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V.I. Tikhonov, P.P. Vorobiyenko

A.S.Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications, Ukraine

ABSTRACT towards the future and current interests of telecom

The paper focuses researches on next generation network However, this apparently cannot meet the increasing
(NGN) convergence. A set of comprehensive data-transfer demands of the market because IP not originally conceived
axioms premise holistic approach to benefit diverse packet- for the real time applications. There are some concerns of
to-circuit switching techniques. A novel dynamic flow IP-based convergence. First, the addressing space of the
switching (DFS) method introduced to facilitate digital currently popular IPv4 at meanwhile quite exhausted. The
telecommunication channels along with appropriate second issue is how to guarantee the NGN-promised quality
multipurpose network meta-protocol (MNP). The tenets of of real time service (voice, video). These two problems
integrated telecommunication technology (ITT) platform seem partially mitigated via expected deployment of the
developed for the transport stratum in ITU-T model of enhanced IPv6 and the modified transportation technology
NGN. Two-dimensional quality of service (QoS) palette and MPLS-TP [3]. The IPv6 has an extended 128-bit address
related cost-to-quality ratio (CQR) function proposed for format, the Jumbo grams mode of the packet encapsulation
multimedia traffic control. An elastic ITT-address system extending the maximum transmission unit (MTU) up to the
originated for ITT-platform to meet the challenge of 4GiB, the flow label field in addition to the traffic class
Internet-scope expansion. The paper intends to contribute field, and some other improvements vs. IPv4. Nevertheless,
future network engineering. a long-term transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is predicted.
Meanwhile evidently the NGN optical transport network
Keywords----- next generation network, dynamic flow remains the prior research direction for the
switching, integrated telecommunication technology telecommunication industry in the near future [4]. An
important event on that way is the collaborative research
1. INTRODUCTION project MPLS-TP launched by ITU-T and IETF joint
working team (JWT) in 2008 [5]. The crucial
The new challenges in the telecommunication market question:”How to get a sophisticated compromise to benefit
stimulate searching for enhanced technologies. In this both circuit and packet switching in respect to the NGN’s
respect, a new trend of network convergence emerged promised quality of service (QoS)?” has no explicit answer
within the last decade. The ITU-T formulated the concept yet. Therefore, more research about this aspect toward
of network convergence in terms of the NGN directive NGN is required.
network framework with all functions grouped in a two- The objective of this paper is to substantiate a new insight
layered model: service and transport stratum [1]. The of the “packet/circuit switching dualism” in respect to the
reduced number of network layers is an essential feature of QoS demands compliant with the ITU-T framework of an
the NGN concept; it aims to minimize the network NGN.
overhead and complexity. To satisfy the NGN framework We focus the following three questions below:
the appropriate core and last mile technologies are required.
1) What is the “packet” as a basic notion of digital data
The NGN concept implies a long-term moving process
exchange in telecommunications?
from the existing network infrastructure to the integrated
network-transporting platform of the NGN. Some 2) What is the “true packet-switching” and “true circuit-
telecommunication companies introduced a broader concept switching” as two boundary points on the topological scale
of the NGN platform with decoupled service and of data exchange status?
application layers [2]. 3) What is the “permanent service palette” connecting the
Deploying enhanced broadband services over existing two boundary points: packet-switching and circuit-
network infrastructure results in increase of the network switching (from both customer and network technology
complexity and therefore, extra expenses on network points of view)?
management and maintenance. One of the most commonly When studied these questions, we draft the concept of an
used motto for the NGN perspective is “All over IP and IP advanced sophisticated NGN-aware technological platform
over all”. The network and service convergence on the IP- (denoted as integrated telecommunication technology, or
basis could rather deem as an acceptable compromise ITT).

