IL)-1β, -4, -6, -8, -10, and chemokines are upregulated during nations with −336 SNP.
the first days of infection (Bozza et al., 2008; Braga et al., 2001; Cui While DC-SIGN seems to play a central role in viral uptake, CLEC5A
et al., 2016; Ferreira et al., 2015; Mustafa et al., 2001; Singla et al., (C-type lectin domain containing 5A) has an important role in signaling
2016). Many of the genes for these mediators have been analyzed to test pathways, mainly those resulting in the release of proinflammatory
the frequency of SNPs in cases as compared to controls that are dis- cytokines (Chen et al., 2008; Cheng et al., 2016; Cheung et al., 2011;
cussed below. Paradowska-Gorycka and Jurkowska, 2013; Turnbull and Colonna,
2007). The CLEC5A gene encodes the receptor, which is expressed in
myeloid cells (Bakker et al., 1999). An association between a SNP at the
6. Innate immune genes 3′ near-gene region (rs1285933, T > C) and severe dengue among
Brazilians was previously shown (Xavier-Carvalho et al., 2013). More
6.1. DC-SIGN and CLEC5A specifically, TT carriers were associated with severe dengue, and
functional analyses have shown higher TNF levels among patients with
The CD209 gene encodes the dendritic cell-specific intercellular TT and TC genotypes.
adhesion molecule 3 grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN), which is con- More recently, our group replicated this result using an independent
sidered to be the main receptor for the dengue virus in dendritic cells cohort from another region in Brazil while functional analysis con-
and macrophages (Tassaneetrithep et al., 2003). Therefore, the CD209 firmed the relationship between CLEC5A and TNF also indicating a
gene has been extensively studied in dengue, and the promoter SNP possible connection with other pathways (Xavier-Carvalho et al., 2017)
− 336 G/A (rs4804803) has been the most common candidate in these highlighting the important role of CLEC5A in dengue im-
studies. However, the role of CD209 variations in dengue susceptibility munopathogenesis.
is still controversial. The results of studies of Taiwanese and Thai

