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2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)

Dynamic Transmission Power Control based on

Exact Sea Surface Movement Modeling in
Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

Sungryul Kim, Seongjin Park and Younghwan Yoo

Department of Computer Engineering
Pusan National University
Busan, Korea
Email: {xmfhxm12, xkqpekdl00, ymomo}

Abstract—Prediction of sea surface movement can be an just concentrated on the influence of reflection on signal, while
important tool for the estimation of time-variant acoustic channel overlooking other time-variant factors. On the other hand,
because signal attenuation caused by reflection occupies a large some researchers have proposed resource allocation based on
proportion in path loss. Although a number of researches have channel modeling, but most of them did not mention about the
proposed resource allocation schemes based on the channel reflection loss [6], [7], [8]. In an actual system, unfortunately,
modeling, they did not consider reflection loss and time-variant
characteristic. This paper suggests a transmission power control
a large proportion of the sound ray is transferred through
based on the prediction of time-variant channel by using the RMS reflected paths rather than a direct one and the phenomenon is
(Root Mean Square) wave-height for low power consumption and intensified where the sender and receiver utilize a horizontal
stable throughput. The proposed scheme adopts transfer func- channel in shallow water [9]. Therefore the resource allocation
tion including reflection coefficient overlooked in other papers considering reflection loss based on an exact surface modeling
using the Kirchhoff approximation. In addition, it defines the is essentially explored.
transmission power needed to guarantee a pre-specified SNR
(Signal-to-Noise Ratio) threshold using the transfer function. In this paper, we suggest a dynamic power allocation
The BELLHOP and WAFO simulators were utilized to build exploiting sea surface information. The higher the RMS wave-
simulation environment similar to actual ocean. The simulation
height is, the stronger transmission power will be used. For
results show that the proposed method is practical by considering
the reflection impact on the power control and reduces energy this mechanism, buoy nodes monitor and measure the sea
consumption by 32.79% compared with the existing methods surface using accelerometer and gyro sensors and then inform
which do not use the adaptive power control based on channel acoustic nodes of the calculated RMS wave height. The
condition. acoustic nodes adjust its transmission power to optimal level
needed to cover the current channel condition according to
Keywords—Transmission Power Control, Reflection Loss, Graz-
the received message. The proposed protocol shows that even
ing Angle Fluctuation, Low Power Consumption.
just informing of the sea surface state in real-time is very
useful to estimate complicate acoustic channel and to find
I. I NTRODUCTION an appropriate transmission power dynamically. Moreover it
ensures a reliable throughput while considerably reducing the
The acoustic signal is distorted due to the reflection,
energy consumption in underwater sensor networks which
scattering, refraction, and attenuation depending on the given
essentially requires a low power mechanism. Most of all,
communication distance and frequency in underwater. There-
to the best of our knowledge, the proposed method is the
fore, an accurate channel analysis is essential to efficiently and
first attempt which applies characteristics of sea surface into
flexibly allocate limited resources such as transmission power,
resource allocation.
frequency, and bandwidth, etc. However, the prediction and
analysis of time-variant acoustic channel is challenging [1].
This paper is organized as follows: In Section II we
The attenuation and scattering occurred on the irregular describe the principle of acoustic propagation using the im-
sea surface are a significant factors describing the time- pact of reflection. Also we define a minimum transmission
variant characteristic. Thus, the exact modeling of sea surface power needed to satisfy the pre-specified SNR within a 3dB
and consideration of reflection in resource allocation can be bandwidth. Section III introduces the proposed idea, dynamic
an important milestone to estimate the complicate acoustic transmission power control based on sea surface modeling.
channel. Many papers have already studied to understand the Section IV verifies that the proposed protocol more accurately
relationship between reflection on the sea surface and signal reflects the actual acoustic channel property, as compared
distortion [2], [3]. Also, some others have tried to estimate to existing protocols that consider just the communication
reflection loss by using reflection coefficient depending on the distance and frequency. Furthermore, the proposed method re-
RMS wave height and grazing angle [4], [5]. Nevertheless, they duces energy consumption, while maintaining data throughput.
cannot be directly applied for resource allocation because they Finally, conclusions and future works are given in Section V.

