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GEN BIO 1: INTRODUCTION TO CELL neck bottle experiment”.

What do plants, animals, protozoans and bacteria have
in common?
-This question can be answered in the field of cell
biology. Cell biology deals with the study of cellular
structure and activity. For this term, we will be
discussing some topics in Cell Biology such as (1)
Structure and parts, (2) Cellular Transport, (3)
Metabolism, and (4) Cell Cycle.
Cell was defined as “a structural and functional unit of
life” (Reece et. al, 2018), as cell reflect the observable
characteristics of a living organism, and some even exist
as a singular living cell.

Based on the spontaneous generation theory, what would be
the expected results from both flask after boiling?
The invention of the simple compound microscope in • From figure 3, how can Pasteur disprove spontaneous
the 1600’s led to the first observation of cork plant cells generation theory?
under microscope by Robert Hooke. He first used the Based on the spontaneous generation, both flasks
word “cells”, as he described those cells as “chamber should show signs of living cells in the broth. But due to
like” structures (Rea et. al, 2020). the shape of the flask’s neck, living cells cannot pass
Later on, Anton van Leuwenhoek publish his directly inside the flask, making the broth inside sterile
illustrations and observation of cells, which he called or free with living cells. This experiment supports one of
“animalcules” on 1678. the statements in our cell theory, “living cells arise
from another living cells” (Reece et. al, 2018). On the
Cell Theory and Spontaneous Generation.
succeeding years, development in the cell biology
Early people believed in the theory of “Spontaneous
reached out to the accepted statements in the cell
Generation”, which states that non-living things can
produce living organism, such as maggots from rotten
meat or fishes from mud (Reece et. al, 2018). 1.Cell is the fundamental structural unit of life (Reece
Several scientists in the past tried to disprove and et. al, 2018)
support spontaneous generation. One scientist, Louis 2. Living organism are composed of cells-combined
Pasteur, disproved this theory by his famous “Swan from the conclusion of Matthias Schleiden for plants
and Theodor Schwann for animals (Rea et. al, 2020).
3.Living cells arise from another living cells. -Derived
from the research of Rudolf Virchow and Robert Remak.