C. Xavier-Carvalho et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 56 (2017) 99–110

6.2. FCγRIIA receptor were associated with DHF (Alagarasu et al., 2015b; Alagarasu and
Memane, 2015a).
FCγRIIA gene codes for one of the Fc receptors (Nimmerjahn and
Ravetch, 2008), which are expressed in antigen-presenting cells such as 6.4. Proinflammatory cytokines and related receptors
macrophages and dendritic cells and bind to antigen-antibody com-
plexes. Fc receptors play a central role in dengue immunopathogenesis Tumor necrosis factor is considered to be the major proin-
due to their putative activity in antibody-dependent enhancement, flammatory cytokine in infectious disease pathogenesis. TNF is im-
which is associated with disease severity in dengue (Guzman and portant in the early elimination of the dengue virus, but high yields of
Vazquez, 2010; Littaua et al., 1990). this cytokine can contribute to an exacerbated inflammation and a
The uptake of antigen-antibody complexes may vary according to worse prognosis. Indeed, in the serum of severe dengue patients, high
the Fc receptor. More specifically, it has been shown that FcγRIA binds TNF have been detected (Braga et al., 2001; Singla et al., 2016), al-
only to neutralizing antibodies, being more efficient than FcγRIIA in though others did not find any differences when classic and severe
neutralizing activity (Chawla et al., 2013). A recent interesting study forms were compared (Priyadarshini et al., 2010). TNF has been studied
showed that patients who develop severe dengue produce IgG anti- in dengue infection experimental models corroborating its role in in-
bodies with a higher affinity for FcγRIIIA due to structural modifica- flammation during DENV infection (Assunção-Miranda et al., 2010;
tions that result in platelet reduction and thrombocytopenia, reinfor- Chen et al., 2008; Chuang et al., 2011; Rothman, 2011).
cing the role of these receptors in severe dengue outcomes (Wang et al., Many genetic studies have shown associations between SNPs in the
2017). TNF and dengue outcomes. SNPs at the −308 (rs1800629) and − 238
The nonsynonymous polymorphism Arg131His (rs1801274) at the (rs1799964) positions are the most common candidates tested. A study
FCγRIIA gene was studied in different populations, and results are of Venezuelan subjects associated allele −308A carriers with an in-
discrepant. The Arg/Arg (RR) genotype was associated with protection creased risk of DHF compared to DF (Fernández-Mestre et al., 2004).
against DHF among Vietnamese children (Loke et al., 2002). The Similarly, Perez et al. (2010) found an association between the haplo-
homozygous HH131 genotype was significantly associated with risk to types containing − 308A and DHF in a cohort of patients from Cuba
either DF, DHF,DSS or bleedings in three different studies from Cuba with a secondary infection after a previous exposure to DENV-1/2
and Pakistan (Garcia et al., 2012; García et al., 2010; Mohsin et al., (Perez et al., 2010). According to the data from Alagarasu et al. (2013a,
2015). On the other hand, the homozygous genotype for histidine (HH) 2013b, 2013c), the A allele for the −308 SNP showed a higher fre-
and the heterozygous (HR) were found associated with protection for quency in DHF compared to DF and controls, but this difference was not
DF and DHF in Mexicans (Noecker et al., 2014). Among Indians, the RR significant, although heterozygosity (GA) was associated with DHF
genotype was associated with thrombocytopenia but not with disease among Indians (Alagarasu et al., 2013a, 2013b, 2013c).
outcomes (Alagarasu et al., 2015b, 2015c, 2015d). Although results are In parallel, − 308 homozygosity (GG) was associated with risk of
not consistent so far, HH genotype appeared at least in two populations severe dengue in studies performed in Sri Lanka and Malaysia
in association with different phenotypes of severe dengue. (Fernando et al., 2015; Sam et al., 2015). A case-control study con-
ducted by our group that included subjects from southern Brazil did not
