Activities December 6

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Brooke’s Point Palawan

SY: 2021-2022

NAME: __________________________________________________________ AGE: ________ SEX: _________

The purpose of this survey is to know how K-pop affects the youth, either negative and positively. This
is to know whether K-pop could really help improve the mental health of the youth, or it really just distracts them from
their personal life. This will benefit a greater understanding about the perspectives of K-pop fans. Thank you in advance
for your time and for doing the following survey. Have a nice day!



How long have you been a K-pop fan?

Less than a month 6 months to 1 year

1 month to 6 months More than a year

How often do you listen or watch K-pop related media?

Less than 30 minutes 1 to 2 hours

1 hour More than 2 hours

What aspect of your lifestyle has been influenced the most by K-pop? (Please rank from 1-4, 1 being the highest)

_____ Food (I eat Korean food more often now)

_____ Fashion (I dress more like my K-pop idols now)
_____ Hobbies (I devote more time to K-pop now than my past hobbies/interests)
_____ Language (I want to/already am taking up Korean language classes)
_____ Music (I listen to K-pop more than other genres of music)

Have you ever thought of going to South Korea in order to see your favorite Korean singers?

Yes No I’m still thinking about it

Are you learning the Korean language because of K-pop?

Yes No Others: __________________

Do you think that K-pop have a significant influence in your attitude, behaviors, habits or the way you think? Can you

How did K-pop inspired you in the things you do? (For example, your study, career, work, or passion)

What is K-pop for you?

Group yourselves into four, then go over the method section of a journal article that you have. Identify the
different subsections included in the Method section. Discuss among yourselves about subsections, then come up with a
consensus on the different parts of the Method section. Fill out this matrix.


RESEARCH DESIGN The Research Design used in this journal article is

Explanatory Research Design which purpose is to
provide an overview of the evidence linking the primary
domains of racism—structural racism, cultural racism,
and individual-level discrimination—to mental and
physical health outcomes.

RESEARCH SETTING The Research Setting on this journal article is set to be

on social sites with the purpose of describing the nature
of racism and the principal mechanisms—structural,
cultural, and individual—by which racism can affect

PARTICIPANTS Specifically, the participants involved in this article are

racial group like blacks (or African Americans), Native
Americans (or American Indians and Alaska Natives),
and Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders

INSTRUMENTS AND OTHER The instrumentations used in this research journal article
are through observations, focus group discussions, and
experiments, which purpose is to describe key findings
and identify priorities for future research. And also to
discuss evidence for interventions to reduce racism and
describe research needed to advance knowledge in this

DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES The data collection techniques used in this journal article
includes numerical and quantitative rates and graphs,
empirical analyses, and social experiments which
purpose is to gather data to be used in the said research

PROCEDURES The purpose of the procedures in this journal article is to

find answers and examine the multiple ways in which
racism can adversely affect health.

DATA ANALYSIS The purpose of data analysis in this journal article is to

ensure that every data provided in this study are
accurate, legitimate and reliable in order not to cause
any conflict with other existing studies. Its purpose is to
add knowledge which are to be used in further studies
about the said topic.


1. Which is a better research design, true experimental or quasi-experimental? Explain your answer.
For me, the better research design between true experimental and quasi-experimental is true
experimental research design for it relies on statistical analysis to approve or disprove a hypothesis. It is the most
accurate type of experimental design and may be carried out with or without a pretest on at least two randomly
assigned dependent subjects. And also, of all the types of experimental design, only true design can establish a
cause-effect relationship within a group. In a true experiment, participants are randomly assigned to either the
treatment or the control group, whereas in quasi- experiment, they are not assigned randomly and the control
and treatment groups differ not only in terms of the experimental treatment they receive, but also in other, often
unknown or unknowable, ways. Thus, the researcher must try to statistically control for as many of these
differences as possible. Because control is lacking in quasi-experiments, there may be several "rival hypotheses"
competing with the experimental manipulation as explanations for observed results. And that is why for me, true
experimental research design is better.

2. Why is survey considered the most practical and useful data collection technique for a nonexperimental
research design?
The reason why survey is considered the most practical and useful data collection technique
for a nonexperimental research design is because: first, surveys are an excellent way to gather lots of
information from many people. Meaning through survey we can interview a number of people at one time,
which will minimize our time and labor. Of all the data-collection methods survey research is probably the best
method to use when the researcher hopes to gain a representative picture of the attitudes and characteristics
of a large group.