Review: Parts of the Cell. In a far away city called Grant

City, the main export and production product is the
steel widget. Everyone in the town has something to do
with steel widget making and the entire town is
designed to build and export widgets. The town hall has
the instructions for widget making, widgets come in all
shapes and sizes and any citizen of Grant can get the contraction and relaxation in the muscle cells.
instructions and begin making their own widgets. Golgi Bodies (Golgi Apparatus / Golgi Complex):
Widgets are generally produced in small shops around Packaging center of the cells. It receives proteins from
the city, these small shops can be built by the rough ER and modifies proteins for distribution outside
carpenter's union (whose headquarters are in town and within the cells.
hall). After the widget is constructed, they are placed on Lysosome: Filled with enzymes, lysosomes break down
special carts which can deliver the widget anywhere in damaged organelles, food material and pathogens. Can
the city. In order for a widget to be exported, the carts be only found in animal cells.
take the widget to the postal office, where the widgets Vacuole: A membrane bound organelle with specialized
are packaged and labeled for export. Sometimes functions.
widgets don't turn out right, and the "rejects" are sent - Central Vacuole: largest organelle in plant cells. Can
to the scrap yard where they are broken down for parts store food, pigments, water, waste and poisonous
or destroyed altogether. The town powers the widget substances (that can deter plant eaters). It is also acidic,
shops and carts from a hydraulic dam that is in the city. similar to lysosomes in animal cells.
The entire city is enclosed by a large wooden fence, only - Food Vacuole: use to deliver ingested materials from
the postal trucks (and citizens with proper passports) outside the cell (see lysosome figure).
are allowed outside the city. - Contractile Vacuole: can be found in some freshwater
protist. Use to collect water (osmoregulation).
Cell Parts and Function
Peroxisome: helps break down lipids and hydrogen
Nucleus- a region in the cell where the DNA was stored.
It serves as the command center in the cell. It has three
Chloroplast: site of photosynthesis (production of food
distinguishable features. (town hall)
in the form of carbohydrates), and can be only found in
- It was encased in a phospholipid bilayer sheet called
plant cells. Due to its role in photosynthesis, it also
nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope has pores
stores chlorophyll pigments. It has double layered
which selectively allow the passage of materials in and
membrane, and has its own genetic material (DNA and
out of the nucleus.
RNA) and ribosomes.
- The “cloudy” or the light and dark regions (pink in the
Mitochondria (sing. Mitochondrion): a double
drawing) inside the nucleus are composed of different
membraned organelle, which produces ATP via aerobic
complexes of DNA and proteins called chromatin.
respiration. Same as chloroplast, with its own DNA, RNA
- The large dark blob in the nucleus is the nucleolus.
and ribosomes.
This is where ribosomal RNA is produced, and RNA
Cytoskeleton: provides support, anchorage and aid
subunits are assembled.
movement for the cell.
- Prokaryotes do not have nucleus. Instead, their DNA is
- Microtubule: - Largest cytoskeleton element. Consist
clumped in one area, called the nucleoid region.
of two subunits of tubulin(protein), forming a hollow
Ribosomes: responsible for production of protein
tube. - Guide movement of cellular component.
(protein synthesis).
- Main component of locomotory organelles cilia and
- Composed of 2 subunits, large sub-units and small
- Intermediate Filament: - Cable like. Composed of
- They can be free floating in cytoplasm or attached in
different fibrous proteins.
the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
- Helps in anchorage of different cell parts.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (rough ER): Site of
- Microfilament: - Smallest among the cytoskeleton
protein synthesis, due to the presence of the attached
element. - Twisted, double chain of actin proteins.
ribosomes. It is also responsible with the attachment of
- Supports the cell’s shape. - Movement in muscle cells.
Centrosome: organelle found only in animal cell. It has
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (smooth ER): site for
two centrioles, which produces microtubules (mitotic
lipid production, steroid hormone production. It is also
spindles/spindle fibers) during cell division.
responsible to metabolism of drugs, alcohol and other
Cytoplasm: The region between the plasma membrane
harmful substances (very important in the liver cells). -
and nucleus.
Sarcoplasmic reticulum: in muscle cells, smooth ER can
- Cytosol: fluid in the cytoplasm.
store calcium ions. Calcium ions are important for the
Plasma Membrane: also known as cell membrane, is shipped within the cell, or become lysosome. Shipping
outermost layer of the cell (for animal cells). Regulates out material via transport vesicles provides new layer
transportation of materials in and out of the cells. for the cytoplasm.
Mostly composed of phospholipid bilayer. Proteins can
Based on the cell parts and structure, there are two
be seen scattered and embedded to the plasma
distinguished groups of organisms.
Prokaryotes: usually smaller in sized compared to
Extra Cellular Matrix: composed of collagen (protein)
eukaryotes. Prokaryotic cells do not have nucleus and
fibers and glycoprotein, which helps protect and
membrane bound organelles (Reece et. al, 2018).
support the plasma membrane. It is situated outside the
Eukaryotes: characterized with cell containing nucleus
cell and exist in animal cells.
and membrane bound organelles (Reece et. al, 2018).
Cell wall: protect and holds the cells in shape.
- Cell wall composition varies in different organisms: Currently, taxonomists use Three-domain system,
which uses molecular and genomic studies as basis for
- Plant cell wall: Cellulose
this grouping.
- Bacteria cell wall: Peptidoglycan
Domain Bacteria: Prokaryotes with peptidoglycan cell
- Fungi: Chitin
- Plant cell wall in fruits contain pectin layer, which
Domain Archaea: Prokaryotes that can survive in
degrades upon ripening.
extreme conditions.
- Holes in the plant cell wall (as shown in figure) are
Ex. Thermophiles: “heat lovers”, can survive in hot
called plasmodesmata, which allow water and other
materials to move from cell to cell.
Methanogens: “Methane lovers”, lives in methane rich
Cilia: very small locomotory organ, covering the cell’s
exterior. The cilia are moving in an undulatory motion
Halophiles: “Salt lovers”, lives in very salty places.
(back and forth).
Domain Eukarya: contains all eukaryotic organisms.
Flagellum: long locomotory organ that moves in a
Major kingdoms and groups, Protist, Fungi, Animals and
propeller like motion.
Plants, are members of this domain.
Both of them are composed of nine pairs of
microtubules and 2 central microtubules (9+2).
Endomembrane System To answer the question above,
we will discuss one of the important systems in our cell,
called endomembrane system. This system consists of
the following organelles (1) nuclear envelope, (2)
Endoplasmic Reticulum, (3) Golgi bodies, (4) Lysosome,
(5) vesicles and vacuoles, and (6) cytoplasm. Here are
the steps on how proteins like insulin is produced in this
1. The nucleus will give the “instruction” (in the form of
messenger RNA) to the ribosome attached to the rough
2. Attached ribosomes will synthesize the amino acid
sequence (primary structure of the protein) from the
messenger RNA. (see fig. 3)
3. The protein will undergo major changes in rough ER.
This will include protein folding and attachment of
glycoprotein (molecular marker). (see fig. 3)
4. The protein will be shipped out of the rough ER and
transferred to Golgi bodies using transport vesicles.
5. The protein will undergo more modification while it
passes each lumen of the Golgi bodies.
6. The proteins either be shipped out to the cells,
Hydrophilic (“water-loving”) Head – with phosphate ion,
which makes the “polar” part of the phospholipid. Two
Hydrophobic (“water-hating”) Tails- with long chains of
hydrocarbons, this comprises the “non-polar” part of
phospholipids. Sometime, it may contain an unsaturated
fatty acid chain (fatty acid with double bonds in its carbon
chain). This unsaturated fatty acid forms a “bent” or “kink”
in the hydrophobic tail.