978-1-4799-5041-6/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 666

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2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)

Fig. 1. Scattering geometry


A. Path Loss Fig. 2. Influence of RSM wave height and grazing angle on the reflection
loss (f=2 kHz)
The signal undergoes attenuation in proportional to the
communication distance and frequency. Attenuation occurred
over the distance l with the frequency f is represented by
waves, and thermal noise. The power spectral density (p.s.d.)
A(l, f ) = A0 lk a(f )l (1) of the noises in dB re µ Pa/Hz can be expressed as follows:

where A0 is a unit-normalizing constant, k is the spreading 10logNt (f ) = 17 − 30logf

factor, and a(f ) is the absorption coefficient depends on the 10logNs (f ) = 40 + 20(s − 0.5) + 26logf − 60log(f + 0.03)
distance and frequency. The spreading factor k is determined 10logNω (f ) = 50 + 7.5ω 1/2 + 20logf − 40log(f + 0.4)
according to propagation form, and it is regarded as 2 for
10logNth (f ) = −15 + 20logf
spherical spreading, 1 for cylindrical spreading, and 1.5 in
general underwater scenarios. Meanwhile, the absorption co-
efficient is usually given by Thorp’s formula which gives a(f ) The overall power spectral density of four noises is described
in dB/km for f in kHz as [10] using Eq.(6)
f2 f2 N (f ) = Nt (f ) + Ns (f ) + Nω (f ) + Nth (f ) (6)
10loga(f ) = 0.11 2
+44 +2.75×10−4 f 2 +0.003
1+f 4100 + f 2
(2) In Section II.D, we present an optimal transmission power
If reflected sound waves arrive on the receiver through P needed to achieve the pre-specified SNR, using the attenuation
multipath, the channel transfer function is given by and noise illustrated so far.

P −1 √
H(l, f ) = Γp / A(lp , f )e−j2πf τp (3) C. Reflection Loss
The reflection loss can be estimated using the reflection
where τp and Γp are the jitter between the adjacent sound coefficient corresponding to irregular boundaries. The estima-
rays and accumulated reflection coefficient respectively. The tion method can be divided into two categories, based on
reflection coefficient Γp can be divided into two parts, γs for statistical model and scattering theory. In this paper, we adopt
the sea surface, γb for the sea-bed , and then γb can be modeled the later, frequently used in oceanography, to estimate the
as follows: coefficient. In scattering theory, the most famous approaches
√ are Kirchhoff approximation [11], perturbation theory [12], and
ρb sin(θp ) − ρ ccb 2 − cos2 θp c small slope approximation, SSA [13]. Among them, we choose
√ , cosθp ≤ (4) the Kirchhoff approximation be known as decent estimator in
ρ sin(θ ) + ρ c 2
− cos2 θ cp a case where slope of RMS wave height and grazing angle
b p cb p
are relatively large [14]. As shown in Fig.1, the reflection
where θp is the grazing angle occurred at the boundaries over coefficient derived from the Kirchhoff approximation for a one-
pth propagation path, and ρ and c are the density and the sound dimensional plane expressed as x-axis is given by
speed in water, and ρb and cb are the density and the sound
speed in bottom respectively. The reflection coefficient γs , a υz h2
kernel of time-variant acoustic channel, will be explained in γ(ki ) = −exp(− ) (7)
more detail in Section II.D. 2
where ki (ki =2πf /c, c is the speed of sound wave) and h
B. Ambient Noise are the incident wave vector and the RMS surface height
respectively. The υz is z component of vector υ, a subtraction
The ambient noises in the underwater are widely distributed between the scattered wave vector ks and the incident wave
on the frequency range from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. The noise usu- vector ki . If we quantify the surface roughness as kh, the
ally can be modeled with four sources: turbulence, shipping, reflection loss RL = 10log(γ(ki )) is ploted according to the


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2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)


Fig. 3. System description

grazing angle as shown in Fig.2. From the figure, the reflection Fig. 4. A simulation using a Torsethaugen spectrum with RMS wave
height=6m, Total number of samples=2000
loss is increased as growing the frequency and RMS wave
Consequently, the acoustic nodes find an appropriate trans- III. T RANSMISSION P OWER C ONTROL
mission power based on the current if wave height is updated
by the buoy nodes in real-time. One of the notable things is In this section, we explain how to model the surface
that the reflection loss also being affected by the grazing angle, movement and control the power dynamically based on the
although kh is the same. In addition, the rate of increase of measured RMS wave height. Furthermore, the grazing angle
reflection loss is large when the kh is relatively high. This fluctuation problem causing a repeated retransmission will be
observation is very valuable because this phenomenon can alleviated by adjusting the increment size in proportional to
bring repeated retransmission. In Section III, we will suggest the RMS height in the proposed method.
a solution to deal with this phenomenon named grazing angle
fluctuation problem which was not mentioned in the existing
power control. A. System Configuration
An underwater sensor network consists of two types of
D. SNR Threshold and Transmission Power node as shown in Fig.3: the acoustic node for sensing and
monitoring the marine environment and the buoy node for
The narrow-band SNR is given by gathering the sensing data and forwarding them to a base
station. The buoy nodes can persistently measure the surface
P/A(l, f ) elevation using an accelerometer and a gyro sensor without
SN R(l, f ) = (8)
N (f )∆f battery limitation because they can be supplied stable power
where P is the p.s.d. of the transmitted signal and delta F is from solar energy. To get the distance l, an independent
a narrow frequency band around. Commonly used definition variable of the P3 , we assume that each acoustic node can
of the system bandwidth is that of a 3 dB bandwidth and the measure their distance using RTT (Round Trip Time) and
desired transmission power P3 can be redefined as follows: estimate rough distance l exploiting ray tracing based on sound
∫ speed profiler and depth information.
N (f )df
P3 (l, f ) = SN R0 B3 (l) ∫ −1 (9) Meanwhile, the proposed method set a frequency range
A (l, f )df as mid and low, and the reason can be explained by three
parts. The first, bubble clouds. In the case of strong winds
where SN R0 and B3 (l) are the SNR threshold and bandwidth
upon a surface, breaking wave makes bubble cloud result
respectively. The Eq.(9) is widely and commonly used to find
in the serious attenuation of sound wave. The attenuation is
an optimal transmission power in the previous researches.
occurred over 10 kHz frequency band, and 26 dB/m loss was
However, the influence of reflection, an important factor to
reported in 10 kHz frequency [15]. The second, practicality.
describe the time-variant channel property, cannot be reflected
Although the commercial acoustic modems describe their high
on the definition at all. To consider it, the attenuation A(l, f ) is
2 data rate, most results derived from actual experiments in
replaced by 1/|H(l, f )| [7], and we newly define the desired the real ocean cannot show the same performance. In many
transmission power as follows: of field experiments, with horizontal distance of less than

