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CS515 Introduction to Software Engineering

This project is represented a major component of the course. The objective is
to develop a software product for an actual client who intends to use it in regular
production. For this purpose, you have to form project teams with 3 members. During
the course, the project team will work together through the full development cycle, from
understanding the requirements to delivering a functioning product, and making a series
of presentation of the work to the client.

The teamwork has to complete the specification, prototyping, design, the

implementation, testing, release, and maintenance. The team will use the Extreme
Programming process for all engineering tasks. The team will be responsible for
eliciting a requirements specification from the client and negotiating the scope of work
to be performed with the client. Each team will then design, implement and test a
software system for the client, following the chosen process. At various milestones,
software process artifacts will be produced, including a requirements specification,
design and architecture documents, and a test plan. These milestones will be
coordinated with course lectures, so that material in the lectures will directly relate to
project requirements. Teams will meet regularly with clients to get feedback on
prototype systems and refine the requirements for the system. The project will
culminate with delivery of the software, including associated documentation, an in-
class presentation, and a post-mortem reflection on the project.

Grading for the project will be primarily based on the degree to which each team puts
into practice the software engineering knowledge, skills, and practices taught in the
course. Evaluations from other members of the team and clients will also play a role in

Project Topics

Each team has to suggest an application: Web Based application, Mobile Application,
Standalone application, Web-based Voting System, Safety-Critical Software,
Autonomous (Pervasive) Computing, Agent Computing, Web Computing, Embedded
Software (Control, ...)

OR the teamwork can use on of the projects at


Tasks, presentation, and submission

Week Data Task

Week 4 Nov.4th, Each team has to present his application’s idea

2021. (included the name of the project, its objectives,
the high-level language (C++, C#, java, Python,
etc …) to be used to develop the project).

Week 5 Nov.11th Each group has to present his plan and how the
project management takes place
Week 6 Nov. 18th, Each group presents the software requirement
2021. and the software process method. Thy have to
submit Proposal & Requirements.
Week 7 7th Exam
Week 8 Dec. 2, 2021 Specification Documents
Week 9 Dec. 16, Design Documents
Week 11 Dec. 23, V&V Documents
Week 12 Dec. 30, Presentation & Demo


• Title, members, abstract (100 to 200 words), (1 page)

• Project requirements (high-level specifications),
• Project schedule (use Activity and Bar Charts), and
• Project plans: should include as least the following plans:
o project plan (with personnel allocation),
o design plan,
o verification plan

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