6.3. Toll-like receptors, TIRAP, and DDX58 show an association between the − 308 SNP and dengue (Xavier-
Carvalho et al., 2013). In the same study, we performed a meta-analysis
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize pathogen-associated molecular to define consensus estimates for the effect of the -308 SNP in dengue. A
patterns (PAMPs), activating innate immune cells. Among the TLRs, pooled OR was obtained from four studies, but no significant associa-
there are some such as TLR3, TLR7, and TLR8 that recognize double- tion was found (Xavier-Carvalho et al., 2013). Later, the meta-analysis
and single-stranded RNA and, therefore, are directly associated with was updated to include eight studies (dos Santos et al., 2017), and a
immune responses against viral infections. Moreover, TLR2, TLR4, and consensus estimate indicating an association between the -308GG
TLR6 can recognize other proteic or lipoproteic viral structures (Kumar genotype and susceptibility to symptomatic dengue was found, how-
et al., 2009a, 2009b). TLR4 is an extracellular receptor expressed in ever, no association was found between DHF and DF. On the other hand
monocytes, macrophages, and endothelial cells. In the context of (in the same meta analysis) the GA genotype and the − 308A allele
dengue infections, this receptor can be activated by NS1(Modhiran were associated with protection symptomatic dengue, with p values
et al., 2017), resulting in the production of type I interferons (IFNs) and between 0.03 and 0.05 (dos Santos et al., 2017). It has been suggested
other inflammatory cytokines (Kumar et al., 2009b). A study performed that − 308A is associated with higher TNF levels (Bayley et al., 2004).
on Indian dengue patients (DHF/DSS) and healthy controls described Therefore, it could be speculated that higher production early during
an increased susceptibility to dengue infections (DF + DHF/DSS) infection may contain virus replication and protect against dengue
among heterozygotes for the SNPs Asp299Gly (rs4986790) and fever.
Thr399IIe (rs4986791) in TLR4 (Sharma et al., 2016a). The same SNPs For the −238 SNP, allele A was also associated with risk of DHF/
were also investigated in a study from Indonesia, including in children DSS among Malaysian people (Sam et al., 2015); in the same way,
with DHF and healthy controls, but no association was observed haplotypes containing this allele were also associated with risk of DHF
(Djamiatun et al., 2011). in Thai people (Vejbaesya et al., 2009) and were associated with pro-
Polymorphisms in the TLRs expressed in intracellular compartments tection against DF/DHF in Mexican people (Garcia-Trejo et al., 2011).
have also been associated with dengue outcomes. The polymorphism In addition to TNF, polymorphisms in other cytokines, chemokines,
rs3775291 (Phe/Leu), at the TLR3 gene, is associated with altered NF- and their receptors, such as IL1B, IL6, IL10, and IL1RA, have been in-
κB activation (Zhou et al., 2011), and genotypes carrying allele vestigated in dengue outcomes, but results are not conclusive
rs3775291T (coding for phenylalanine) are associated with protection (Cansanção et al., 2016; Sa-ngasang et al., 2014).
against DHF as compared to DF. Meanwhile, the haplotypes
rs3764879C and rs3764880A, at TLR8, are associated with the risk of 6.5. IFNs and related genes: OASs, JAK, STING
DF among males, while the G/G haplotype is associated with DHF
(Alagarasu et al., 2015b, 2015c, 2015d). Additionally, other SNPs in Viral components such as dsRNA and ssRNA can trigger the secre-
genes of the TLR family (toll interleukin-1 receptor domain containing tion of IFNs, which bind to the receptor on infected cells and induce
adapter protein, or TIRAP) and RNA cytoplasmic receptors such as re- interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), leading to antiviral status (Sadler
tinoic acid inducible gene I (DDX58) have been tested. The rs8177374 and Williams, 2008). The type I response in dengue is well character-
CT and rs669260 TC genotypes at TIRAP and DDX58, respectively, ized, and it is notable that IFN-deficient mice are highly susceptible to