3. Should you always choose for probability sampling? Why or why not? In instances when probability
sampling is not possible, what alternative sampling procedure can you use? Justify your answer.
For me, yes we should always choose for probability sampling considering that probability
sampling means every member of the population has a chance of being selected. It is mainly used in quantitative
research. And also probability sampling techniques are the most valid and convenient choice If you want to
produce results that are representative of the whole population. In instance when probability sampling is not
possible, the alternative sampling procedures that we can use are quota sampling, convenience sampling,
volunteer sampling, purposive sampling, and snowball sampling. It is common practice to use as much
randomization as possible when employing these techniques, in the hope that the resulting sample approximates
the qualities of a random sampling.

4. Suppose you wanted to conduct an experiment on whether those who are into social networking sites are
also very good in finding articles in the web. How would you go about the experiment? What variables will
you have to control? What threats to internal validity will you have to address?
Supposing that I were to conduct an experiment whether those who are into social networking
sites are also very good in finding articles in the web, I would go through the experiment by first, conducting an
interrogative survey about how the social networking sites thinks of finding articles in the web. I’ll ask questions
like, do they find searching articles on the web fun? Are they confident and comfortable doing it? Are they
capable of doing it? And lastly, are they adept and good at doing it? After the survey I would consider controlling
the variables like “how social networkers would find articles in the web using their knowledge in their work?”
and “How would social networkers perform if they were suddenly ask to find articles in the web?”
Meanwhile the threats to internal validity that I will have to consider and address are, testing,
instrumentation, statistical regression, experimental treatment diffusion, the Hawthorne effect, and lastly, the
5. Suppose your friend Jose has a passion of breeding dogs. He suddenly found himself with a lots of puppies
that he can no longer give a proper home. Jose decided to sell the puppies. He wanted to do a survey and test
market whether people are interested in buying puppies. How would you go about making a survey to help
out your friend? What sorts of questions will you ask to determine whether selling puppies is a potential
Supposing that my friend is to make a survey to know whether people are interested in buying
puppies, I would help him constructing his survey by adding various interrogative questions to his survey. First I
will ask on the survey “do you have history of adopting, buying, or raising a puppy? If yes, how many puppies do
you have or had taken care of?”, “Would you consider adding or taking care of a new puppy?”, “Do you have any
ideas about the proper ways of taking care of puppies”, and lastly “Are you capable of providing a shelter, food,
and other necessities of the puppy?” By these questions, Jose will be able to identify if the people around him
are capable and willing to buy his puppies.

3. Make an action plan of how to treat others as brothers and sisters.



Do to them what you want them to do to you.

Make friends with them, socialize, communicate, and


Respect them, their opinions, their beliefs, and their

perspectives in life.

Show them that they are appreciated and never

invalidate their feelings.

Never do bad things towards them which disobeys

the commandment of the lord

Love them like how you love God


1. What did you learn from the three commandments: 6th and 9th, 7th and 10th, and 8th
The 6th and 9th commandments calls us to see and honor marriage as a sacred covenantal bond. It calls us to
deepen our love and respect for each other, for marriage and for family. It summons spouses to practice permanent and
exclusive fidelity to one another. Emotional and sexual fidelity are essential to the commitment made in the marriage
covenant. God established marriage as a reflection of his fidelity to us. It also calls us to love selflessly and never use another
person. It calls us to see the goodness in our own spouse and in our own family instead of selfishly chasing a more pleasing
experience with someone else. These commandments made me realize that we should fear and love God, so that we do
not craftily seek to gain our neighbor’s inheritance or home, nor get it by a show of right, but help and serve him in keeping
it. It also urges us to cultivate the virtue of purity and chastity. It teaches about controlling one’s sexual desire or not allowing
sexual appetite to take complete hold of one’s reason that will eventually cause him/her to be lustful. It forbids the
intentional desire and longing for immoral sexuality. To sin in the heart, Jesus says, is to lust after a woman or a man in your
heart with the desire and will to have immoral sex with them. Just as human life is a gift from God and needs to be respected,
defended, and protected, so, too, is human sexuality.
The 7th and 10th commandments prohibits all forms of theft. The Lord’s law teaches us the commandment’s
positive side which is to respect the rights, property, and needs of others. These commandments forbids the wanting to or
taking someone else’s property and condemns theft and the feelings of envy, greed, and jealousy in reaction to what other
people have. These Commandment commands us to desire the happiness of heaven, more than the goods of earth.
And lastly, the 8th Commandment condemns lying. Because God is regarded as the author of all truth, the
Church believes that humans are obligated to honor the truth. The most obvious way to fulfill this commandment is not to
lie — intentionally deceive another by speaking a falsehood.




a. Search and watch a clip or video of a cheer dance performance from the internet.
- UAAP 80 Cheer dance Competition | Performance | Adamson University - Champion

b. Identify the motif or theme of the dance.

