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Emilio Ernesto Paladino –
Clovis Raimundo Maliska –

Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory – SINMEC, Mechanical Engineering,

Federal University of Santa Catarina, 88040-900 – Florianopolis – SC – BRAZIL
Phone: +55 – 48 – 331-9562
FAX: +55 – 48 – 234-1519

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to present a mathematical model and its numerical
treatment to forecast oil spills trajectories in the sea. The knowledge of the trajectory
followed by an oil slick spilled on the sea is of fundamental importance in the estimation of
potential risks for pipeline and tankers route selection, and in combating the pollution using
floating barriers, detergents, etc. In order to estimate these slicks trajectories a new model,
based on the mass and momentum conservation equations is presented. The model considers
the spreading in the regimes when the inertial and viscous forces counterbalance gravity and
takes into account the effects of winds and water currents. The inertial forces are considered
for the spreading and the displacement of the oil slick, i.e., is considered its effects on the
movement of the mass center of the slick. The mass loss caused by oil evaporation is also
taken into account. The numerical model is developed in generalized coordinates, making the
model easily applicable to complex coastal geographies.

Keywords: Environmental Flows - Oil Spill - Numerical Simulation – Generalized



In recent years, the preoccupation with the environment preservation by industries,

government authorities and the society in general has increased considerably. This is
particularly true in the petroleum branch because of the sea transportation of crude oil by
tankers or pipelines because of the significant risk of an accidental spill. The problem is that
despite the low frequency of such accidents, the consequences are high. These spills are
much more damaging when they occur near shorelines because, besides the environmental
impacts, the economical damages ranges from fishing to tourism. The recent oil spill in the
Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, caused by a pipeline rupture is a strong example of
this broad impact.
The detailed knowledge of the spilled oil position and the area covered by the slick is
of fundamental importance to take appropriate actions against pollution, like use of floating
barriers, detergents, dispersants, etc. It is also important the estimation of potential risks in
selecting pipeline routes, locating shoreline tanks and petrochemical industries. Therefore, a
model to forecast the time-space evolution of the oil slick should make part of any
environmental program that has the purpose of oil pollution combat.
The first studies attempting to model the movement of oil slicks (Fay (1969,1971),
Fannelop and Waldmann (1971), Hoult (1972), Buckmaster (1973), etc.) consider the
spreading as one-dimensional or axi-symmetric. These models consider the spreading of the
oil in calm waters, where a slick, initially circular, will remains circular, just increasing its
diameter. Considering the forces that governs the spreading process, Fay (1969),
characterized the spreading by dividing it in three phases: Initially, when the thickness of the
slick is large and so are the inertial forces, the gravity acts as the active force counterbalanced
by inertial forces; this is called the gravity-inertial spreading regime. When the mean
thickness of the slick begins to decrease, and the viscous forces exerted by the water
boundary layer will eventually outweigh the inertia as the retarding force, it constitutes the
gravity-viscous spreading. In the final instances, the slick will be so thin that the imbalances
of surface stress between air-water, air-oil and water-oil will substitute the gravity as active
force, maintaining the tension exerted by the water as retarding force. This last regime is
called viscous-surface tension spreading. For large spills (>104 m3), these regimes last for 1
to 4 hours, four to ten days and several months, respectively.
Further models has tried to simulate more realistically the trajectories by including
other process like dispersion caused by winds and water currents, and those process which
represents mass exchanges between different environmental compartments (called fate
processes) like evaporation, dissolution, emulsification, etc.
Two approaches for computing oil spills trajectories are commonly encountered in the
literature; Lagrangian and Eulerian models. The Lagrangian models (Shen e Yapa (1988))
consist basically in representing the oil slick by an ensemble of a large number of small
parcels, which are advected by a velocity resulting from the combination of the action of
winds and currents. Then, the slick is divided into pie shaped segments or strips, depending if
the form of the slick is nearly circular or elongated. Fay spreading formulas are then applied
to each segment. For the Eulerian approach, two model are usually encountered, those based
in the mass and momentum equations applied to the oil slick (Hess and Kerr (1979), Benqué
et alii. (1982)), and those based on a convection-diffusion equation (Venkatesh (1988),
among others), in which the diffusive part of the equation represents de spreading of oil by
itself and the convective terms represents the advection of oil by currents and winds. The
model presented in this paper belongs to the first category of Eulerian models and it is based
on the integration of mass and momentum equation over the thickness of the oil slick. It
considers the spreading in inertial-gravity and viscous-gravity regimes, the slick transport by
currents and wind and the oil evaporation.
One important question, which arises by the consideration of the inertial forces, is the
acceleration of the slick as a whole, i.e., the acceleration of the slick mass center. This fact,
not considered in Lagrangian and Eulerian dispersion-equation-based models, could cause
important differences in the estimated position of the slick, as will be seen later.