C. Xavier-Carvalho et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 56 (2017) 99–110

infection (Muller et al., 1994). Even so, the dengue virus has developed GA genotype was associated with protection against DHF compared to
numerous strategies to escape from the host immune response (Aguirre DF (Alagarasu et al., 2015b, 2015c, 2015d), and a recent meta-analysis
et al., 2012; Muñoz-Jordan et al., 2003). did not find an association between the − 819 SNP and dengue (dos
IFNγ is a classic cytokine inducing granuloma formation and in- Santos et al., 2017). Nevertheless, ACC and ATA IL10 haplotypes that
tracellular bacterial killing. However, it is also an antiviral mediator are classically associated with low IL-10 production seems to contribute
with important role in the activation of macrophages. Unlike IFNα and towards the progression of severe forms of dengue (Fernando et al.,
β, which are more important for controlling an infection during its early 2015; Perez et al., 2010), but more studies with larger sample sizes are
stages, IFNγ appears to be important during the later stages of an in- needed to confirm this hypothesis.
fection (Shresta et al., 2004). Yet, its effects during dengue infection are Regarding TGF-β, the CC genotype for the − 509C > T SNP was
still controversial, and IFNγ has already been associated with severe associated with DHF compared to DF in Taiwan (Chen et al., 2009). In
dengue and a higher viral load (Pal et al., 2017; Pandey et al., 2015). A addition, a combination of the TGF-β −509 CC and the CTLA4 + 49G
case-control study performed on Brazilians found the rs243056 SNP AA SNP was also associated with DHF (Chen et al., 2009). CTLA-4 is a
genotype to be associated with DF, compared to other febrile diseases cytokine that can act in the regulation of Treg cells and T-cell activation
and healthy controls (Feitosa et al., 2016). (Cecchinato et al., 2008; Jiang et al., 2007). Thus, SNPs in these genes
The oligoadenylate synthetases (OASs) belong to the group of ISGs, can play a role in control of a proinflammatory response. However, this
and their induction contributes to the antiviral response (Lin et al., result lack the support of functional studies. Finally, the SNP rs5745568
2009; Samuel, 2001). The key role of these molecules was shown in a (G allele), located at the gene coding region for the BCL-2 homologous
study with mutant mice that were highly susceptible to a flavivirus antagonist/killer (BAK1), was associated with a risk of DHF in a Thai
infection (Mashimo et al., 2002). A genetic association study conducted population (Dang et al., 2016). BAK1 is known to mediate the control of
by Alagarasu et al. (2013a, 2013b, 2013c) detected no association after platelet apoptosis in mice (Mason et al., 2017) and thrombocytopenia is
the analysis of single SNPs at OAS genes. Other studies also failed to a hallmark of severe dengue, thus SNPs at BAK1 also can play a role in
consistently find association (Thamizhmani and Vijayachari, 2014). dengue immunopathogenesis through the control of platelet survival.
Nevertheless, a careful and unique study combining host with pathogen
genotype interaction found serotype-specific associations between OAS 6.7. MBL, CFH and VDR
variants and dengue severity in Thailand (Simon-Loriere et al., 2015).
The OAS3 common allele 381R was associated with protection for The MBL2 gene encodes mannose-binding lectin (MBL), a plasmatic
DENV-2 infection (OR = 0.13) but not for DENV-1. This result suggest glycoprotein with an important involvement in innate immune re-
that specific circulating DENV serotypes might interact differentially sponses. MBL is produced by the liver and is capable of initiating the
with populations indicating distinct prevalence rates for severity in complement cascade independently of antibodies, through binding to
Asian and Latin America(Simon-Loriere et al., 2015). the carbohydrates present in microorganisms (Jack et al., 2001). MBL
Finally, the association of SNPs at the JAK1 (Janus kinase) gene and has a role in DENV neutralization (Fuchs et al., 2017). The mutations
dengue severity was investigated in a study from Northern Brazil. JAK for any variant at codons 52 (allele D), 54 (allele B), or 57 (allele C) at
