Misting System With Mosquito Killer Lamp For Poultry Farms

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Misting System with Mosquito Killer Lamp for Poultry Farms

Pagulayan Bryan, Bragado Reinel, Corpuz Jasper, Eusebio E-jay, Imperio john Frankstein


High temperatures and copious rains define the Philippines' humid tropical climate.
Temperatures are hot throughout year, especially in the valleys and plains, with an average
of 27°C. Due to the warm wet trade winds that blow over the archipelago, as well as sea
surface temperatures, a lush and lively vegetation cover, and ample rainfall, humidity levels
are high, average approximately 82 percent. [1]. Mosquitoes on the other hand, are most
active in temperatures above 80 degrees. As temperatures climb higher, mosquito activity
can decline. Mosquitoes will bite less when it becomes excessively hot. However, higher
temperatures also make any diseases they carry more active and hence more transmissible.
Before, many substances and techniques of application have been employed to ward against
blood-sucking insects. The early methods employed by man to repel insects were smoke,
mud on the skin, or the application of various animal fats and greases. Insects are repelled
by smoke from an open fire, especially in still air or a poorly ventilated house. The repellant
effect of smoke can be enhanced by burning fragrant wood containing resins or other sorts of
plants [2].

Mosquitoes are a big threat to humankind and to the life of animals, and these are
present in every corner of the world. Now a days, plenty of techniques available in the market
that provides with the options of getting rid of these insects, some are in the form of sprays,
some are in the form of coils and mats that need to be burned. Due to the toxic nature of
these chemical-based variants which either drive away or kill pests. With recent interest in
photobiological lamp safety, safety standards are being developed to test for potentially
hazardous ultraviolet emissions. A variety of UV “Black-light” ILTs were measured at a range
of distances to assess potential exposures [2].

Facing the stated problems, today several manufacturers and pest management
businesses have begun to advertise and install outside automatically scheduled pesticide
application, misting devices for controlling the temperature/mosquito repellent and mosquito
killing lamp devices to give an envelope of protection against host-seeking mosquitoes and
control the desired temperature for the flocks inside a specific region, such as poultry
farmyards [2]. The desire of farm-owners to enjoy the environment for their chickens without
the nuisance of being exposed to host-seeking mosquitoes and uncontrolled weather
patterns, including the possibility of exposure to mosquitoes infected with an arbovirus and
high weather temperature that in most cases could produce casualties to most foreign
breeds of chickens, has driven the marketing niche for this technology. In Philippine climate
moreover, due to the expansion, the temperature of poultry buildings has an impact on the
quality of chicken products [3].

All chicken species and major breeds used in the most common intensive production
systems are transported at least twice throughout their lives, across distances ranging from a
few kilometers to many hours. Several variables contribute to stress during transit, including
loading, unloading, and penning in new and unfamiliar locations, as well as confinement with
and without motion vibrations, temperature and humidity fluctuations, poor ventilation, and
frequent deprivation of food and water [4]. Thermal stress can impact broiler growth, hence

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temperature control management, such as the use of cooling systems, should be provided
within chicken buildings. When the temperature is high, an evaporative cooling system, such
as a misting cooling system, can be used to change the ratio of sensible to latent heat in the
air [5][6].

Heat stress is a growing problem on poultry units which causes high mortality rate of
animals during hot seasons. There are many ways of reducing the risk of heat stress, and
the most common is the misting system [7]. A misting system for use inside chicken houses
was devised and developed. To test the evaporative fraction of the mist spraying system in
open-type poultry homes, the misting system was placed in a poultry house. [8].

One study shows that mists and sprays generated from various liquids have plenty of
domestic and industrial applications but their production has never been easy. With the
passage of time, various atomization, spraying and mist generation techniques have been
adopted by the society but there is plenty of room in the application field of water mists and
sprays. In this paper, a high-pressure water system is considered to produce fine mist and
water spray which could be adopted in numerous practical applications. [8].