This model is based on the integration of the mass and momentum equations along the
thickness of the slick. Therefore, it takes into account the spreading of oil by itself and the
transport caused by winds and water currents. As the surface tension is neglected and,
therefore, only the first and second spreading regimes, i.e. gravity-inertial and gravity-
viscous spreading are considered, the model is applicable up to about ten days after the spill,
depending on its magnitude. The evaporation is considered through a logarithmic decay
model presented by Stiver and Mackay (1984).
The mathematical model for the oil motion is obtained as follows,

Figure 1: Variables considered in the vertical integration of governing equations

Figure 1 shows schematically an oil slick being transported by the shear stress exerted
by water currents and winds. The oil flow is governed by mass and momentum equations for
incompressible flows. These equations are

∂u i
=0 (1)
∂u i ∂ (ρu i u j ) ∂ (τ ij ) ∂p
+ = − (2)
∂t ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi

Following Hoult (1972), we can consider that the oil viscosity is much large than the
water viscosity. Thus, the vertical velocity gradients within the oil are much less than these
gradients in the water or in the wind. It is, therefore, a good approximation to consider that
the flow parameters (velocity and pressure) do not vary across the thickness of the slick.
Integrating the governing equations, Eqs. ( 1 ) and ( 2 ), across the slick thickness as shown
in Fig. 1, considering hydrostatic pressure distribution within the oil, we obtain

∂h ∂ u i h
( )
=0 (3)
∂t ∂xi
( +
) (
∂ ρ ui h ∂ ρ ui u j h
∂ ) æ ∂u i ö T
ç hµ ÷ + τ − τ iB − ρgh∆ ∂h (4)
∂t ∂xi ∂x j ç ∂x ÷ i ∂xi
è j ø

where the bar variables represent vertical integral averages1, h is the oil slick thickness and ∆
is a parameter which relates the oil and water densities ∆ = ( ρ o − ρ w ) / ρ w . The terms τ
represent the shear stress on top and bottom of the slick exerted by winds and water currents,
respectively. These stress were calculated as,

τ Ti = C wind
f u iwind (5)
τ iB = C water
f (
u ioil − Vi
) (6)

The suffixes i and j varies from 1 to 2, as, after the integration, the model becomes two-dimensional.
Where C wind
f e C water
f were made 3×10-5 and 1×10-6 respectively. Those values are
commonly used in these models (Idelfonso Cuesta, personal communication). The C water

value is an empirically adjusted value, while C wind

f value is calculated in such way that the
final velocity of the slick mass center be about 3 % of wind velocity (3% rule).

Due the similarity of the governing equations with those used in Shallow Waters
Flows, an adaptation of the semi-implicit method presented by Casulli and Cheng (1992) is
used here for a finite volume procedure in generalized coordinates and co-located variables.
Transforming Eqs. (3) and (4) to generalized coordinates following the procedure described
in details, for instance, in Maliska (1995), we obtain

∂ æ ρh ö ∂ ρhU
ç ÷+
) (
∂ ρ hV
) (7)
∂t è J ø ∂ξ ∂η

ç ÷+
( ~
) (
∂ æ ρhu ö ∂ ρhUu ∂ ρhV u
)∂ æ
çç hµJα
− hµJβ
∂u ö
∂t è J ø ∂ξ ∂η ∂ξ è ∂ξ ∂η ÷ø
∂ æ ∂u ∂u ö τ y τ y ρgh∆ æ ∂h ∂ξ ∂h ∂η ö
+ ç hµJγ − hµJβ ÷+ − + ç + ÷
∂η çè ∂η ∂ξ ÷ø J J J çè ∂ξ ∂x ∂η ∂x ÷ø

ç ÷+
( ~
) (
∂ æ ρhv ö ∂ ρhUv ∂ ρhV v
∂ æ
çç hµJα
− hµJβ
∂v ö
∂t è J ø ∂ξ ∂η ∂ξ è ∂ξ ∂η ÷ø
∂ æ ∂v ∂v ö τ y τ y ρgh∆ æ ∂h ∂ξ ∂h ∂η ö
+ çç hµJγ − hµJβ ÷÷ + − + ç + ÷
∂η è ∂η ∂ξ ø J J J çè ∂ξ ∂y ∂η ∂y ÷ø

The variables ξ and η are the coordinates in the generalized coordinate system, α ,
β and γ are the components of the covariant metric tensor, J is the Jacobean of the
~ ~
transformation and U and V are the contravariant velocity components defined as

U = ( yη u − xη v )
( 10 )
V = (xξ v − yξ u )

These equations were discretized using a finite volume approach, the time variation
was considered explicitly in the momentum equations and implicitly for the mass
conservation equation used to calculate the oil thickness distribution. Fig. 2 shows a control
volume in the computational domain used for the equations discretization.
w e