978-92-61-14061-8/CFP1338E-ART © 2013 ITU Kaleidoscope

2013 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

2. ITT AXIOMATIC BASIS agreements; meanwhile one byte commonly refers to 8 bits
(one octet), however, it may extend this value.
In this section we provide a set of axioms to determine the The market exposed integrated circuits (IC) support
data packet in the ITT-platform. Generic property of transmission of octet-units through optical and cooper wire
packet-switching techniques in diverse telecommunication links. These octet-units circulate the channel being shaped
technologies (Ethernet, Frame Relay, ATM, IP etc.) is in 10-bit array on the low physical sub-layer [6]. Based on
statistical time division multiplexing (STDM). The STDM these IC an array of network interfaces with one-octet PDU
implies the physical communication channel division into exchange is commercially available. This fact premises the
an arbitrary number of digital streams mixed in a random axiom 2 capability.
order. The STDM provides sufficient link utilization The PH-to-PDU-length ratio is a critical moment in various
improvement and therefore, in the context of NGN, it is a packet switching techniques. Any PH of a PDU carries
concurrent alternative to fixed sharing of a channel like control data needed for PDU handling. However, the PH
conventional time division multiplexing (TDM). Any control data impairs the PDU utilization. Apparently it is no
packet-switching technology has its own unique PDU − use of carrying small PB amount (capsule payload) within
protocol data unit (e.g. Ethernet frame, IP-packet, ATM an enormously PH-extended capsule. On the other hand,
cell, UDP segments etc.). scanty packet header constrains the packet maintenance
Here we formulate a pervasive definition of an abstract ability. Hence, no one packet header of fixed size uniformly
digital “packet” with minimal confines, satisfying a wide satisfies diverse application requirements; therefore,
spectrum of PDU frameworks and being extendable to the dynamically adaptable PH needed. We formulate this idea
TDM circuit-switching techniques. We define an abstract in the axiom 3.
digital “packet” as a labeled capsule constituted by two Axiom 3: In ITT-platform, the PDU packet header (PH)
segments: packet header (PH) and packet body (PB). The tolerates dynamically changed PH-structure and length;
PH acts as a labeled shell of the digital capsule. The solely the minimal PH-length is 1 byte (of 8 bits or more); the
presumed requirement for PH structure is being distinct in maximal PH-length is not limited.
digital stream of a channel, as well as being related to some For instance, the ATM cell of 53-octet is an example of a
specific packet handling mechanism. The PB segment compact fixed length packet container. It has a fixed length
conceivably involves a variety of realizations with minimal 5-octet header and 48-octet body. The ATM cells are
restrictions. worthwhile for transporting PB-data amount of about 40
Axiom 1: In ITT-platform, an extra distinct attribute A bytes length through the pre-established permanent virtual
attached to an arbitrary non-drop digital data segment D circuits (PVC). Let LPB the length of PB, LPDU the length of
forms a labeled capsule C, where A, D and C consider the PDU measured in octets. The maximal encapsulation
being PH, PB and PDU, if some A -aware mechanism of C factor of ATM cell (denoted as μATM) results
-handling exists.
LPB 48
From this point of view, a distinct data byte of a TDM- μ ATM = = = 0.906. (1)
container (like an STM module of SDH) carries a minimal LPDU 53
non-drop amount of information. Any distinct byte of an The μ=0.906 is a quite appropriate option for an arbitrary
STM is identified due to its unique time-slot allocation transportation container. However, to achieve the best
aligned with the STM-synchronization benchmarks. quality of voice communication in a packet-based network,
Therefore, a TDM-distinct byte looks like a primitive PB of it is mandatory that any detected voice sample (e.g. of one
an abstract “packet” (see axiom 1) related to its time-slot octet size) is transmitted immediately with no latency.
allocation property, in combination with the STM de- Another QoS-critical real time application refers to high
multiplexing procedure. dynamic automatic control systems running over distributed
Both common logic mind and practical experience testify sensor networks. For a PB of one-octet length (due to the
the following phenomenon: the less PB and PDU are the axiom 1) the ATM encapsulation factor results μATM=0.019.
faster data interaction of communicating parties is Such value will merely satisfy any network design. The
available. The PB increase may result in latency of axioms 2 and 3 result the minimal PDU-length in the ITT-
multimedia data playing back. Eventually it suppresses the platform of 2 bytes (1 byte of PH plus 1 byte of PB), as
overall dynamics of party’s interaction in real-time mode. well as minimal encapsulation factor μ=0.5 for the most
The interaction dynamics is critical issue in voice dynamic interaction (with 1-byte PB).
communication as well as in distributed automatic control The dynamically modified PH-length adopted in the ITT-
systems. On the other hand, in some real time application platform may cause the following issue: how to recognize
(e.g. streaming video data) the bulk transportation in large- the PDU boundaries within a serial PDU-flow? The
sized packets is more expedient. Consider these arguments utilization of a special packet delimiter symbol may solve
we postulate the axiom 2 that specifies PB-length this problem. Mentioned above commercially available IC
boundaries. This modus tolerates both dynamic real time allow generating special control symbols imbedded in 10
interaction and efficient bulk transportation of digital data. serial bit-array on the low physical sub-layer. Thus, one of
Axiom 2: In ITT-platform, the minimal PB length is one those control symbols may act as PDU-delimiter in the ITT
informational byte; the maximal PB length is not limited; digital flow. The copper twisted pair channels mainly
the bit length of the information byte depends on adopted exploit the pulse code modulation (PCM). To avoid