Polar molecules are molecules that exhibit “partial

charges”, which can interact with ions and other polar
molecules. On the other hand, non-polar molecules do not
exhibit partial charges. Non-polar molecules attract other
nonpolar molecules via London dispersion forces.

As we see in figure 3, the hydrophilic heads are oriented

outside while the hydrophobic tails are oriented within the
membrane. This arrangement of phospholipids affects the
how molecules passes through the membrane.
II. Membrane permeability and fluidity. Due to the
nature of the phospholipid bilayer, the cell membrane has
“selective permeability” over different molecules that
pass the membrane. Selective permeability means that, in
a certain membrane, some molecule can pass easily than
other substances (Freeman et. al, 2017). Based on figure 4,
gases/non-polar molecules and small polar molecules can
GEN BIO 2: pass easily the bilayer. Large polar molecules (like
PLASMA MEMBRANE AND CELL glucose) and ions may have a difficulty passing the bilayer.
TRANSPORT To compensate the low permeability of some substances,
carrier proteins are needed to transport these substances
Plasma membrane or cell membrane is one of the very
across the membrane.
important structure in our cells because it helps regulate
Membrane fluidity: phospholipids and other component
movement of materials and waste (inward or outward). In
of the plasma membrane can move around, due to the
animal cells, plasma membrane keeps the cellular content
spaces provided by the “bents” in the phospholipid tails.
inside the cell.
(see fig. 5). According to Freeman et. al (2017),
Properties of the Cell Membrane: “Fluid Mosaic Model”.
phospholipid bilayer increases permeability in high
temperature, but in return can weaken the bilayer*. The
presence of cholesterol helps strengthen the
phospholipid bilayer, especially in high temperatures
III. Membrane Proteins:
Membrane proteins can be found around the plasma
membrane, and they can be classified based on their
function and their location. According to Reece et. al.
(2018), functions of membrane protein are the following
(but not limited to):
Plasma membrane was characterized with (1) the mixture - Provide support via attachment to cytoskeletal elements.
of different biomolecules (mosaic), (2) which are - Act as receptor for cellular recognition and transmission
constantly moving (property of a fluid). of messages (via hormones).
I. Phospholipid Bilayer - Perform enzymatic reactions.
One of the major components of the plasma membrane is - Transport molecules across membrane.
the phospholipids bilayer. As shown in figure two, it has - Attachment of cells to other cells (see junction proteins).
two major parts Peripheral Membrane Proteins: membrane proteins that
are located at the surface of the plasma membrane (inside
or outside the cell), interacting with the hydrophilic heads possible for these molecules with the help of different
of the phospholipid bilayer. membrane protein. This type of diffusion is called
Trans-membrane/Integral Membrane Proteins: facilitated diffusion. One of the examples of this is the
membrane proteins that are embedded across the transport of water molecules using a membrane protein
membrane. called aquaporins. Aquaporins are very important to plant
Specialized Integral Membrane Proteins: cells, kidney cells (Reece et. al, 2018) and large intestine
- Channels: proteins that allows the passage of certain (Ma & Verkman, 1999) for water absorption.
molecules freely. * Concentration Gradient: describes the difference of
Ex. Ion channels: responsible for transport of ions across concentration of molecules on the both side of the
membrane. membrane system.
Aquaporins: type of channel which help transport water Passive Transport: Osmosis.
- Carrier Proteins: unlike channels, carrier proteins need to
change their shape to transport their molecules
Ex. Sodium-Potassium Pump (Na+ /K+ Pump) Sodium-
Glucose transporter