Figure 2: Control Volume on the Computational Domain
Using WUDS (Raithby & Torrance (1979)) as interpolation function and evaluating
explicitly the time derivative, we have, taking the east face as example, the velocities at this
face are given by

ue = F [u ]e −
0 ρ∆tg∆he é ξ x (hE − hP ) η x
(hNE + hN − hSE − hS )ù
ê ú ( 11 )
Me ë J e ∆ξ J e 4 ∆η û

ve = F [v]e

ρ∆tg∆he éξ y (hE − hP ) η y
(hNE + hN − hSE − hS )ù
ê ú ( 12 )
M e ëê J e ∆ξ J e
4 ∆η û

Where F [ ] is an explicit convective-diffusive finite volume operator2 and represents

the explicit convection-diffusion balance of the variable for a control volume. It is expressed
for a generic variable φ as,

∆t é 0 æç M P ö ù
F [φ P ] = êφ P ç − AP ÷÷ + å Anbφ NB + Sˆ∆V ú
( 13 )
M P ëê è ∆t ø ûú

where M is the mass in the control volume and AP and Anb are the central coefficients for the
momentum equation at the volume P and its neighbor volumes, respectively. The superscript
0 denotes quantity evaluated at the previous time level.
The mass balance in the volume P which is obtained by the discretization of Eq. ( 7 ),
is given by,

hP = hP − ρJ P

∆t 0 ~ ~
h U − h 0U −
e w
∆t 0 ~
h V − h 0V
[( )] ( 14 )

Similarly the Cartesian velocities into the expressions for the contravariant velocities
at the east face of the control volume, one gets

~ ~ * ρ∆tgJ∆he é (hE − hP )
Ue = Ue − αe
(h + hNE − hS − hSE )ù
− βe N
ê ú ( 15 )
Me ë ∆ξ 4∆η û

Further details could be seen in Paladino (2000)
In the same way, we can obtain the contravariant velocities at the other faces of the
control volume. Then, substituting these velocities into the mass equation, one obtains an
equation for the oil thickness as2

AP hP = Ae hE + Aw hW + An h N + As hS +
( 16 )
+ Ane h NE + Ase hSE + Anw h NW + Asw hSW + B

This equation is solved using the Gauss-Seidel method. Note that for the momentum
equations no linear system of equations has to be solved. The solution procedure for the
coupled system is:

• Initialize all variables at t=0. The thickness of the oil for the whole domain is
initialized with a small value (say 1×10-15) to avoid division by zero. Define the
region and the thickness of the initial oil slick, if an instantaneous spill is considered.
• Calculate the coefficient of the momentum equations. Determine the velocity field
explicitly, i.e. no linear system has to be solved here.
• With the most recent velocities, calculate the coefficients of the momentum equation.
Compute the convective-diffusive operator to enter the evaluation of the source term
of the mass equation.
• Calculates the coefficients and source term of the mass equation and solve the oil
• Recalculate the oil thickness field taking into account the mass transfer processes like
evaporation, sinking, etc.
• Advance a time step, update all fields and cycle back to step one.

Two types of boundary conditions were used. Where the domain coincides with
shorelines no mass flux was prescribed and at the open sea locally parabolic conditions were
assumed. This allows the slick to leave the computational domain without affecting the
thickness distribution of the slick inside the domain.


The first step in validating a numerical model is to compare with available analytical
solutions. For this problem the semi-analytical solution of Fay (1971) are adequate. Physical
validation requires field measurements. As was already mentioned, Fay’s results describe the
spreading of an instantaneous spill in calm waters. The results for the gravity-inertial and
gravity-viscous spreading regimes are, respectively

R = K g −i ∆gVt 2 )
1/ 4
( 17 )
1/ 6
æ ∆gV 2t 3 / 2 ö
R = K g −v çç ÷÷ ( 18 )
è ν 1/ 2

In the above equations R is the slick radio (in calm waters the spreading is axi-
symmetric) as a function of elapsed time after the spill and K is an empirical proportionality
factor depending on the spreading regime.
The following figures shows the results for the two spreading regimes considered by
the model, for different oil densities and different initial spills.
ρ = 700 kg/m
Slick Raduis (m)

Slick Radius (m)

5 3
Initial Volume = 12 x 10 m
ρ =900 kg/m

Initial Volume = 22 x 104 m3

1000 This Model
This Model
1000 Fay (1971) - Inertial
Fay (1971) - Inertial
Fay (1971) - Viscous
Fay (1971) - Viscous

0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100

time (h) time (h)
(a) (b)

Figure 3: Comparison of theoretical (Fay (1971)) and numerical solutions for axi-symmetric spreading in
calm water, for (a) different volumes spilled and (b) different oil densities.
In the first problem, the water body was considered initially quiescent, with the water
movement induced by the oil movement and the results are showed in Figure 3. Figure
4shows the one-dimensional evolution of an oil slick, considering an instantaneous spill, in
the case that the water is moving. In this case, it was considered a spatially and temporally
constant current of magnitude of 0.5 m/s in the x-direction.