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electrical damages caused by the electric potential individual and varies dynamically within a short time.
difference of linked parties, the network interfaces maintain Imagine the one-dimensional CQR as the function p(s),
input/output transformers (IOT). The coupling of PCM and s=0,1,2,…, N where s is type of service (ToS) for given
IOT is susceptible to the mean value of the serial digital class of services with average bit rate r=8Kbyte/s that is
signal (DC-offset problem). Special coding methods could guaranteed on the time-interval Δt(r,s) dependent on r, s;
moderate this problem mapping an arbitrary data set into p(s) is the cost of s.
the pseudo-random consequence (with near-to-zero mean Let b the guaranteed byte amount within the time-interval
value within the certain time-interval). Therefore, the Δt(r,s). We define the best quality ToS for s=N=15
maximum transmission unit (MTU) of PDU in a PCM implying the constant bit rate (CBR) data transfer of
system is typically limited. Thus, the packet sequence 8Kbyte/s. That means, for any time-interval
transmission over the PCM-channel implies the segregation Δt=1/8Khz=0.125ms the one-byte data transfer is
of any digital flow into variety of distinct frames; these guaranteed. Next, we will double Δt each case of decreasing
frames are separated due to the inter-frame gaps (IFG) s: Δt(r=8,s=14)=0.25 ms, Δt(r=8,s=13)=0.5ms and so on.
intended to pacify the DC-offset. In contrast to the copper Any case of s results the same average bit rate that is
links, the optic fiber systems with the amplitude shift guaranteed on diverse intervals Δt: 1byte/0.125
keying (ASK) do not suffer the DC-offset problem. ms=2byte/0.25 ms=4byte/0.5 ms=… = 8Kbyte/s.
Consider the NGN optic fiber perspective we postulate the The ordered collection of variables (s, p, Δt, b) exposes the
following axiom 4 to provide particular PDU delimiter. tab.1. The first two rows in tab.1 present the function p(s).
Axiom 4: In ITT-platform, no inter-frame gaps (IFG) The last two rows in tab.1 refer guaranteed time intervals Δt
facilitate the PDU recognition; the single PDU is and correspondent values of byte amount b. The column
distinguished due to the special delimiter-symbol (DS) of s=0 in tab.1 is reserved for implicitly guaranteed average
one-byte length; the DS is encoded by 10 serial bits on the bit rate of 8Kbyte/s with no specific time-interval Δt
low physical sub-layer in the ITT-platform. (referred as available bit rate, or ABR transfer mode). The
Let T the total length for both PDU and delimiter symbol ABR is character to packet-switching technique, therefore
(counted in bytes). We define the packet-switching we consider the s=0 column in tab.1 be the true packet-
efficiency s as the following ratio: switching phenomenon.
LPB The s=15 case is inherent to circuit-switching technique
s= . (2) with CBR transfer mode. Therefore, we consider the s=15
column in tab.1 be the true circuit-switching phenomenon.
If PB=1 byte, then the minimal packet-switching efficiency The q(r=8, s=15) type of service in tab.1 guaranties the
s in ITT is about 0.333. constant bit rate of 8Kbyte/s that is compliant with
It is clear, that small PH (of 1÷4 bytes) provide few conventional digital telephony standard of 64Kbit/s in full
capabilities for packet handling. Therefore, the ITT packet duplex communication.
headers of 1÷4 bytes presumably support a particular array The columns of s=1÷14 we denote as intermediate flow-
of high QoS services (e.g. CBR voice virtual connections, switching cases referred to variable bit rate, or VBR
automatic control system application etc.). transfer mode. All the cases of s=0÷15 we unite into
To maintain the PDU with dynamically modified PH length generalized class of dynamic flow switching for given
(see axiom 3) a specific mechanism of PH recognition average bit rate of 8Kbyte/s. The two rows in tab.1 (s and
needed. This addresses the next axiom. Δt) reflect a discrete function Δt(s) denote as one-
Axiom 5: In the ITT-platform, the PH-structure is a self- dimensional “QoS-palette” q(s)=Δt(s). The set of 16 values
extracting framework driven by the first PH-byte. of s in tab.1 presents the s-axis of the QoS-palette. This
The set of axioms 1÷5 substantiates an abstract data packet palette we define as the circuit/packet switching dualism in
framework compliant with general idea “all services over respect to the network transport layer (NTL) of the ITT-
packet-switching networks” that is common in NGN platform.
approach. At the same time, these axioms notably extend Onwards we construct a two-dimensional QoS-palette as a
the scope of the packet-switching paradigm transforming it q(r,s) function for different average bit-rate values r. Let
into the blanket concept of statistical time division {rm}, m=1, 2, …, 15 the set of service-classes with
multiplexing (STDM) that ignores its particular predefined average bit-rate values rm. For any given rm the
realizations. one-dimensional QoS-palette q(rm,s) is possible, fig.1. The
Another crucial aspect of “circuit-switching vs. packet- gradient-vector in fig.1 is directed from the left-down
switching” in the NGN-architecture is the known drawback corner (low-cost service location) to the right-upper corner
of IP-networks referred as unpredictable packet time delay, (best-quality of service location).
which may result packets jitter. That is to say: how to meet All the upper case items (s=15) of the QoS-palette in fig.1
the NGN challenge of high QoS performance in a wide present the constant bit-rate of data transfer, or CBR-
range of customer demands? Is it possible to guarantee the domain for diverse average bit rate values (ranged from
circuit-switching quality in a packet-switching NGN? Next r1=64Kbit/s to r15=1Gbit/s). The CBR transfer mode is an
section focuses this problem. essential property in conventional circuit-switching
We assume the customer’s behavior to search in the best technique. Reciprocally, all the down-case items (s=0) of
“cost-to-quality ratio” (CQR). The CQR is eventually the QoS-palette in fig.1 present the available bit rate of data
2013 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

