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The Second Lesson (English – Phonics) For Grade1

Lesson Reflection:

I taught the students (girls and boys) they are 33 students in grade 1\A in the third period, it was (45
minutes), My MST and MCT were attendance, Ms. Sarah from AL lulu school and Ms. Cheantel from
higher colleges technology. I taught an English subject, which was about Phonics, it was a new lesson. As
the Hybrid learning. I prepared everything in PowerPoint, and I used the Microsoft teams, English E-
book, and three online worksheet activities. Also, there are 3 differentiations Activities for Face-to-Face

What went well:

The students were collaborating and monitoring, they were participating when I asked them questions.
Also, they were responsible during the lesson because of that the lesson was great. I was using the
questions technique to keep the students involved with me. I tried to focus using that material which is
available such as English books, print worksheets, resources, and pencils to keep students’ attention
because they have it, also to avoid distracting words (I do not have paper; I do not have white bord or
highlighter). I was using simple sentences to pass the information in an easy way, and I had checked
them with a few questions. I checked their answer on their activities after they finished in the chat
teams and Face to Face students. the last thing was using the timer to control the lesson.

Finally, I was working on Behavior students’ management as I had to work on TP and working on PDP
(Professional Development Plan), because of that I prepare different strategies and methods for

Ideas for next time:

I will improve and practice more on my strategies (behavior management and time management)

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