Osmosis is defined as movement of water from low solute

- Uniporter: transport one molecule only. concentration to high solute concentration, across a
- Co-transporter: transport two molecules. semi-permeable membrane (Reece et. al., 2018).
• Symporter: both molecules transported in same The cause of this movement is the tendency of water
direction (ex. Sodium-Glucose transporter). molecules to achieve equilibrium in terms of solute
• Antiporter: transport two molecules in opposite concentration on both side of the membrane.
directions (ex. Na+/K+ pump). As the figure 10 shows, water molecules in solution tends
IV. Glycoproteins and Glycolipids: to interact with the solute, making them too big to pass
Glycolipids: lipids with carbohydrates attached to them. through the semipermeable membrane. In this case, free
Glycoproteins: proteins with carbohydrates attached from water molecules may pass freely through the membrane
them. Both glycolipids and glycoproteins are important for and interact with the solute from the other side, until it
cell-to-cell recognition and signaling (Freeman et. al, reaches equilibrium. In this case, we can also describe
2017). osmosis as movement of free water molecules from
Passive Transport: Diffusion and Facilitative Diffusion. solution with higher free water molecules to solution with
lower free water molecules. Osmosis can also affect cells
in many ways, with plasma membrane as the “semi-
permeable membrane”. We can describe solutions based
on their tonicity, which describes as the ability of the
surrounding solutions to make the cell loose or gain
Osmosis happens in two solutions, separated by semi-
permeable membrane.
Solution = Solute + Solvent (Water)
in a membrane system, like plasma membrane, diffusion is
Here is the summary of tonicity of solution and their
always described as movement of molecules from higher
effect on cells.
concentration to lower concentration, until it reaches
Hypotonic: If the solution has less solute than the other
equilibrium. But, as we discussed earlier, some molecules
solution. This solution tends to lose “free” water, favoring
(such as ions and large polar substances) cannot pass
the water movement towards solution with more solute.
easily across the plasma membrane. Diffusion would be
Hypertonic: If the solution has more solute than the other
solution. This solution tends to gain “free” water from the or going out (exocytosis) of the cell.
solution with less solute. Exocytosis usually involves with the transport of proteins
Isotonic: The solution has equal solute concentration to and hormones from the cell (via endomembrane system).
other solution. Since both solutions are in equilibrium, free Vesicles used for exocytosis will merge with the plasma
water passes through in and out of the cell, describing as membrane.
“no net water movement”. Endocytosis can be classified into three types.
*Note: the following description on the figure describes - Phagocytosis: “cell-eating”. It is used to transport large
solution outside the cell (environment). food materials.
Any cellular transport that does not require energy are - Pinocytosis: “cell-drinking”. It is used to transport liquid
called passive transport. Passive transport is also substances in large amount.
characterized with movement of molecules from high - Receptor-mediated endocytosis: It is used to transport
concentration to lower concentration. specific type of molecules. Vesicles contains receptors
Passive Transport: Diffusion, Facilitative Diffusion, inside to bind specific molecules, while vesicles outside
Osmosis. have surrounding coated proteins.
* Plant cell needed to maintain a turgid state for support, * Bulk transport needs energy to transport molecules,
otherwise water loss causes the plant cell to plasmolyze just like active transport.
(and the plant looked wilted).
Active Transport.