Table 1. One dimensional CQR-table for 8Kbyte/s average bit rate

s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
p p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15
Δt (ms) - 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.125
b - 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

transfer, or ABR-domain which is natural to conventional The axiom 6 justifies duality concept for the packet/circuit
packet-switching technique. switching techniques: no one of them is predominant, yet
The s=1÷14 cases in fig.1 refer to ITT-specific intermediate both are potentially important. Another to say: not excluded
flow-switching mode of data transfer (VBR-domain). The “Or” (circuit-switching XOR packet-switching) but
entire two-dimensional QoS-palette in fig.1 reflects dynamically achieved compromise based on the CQR will
dynamic flow switching (DFS) concept developed in this presumably benefit the two spoken above opposite
paper. categories in the context of the more distant future
The particular values of average bit-rates rm and time- generation networks. The axiom 6 compliant technology
intervals Δt for any s are solely exposed for an example; implies a quite diverse and granulated service palette
actually, they may vitally adopt an experience. A fairly enabling customer’s dynamic migration within a wide range
designed QoS-palette will evidently comprehend a wide of virtual connection services. The visual image of the
spectrum of customer demands, whereby the minimal- axiom-6 depicts fig.1.
capacity kit of QoS items needed. Following this approach
the two-dimensional cost-to-quality ratio table, or CQR- 3. THE ITT-PLATFORM FRAMEWORK
function p(r,s) may be designed to help customers in
benefit the QoS-palette at any current moment. The The spoken above axioms 1÷6 form theoretical basis of
previously discussed concept of two-dimensional QoS- integrated telecommunication technology (ITT) as an
palette we formulate in axiom 6. alternative novel platform to facilitate more distant future
Axiom 6: generation networks. The ITT-platform intends to support
In ITT-platform, the two-dimensional circuit/packet transport function for end-point network devices in
switching QoS-palette of virtual connections is available on accordance with the ITU-T model of NGN. Nevertheless,
the network transport layer; the lowest QoS-type is more benefits of the ITT-platform expected in the access
associated with “true packet-switching" mode of dynamic and aggregation network layers ranged from the end-user
flow switching (DFS); the highest QoS-type means ‘true terminal devices (TD) to the edge of the core transportation
circuit-switching’ mode of DFS; the QoS-types q(r,sm), network (CTN), fig.2.
m=1÷(smax-1) refer to the ITT-specific “intermediate flow- Onwards we define in more details the two sub-layers of
switching” mode of DFS for any given average bit rate r. ITT-platform. The CTN implies the circuit-switching
To experience the packet/circuit switching benefits in QoS- tunneling technology (like MPLS-TP) that is transparent to
palette, the ITT-platform provides two-dimensional cost-to- the tunneled traffic. It may be either IP (v4, v6) or any other
quality ratio, or CQR-function p(q(r,sm)) related to the QoS- packetized digital flow (e.g. ITT-traffic). The ITT-network
palette. considers being an open domain: any ITT-node may have a
s local environment with terminal devices (TD), as well as
Best any ITT-edge node may extend the scope of ITT-domain.
15 QoS Therefore, an ITT-network device embraces the following
CBR-domain (true circuit switching)
. two sub-layers:
. 1) Physical link layer (PLL) for data exchange between the
7 two ITT-network adaptors of the adjacent nodes. The
6 VBR-domain (intermediate flow postulated PDU of the PLL sub-layer is byte-quanta (of 8
5 switching)
bit or more) as information product-primitive. We denote
4 this primitive as an abstract “letter” of the transmission
grammar-formalism. The one-byte PDU of the PLL sub-
1 layer is compliant with axioms 2 and 3 spoken above.
0 ABR-domain (true packet switching) 2) Network transport layer (NTL) for data exchange
rm between network devices within an ITT-domain. The
Low postulated PDU of the NTL sub-layer is packet-quanta
cost r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 …...... r15
compliant with axioms 1÷5, namely: various PDU of the
NTL sub-layer drive variable-sized PH and PB (of one byte
Figure 1. Two-dimensional packet/circuit switching and more with no upper border). We denote this packet-
QoS-palette quanta as an abstract “word” of the transmission grammar-
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Network (CTN) ITT-Network