is responsible for STAT (signal transducer and activator or transcrip- MBL2 can result in low MBL levels in serum. Combinations of these
tion) phosphorylation (Samuel, 2001). Five SNPs at this gene alleles were associated with DHF in Brazilian patients from the city of
(rs11208534, rs2780831, rs310196, rs310222, and rs310216) were Recife (Figueiredo et al., 2016). On the other hand, a study performed
associated with DHF in this sample (Silva et al., 2010a). in the same city found an association between the wild-type genotype
variant and thrombocytopenia, with a borderline p value (0.06; Acioli-
6.6. Cytokines related to apoptosis and immune regulation: IL-10, TGFβ, Santos et al., 2008). MBL2 polymorphisms were also investigated in
CTLA-4 and BAK1 Thai patients, and no association was observed. However, the haplotype
YB is associated with low MBL levels. Y is an allele for the SNP at the
Like TNF, IL-10 is a cytokine broadly studied in dengue and other − 221 position, and allele B is referent to variant 54 (Prommalikit and
infectious diseases due to its anti-inflammatory properties and T cell Nayok, 2015). Accordingly, Figueiredo et al. (2016) showed that hap-
immunosuppressive effects (Adikari et al., 2016). High levels of IL-10, lotypes containing the Y allele for SNP −221 are associated with low
but also TGF-β have been found in the serum of dengue patients, MBL levels in dengue (Figueiredo et al., 2016).
especially in the later stages of infection (Abhishek et al., 2017; Pandey Variations in the gene coding for the complement factor H (CFH)
et al., 2015). IL-10 serum levels were associated with T-cell apoptosis in have also been studied in dengue. The SNP genotypes and haplotypes of
patients who developed DSS (Cecchinato et al., 2008), while TGF-β was the CFH gene were associated with protection against severe dengue
associated with an increase in platelet production (Malavige et al., among Brazilians; moreover, lower levels of CFH were observed in DHF
2012). A study from Indonesia showed lower TGF-β levels in children patients (Nascimento et al., 2009). The allele T at CFH − 257
who developed DHF than in controls, but no association was found with (rs3753394) was associated with higher CFH expression. Indeed, a
the platelet count (Djamiatun et al., 2011). protective effect was detected for the SNP at the −257 site and also the
A large number of studies have investigated the association of the nonsynonymous variation G257A (Val/Ile, rs800292) in severe dengue
IL10 gene with dengue. The results from Cuba showed that the haplo- (Pastor et al., 2013).
types ACC and ATA for the −1082 (G > A), − 819 (C > T), and The vitamin D receptor mediates the effects of 1,25-dihydroxy-vi-
− 592 (C > A) SNPs were associated with DHF risk (Perez et al., tamin D3 and can modulate immunopathogenesis during dengue
2010). These haplotypes were previously studied and associated with through the regulation of several mediators such as TNF and IFNγ
low IL-10 expression (Turner et al., 1997). From these observations, the (Puerta-Guardo et al., 2012; Vidyarani et al., 2007). Studies with cell
authors suggested that the haplotypes associated with DHF could be lines have shown a decrease in dengue infection and the production of
responsible for inefficient immune regulation (Perez et al., 2010). In proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF and IL1β after treatment with
addition, a study conducted in Sri Lanka confirmed the association vitamin D (Puerta-Guardo et al., 2012; Vidyarani et al., 2007). Studies
between the same haplotypes and DHF, while alternative combinations have also shown vitamin D to regulate the expression of DC-SIGN and
were associated with protection against the same phenotype (Fernando FCγRIIA (Torres et al., 2010). A study performed in Vietnam described
et al., 2015). an association between allele T for the SNP located at the 352
Our group has also investigated the role of the IL10 −819C > T (rs731236) position and protection against DHF (Loke et al., 2002).
SNP among Brazilians, but no association was found with severe dengue Alagarasu et al. (2012) associated allele C and the CC genotype for the
(Xavier-Carvalho et al., 2013). Among Indian people, the − 819 SNP rs7975232 SNP with protection against dengue (DF + DHF). The same