N (f )df a few kilometers, the actual data rate is 800 bps [16]. The
P3 (l, f ) = SN R0 B3 (l) ∫ 2 (10) third, application requirements in underwater. In common,
|H(l, f )| df the small size scalar values such as temperature, salinity and
intrusion detection are mainly exchanged in the well-known
Ultimately, we evaluate the channel state and calculate applications. So, the energy consumption or reliability is more
desired transmission power using Eq.(10) important metric rather than transmission rate.


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2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)

Fig. 6. The variation of the value in time serise. a) grazing angle and b)
Fig. 5. Impact of RMS wave height and freuency on the definition of P3 corresponding the SNR, f =2kHz, P3 =90 dB re micro Pa, Hrms =0.5m
with grazing angle 45◦

B. Surface Modeling of MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol or application

requirements. After the selection of frequency, the node is pos-
The RMS wave height is the most important factor in sible to get the desired transmission power P3 corresponding to
the reflection loss, so the purpose of surface modeling is to the given l, f and Hrms using Eq.(10). Fig.5 describes how to
measure the exact RMS wave height in real-time. The buoy the node finds the P3 at the grazing angle 45◦ . As shown in the
node activates the measurement at an instant when the direction figure, higher transmission power is required to cover a poor
of movement is switched from upward to downward, i.e. at acoustic channel as growing the two parameters. If the system
a crest. Its elevation trajectory will be recorded using double can adjust its transmission power among discrete power levels,
integral of acceleration which acquired from accelerometer and [P1,P2...PN ], the minimum power level i, while subjecting to
gyro sensor. If total n iterative trough and crest are observed the constraint of Pi ≥ P3 (l, f , Hrms ), will be selected for the
in the sampling duration, the mean water line(MWL) Hm is transmission power.
given by
Although, we define P3 based on the profound insight
Hm = |Ht,i − Hc,i | (11)
n i=1 of acoustic channel property, one of practical issue arises,
repeated retransmission problem caused by the fluctuation of
where Ht,i and Hc,i are the ith trough and crest respectively. grazing angle in time series. To offer an insight, we generate
As a result, the node extracts a wave form S(t) made by the a sea surface during 2000ms using the WAFO simulator and
measured evaluations and Hm as shown in Fig.4. The figure record the variation of grazing angle and a corresponding SNR
shows Torsethaugen spectrum [17], statistical surface model as shown in Fig.6. Even though the node sends a packet
create by experiment data in actual marine environment, using with the same transmission power, 80dB re micro Pa in
WAFO simulator [18]. If there is N measured data, RMS wave the simulation, the success or failure is determined by the
height Hrms is given transmission instant due to the grazing angle. For example,
v with 30dB re micro Pa of SNR threshold, the transmission
u1 ∑ N
will be succeeded only if the SNR is over the SN R0 . We
Hrms =t H2 (12) can easily notice that the success durations are appeared semi-
N i=1 i
periodically in the figure. In this situation, it is possible that
where Hi is denoted as the individual wave heights in the the node success transferring data after several failures, then
observation. the number of retransmission will be gradually accumulated
because the node regards the current transmission power as a
C. Transmission Power Control moderate level. Furthermore, the bigger the Hrms is, the higher
the probability is because the reflection loss per grazing angle
Based on the analysis describing the relationship between becomes a large with high Hrms . To prevent this unfavorable
the reflection loss and the Hrms , the proposed method adjusts condition, we set the mean of grazing angle as 45◦ and assign
the transmission power in proportional to the Hrms . Before a weight α in proportional to the Hrms . Then the considered
the node considers an appropriate transmission power, the fre- grazing θg is 45 + α × Hrms (α × Hrms ≤ 45) and the initial
quency should be decided in advance. The previous researches transmission power will be defined with Eq.(10) and θg .
try to find an optimal frequency given the distance, but the
range of available band is bounded by specification of an Although large α makes transmission reliable, it might
acoustic modem and modulation schemes. On the multiple decrease the energy efficiency. Therefore, system has to choose
channel, the frequency might be selected by design priciple an adequate α according to the application requirements.


