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Hansel and Gretel

Compiled To Fulfill Course Assignments: Introduction to Literature

Lecturer: Rahmi Widyaningsih,SS.,M.Pd.

Compiled by:

Rina Prasetyani 1903046047






Praise be to Allah SWT for all His blessings so that this paper can be compiled to completion.
We do not forget to say thank you for the help of those who have contributed by contributing
both thoughts and materials.

The author hopes that this paper can add knowledge and experience to readers. In fact, we hope
that this paper can be practiced by readers in their daily lives.

For us as authors, we feel that there are still many shortcomings in the preparation of this paper
due to our limited knowledge and experience. For this reason, we sincerely hope for
constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Jepara, 24 November 2021



PREFACE .................................................................................................................................... 2
COVER ............................................................................................................................. ........
..........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
BAB I ............................................................................................................................................ 4
A. Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 4
B. Problem Question ............................................................................................................ 4
C. Goals ................................................................................................................................. 4
A. Setting ...................................................................................................................................... 5
B. Characters ............................................................................................................................... 5
C. Point of view............................................................................................................................ 6
D. Theme ...................................................................................................................................... 6
E. Plot ........................................................................................................................................... 6
BAB III ......................................................................................................................................... 7
A. Conclusion........................................................................................................................ 7
B. Suggestion ........................................................................................................................ 7
REFERENCE .............................................................................................................................. 8


A. Abstract
Short story, brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and that usually
deals with only a few characters. The short story is usually concerned with a single
effect conveyed in only one or a few significant episodes or scenes. The form
encourages economy of setting, concise narrative, and the omission of a complex plot;
character is disclosed in action and dramatic encounter but is seldom fully developed.
Despite its relatively limited scope, though, a short story is often judged by its ability to
provide a “complete” or satisfying treatment of its characters and subject.1
B. Problem Question
What are the settings in this story?

What are the characters and characterization?

What is the point of view?

What is theme of this story?

What is the plot of this story?

C. Goals
To analyze the short story: Hansel and Gretel

‘Short Story | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, History, & Facts | Britannica’
<> [accessed 24 November 2021].


- Near the borders of a large forest dwelt in olden times a poor wood-cutter…
- One evening, after the children were gone to bed, the parents sat talking together over
their sorrow, and the poor husband sighed, and said to his wife,… (in a house)
- Near the borders of a large forest dwelt in olden times a poor wood-cutter…
- One evening, after the children were gone to bed, the parents sat talking together over
their sorrow, and the poor husband sighed, and said to his wife,…… (in a house)
- As soon as the sun was risen, the stepmother came and woke the two children…. (in the
- When they awoke it was dark night, and poor Gretel began to cry, and said, “Oh, how
shall we get out of the wood?”…
- About noon, they saw a beautiful snow-white bird sitting on the branch of a tree, and
singing so beautifully that they stood still to listen…
- Early in the morning, before the children were awake, she was up, standing by their beds;
and when she saw how beautiful they looked in their sleep…
B. Characters and characterization
Characters: Gretel and Hansel, stepmother, witch, father
- Hansel; is shown as a sensible, careful and good boy who comforts his sister in times of
need. He is witty and easily comes up with a plan to fool the witch and he saves not only
himself but his sister too.
- Gretel; is a frightful girl that cries all the time and she was a thoughtful sister who would
share her last piece of bread with her brother. In the end, she showed her strength by
pushing the witch into the oven.
- The witch; was evil and sly as a fox. Her appearance was misleading because she didn’t
look like a witch.
- The father; was a good man, despite the fact he abandoned his own children under the
influence of his wife. He was sincerely happy to see his kids coming back.
- The step mother; is an evil and rough woman that didn’t care about anyone but herself.

C. Point of View
In this story, the Point of View is from third Person Omniscient.
- Hansel had seen no cat, but he stayed behind every time to drop a white pebble from his
pocket on the ground as they walked
- Hansel and Gretel seated themselves by the fire, and when noon arrived they each ate the
piece of bread which their stepmother had given them for their dinner; and as long as they
heard the strokes of the axe they felt safe, for they believed that their father was working
near them. But it was not an axe they heard—only a branch which still hung on a
withered tree, and was moved up and down by the wind. At last, when they had been
sitting there a long time, the children’s eyes became heavy with fatigue, and they fell fast
asleep. When they awoke it was dark night, and poor Gretel began to cry.
- Hansel tried to hide his fear when he made this sad discovery
D. Themes
One of the themes of” Hansel and Gretel” is survival—the survival of Hansel and
Gretel's family, the survival of Hansel and Gretel from their parents, and their
survival from the witch in the woods. But in the truth, the story is dark as it is, the
story features child abandonment, attempted cannibalism, enslavement, and murder.
E. Plot
- Exposition: Hansel and Gretel’s family is in a poor condition; the stepmother gives her
husband to leave Hansel and Gretel inside the wood
- Rising action: The step mother tries to throw away and leave Hansel and Gretel inside the
wood but she can’t because Hansel and Gretel sprinkle breadcrumbs along the street to
make sure that they can come back to their home.
- Climax: one day Hansel and Gretel find a home with a lot of cake and bread, so they
come inside and eat a lot of cake and bread until the owner of the house come and ask
them to stay overnight in her house. But when they stay there the witch ask them to do
anything like cleaning and so on.
- Falling action: when the witch stepped forward and pretended to put her head in the oven.
A sudden thought gave Gretel unusual strength; she started forward, gave the old woman
a push which sent her right into the oven, then she shut the iron door and fastened the
- Resolution: Hansel and Gretel run out from the witch’s house and ask for help to a duck
for cross them to go home. When they go home the bring some bread and cake from the
witch’s house but how surprised the poor wood-cutter was when Gretel opened and
shook her little apron to see the glittering pearls and precious stones scattered about the
room, while Hansel drew handful after handful from his pockets. From this moment all
his care and sorrow were at an end, and the father lived in happiness with his children till
his death.


A. Conclusion
A short story is a fully developed story which is shorter than a novel and longer than
a fable. It typically takes just a single sitting for reading. Short Story focuses on the
incidents bigger or smaller and evokes strong feelings from its readers. A short story
often has a few characters in the plot.2 In this story, Hansel and Gretel, it includes
setting, characters, point of view, themes, and plot.
B. Suggestion

As the author of this article, I know that there are so many mistakes in our article, so
the suggestions from us are:
1. Read the other sources and combine it

2. Take a note the important point of the topic

‘Short Story | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, History, & Facts | Britannica’.


‘Short Story | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, History, & Facts | Britannica’

<> [accessed 24 November 2021]

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