C. Xavier-Carvalho et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 56 (2017) 99–110

Table 2
Single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with severity in dengue and replicated in at least two populations.

SNP/gene OR (p value) Allele/genotype Population Sample size Outcome Ref

MICB rs3132468 1.41 (5.39 × 10− 8) C Vietnam1 2008 casesC DSS Khor et al., 2011
2018 controlsA
1.27 (9.32 × 10− 5) C Vietnam1 1737 cases DSS Khor et al., 2011
2934 controlsA
− 11
OR meta 1.34 (4.41 × 10 ) C Vietnam 3745 casesD DSS Khor et al., 2011
4952 controlsA
1.15 (0.0014) C Vietnam 3961 casesD Severe dengue Whitehorn et al.,
5968 controlsA without shock 2013
1.58 (0.02) C Thailand 76 casesC DSS Dang et al., 2014
84 controls non DSSC
-308 TNF rs1800629 2.53 (0.04) GG Sri Lanka 107 cases DHF Fernando et al., 2015
67 controls IgG+
2.48 (0.009)/2.44 (0.007) GG/G Malaysia 196 cases DHF/DSS Sam et al., 2015
120 controls IgG −
2.5 (95% IC: 1.47–4.13) A Venezuela 25 cases DHF Fernández-Mestre
46 controls et al., 2004
1.62 (0.04)/1.62 (0.03)/ GG/G/GA/A South Americans and 384 cases Symptomatic dengue dos Santos et al., 2017
0.69(0.04)/0.64 (0.05) Asians 995 controls IgG ±
CD209 rs4804803 DF vs controls 2.34 (0.018) G carrier (GG/GA) Taiwan 135 DHF DF and DHF Wang et al., 2011
(-336) DHF vs controls 3.57 (0.001) 176 DF
DHF vs DF 2.44 (0.02) 120 controls IgG ±
DF vs controls 0.09 (0.001) G carrier (GG/GA) RA Thailand1 182 DHF DF and DHF Sakuntabhai et al.,
DFH vs DF 14.31 51 DF 2005
(2.3 × 10− 4) 296 controls
DF vs controls 0.34 (0.018) G carrier (GG/GA) SI Thailand1 167 DHF DF and DHF Sakuntabhai et al.,
DF vs DHF 3.79 (0.0024) 72 DF 2005
214 controls
DF vs controls 0.008 (0.012) G carrier (GG/GA) KK Thailand1 103 DHF DF and DHF Sakuntabhai et al.,
DHF vs DF 99.75 (0.037) 27 DF 2005
183 controls
OR meta 5.84 (1.4 × 10− 7) G carrier (GG/GA) Thailand1 452 DHF DHF Sakuntabhai et al.,
150 DF 2005
0.12 (0.04) GG Brazil 88 casesC Severe dengue Xavier-Carvalho
333 controls IgG ± et al., 2013
ORallele meta 2.77 (0.0001) G and G carriers South American and 616 DHF and severe Severe dengue/DHF Xavier-Carvalho
ORcarrier meta 2.99 (0.0001)2 (GG/AG) Asian countries cases et al., 2013
ORallele meta 0.66 (0.013)3 409 DF or healthy
controls IgG+
IL-10 2.54 (0.03) A/C/C or A/T/A Cuba 43 cases DHF Perez et al., 2010
-1082/-819/-592 99 controls
2.42 (0.04) A/C/C or A/T/A Sri Lanka 107 cases DHF Fernando et al., 2015
67 controls IgG+
TPSAB1 2.54 (0.0084) αα Vietnam1 107 casesC DHF Vasquez Velasquez
α tryptase 1 195 controlsC et al., 2015
3.52 (p < 0.0001) αα Vietnam1 218 casesC DSS Vasquez Velasquez
198 controlC et al., 2015
3.37 (p < 0.0001) αα Philippines 1
121 casesC DSS Vasquez Velasquez
268 controlsC et al., 2015
CLEC5A 2.25 (0.03) TT Brazil 88 casesC Severe dengue Xavier-Carvalho
rs1285933 333 controls IgG ± et al., 2013
2.11 (0.04) T carriers (TC/CC) Brazil 151 severe cases Severe dengue Xavier-Carvalho
62 mild controls et al., 2017
FcγRIIA 0.57 (0.036) Arg/Arg (RR) Vietnam 302 casesC DHF Loke et al., 2002
rs1801274 238 controlsC
(Arg131His) 0.67 (0.032) Allele H and Mexico 145 asymptomatic DF and DHF or severe Noecker et al., 2014
0.51(0.038)4 carriers of H (HH 67DF
0.45 (0.026)5 + HR) 37 DHF
DF vs subclinical 2.82 (0.04) Allele H and Pakistan 40 subclinical DF, DHF/DSS Mohsin et al., 2015
DHF/DSS vs subclinical carriers of H (HH 40 DF
3.90 (0.02) + HR) 30 DHF/DSS
Subclinical vs DF: 4.42 (0.03) HH Cuba 68 DF DF García et al., 2010
Subclinical vs DHF: 10.5 29 DHF or DSS DHF
PLCE1 rs3765524 0.77 (2.68 × 10− 7) T Vietnam1 2008 casesC DSS Khor et al., 2011
2018 controlsA
0.83 (1.60 × 10− 4) T Vietnam1 1737 cases DSS Khor et al., 2011
2934 controlsA
− 10
OR meta 0.80 (3.08 × 10 ) T Vietnam 3745 casesD DSS Khor et al., 2011
4952 controlsA
1.49 (0.02) C Thailand 76 DSS casesC DSS Dang et al., 2014
841 non DSS controlsC
(continued on next page)

C. Xavier-Carvalho et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 56 (2017) 99–110

Table 2 (continued)

SNP/gene OR (p value) Allele/genotype Population Sample size Outcome Ref

−8 1 C
PLCE1 rs3740360 0.75 (5.84 × 10 ) C Vietnam 2008 cases DSS Khor et al., 2011
2018 controlsA
0.85 (0.0012) C Vietnam1 1737 cases DSS Khor et al., 2011
2934 controlsA
OR meta 0.80 (1.15 × 10− 9) C Vietnam 3745 casesD DSS Khor et al., 2011
4952 controlsA
0.92 (0.018) C Vietnam 3961 casesD Severe dengue Whitehorn et al.,
5968 controlsA without shock 2013