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2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)

as decreasing the Hrms . This can lead to waste of energy by

oversuing caused by statical channel estimation.
Fig.8 also shows similar result (Hrms = 0 stands for the
comparison). The desired transmission power calculated by the
comparison is much lower than the proposed one because they
ignore reflection loss. As a result, we can say that the proposed
approach specifically reflects the acoustic channel property on
the acoustic propagation modeling by considering reflection

B. Energy Consumption
To construct simulation environment similar to the actual
experiment, we adopt two simulators: the BELLHOP for the
acoustic propagation and geometry modeling [19], and the
WAFO for the sea surface modeling. Every 10min, the surface
Fig. 7. The desired tranmssion power P3 according the grazing angle and height is increased from 0.3m to 1.1m and decreased 1.1 to
Hrms 0m during 80min. The number of retransmission is limited
to four proved to be sufficient to prevent packet dropping in
the majority of cases [6]. The transmission interval is 5sec
and the packet size is 9600bit. The available minimum and
maximum power are 100 to 400 dB re micro Pa respectively,
and the power levels are divided into twenty steps. The weight
α for avoiding of the fluctuation problem is set to 0.1. We
regard the transmission power using the communication as an
index of consumed energy because the energy consumption
is different from acoustic modem to modem. Meanwhile, the
reflection at the sea-bed was ignored for the simplicity. This
is out of bounds to our research and we will consider it in the
future works. The observation can be divided into two intervals
described by the surface movement. When the surface wave
height gradually rises from 0.1 to 1.1m, the proposed method
shows higher throughput than the comparison. This is due to
the fact that the comparison suffers from retransmission until it
finds the adequate power level by increasing the value step by
Fig. 8. The desired tranmssion power P3 according the frequency and Hrms
step. Consequently, the power level is slowly converged on the
adequate level. Especially the higher Hrms is, the bigger the
number of retransmission is due to the difference of reflection
IV. S IMULATION loss per grazing angle. In contrast, even though the Hrms is
large, the proposed method shows relatively stable through-
In this section, numerical results show that the proposed put because the proposed method promptly and dynamically
method which considers reflection loss in acoustic propagation change the power by exploiting channel estimation with the
is far more practical as compared with the existing protocols Hrms . Furthermore, the weight plays an important role to
that consider just the communication distance and frequency. escape from the repeated retransmissions quickly. One of the
Also, the simulation results prove that the proposed method trivial problems in the proposed method is a little high energy
consumes much less energy while maintaining the throughput consumption. However, it will be fully compensated on the
in an equivalent scenario where RMS wave height gradually following scenario.
rises and falls.
In the comparison, once the transmission is decided for
A. Accuracy of Acoustic Propagation Modeling low quality channel, the power level is maintained as high
because they cannot perceive the variation of channel quality
First, we observed the desired transmission power accord- in real-time. When the surface wave height gradually falls
ing to the RMS wave height increasing from 0 to 0.3m. In the from 1.1 to 0m, the comparison uses excessive transmission
simulation, Hrms = 0 stands for the existing method. Fig.7 power shortening network lifetime. Although the throughput
shows that the P3 should be increased to cover current channel in the proposed method is slightly lower during this interval,
condition as growing the Hrms and grazing angle. However, the comparison uses a lot of resource just for the trivial
the compared method optimistically estimates the channel improvement. Furthermore, the problem is intensified as time
condition. This naive approach results in transmission failures. passes. In contrast, the proposed method changes their power
Also, once the power is decided, the compared protocols do similar to the trend of optimal power as shown in Fig.9,
not change the value although the channel quality is improved although there is some difference between them. However, that


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2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)



Fig. 9. Simulation results for the evaluation of energy consumption and throughput

will be overcome by reducing the weight α or increasing the ACKNOWLEDGMENT

number of power level for a fine-grained allocation.
This research was supported by the MSIP(Ministry
As a result, the proposed method reduces the energy of Science, ICT and Future Planning), Korea, under
consumption by 32.79% compared in the entire simluation as the ITRC(Information Technology Research Center) sup-
shown in Table.1. port program (NIPA-2014-H0301-14-1006) supervised by the
NIPA(National IT Industry Promotion Agency)
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2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)

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