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12 - STEM

1st Semester | Q1

Subject Teacher:
Mrs. Zozanne M. Crisostomo, LPT

Kyla Jean A. Tantoy Grade 12 - STEM

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2021-2022


Duration: September 13 – 17, 2021 Date of September 18, 2021


Lesson Title: Intermolecular Forces and Liquids and Solids

Learning Goals: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
• compare the properties of liquids and solids with those of gases
• apply the kinetic molecular theory to describe liquids and solids

Chemistry is important in a human being’s daily life – for drinking, cleaning, washing,
bathing, cooking, - as well as in society and industry. Chemicals have made life easier and
have contributed to various science. Study of chemistry includes the mathematical tools
and the common laboratory instruments for measurement.
A. My Expectations

My expectations towards the subject.

My expectation towards General Chemistry 2 is that this subject would be interactive and engaging in
such a way that we, students, can learn effectively. Moreover, I expect that this subject would pick up
where we left off last sem.

My expectations towards the teacher.

My expectation towards Mrs. Zozanne Crisostomo, as my General Chemistry 2 teacher is that she will
be able to discuss and explain to us the lessons of this subject thoroughly. I expect that Mrs.
Crisostomo’s teaching style would include real life examples, demos, and other effective materials that
makes Chemistry even more fun.

B. What I want to know.

I want to know the scientific causes and concepts of certain events in life or the simple events that
happen around us in our daily lives. Though, I’m also interested and I would like to learn about
biochemistry. Anyway, I’m open to new learnings, and I want to know something new.


A. Diagnostic Test

Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The forces of attraction that exist between nonpolar molecules are called:

A. London dispersion forces

B. Dipole-dipole forces
C. Ion-dipole forces
D. Hydrogen bonding
University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2021-2022


2. The kind of attraction that explains the dissolving of sodium chloride in

water is:

A. London dispersion forces

B. Ion-dipole forces
C. Dipole-dipole forces
D. Hydrogen bonding

3. In which of the following liquids are hydrogen bonds strongest between

A. HBr
C. HCl

4. The boiling point of CH4 is much lower than that of HF. Which explains this

A. HF is more polarized than CH4

B. CH4 is polar, while HF is nonpolar.
C. There is hydrogen bonding in HF, and none in CH4
D. There are dipole-dipole interactions in CH4, and ion-dipole
interactions in HF

5. What is the type of intermolecular forces of attraction between potassium

chloride (KCl) and ammonia (NH3)?

A. Dipole-dipole
B. H-bonding
C. Ion-dipole
D. Ion-ion

6. For saline-filled implant, the predominant intermolecular force of attraction

is _________
A. Dipole-dipole interaction
B. Dipole-induced dipole interaction
C. H-bonding
D. Ion-dipole interaction

7. Which is the weakest type of intermolecular force?

A. Dipole – dipole
B. Hydrogen bonding
C. Ion – dipole
D. London dispersion force

8. Which substance is electrically conducting when dissolved in water?

A. graphite
B. potassium chloride
C. solid krypton

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2021-2022


D. sugar

9. Ice melts when its particles _________________.

A. gain energy then begin to move

B. lose energy then begin to move
C. move very far apart then gain energy
D. come close together the lose energy

10. the temperature – pressure condition at and above which the vapor of a substance can
no longer be liquefied is called ___________________________.
A. critical point
B. normal boiling point
C. normal freezing point
D. triple point

11. Which is an example of a network solid?

A. Copper wire
B. Diamond
C. Glass
D. Sugar

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose your answer from the word bank. Write
your answer on the space provided.

Dipole-dipole attraction ion-dipole attraction

hydrogen bonds London dispersion forces

London dispersion forces An interaction between molecules caused by
temporary dipole.

hydrogen bonds
______________________________13. An interaction when a partially positive hydrogen
of one molecule bonds with a partially negative oxygen on another molecule.

ion-dipole attraction The type of interaction formed between sodium ion
and calcium chloride.

London dispersion forces The type of interaction formed between carbon
tetrachloride and iodine crystals.

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2021-2022


B. Preparatory Activities
a. Activity 1

➢ Illustrate and describe the molecules of the three (3) states of matter.

Solid Liquid Gas

Solids are made
____________________________ A liquid's molecules are
_________________________________ The molecules that make
up of molecules
____________________________ easily able to flow
_________________________________ __________________________
up a gas move at
that are arranged
____________________________ _________________________________
around one another. incredible speeds in all
in predictable, _________________________________
Liquids take on the __________________________
directions. They are so
repetitive _________________________________
shape of the container far distant that the
patterns. _________________________________
they're in. forces of attraction
____________________________ _________________________________ __________________________
between them are
____________________________ _________________________________ __________________________

b. Activity 2

➢ In your own words, why is it important to study Chemistry?

For me, it is important to study Chemistry as it explains some aspect of life. It
helps us understand the world around us. Chemistry gives an explanation as
to how certain things change, are made, or work. It gives us the knowledge to
conclude either some things are true or not. Example of this is in medicine,
some advertising companies claims not scientifically proven effects of their
product. Basic knowledge in Chemistry helps in addressing these fake
advertisements for us not to be fooled.
Moreover, Chemistry makes some mysteries of life little less mysterious. Since
it explains how and why things react to certain stimuli. It can also be applied
to most aspects or fields of life. This makes Chemistry fun and interesting. We
get to deal with science, number, elements, etc.

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2021-2022


c. Activity 3

➢ Creatively introduce yourself, answering the question: “Who Am I?”

I’m Kyla Jean Anonas Tantoy. I’m 17 years old right now and on November 11, I’ll be
turning 18. In just few months, I’ll be an adult. Which means that I’ve been in this world for
almost 2 decades now, yet the question “Who Am I?” still hurts my mind. I don’t exactly know
how to define myself so I’ll just use a metaphore. If I were an element, I think I would be an Iron.
I’m a woman of steel, lol. Iron is a metal that is used for many purposes. I’d say I’m like that, I
have a lot of purposes in my life. I’m graphic designer, a student, a daughter, the youngest
sibling, etc. In the past months, I haven’t found myself at rest for hours. I always have something
to do either be for work, for household chores, or for my parents’ and siblings’ requests. Yes, it’s
hard, pressures on me, but just like iron, I’m ductile. No matter how much life’s pressure deforms
my values, I remain tough. In any situation, I always find the color of fresh metal, the silver-

I can also be an Au, because my forehead is highly reflective of light, lol. Kidding aside,
gold from its origin means yellow. I’m a yellow -- charismatic, playful and very passionate about
life. Although, unlike gold, I’m not prized for my beauty because I AM PRICELESS.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:


High School Academic Coordinator

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