On the other hand, active transport is movement of

molecules from low concentration to higher
concentration, which would require energy (in form of
ATP) for this transport. According to Freeman et. al.
(2017), there are two types of active transport.
Primary Active Transport: Directly uses energy (ATP) for
Secondary Active transport: indirectly uses ATP. The
transport was driven on the changes of electrochemical
gradient* by another primary active transporter inside the
* Electrochemical Gradient forms due to the difference of
the ion concentration, creating a partial charge inside and
outside the cell

*Sodium-Glucose Transporter/SGLUT: Found in intestine

and kidney cells. This transporter is used to absorb glucose
from digested food and urine.

Bulk Transport: Exocytosis and Endocytosis.

For transport of larger molecules (such as complex
carbohydrates, proteins, fats), they will be enclosed in a
membrane bound sac composed of materials, as similar as
the plasma membrane. This transport is called vesicle-
mediated transport (Rea et. al, 2020) or bulk transport.
The transport works with molecules going in (endocytosis)
GEN BIO 3: THE WORLD OF BIOMOLECULES Note: peptide backbone composed of everything in the
amino acid chain (primary structure) except the residual
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, biomolecules are
group (check figure 2).
substances that are produced by living organisms. Most of
• Tertiary Structure: formed from the different interaction
our food we eat are composed of different biomolecules,
which we can read on their food label. In today’s lesson, we of the residual groups of the amino acids (hydrophobic
will learn in this module that different biomolecules have interactions, interactions with ions/ionic bonds, hydrogen
different roles and functions in our cell. Forming and Breaking bonding, disulfide bonds).
Macromolecules. Biomolecules in our body can exist in big • Quaternary Structure: formed from the interaction of
amounts. One of those biomolecules in our body are called two or more tertiary structures/sub-units.
macromolecules, a type of nutrients which we need in large
Protein structure and function can be greatly affected
amounts. Cell our body may (1) creates these
depending on the level of structure it was
macromolecules by combining small units (called monomers)
altered/changed. An example happened to people with
via dehydration/condensation reaction (to form a polymer) or
(2) break down these macromolecules into individual Sickle cell anemia.
monomers via hydrolysis. Based on the figure, the
drastic change in the
* Unsaturated fats, like vegetable oil, are liquid in room shape of the blood cell
temperature (more or less 20℃). was cause by the change
Proteins: The Versatile One in the amino acid
Proteins are macromolecules, formed from the complex sequence of the protein
arrangements of its monomers, amino acids, liked by hemoglobin. Here are the
peptide bonds. As we discussed in our previous lesson, mechanisms on how
proteins have various types depending on its functions: sickle cell affects blood
• Structural- found in different connective tissues, skin, circulation:
nails and hair (eg. Collagen for connective tissues and 1. In low oxygen areas,
keratin for nails). such as capillaries, red
• Contractile proteins- for muscular movement (actin and blood cells with the
myosin proteins in muscles). mutation/changed amino
• Storage Protein- albumin in egg white acid sequence will change their shape from normal to
• Defense Proteins- such as antibodies, involve in sickle shape. 2. Due to its
protection against foreign bodies. shape, sickle red blood cells block the bloodstream, which
• Signal Proteins- such as protein-based hormones, which can affect the oxygen delivery. 3. In severe
help bodies coordinate with cell to body activities. cases, the clogged sickle cells were destroyed by white
• Enzymes- serve as catalyst that speed up chemical blood cells, which can lower the amount of red blood cells
reaction. (anemia).