Automated misting systems for temperature management are not novel; they have
been utilized for years in dairy barns, equestrian stables, poultry houses, and beef cattle
loafing areas. A programmed electric pump powers the device, which automatically
administers the liquid at specified intervals. Typically, application is done at peak high
temperature times and/or high mosquito activity, such as morning and afternoon/dusk and
dawn. In certain devices, the end user can manually increase the application frequency
through a remote override [6][9].

With these existing problems in poultry farms the researchers innovate with a solution
to create a new device combining two components. A typical automated mosquito killer lamp
which also serves as misting control system with a water reservoir, which is linked to a
continuous loop of plastic tubing and several single head misting nozzles. While the
temperature rises due to global warming that affects the poultry’s mortality rate, it is also
shown that mosquito activity and high temperature environment are proportion with each
other. This study will show the effectiveness of mosquito killing lamp combined with misting
system to poultry’s production and mortality rate to help poultry farmers in their cause of

Research Objectives

The study aims to design and develop an Automated Misting System with Mosquito
Killing Lamp. Specifically, this study aims to achieve the following:
1. To determine the changes of the temperature after using the automated misting
2. To measure the effectiveness of the system’s automation in killing mosquitoes and
regulating the surrounding temperature.
3. To determine the effectiveness of the lamp in killing mosquitoes.

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Significance of the Study

The results of this study will be beneficial to all the farmers specially poultry farmers
because its main purpose is to reduce the cases of heat stress and avian malaria into
poultry's that causes unwanted mortality. It can also be used by cattle and swine for reducing
the heat stress and mosquito bites. The poultry farmers and poultry animals will benefit the
most because the animals won't be having much stress in its growth and due to that it's
productivity will be efficient that will be profitable for the farmers, the poultry animals will also
have a longer life pan where the farmer can benefit longer from it, and lastly it will reduce
sudden major loss due to sudden mortality of the poultry animals.

Related Works

Poultry farming is one of the most popular market items all over the world, particularly
in our own nation. Taking care of them, on the other hand, requires a lot of time and work,
but it can result in a healthier chicken. Some poultry owners believe that without the
assistance of farmers, chickens would be unable to maintain their normal body temperature.
When a chicken is exposed to high temperatures during its first three weeks of life, it
becomes uneasy and is less likely to consume the feed and drink the water required for a
healthy start. Hot temperatures can cause lasting cardiac damage in meat chickens. If the
chicken is exposed to an uncertain temperature for the first day or two on the farm, the bird
may die later from heart issues. On the other side, poultry owners claim mosquitos are their
top pest concern since mosquitos may transmit Avian Malaria, which causes birds to become
weak, depressed, and lose their appetite. So, in that scenario, we devised POTETO-vice
(Poultry Temperature and Mosquito Control Device) to provide these chickens with a more
secure and comfortable living environment.

Base in some research most of the current mosquito prevention and treatment of the
general population use of mosquito nets, mosquito swatter, mosquito lamp and other tools,
this study use the Solar-Powered Outdoor UV LED Mosquito Trapping System. In addition to
the use of reflective optics to expand the range of physical trapping mosquitoes and
designed to prevent mosquito escape fan. Although, in recent years, temperature, airflow
and carbon dioxide concentrations have been developed to attract mosquitoes, related
products have been lacking in systematic quantitative analysis and because of the location of
the power supply, the location of the placement has been limited. Therefore, the research
works using the physical properties of the inducing factor, in a simpler and lower cost to
capture the effect of capturing more mosquitoes, is conducive to the public use. The
inclusion of light, color and photocatalyst at specific wavelengths to enhance the
attractiveness of dengue vector mosquitoes and supplemented by solar powered systems
can also be used to improve field-based mosquito traps in the future. The purpose of this
study is to expand the range of mosquitoes trapping and to further find ways to capture
mosquitoes more effectively.

