Kisi-Kisi Kelas 3

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K.D. 3.

1 Things Around Us

1. Q : Are these rubbers?

A : No, ....

2. Q : What are those ?

A : Those are a napkin, a … and a ….

3. Q : What is this?
A : ….

4. Q : Is it a stool?
A : No, it is not. It is a ….

5. I have eight … to take a bath.

6. My aunt uses it to sweep the floor. It is a ….

7. Jelita uses it to wash her hair. It is a ….
8. Mrs. Dewi makes a … of coffee.
9. Mrs. Erni makes a … of noodle.
10. The room is dark. We need it to brighter the room. It need electricity. It is a ….
11. I use a … to take a bath.

12. I use it to write on the blackboard. It is a ….

13. Renno and Juna are on duty for clean the classroom. They use a … for clean the
blackboard and a … for sweep the floor.
14. I read a … in the library.

K.D. 3.2 Colours

1. Q : What colour is it?

Kemerahan A : It is ….

2. Q : What colour is the grass ?

A : It is ….
3. Q : What colour is the cloud?
A : It is ….
4. Q : What colour is your hair?
A : It is ….

5. Bahasa Indonesianya adalah ….

light blue

6. Saya memakai kaos kuning. I wear … T-shirt.

7. Buku ini kehijauan. This book is ….
8. Kucingku berwarna oren. My cat’s colour is ….
9. Indonesia’s flag has 2 colours. Those are red and ….
10. Lampu itu ungu terang. That lamp is ….
11. What colour is the sun? It is ….
12. What colour is your table in the class? It is ….
13. Bahasa Inggris dari “ungu tua” adalah ….
14. Bahasa Inggris “biru terang” adalah … dan “biru tua” adalah ….

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