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Ferris State School of Education

Lesson Plan Format

Energy Lesson: English and Spanish Lesson
Name: Beatriz Murgo Date: February 15, 2021
Curriculum/Course: Physical Education and Science (English
and Spanish Lesson) Grade level: 4th

- Google Slides
- YouTube Video
Time/Period: 45 minutes
- KWL Chart
- Charades game cards

Standards: List the state or national standards that you are using in this unit/lesson. This section also includes
technology standards.

Actively engages in the activities on physical education class, both teacher-directed and independent. (S3.2.4)

4-PS3-2 Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat,
and electric currents.

Objectives (I can statements):

I can explain and define the acronyms MELTS .

I can provide examples for mechanical, electrical, light, thermal, and sound.
I can create movements for MELTS that helps me remember each energy.

Assessment (Formative, Summative): (ie. thumbs up/down, exit ticket, quiz, chapter test, rubric (attach if appropriate),

Students will turn in their KWL chart with everything they learned during the lesson. Students will be asked to write the
meaning of MELTS.

Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of previous day’s lesson, check
for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)

Note: Each part of the lesson will be explained both in English and Spanish because there are many ELL/ELA
students in the classroom.

I will start off by introducing the topic of the lesson: Energy. I will then give students a KWL chart. I will ask them to
fill out everything they already know about energy (there is no right or wrong answer).

I will then ask students to share what they already know about energy.

After students share, I will ask them to ask themselves what they want to know about energy. They will write this
information on the “W” part of the chart.

Next, I will show students a video about energy:

Students will be encouraged to dance along to the song MELTS.

After the video, I will ask students to recall the 5 types of energy (MELTS).

Steps in the lesson:

Slide #5: I will give students the definition of energy and the meaning of MELTS.

Slide #6: M – Mechanical, I will give the definition of mechanical, provide examples, and ask students to think of other
examples for mechanical.

Slide #7: Students will stand up and come up with a movement for mechanical energy to share with the class.

Slide #8: E – Electrical, I will give students the definition of electrical energy with a picture example and examples of
electrical energy. I will ask students if they can think of other electrical energy examples.

Slide #9: Students will stand and come up with a movement for electrical energy and share with the class.

Slide #10: L – Light, I will give the definition of light energy with examples and ask students to come up with more

Slide #11: I will ask students to come up with their own light energy movements and share with the class.

Slide #12: T – Thermal, I will give students the definition of thermal energy with a picture and examples. I will ask
students to come up with examples.

Slide #13: Students will come up with a movement for thermal energy and share with the class.

Slide #14: S – Sound, I will give the definition of sound with a picture example. I will provide examples of sound
energy and ask students to come up with their own examples.

Slide #15: Students. Will come up with their own sound energy movements to share with the class.

Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit restatement of the
goals of the lesson.
Slide #16: Students will play a charades game where they must take an example form of energy activity and act it out.

Slide #17: Directions will be on the board for the charades game.

I will have a deck of cards with the charade they must act out. I will walk to one student who wants to participate, show
them the card, and ask them to act out the example.
Students will raise their hand and guess what energy activity the student is performing.

For example, a student gets a card of a bicycle. The student will act out riding a bike. Students will try to guess that
he/she is riding a bike. After “bicycle” has been guessed, students will decide what type of energy a bike form

Slide #19: I will ask students to finish filling out their KWL chart with what they learned today. Students will be asked
to write down the acronym MELTS and define each with examples.

Extension Activities:

I will have extra charades cards to extend the game in case we finish early.
Accommodation /Modification:
Specific Student/Group:

This lesson is written both in English and Spanish to accommodate English Language Learners. Students who struggle
the most. In English or cannot write in English will receive worksheets in Spanish. All slides are translated and as the
lesson is taught in English, I will also teach the lesson in Spanish as well.

ADHD – Students with ADHD will be able to move around in order to burn off energy while learning about energy.
The KWL chart will already have the MELTS acronym on the worksheet for easier recall. All students can also draw a
picture of an example of each energy.


What will I differentiate? Content Process Product Environment


Definitions will have pictures for easier recall, and I will have an anchor chart displayed on the board when playing the
charades game with the definitions also with illustrations.
A video will be used to help students learn the acronym MELTS through music and dance.

Pictures will also ELL students during the charades game because they will know what to act out without having to
explain each card.

How will I differentiate? For readiness By interest Learning profiles Ability level Affect
- Energy definitions will incorporate illustrations.
- Instead of just giving the definitions, I will introduce MELTS with a video where students can dance along.
- Students can also move throughout the lesson to burn energy and motivate student learning.


I will be using Google Slides to present the lesson.

Reflection/Teacher Notes:

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