1- independent cohorts from the same study; 2- pooled OR for Asian studies; 3- pooled OR for Brazilian studies; 4- symptomatic versus assymptomatic; 5- severe dengue versus
asymptomatic; A- controls are cord blood; C- children, teenager or school age; D- children and adult; IgG +: dengue seropositive; IgG−: dengue seropositive; IgG ± : dengue seropositive
and seronegative. In the absence of C and D individuals enrolled individuals are adults. Some studies do not provide information about IgG test among controls.

study showed an association between allele T at rs2228570 SNP and association with severity can be false. Furthermore, within the DHF
DHF (Alagarasu et al., 2012). group, patients can be classified as degrees I, II, III, and IV, but not all
studies identified the degree of the patients enrolled, and they were
6.8. ICAM-1 and TPSAB1 usually analyzed together, which could lead to the over- or under-
estimation of the number of severe dengue patients.
Intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is a glycoprotein As reviewed here, even the most-studied genes have shown highly
present on the surface of endothelial cells and leukocytes but can also discrepant results, such as the HLA, DC-SIGN and TNF genes, although
be secreted and detected in the serum during the infectious or in- for DCSIGN and TNF meta-analysis helped to reach a consensus esti-
flammatory process, including in severe dengue (Anderson et al., 1997; mate. The − 336GG/GA at CD209 (DC-SIGN), rs3132468C at MICB,
Cardier et al., 2006; Gearing and Newman, 1993). ICAM-1 mediates − 308 GG genotype at TNF, αα genotype at TPSAB1, histidine allele for
cell-cell adhesion and therefore has an important role in cell migration SNP Arg131His at the FcγRIIA, A/C/C or A/T/A (− 1082/− 819/
during inflammation. Vascular adhesion cell activation triggers plasma − 592) haplotype at IL-10 promoter and rs1285933 T allele at the
leakage, which can occur during severe dengue. A study performed CLEC5A genes, were the ones associated with a risk of severe dengue
among Indians found that homozygous individuals (EE) for the rs5498 that were also replicated in at least two independent populations, while
SNP (K469E) presented a higher risk of DHF/DSS and had higher mRNA rs3740360 C allele at PLCE1 was the one associated with protection to
ICAM-1 levels (Sharma et al., 2016b). severe dengue and replicated (Table 2).
Tryptases are storage proteins inside mast cells and together, chy- From the data and genes reviewed here, and considering mainly
mases and vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF) can act as those with results replicated in different cohorts, several mechanisms
markers of inflammation and the activation of mast cells, which are have a confirmed role in determining the severity of dengue fever. The
important cells in the allergy process (Galli et al., 2005). Previous presence of polymorphisms in specific genes (Fig. 1) can disrupt these
studies have demonstrated the participation of mast cells in dengue protective mechanisms starting with innate immunity receptors, from
infection, due to the higher levels of VEGF, tryptase, and chymase those resulting in viral uptake (DC-SIGN) to mechanisms related to the
among patients who developed DHF/DSS (Furuta et al., 2012). TPSAB1 activation of signaling pathways (CLEC5A). In fact, DC-SIGN and
encodes α and β tryptase 1 proteases. Homozygosity (αα) characterized CLEC5A can act synergistically, increasing CLEC5A signaling after
by the deletion of 10 bp at intron 4 of the TPSAB1 gene was associated dengue binding (Lo et al., 2016). SNPs at their respective genes can
with DHF in two cohorts from Vietnam and one cohort from Philippines change DC-SIGN and CLEC5A functions individually or with an additive
(Vasquez Velasquez et al., 2015). effect, resulting in an increase or decrease in the viral load and proin-
flammatory response, considering the canonical DC-SIGN and down-
stream CLEC5A pathways, respectively.
7. Study limitations and conclusions MICB encodes a protein that is a ligand for the NKG2D type II re-
ceptor expressed in NK and CD8 + T cells; the engagement of NKG2D
Case-control studies for dengue usually have limitations, and the after MICB protein binding results in a signaling pathway via adapters
main one is choosing the ideal control group. The best-case scenario such as DAP10 or DAP12 (Lazear et al., 2013). DAP12 is also activated
would be test the disease severity in a study where the controls would after the dengue virus binds to CLEC5A and seems to modulate cellular
be IgG + people that recollect mild dengue fever cases. Asymptomatic activation in different ways (Cheung et al., 2011; Turnbull and
individuals could show IgG positive results indicating previous ex- Colonna, 2007; Watson et al., 2011). Hoang et al. (2010) demonstrated
position and certainly no severity. However, studies have used an ap- that MICB is highly expressed in cells from patients with acute dengue
proach in which severe, DHF, or DSS cases were compared to a mild or and has a central role in antiviral activity (Hoang et al., 2010); thus,
DF group, which seems a realistic strategy. SNPs at MICB can affect MICB-NKG2D binding and disrupt the antiviral
Most of the studies enrolled a low number of individuals for the response by NK and CD8 + T cells.
comparisons made, and very few studies were able to ascertain the virus After the first interaction with receptors, the change in cytokine
serotype that infected each individual. Also, functional validations of production is known to be crucial in dengue pathogenesis, and SNPs at
the associated genes/SNPs are scarce. As a result, many discrepancies TNF and IL10 were highlighted here. Additionally, the inflammatory
can be seen among associations across different populations that, on mechanisms previously unknown during viral infections, such as the
one hand, may highlight the ancestry differences in association studies engagement of mast cells, have been shown to be important for sur-
for infectious diseases, as discussed before; on the other hand, the veillance against viral pathogens (King et al., 2002; St. John et al.,
discrepancies could also be a result of spurious associations. 2011; St et al., 2011).
Another key issue is the classification of dengue, which can be Regarding associations with protection against severe dengue,
confusing across studies. The DHF and DF classifications from the WHO PLCE-1 is a phospholipase enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of
(1997) are still widely used in genetic studies, but in comparison with phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate, producing second messengers
the WHO (2009) criteria, some patients who were previously classified that, in turn, regulate cell processes such as growth, differentiation, and
as DHF would now be identified as having mild cases, and the