Monomer Profile: Amino Acids. Nucleic Acid: The Book of Life Nucleic acids, like DNA or
Amino acids have three distinct parts (see fig. 2), there are RNA are biomolecules, involved in storing genetic
amino group, carboxyl group and residual group (the “R” information in the form of “genes”. These genes are later
in the figure). Peptide bonds are created via dehydration translated into the amino acid chains (primary structure)
reaction of the amino-carboxyl group of two amino acids. by the ribosomes. This process is detailed on the Central
There are 20 amino acids, which can be differentiate based Dogma of Molecular Biology. These genes cab be also
on their residual group. passed from parents to their offspring (basis of heredity)
Four Structures of Proteins According to Reece et. al. DNA means Deoxyribonucleic acid
(2018), protein structures can be identified into 4 layers. RNA means Ribonucleic acid
• Primary structure: formed from amino acid sequence in
the polypeptide chain. Monomer Profile: Nucleotides. Nucleic acids are
• Secondary structure: formed from the oxygen-hydrogen composed of chains of nucleotides, connected by
interactions (called hydrogen bonds) of the peptide phosphodiester bonds. As illustrated in figure 8,
backbone. These structures can be categorized into two nucleotides contain (1) phosphate group, (2) Pentose
types, alpha helix and beta sheet. sugar, (3) Nitrogenous base.
Nitrogenous bases, such as adenine (A), guanine (G), • Some monosaccharides have the same molecular
cytosine (C), Thymine (T) and Uracil (U), may interact in formula (C6H12O6), but have different chemical
pairs in nucleic acids. properties due to the different functional groups
• Guanine to Cytosine present in the molecules. These organic molecules are
• Adenine to Thymine (thymine will change to uracil for called isomers (Reece, 2018). (see fig. 13)
RNA). Examples: Glucose, Galactose, Fructose, ribose (nucleic

Lipids: Energy Reservoirs

Lipids or Fats are very hydrophobic substances, which are
composed of long chains of carbon and hydrogen. Some Disaccharides are carbohydrates formed from
fats like cholesterol and other steroid hormones are cyclic dehydration/condensation reaction of two
(planar shape) instead of chains. Lipid have different roles monosaccharides (see figure 14). The common isomer
in our cells. These are: of disaccharides has the molecular formula of
• Energy source. • Insulation/prevent heat loss. (C12H22O11). According to Rea et. al (2020), here are
• Prevent water loss (for skin and leaves). some examples of disaccharides:
• Cell membrane component. • Steroid hormone • Maltose (Malt sugar): from combination of two
production. glucose. Can be found in sprouting grains.
Some lipids, like triglycerides and phospholipids are • Sucrose (Table sugar): from combination of glucose
created from condensation reaction of glycerol and fatty and fructose. Found in carrots, sugar cane and fruits.
acids. These types of lipids can be saturated (solid in room
• Lactose (Milk sugars): from combination of glucose
temperature) or unsaturated (liquid in room temperature).
and galactose.
Unsaturation refers to the presence of the double bonds in
the fatty acid chains (Reece et. al.,2018) Polysaccharides: Polysaccharides are complex
carbohydrates, which consist of hundreds to thousand
Carbohydrates: Energy Boosters.
sugar (monosaccharide) units. They function as storage
Carbohydrates are biomolecules used by cells as (1) an
molecules or structural component for cells (Reece et.
immediate source of energy; (2) structural support for
al, 2018). Here are the following examples of
plant cells, fungi cells and exoskeleton of arthropods;
(3) component for other biomolecules such as nucleic
• Starch/Amylose: plants store glucose by forming long
acids; and (4) for identification of biomolecules,
chains of polysaccharide molecule (starch). Plants later
example for glycoproteins and glycolipids. Carbohydrate
breaks down glucose from starch for energy production.
monomers are bonded to form polymers (disaccharides
• Glycogen: A storage carbohydrate for animal cell, with
and polysaccharides) via glycosidic bonds.
similar function to starch. Usually stored in liver and
Monomer Profile: muscle cells.
Monosaccharides. represent the monomer component • Cellulose: a polysaccharide, which is the main
of other carbohydrates. Monosaccharides can be material of plan cell wall.
characterized by following: • Chitin: a structural polysaccharide, which is the main
• Can be composed of multiple carbon, from 3 carbon component of arthropods exoskeleton and fungi cell
molecule (triose), to 6 carbon molecule (hexose). walls.
GEN BIO 3: ENZYMES AND ENZYMATIC Lock-and-key mode shows complementary matching of
REACTIONS shape of both enzyme and substrate (jigsaw).