- The motif or theme of the dance is throwback 80’s.

c. Identify choreographic forms.

- The choreographic forms used in the routine are; Narrative Form, Patterned Form, Motif, and Pattern.

d. Identify and list down the basic cheer dance movements used in the performance.
- The basic cheer dance movements used in the performance are; ready position, hand clasp, T motion, broken
T, touchdown, V motion, L motion, and right and left K.

e. Describe the emotions brought about by the dance. Describe how you feel while
watching the whole dance performance.
- The dancers visibly showed enthusiasm and dedication in their dance routine. They did the choreography
with utmost energy and power, and was able to convey their theme well. I felt so amazed and stunned while
watching the whole performance. I was so nervous for them because I felt like their risking themselves while
doing those dangerous stunts.


1. Search and watch a clip or video of a Dancesport competition from the internet.
- The Final Reel | 2017 WDSF World Open Latin | DanceSportTotal

a. What is/are the styles of dance used?

- The category of dance is Latin, while the sub categories are Samba, Rumba, ChaCha, Jive, and Paso Doble.

b. Identify choreographic forms.

- The choreographic forms used in the dance routines are; Narrative Form, Patterned Form, Motif, Pattern,
Rondo Form, and Theme and Variation.

c. Identify and list down the dance movements used in the performance.


- Samba (Reverse) Basic

- Whisk
- Stationary Samba Walk
- Volta
- Bota Fogo
- Under Arm Turn
- Promenade Samba Walk
- Side Samba Walk
- Criss Cross Voltas
- Criss Cross Bota Fogo

- Rumba Basic (Box Step)

- Together Together
- Open Break, Under Arm Turn
- Fifth Position Breaks
- Cucaracha
- Box Under Arm Turn
- Cross Over Break
- Spot Turn
- Cross Body Lead

- New Yorker
- Under Arm Turn
- Cha Cha Basic
- Hand to Hand
- Spot Turn
- Shoulder to Shoulder
- Runs
- Basic in Place
- Time Step
- There and Back


- American Spin
- Hip Bump, basic (link)
- Fallaway rock
- Fallaway throwaway
- Changes of hands behind the back
- Change of places left to right
- Change of places right to left,
- American spin,
- Walks
- Mooch


- Promenade Link
- Chasse to Right
- Separation
- Ecard
- Drag
- Deplacement
- Telemark
- Sixteen
- Chasse to Left
- Grand Circle

d. Describe the emotions brought about by the dance. Describe how you feel while
watching the whole dance performance.
- The emotions brought by the dancer depends on the category of the dance. On Samba, Jive, and Chacha they
were hyper, groovy, and energetic while on Rumba and Paso Doble, they were serious, full of emotions, and
they showed powerful facial expressions. Watching the whole dance competition, I felt so amazed with their
stamina considering that they were dancing five categories and they’re performing it continuously and
nonstop. I really admire how they were able to keep their energy up until the end of the competition.



1. Search and watch a clip or video of a Hip-hop dance competition from the internet.
- Salute - Hip Hop - Competition Dance

2. What is/are the styles of dance used?

- The styles of dance used in the performance are; Locking, Popping, Funk, and Up-Rock

3. Identify choreographic forms.

- The choreographic forms used in the dance are; Collage, Motif, Pattern, and Rondo.

4. Identify and list down the dance movements used in the performance.
- Two-Step
- The Monestary
- Booty Pop
- Billy Bounce
- The Woah
- The Douggie
- Bust Down
- Biz Markie
- The Humpty

5. Describe the emotions brought about by the dance. Describe how you feel while
watching the whole dance performance.
- The emotions brought by the hip-hop dancers is very fierce, serious, wild, energetic, dedicated,
powerful, and monstrous. They were able to show a powerful and dazzling performance by
manifesting those emotions. While watching the performance, I was left in awe about how good the
dance routine was. It was full of difficult and dynamic dance steps and yet they were able to execute
it thoroughly

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