C. Xavier-Carvalho et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 56 (2017) 99–110

Fig. 1. Most important SNPs at genes and pathways that regulates host immune response and severity in dengue fever. 1- SNPs at MICB can affect levels of the protein impairing its
ligation with NKG2D. After MICB-NKG2D binds on surface of NK or CD8+ T cells, cellular activation through DAP10 and DAP12 occurs with production of pro-inflammatory cytokines
(TNF), antiviral mediators (type I IFNs), and production of perforin and granzyme leading, consequently, to T cells activation. 2 and 3- Similarly, SNPs at CLEC5A and CD209 (DC-SIGN)
can affect proteins levels changing virus uptake (DC-SIGN) or signaling pathways through DAP12 (CLEC5A). Red arrows represent virus uptake. In this case, the specific allele associated
with a higher expression of the receptors resulting in a higher virus uptake and the efficient DAP12 signaling is represented. 4- Associated SNPs at FcγRIIA are nonsynonymous can
interfere in protein structure resulting in a higher or lower antibody-virus complex uptake depending of the specified, Arg or His, amino acid. 5- SNPs at TLRs can affect dengue virus
interaction on cell surface or could also affect viral structures interaction inside the cells modulating antiviral and pro-inflammatory response. 6- SNPs at tryptase, more specifically α
allele, can contribute with pro-inflammatory process and vascular permeability.7- SNPs at genes of the type I or II IFN pathways can interfere in its production and function such as T cells
activation and antiviral response in NK and antigen presenting cells upon DENV antigen stimulation. 8- SNPs at TNF can affect its expression levels that could interfere in vascular
permeability. 9- SNP at IL10 gene can change its RNAm expression and regulate of TNF and other Th1 responses. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

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