A numerical study on the other hand also says effect of horizontal distance between a
water spray nozzle and a fire-on-fire suppression was conducted using fire dynamics
simulator. This study focuses on the application of a water mist system to special fire areas
such as the electrical rooms in nuclear power plant. A small compartment was modeled, with
an n-Heptane pool as fuel, a water mist nozzle, and a door opening. Four horizontal distance
conditions were applied to investigate the relationship between the horizontal distance and

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fire suppression time. It was determined that fire suppression time for the different horizontal
distance conditions could be well expressed as a power function of the normalized horizontal
distance between the water mist nozzle and n-Heptane pool. Also, sensitivity analyses of cell
size, droplets size distribution (DSD), and droplets per second (DPS) were conducted for
each horizontal distance condition, within the boundaries of Climate Change, existing hot and
humid climates will likely become more extreme, calling for research into solutions that
enable the thermal live ability of these environments. There is literature advocating for
exploring evaporative cooling in hot and humid climates, having observed that when fine mist
is deposited on skin, thermal comfort can be achieved. However, there are only a handful of
studies considering the efficacy of misting prototypes in these environments.


Project Design and Specification


Real Time clock Micro-controller Water Pump



Figure 1. Block Diagram of the Device

The block diagram shown in Figure 1 is the interconnection of the device that consists
of a temperature sensor, water pump, switches, tumbler, and electric lamp and an automatic
switching on. An automatic switching on is a programmable switch connected to the misting
system, electric mosquito lamp, temperature sensor and water pump. Temperature sensor
consist of a Thermistors that has been attached to the device and has a sensing element
which is connected to an electrical circuit to determine whether the temperature is increasing
so that the misting system will automatically be turned ON. A water pump has a wire that is
connected to the device that will pumps water through the host/tube then by the component
of the misting tool it will create a mist on the pens. The lamp that is connected to the device
is programed to be automatically be switched ON in a scheduled time.

Project Development

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Drawing of the Device

Figure 2. Drawing of the Device

The drawing shown in Figure 2 is the …

Testing and Evaluation



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[1] World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal. (n.d.). CCKP. Retrieved November 28,
2021, from https://climateknowledgeportal.worldbank.org/country/philippines/climate-data-

[2] Novak, Robert & Gerberg, Eugene. (2006). Natural-based repellent products: Efficacy for
military and general public uses. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 21. 7-
11. 10.2987/8756-971X(2005)21[7:NRPEFM]2.0.CO;2.

[3] Schneitz, C., & Mead, G. (2010). Competitive exclusion treatment in poultry management.
Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology, 19–44.
https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470504451.ch2 Philippines _Climatology_Climate Change

[4] Jiang, N. N., Xing, T., Wang, P., Xie, C., & Xu, X. L. (2015, December 22). Effects of
Water-misting Sprays with Forced Ventilation after Transport during Summer on Meat
Quality, Stress Parameters, Glycolytic Potential and Microstructures of Muscle in Broilers.
Https://Www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/Pmc/Articles/PMC4647086/. Retrieved November 21, 2021,
from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4647086/

[5] Ge, Y., Ho, K. C., & Soriano, R. T. (2018). The cultivation of research labor in Pacific Asia
with special reference to Singapore. Automated Misting System, 19(2), 199–210.

[6] Aldridge, R. L., Britch, S. C., & Linthicum, K. J. (2018, September 3). Portable Battery
Power and Small-Reservoir Modifications for Pesticide Misting Systems.
Https://Pubmed.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/31442165/. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

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[7] Cooper, O. (2009, June 15). Misting system helps combat heat stress in chickens. Farmers
Weekly. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

[8] Y. Ham et al., "Spray Time Estimation of a High-Pressure Water Supply System for Water
Mist Spray," 2019 23rd International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT), 2019,
pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICMECT.2019.8932137.

[9] T. Kaewwiset and P. Yodkhad, "Automatic temperature and humidity control system by
using Fuzzy Logic algorithm for mushroom nursery," 2017 International Conference on
Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT), 2017, pp. 396-399, doi:

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