One of the very important biomolecules existed are 2.Induced Fit model: proposed by Daniel Koshland (Rea
enzymes. Enzymes are biomolecules (mostly proteins) that et. al., 2020). The model suggest that the enzyme changes
can speed up chemical reaction. In our pre-activity earlier, its shape to fit and temporarily bind with the substrate
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide was sped up by an (Farrell & Campbell, 2015). This is currently accepted
enzyme called catalase. Many of chemical reactions in our model because it was able to explain how different
body are speed up by an enzyme. inhibitors affect enzymes (Rea et. al., 2020). Induce fit
Enzymes usually ends with a suffix “-ase”. model shows how enzyme change its shape, fitting to the
Activation energy: is the minimum energy required to shape of the substrate (gloves).
proceed the reaction.
Factors affecting Enzymatic Reactions.
Enzymes are an example of a “catalyst”, made by living
1.Substrate concentration: due to the limited amount of
organisms (biocatalyst). In chemistry, catalyst are any
enzyme in the reaction, the enzyme activity will increase
substances that can speed up chemical reaction by
until it reaches “saturation point”, where the reaction rate
lowering its activation energy
remains the same
Enzymatic Reactions. are chemical reaction which a .2. Temperature: enzymes have “optimum temperature”
certain enzyme is involved. . which they will work best. High temperatures can break the
bonds holding the enzyme structure. Protein based
enzymes may have an irreversible denaturation and
permanently inactivate the enzyme (Rea et. al., 2020).
3. pH: enzymes have “optimal pH”, which they will work
Reactants the best. Enzyme outside their optimal pH may denature,
(the substances/molecules that are needed in the affecting their function and enzymatic reaction.
reaction) are called substrates, which interact with the 4. Presence of inhibitors: these are substances that can
enzyme. Take note that enzymes are substrate affect enzyme activity by interacting with the enzymes. The
specific, which means enzymes only works and interact interaction may be reversible or irreversible.
Denaturation happens for proteins and nucleic acids.
with specific substrates. Eventually enzyme will speed
Denaturation loosens some of the bonds that hold the
up the chemical reaction, and producing the product.
structure of the biomolecules. Denaturation may be
Different reaction may show enzyme breaking or
reversible or irreversible.
binding substrates to form a new product/s.
How Inhibitors affects Enzymatic reaction:
Inhibitors work in three ways (Reece et. al., 2020):
1. Competitive inhibitor (type of inhibitor) will block the
interaction of enzyme to substrate by interacting itself to the
active site of the enzyme. Ex. Disulfiram as inhibit or to
acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.
2. Non-competitive inhibitor (type of inhibitor) will prevent
Enzyme activity happens in three stages: the formation of enzyme-substrate complex by binding to a
1. Attachment of the substrate to the active site of the certain part of the enzyme (but not on the active site). The
enzyme. Active site is the region in the enzyme where the binding of the non-competitive inhibitor will cause to change
substrate bind sand undergoes chemical reaction. the shape of active site.
2.Formation of “Enzyme-Substrate Complex”. This 3.Feedback inhibition: cells using feedback inhibition to
complex is the reaction intermediate (temporary). regulate the production of a certain substances. The series
3.Formation of product and released from the enzyme. of enzymatic reaction (as shown in the figure) will produced
Co-factor: Inorganic substances that helps enzymes in the a product that will inhibit one of the enzymes in the series.
reaction. Catalase is a very important enzyme in our body because it
Co-enzymes: organic substances that helps enzymes in helps degrade hydrogen peroxide in our body. Hydrogen
the reaction. peroxide is one of the side products in cellular respiration
Substrate Specificity of Enzyme in Enzymatic Reaction: (specifically aerobic respiration). Hydrogen peroxide reacts
Scientist describes the specificity of enzyme to its substrate with different substances in our body, which will produce
using two models: “reactive oxygen species” (a type of free radicals). Free
1. Lock-and-Key model: proposed by Emil Fischer (Rea radicals damage our cell by reacting to different
et. al., 2020). According to the model, the specificity relies biomolecules. Catalase helps decomposing hydrogen
on the geometry/shape of both active site of enzyme and peroxide, reducing the production of these free radicals.
the substrate. The enzyme should match the substrate in a Free radicals are very reactive molecules which consist of