0 .0 3 0

In i ti a l l S l i c k
0 .0 2 5
(t = 0 )

0 .0 2 0
Thickness (m)

0 .0 1 5

t= 2 0 h
0 .0 1 0 t= 4 0 h
t= 6 0 h t= 8 0 h t= 1 0 0 h

0 .0 0 5

0 .0 0 0

0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000

X (m )

Figure 4: One-dimensional evolution of an slick subjected to a constant water current of 0.5 m/s.
Note that the scales are distorted, the maximum thickness is 30 mm and the whole domain has 250 km.
As it was expected, after a period of time in which the slick accelerates, the mass
center of the slick remains moving with the water velocity. It was seen from simulations
results that the main effect from consideration the oil inertia is the acceleration of the slick
mass center. Models that not consider inertial forces justify this in the fact that the inertial
spreading phase is very short, which is actually true as could be seen in the figures above.
But, what we want to show here is that, when the slick transport is considered, the inertial
forces could retard the slick displacement for a considerable period of time. Figure 5 shows
the slick mass center position and velocity as varying with time.
Mass Center Position X (m)


Mass Center Velocity ( m/s )




5.0x104 0.1

0.0 1.0x105 2.0x105 3.0x105 4.0x105 0.0 1.0x105 2.0x105 3.0x105 4.0x105
time (s) time (s)

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Displacement of slick mass center, (a) Position, (b) Velocity.

As can be seen the acceleration of the slick mass center is effective until about 1×105s
(~25 h) after the spill and this fact could affect significantly the estimation of the slick
Finally, to show the model features, it was applied to simulate an eventual spill at the
vicinity of the harbor at São Fransisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, where there is an oil
charge/discharge point at 9 km. off shore. Therefore, this is a local with high spill risk, which
could be caused by pipeline rupture or failure in charge/discharge operations.
Figure 6 shows the domain definition at region of the port of São Francisco do Sul,
the oil duct failure local and the definition of boundary conditions for the simulations. The
domain has been extended into the sea just to cover the region of interest, reminding that, due
to the locally parabolic condition far from the shoreline, if the slick passes through these
boundaries, this does not affect the slick position inside the domain.

PETROBRAS Open Sea Frontiers

Charge/Discharge (Locally Parabolic
device Conditions)

(No Mass Flux

10 km

Figure 6: Domain definition for the simulation at the port of São Francisco do Sul.
As this simulation has the only purpose to show the generality of the model and its
ability for solving a real problem, the current field was considered spatially constant and
variable as a sine function in time, trying to represent approximately the tidal currents.
Reports of experimental measurements at the region show predominantly south-southwest
currents with residual currents of approximately 0.05 m/s and maximum tidal currents of 0.16
m/s. The wind was considered blowing from south-southeast at 30 km/h.
To simulate the pipeline break, it was considered a pollutant source with constant
mass flux injecting 1000 kg/s during 10 h. The model can also consider a mass source
variable with time, in order to consider any possible pressure variations in the pipeline.

t = 10 h t = 20 h

t = 30 h t = 40 h

Figure 7: Temporal-spatial evolution of an oil slick spilled at the harbor of São Franico do Sul
(Case 2)
Due to the periodic behavior of the tidal currents, the movement of the slick is caused
primarily by the action of the residual currents and the southeast winds. But as, the residual
currents are small in this case, the slick movement as a whole, i.e., the displacement of its
mass center is principally caused by the winds. The effects of boundary conditions can also
be appreciated. At the shoreline, were no mass flux condition was imposed, the oil
accumulates, increasing the slick thickness. In the case of an open sea boundaries, the slick
leaves the domain without affecting its shape upstream

This paper presented a mathematical and numerical model to predict oil spill
movements in the sea. Results for the spreading in the calm water were compared with semi-
analytical solutions and the agreement was good. The results for the one-dimensional
problem show that the consideration of the oil inertia is important as it affects the slick
trajectory for a large period of time.
Although there are no benchmark solutions available for the case where the water
moves, the results for a general problem, where the water moves periodically in time, follow
the expected physical trends and the mass center of the slick moves with the water current
The model can be used to simulate in situ oil spills in order to assist pollution combat
tasks, so it is an important tool in any oil spill contingency plan. It can be also used to
estimate potential risks in decision support for tankers and oil ducts route selection,
distilleries and ground tanks location, among other oil storing tasks.
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