TD-1 TD-3

ITT domain extension ITT domain extension

Figure 2. The ITT open network architecture

The ITT concept of a flexible data packet framework The tab. 2 depicts FCT-structure. The amount of FCT-
enables quite diverse palette of intermediate packet- options is open and not size-restricted. The index-number
switching processes, covering the range between the of any particular MNP-profile determines the necessary
packet-switching and circuit-switching data transfer collection of FCT-options for any type of service. The PH
(compliant with axiom 6). In accordance with axiom 6, the of any packet sent by Node-1 towards Node-2 can modify
ITT-platform intends to benefit two alternative switching several options of FCT-2-In (see fig.3). Therefore, a packet-
techniques in telecommunications: packet-switching (PS) bulk of identical PH may stream the channel via expanded
and circuit-switching (CS). The coupling of two diverse ITT-packet with no abundant repetition of the PH data. The
switching methods (packet /circuit switching dualism) is the tab.2 illustrates the two diverse profiles of MNP. Profile 1
background of the ITT-platform. embraces a typical set of control data inherent in
To maintain the complete QoS-palette of packet/circuit conventional IP-packet networking; this profile is
switching (spoken in the axiom 6) an appropriate algorithm responsible for true packet-switching mode in the ITT-
of ITT-signaling and resource reservation is investigated platform. Instead, the profile 2 includes solely one control
along with the correspondent packet-queues procedures option (flow label). This option provides a wide range of
(out of this paper scope). The synthetic notion of the packet/circuit switching techniques in the ITT-platform in
packet/circuit switching dualism of the ITT-platform we accordance with QoS-palette (fig.1).
denote as dynamic flow switching (DFS). That means the
DFS-capable switching technique enables the customer-
demand vital migration within the QoS-palette framework
Node-1 Node-2
(see fig.1).
To enable the DFS, an original multipurpose network meta- FCT-1-Out Output Input FCT-2-In
protocol (MNP) was developed for the ITT-platform based
on the axioms 1÷6, [7]-[9]. The MNP solely specifies a set FCT-1-In Input Output FCT-2-Out
of generic rules for DFS, enabling a great deal of MNP-
profile protocols sufficient in particular applications. In
fact, the MNP implements the packet-switching technique
in a wide range of packet formats. In contrast to the Figure 3. The ITT-platform flow control table linkage
conventional packet-switching methods (like IP, FR, ATM
etc.), the MNP does not require any packet header to
deliver comprehensive control data for packet handling. The low redundant ITT data streaming may cause resilience
Instead, the control data for currently handled packet may issues if some input FCT corrupted. Therefore a special
previously drop in several preceding packets. For that recovery mechanism provided in the ITT-platform:
purpose, the special flow control table (FCT) provided in regularly the correspondent output FCT-checksums are
MNP. The FCT enables dynamic storage of an open set of transmitted by any network node towards their linked
the distinct packet header options. The two identical FCTs neighbor parties. For instance, if FCT-1-out checksum does
act on both emitting and receiving adjacent network nodes, not match FCT-2-in checksum, then Node-2 requests Node-
fig.3. The multipurpose network meta-protocol (MNP) may 1 for complete FCT-retransmission.
alternate the conventional packet switching technique in an The ITT axiom 3 prompts how to harness generic IP-
ITU-T compliant NGN. addressing concern. The restrained pool of conventional 32-
bit IPv4-addresses eventually hinders the Internet-scope
expansion. At the same time, the NGN-promised
2013 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