complementary manner, like jigsaw puzzle pieces (Farrell & one or more unpaired electrons.
Campbell, 2015).
to ADP to reform ATP. There are three processes to reform back
ATP from ADP.
METABOLISM 1. Substrate-level phosphorylation: ATP is regenerated by
As humans, we get our nutrients and energy from the food we transferring phosphate from a phosphorylated (phosphate
eat. From food digestion, we absorb nutrients (especially containing) molecule (substrate). This reaction is accompanied
biomolecules) in our food for the daily activity of our cells, such by enzymes (see fig. 6) and energy for ATP regeneration came
as energy production, protein production, cell repair and many from the enzymatic reaction.
more. These activities can be summarized in a simple word called 2. Oxidative level phosphorylation: ATP is regenerated by the
metabolism. According to Reece et. al. (2018), Metabolism movement of electrons. Energy was controllably released from
describes the overall reactions happening in a living organism. the moving electrons, which will be used to regenerate ATP
Most of these reactions involve breaking and forming different
biomolecules, as we discussed from Course Material 3. These In redox reaction, Gain Electrons: Reduction (GER)
reactions/ processes can be interconnected to each other in our Loose Electrons: Oxidation (LEO)
body, forming different metabolic pathways. Today we will NAD: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (oxidized state)
discuss how energy is being produced and consumed in our body FAD: flavin adenine dinucleotide (oxidized state)
via different types of metabolism. 3. Photophosphorylation: This process also involved ATP
Anabolism and Catabolism. Metabolism happens in two ways: regeneration from the movement of electrons, except electrons
1. Anabolism: refers to the formation of complex molecules from were energize first with light energy in the pigment molecule.
its small molecular components. The reaction needed energy to Implications of Metabolism in Health.
form bonds between these small molecules (endergonic). The term “fast/slow metabolism” is commonly used to describe
Ex. Photosynthesis for Carbohydrates, ATP synthesis. how fast your body uses energy from the food we eat. People
Anabolism: forming complex molecules from simple molecules, with fast metabolism tend have fast metabolic rate, consuming
needs/absorb energy (endergonic). much energy in the process. People with slow metabolism tend
2. Catabolism: refers to the reaction involving breaking down of to store energy in the form of fats, since their body uses less
complex molecules into simple molecules. This reaction releases energy in its metabolic processes (Harvard Men's Health Watch,
energy from the breaking of the bonds of the complex molecules 2018). There are different factors that can affect people’s
(exergonic). Ex. Cellular Respiration for Carbohydrates, ATP metabolic rate:
hydrolysis. Catabolism: break down complex to simple • Genetics/Hereditary: people have predisposed metabolic rate
molecules, releases energy (exergonic). based on their genetic make-up.
ATP as Energy Currency of the Cell Humans like us need energy • Age: based on different studies, our metabolism slows down as
to do work, so do the cells in our body. Many of the metabolic we grow older (Shimokata & Kuzuya, 1993).
processes in our body need/produce energy. With the study of • Diseases: metabolic rates may change due to endocrine
these processes, we will encounter a very familiar acronym of a related disease such as hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism. It is
certain chemical called ATP. recommended by the experts to eat a balance diet and have an
ATP means Adenosine triphosphate. active lifestyle. Moreover, always consult medical and fitness
The combination of adenine and ribose is called adenosine. professional for specialized fitness activities and diet suitable for
ATP has 3 major structure:
1. Three phosphate groups (triphosphate tail).
2. Adenine (nitrogenous base).
3. Ribose (pentose sugar)
Due to the crowded negative charges, the triphosphate tail is
very unstable, and can be easily hydrolyzed. Hydrolysis of
produces ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and phosphate ion. This
reaction is an example of catabolic reaction/catabolism, due to
the release of energy.
Energy from ATP hydrolysis couples/partner with different
endergonic reactions (require energy) by transferring its
phosphate to another molecule. This process is called
phosphorylation. shows different cell activities that requires

ATP Synthesis , cell in our body uses and recycle 10 million ATP
molecules each second. This is possible due to different
mechanism of recycling ATP, by adding back the lost phosphate

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