implantation of 128-bit IPv6-addresses aggravates the today To meet the NGN challenge of Internet-scope expansion, an
superfluity of IP-packet header in multimedia applications. elastic addressing system developed in the ITT-platform
To meet the NGN challenge of IPv6-address surplus, an based on the recurrent address-coding mechanism.
elastic ITT-address system developed in the ITT-platform The ITT-platform originates clear and simple packet-based
[10]. This system implies open multilayer (global and local) networking model. It reduces the header abundance
identification of vast network devices due to the recurrent inherent in conventional IP-networks. The MNP protocol of
address-coding mechanism driven by the first address-byte. the ITT-platform aims to alternate the IPv6 networking
The ITT flow control adopts instantly modified packet- technology in the context of the more distant future
addresses ranged from 1 to 16 byte-length. Herewith, generation networks.
skimpy address options (of 1 to 4 bytes) are predominantly
used in real-time applications of high QoS-demands (e.g. 5. LIST OF ACRONYMS
voice communication). Instead ample addresses (of 5 bytes
and more) are actualized as needed in less critical ABR – Available Bit Rate
applications (e.g. video or data streaming). The flexible ASK – Amplitude Shift Keying
network-objects addressing improves the overall channel
ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode
CBR – Constant Bit Rate
Table 2. The flow control table structure CQR – Cost-to-Quality Ratio
MNP Source Destina- Type of TTL Check Flow … … … CTN – Core Transportation Network
Profile Address tion Service Sum Label DC – Direct Current
Address DFS – Dynamic Flow Switching
1 x x x x x
DS – Delimiter Symbol
2 x
… FCT – Flow Control Table
IC – Integrated Circuit
IFG – Inter Frame Gap
4. CONCLUSION IOT – Input/output Transformer
IP – Internet Protocol
The study addresses the NGN researches focusing the
ITT – Integrated Telecommunication Technology
network transport stratum. A novel integrated
telecommunication technology (ITT-platform) is developed JWT – Joint Working Team
to contribute in advanced telecommunication networks MNP – Multipurpose Network meta-Protocol
engineering. The background of ITT-platform is an original MPLS-TP – the Transport Profile of MPLS
approach to digital flow segmentation with dynamically MTU – Maximum Transmission Unit
changed packet header/body length and structure. The NGN – Next Generation Network
theoretical basis of the ITT-platform is constituted by six
NTL – Network Transport Layer
PB – Packet Body
The axioms 1÷5 substantiate an abstract packet notion
tolerant to particular technological solution. Hereby, the PDU – Protocol Data Unit
two ITT sub-layers grounded: physical link layer (PLL) PH – Packet Header
drives distinct-byte PDU exchange for any two adjacent PLL – Physical Link Layer
ITT-network nodes; network transport layer (NTL) PCM – Pulse Code Modulation
provides diverse multi-byte PDUs data exchange for ITT- PVC – Permanent Virtual Circuit
domain nodes. The NTL communication is controlled due
to the flow control tables (FCT) relevant for any couple of QoS – Quality of Service
adjacent network nodes. SDH – Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
The axiom 6 formulates the ITT-concept of dynamic flow STDM – Statistical Time Division Multiplexing
switching (DFS); it premises the two-dimensional service STM – Synchronous Transport Module
palette to benefit the packet/circuit switching compromise. TD – Terminal Device
To progress the ITT-platform a framework of the TDM – Time Division Multiplexing
multipurpose network meta-protocol (MNP) is designed. It TOS – Type of Service
determines generic rules for various profiles of particular UDP – User Datagram Protocol
transmission protocols. The MNP-protocol declares
minimal requirements for its profiles. The openness of the VBR – Variable Bit Rate
MNP-profiles family forms a solid background for
sustainable network evolution towards ITU-T adopted REFERENCES
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Building Sustainable Communities

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